10 Cardboard Gadgets That Actually Work!

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wait I can see which buttons are attached four three six seven under there oh I guess it what's going on guys no no what's going on guys I'm Matthias no I'm Tanner as well I love my friends but I don't anymore because they interrupt me what does everybody welcome to Joe for now where we review products right them dope or no ahead we touch each other's beards isn't that right thank you guys so today we have a beautiful video lineup for all of you sweet sweet people it's one that Michael and Liz put a ton of effort in and Dave days out here we literally stole all the cameras about - okay everybody took a lot of work it is ten cardboard gadgets that'll actually work they built them all literally was gonna shoot this last week and then Dave and Michael came to me pulling out their hair and they're like we can't we're not ready for this one we can't throw it meanwhile liz is like burned fingers like it was a traumatic site everybody but now it is done the way we're gonna review if they're dope or nope is if they're actually going to work for us let's get to testing first product pinball machine at home using cardboard that's cool you guys want to compete yeah well compete suing it's the best score out of the three ball okay whoever wins gets a mini donut I love mini donuts pretty self-explanatory subscribe alright everybody this is the game since it's my products I get to show you guys the practice round first nope dude you're the worst bad powered with the spring out of your car suspension I'm the best no that was your third try you get 1000 I mean unless you want the one no I want the tenth all right now it is Michael's turn nope there's one that kind of that's gonna try Wow guess it's the one Mike why are you guys doing it so hard they're not that hard nope one oh you only have a sentence is on ten what a triode you knows got an arcade growing up okay zero all right eleven I win to be fair I got in one of the ones I'm not competitive at all I think that's good I'll write that adult let's be cool I'll skate oh I'll say dope that's fun to play next item no you have to get your doughnut oh yeah I get a doughnut what are you doing you don't get one I did say I don't it just says you did hey Michael kids let me tell you guys that the rules work mom whoever wins no you deserve that sit down respect your place how to make a hydraulic powered robot arm from cardboard horse Alliance guy just turn 21 yeah goes like this kind of now you two boards me so you guys followed these instructions more or less more or less that is the worst answer when asked to follow you follow these instructions kind of this is by the queue in other words the queen of a cardboard got a little hydraulic presses or not hydraulic press hydraulic arm with like needles and stuff new syringes literally no needle in this entire thing make it now break it out look at this thing so that you guys can see this I'm gonna move it around now I can put it we got this hydraulic system when I put water from one area and press it into the other it should move it should equalize technical words yes science this is actually so cool how quickly operate my gosh this is awesome Liz in five years I'm gonna hire you to make these with Luna so you can teach her to hard for me other give like Liz I'm gonna send you to engineering school or some higher you to do it for my daughter this is incredible how to build a pyramid build a pyramid yeah like 3 2 1 look at me look at me go I know someone you didn't need to move because it was spy itself why'd you guys have to pick round things define square cans [Applause] this thing sucks all right hotshot I know buddy go ahead stop go you know it's not gonna work so much better than you already oh dang it it's got a grim you need to get a grip fun imagine being that kid at home you know just like it's a Saturday night it was at your desk and you just have like 8 cans or so like this is kind of fun I think that kid at home is gonna get a lot farther than most kids and wife but if he's doing this yeah I remember when I used to be that good really I don't think anyone believes that yeah you right I'm gonna give this one a dough this is actually really cool I want to take this home you better ask permission and show Luna but no nice product is actually like to buy it it's a padlock made fully out of cardboard for those who are not familiar with what I like to buy is this product is so tedious and it can take so much time to actually make that we want to know if us can hit a light goal of 75 K you hit a like whoa we'll make it we'll do it next week if you guys hit that light goal because man engineer lives over here is got some work wait wait let's see it work for a little bit so that they can figure Oh has a key has a key and everything all right guys if you want to see that you know what to do hit that like button then squish some goo all right next product from mini Gear build a safe with combination number lock from cardboard wait is that would cheat look at that way he's telling us his code oh he resets and they'll pop back that is awesome Oh someone gave him the secret code he didn't know Oh show me what's inside who gave him the password scars we are those Oreos back there digit spinners ha we oh there you go a stack of ones there you go now question that we're all thinking safe it's to keep people out what stops me from stepping through a cardboard safe this is reinforced but when you're breaking into someone's house and you see this safe you're like it's just a toy so you're not gonna go through it because you're like this is it's fake he's gonna hide something valuable in there so then why don't you get something that's even more fake looking what what more freaking paper just literally get something doesn't look like a safe at all okay then just once you put your cash out on the front step no if our whole point is to deter people from going into it because like oh that's and then a cardboard box then I do just wait so you guys see what's in it what candy hmm it's lit you gotta guess the code though now mind you guys don't let it remind you that these probably took a lot of work you know a lot of trial and error porno what made this one and she had a like remake the same part about six times can I guess which part was it the button where's my reset button is this it it's the words wait I can see which buttons are attached let me see if I can four three six seven under oh I guess it oh one six eight and it's just like tore it open no I didn't it was impossible look okay so I reset it but I can still open it I mean to be honest it is also cardboard so overall if you did something in there no one would know what was even in there yeah I would not you win this one-bite girl that said look at all those mechanics in there this is wild yes open you never unboxed them we were supposed to review it we never did when in optical illusions and blown from heat-resistant Pyrex black we actually couldn't get this we will review it or made of our work if you take a look at this this piece of glass isn't actually the bulb the bulb is just like LED in there so that's actually kind of interesting it was really expensive do you think it's worth it how much was this this was $100 a fake light bulb it was from an art website modern art thing definitely not worth $100 we talked about the most overpriced thing on earth being modern art it's like hey dude let's throw some like squares and circles on that and then like Zelizer $800 that's really cool though I actually really liked seeing the internals here I'm gonna say dope for me it's dope but it's not a dope it's very cool but we said we'd based open nope based on if it worked or not and it does not work it is super cool though yeah I'm gonna say dope but same reason this Hanna would you say dope dope but it means like you can't say dope same like you so like it's dope but it's not dope then you'd say no not the same you stand by the middle it's a no I don't want to know from just from the still frame from the top 10 of anything and everything let's see what they got for me oh is that the bit picture yes second and we just ran with it you saw a picture of a slide with car birds look we have stairs what about my toast my took us bless it what about my puskás mr. tisk us took a focus yeah he said to us cos like it's just another crash Tobuscus that's a youtuber think anymore nothing for you on this slide let's go check it out everybody you know we're about to do right now know you're gonna be taking that little canoe and going down the face you slide better dude I was looking up pictures of cute puppies how's it going everybody what I was hoping for it was that it would start here and then you build like a halfpipe oh and then you put cardboard up on the walls so yeah right Oh and then you put wheels on the bottom of the canoe and then you open up the door you just go home dude have you ever seen the hit Disney Channel movie Frank that's right now with Jake's ball spins its fall screen I'm on the Internet hello [Music] Matt we'll see how it goes the Pelican Waters final you have a little full bucks there's one on this day if this is the last video my family sees of me I just want to say I love you dearly [Laughter] right your home will say don't say don't do this without parental supervision this cardboard kitchen knife in the world wait what's this guy about to do oh he's making a cardboard knife ooh this does not look safe okay what the heck is he doing does that like plastic in it doesn't he know he can eat real food you know that poor sir by the way guys this is from kiwami Japan Wow he made a cardboard knife I don't know if I should be impressed or sad I'm impressed it's guy really gonna use that down there you have it all right let's bring it out did you guys make this in the 16th century it's a little sharp like crooked low this is the ultimate test guys Michaels sweating over here I'm just I know you here for these break-ins with you guys lights incision Wow Wow you guys never tested it it cut oh that's nice all right peace out I'm Michael every time I get into if you have to do this just get let me try and see if I can smack this against your forehead and have it go hit my hair this is water is a water fritz cucumber waters that's why I cover up alright that a dope it actually cut and it cut well right can we take this around and see if people think it'll actually cut I'm down guys want to play will it cut this is made out of cardboard I already know you think it'll cut yes yeah do you think it'll cut sure yeah let's go somewhere else this is a cardboard night do you think it'll cut charges shaken vests I don't believe it's cardboard it is Billa oh no I don't think so this is the weirdest teamwork I've ever seen this is a knife made out of cardboard do you think it'll cut this piece of fruit I'm gonna say yes you're gonna say yes does that make you scared what I'm capable of a little bit striking fear into all of the employees hearts all right we got an Tendo lab Oh variety kits pretty much you can bite this lab kit and it gives you a bunch of different options of what you can actually play with so you can have this little crank house guy for a game you can have this motorcycle from Mario Kart my question is how does it work how does it actually interact with the switch is there some sort of other device in there that you connect to it and or is it just the remote that it triggers do not know experiment with a fun and powerful end game visual tool for a toy con garage where you can connect input output and middle notes there's special stickers on it that's what I know and I know it senses it somehow interesting let's add a car and try this baby okay Wow wowzers wait wha the heck's a I think it's touch screens touch brothers thanks very much you guys I don't get him yo what are these you stick them in right near the oh and it plays different things different sounds and this is like reading it somehow honestly no idea oh you know what I know what it is gotta be this thing yeah there you go see that's an IR sensor right there though it's definitely reading a signal so when I put this in here it most likely shoots some white at this thing reads it and there you go all right just change the sound give me a less ugly sound now there seemed no actually so cool nope definitely not that one they sound so bad you sound out of tune can you play piano I mean it's not a full let me try this no I can't riff on this it's too small there's not enough keys here's the thing if it had one more of these like over here and then you could actually like do two things with it I can't play on this I don't understand in ten dalabo is it like a thing for kids to do to not play their machine a parent kid thing it's a parent marketed like build with your children these things take time to built I think this one - an hour - yeah but that's not even with a kid how old of a kid do you have to be to where you can like actually focus for an hour and a half or two hours on one thing personally I think this is really cool and I like that if it's oh oh shut up hear me up I like how this can all come from the IR sensor on the back of the remote yeah I think that's cool I think that's really dope it's really cool-looking I think kids probably eat this up I'll give it a dump you're the dope dope what is this wow you want to talk about mechanics underneath cardboard okay that's not cardboard though they're adding cardboard wasting my can they're just making a cardboard frame yeah no they're yeah well they're making some modifications it's so cool it's all frame base it's also made is this a G Wagen yeah dude oh wow they've met the Mercedes logo there that is like a lot of detail looks like a safari mobile no don't take on the job oh good this is from Yuri Oh stir we're gonna see if our team over here duper nope could do it just as good if not better make it now not quite the same you can see the shame in Michael's face I was like you know it was really tough guys this week now you know why all these cardboard makers only make one product for video yeah you're the kind of guy that goes into an asylum and just paints windows on and it's like you have windows now it's cool-looking I love the Mercedes logo right here drive it it's got a jump you guys made a cardboard jump okay that's cool let's send it wait no wait oh it's got one control yeah this is one of those things that goes forward and then goes back left I hate those that was the bane of my existence in my childhood those RC cars that don't go left and right they only go straight or if you want to remove the ghosts back left really cut back really love oh it doesn't go back we're gonna send a ghost sad dead I don't think he's gonna even you're gonna go off the side see it works but the big problem is you guys picked a poor RC car to build of the G Wagon on if you guys would've got one of those gas powered ones yes power imagine a gas powered GA just like cutting down the street that would be dope sounds like an angry cat I like how trying how it was made with precision even though it's very very simple it looks very sturdy that's sturdy you know all right we're on little puffins page and we're learning how to make an M&M a gumball machine let's see it oh nice can you actually put a quarter in there oh I love M&Ms but those don't look like regular M&Ms this look like sad M&Ms oh man this looks like all the parts I don't want to know we just passed the Machine part you just get the candy all right so Liz and the rest of the team with Cameron and Noah all help build this guy so let's bring it out all right I can show you on my angle oh those are gobstoppers those aren't gumballs same premise you trying to break yeah okay story times I walk out of rekts office and liz is like secretly over in the corner like picking out all of the gobstoppers out of the community candy bowl I walk up I'm like what are you doing Liz she's like you really like gobstoppers she's like no he's like it's for a doper no I was like all right I'll let you be I think she tries to pass them off as gum balls break my teeth Liz so here we go we got the little coin insert right here I'll take a Gobstopper it's this little guy this is actually really cool all right let's send it oh wow can I try can I try no don't bite it what are you doing we just suck on it yeah there gobstoppers any key to this not me why am I so upset today you're not you when you're hungry Snickers satisfies you put the little penny in there and you twist it razzle dazzle look at that one wait why do I only get one sucka how does it know I only put in one huh no that was just a coin just eat your money welcome Mikey didn't you eat my god supper why only yellow bank shot holy bag I say this is a dope oh yeah let's collect money yes my cents take it withdrawal on my next paycheck sure perfect it also mixes drinks it's a blended for gobstoppers one all right do you wanna terribly change you don't really need change okay go Shey go come margarita death chicken that's true I got to know hey guys do you want a gumball well we made this machine you need money didn't Oh change where you don't have coins nobody carries coins I'm here going what's that jiggle there you go also it's not a bimbo what's it there you go there you go so blends out first ride it's failed time so we're interrupting this failed time broadcast to broadcast something on to fail time do you have any coins I'm an M&M that'll work actually that will work on your baby yeah here use this coin wait what the dope nope team made this out of cardboard by the way that's a jawbreaker so I put the coin in and that quiz did it's kind of rough it's not going Tendo Wabo nintendo lab Oh toy Con three-vehicle kit vehicle kit what does that even mean wow look at this else's antenna does it come with that dude imagine look I even got a pedal I'm really impressed by this if this works properly this is gonna be a very dope okay add the card so here we go guys this is intense what do we got going on here how does this work we got got this steering wheel are you there Matthias I've been keeping an eye on you Oh creep alright so here's what we're gonna do you can kind of see the screen down here tanner you upgrade the pedal I'm gonna be steering go oh and vibrates it's actually extremely responsive let's see what happens when I give it a little boost here come on give me some money is that the ebrake ah you like that so I definitely like to the pedal vibrates it makes you feel like you're actually in a car yeah and this is actually working really well I feel like honestly more accurate than I do when I'm playing Grand Theft Auto 5 okay let's go ten give a little boost ease David Bailey let's hit that rock boink boink Walker and it vibrated whoa what do these do oh that's interesting Oh turn oh I took out a sock you like that oh the mama tree dude yeah this is pretty cool now Michael and Liz can you use this on other games that are not inside of Nintendo labo I believe you can yes but not with this setup so there's different levels you have to buy that allow you to play it within those games oh so this is the only game I believe so I could be wrong though but from what I understand oh no down the comments below cuz you probably know better than us we're old farts and you're smart Wow kidding cool guys if you can take two years off my life but without taking my life let me know that's pretty cool India I say that's a dope dope dope yeah if anyone want to say otherwise come meet me in person will Duke it out you know my address near your house I'm really your neighbor this video right here is tiny gadgets that actually works you're gonna want to check that out because all those tiny gadgets well they actually work hate to spoil it for you and this right here this right here is an Amazon crate video that's right Amazon returns we spent ton of money didn't know what we were gonna buy and it was crazy alright guys see you there Joe a porno you
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 5,222,610
Rating: 4.9609528 out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, fun, challenge, diy, 2018, how to, new, best, tricks, do it yourself, life hacks, diy toys, cardboard, how to make, from cardboard, mystery, safe, mystery box, hidden, hacks, in real life, dope or nope, matthias, hi5 studios, making, create, funny fails, gadgets, tech, amazing, unbox
Id: Z8B_H8J4kcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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