10 of the Most Extravagant Products for Glamour Camping! (Glamping)

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alright guys rape my grace on a scale of one to ten just right now if I can get on this relatively easily your very average Joe when it comes with this kind of stuff what's going on guys welcome to dope or no a channel in which we rate products dope or no or we find lint on our tongue we're here from our beards yeah that's what that is today as you can see we're not in the doper nope set why we're outside yeah we are in a controlled environment in a previous video titled ten products that will let you get revenge on your frenemies we pitched a life to dare and the legendary was we said we'll get an RV you know test out all of the crazy awesome glamour camping products that's right glamping that's the thing people do so we really want to say we appreciate you for being patient because this one actually took even more effort than we thought it would obviously to get first this whole crazy thing happening look at how awesome and beautiful these lights are look at look at my face anyways we're gonna be rating these products dope or no if they're good or glamour camping yes so the whole point of glamour camping guys is you're already camping in an RV which is pretty glamorous and then to take that and then make it more extreme by just making it as luxurious as possible and if it does that job it'll be a dope it doesn't platinum alright so the first product is the RV that you guys totally nailed that like goal to do yes so we pretty much found a website and through the website it's a bunch of private renters who owned RVs and they rent them out to the public oh it's like Airbnb for RVs so it took us a minute to find the right one finally we did it shout out to Sean for being super helpful okay so we're gonna take a look around this thing yeah yo guys oh what's up this come on let's go check it out we got some stainless steel sinks right here we know how you guys love water flowin so it's a circle as you're like chopping it up boom right there a TV so you can watch Rachel ready can we just talk about like this is twice the counter space I had in my first apartment twice the counter space I had my third apartment if you guys take a look behind you this is the flight deck this is where the pilot in the copilot said generally me and my girl I'm not gonna press any bugs because I'm too scared if I were you know it kind of just sittin like this check this out you do whatever right here like work on the laptop play chess by yourself yeah yep by myself yeah this is our couch this is uh made by the bed too lazy boy yeah it's also a bowl I felt good it can fit about somebody who's five foot ten Michael a little bit me really yeah can you turn this into a bed oh look at the transformer how many times you can see transformers in your lives take a look at our kitchen area right here I've got a three top stove here so if you're cooking mac and cheese burgers and uh yeah that's probably what you do there I got a freezer and a fridge all right tanner strip down you got a shower time you know this is where the magic happens no I'm kidding as much as anyone with everyone I mean no one yeah would want that everybody'd want that guys well this pullin odd look here these updated models they have home telephone fitting water out of them pretty sick so you can answer calls and take showers at the same time I'm Michael show more your magic happens bro right here guys you got yourself a queen-size bed you got three cabinets up top and then you got two closets right here in the back pretty deep out so you can fit a lot of stuff in there I would prefer that the bed was bigger and it was just all the way up to the back you know I mean like you don't walk around it like why do you need all that space over there like why do you need to be over there Michael I don't know quick comfort test I'll give it about a six out of ten all right guys would you say it's a dope it's pretty dope right or would you say it's a Meg so the salon Megiddo that's the one wait Bobby don't you guys make this weird all right next product Wow this is convenient our next product is an int X inflatable corner sofa 101 dalmatians by 80 by 30 inches so it's pretty much this thing right here is what we're sitting on right it's a inflatable couch I can it do this whoops oh yeah if you both sit like sit back if you both sit up now at the same time watch me you did that for no I didn't nice dude I personally have always hated the idea of air mattresses they always sink through the night and so you just wake up back pains but I kind of like this one you know what the best thing to do in between though is get like a memory foam futon those are good they're way more comfortable at night I don't know this would probably take up the same amount of space as a futon yeah when it's all like done condensed yeah condensed you're right there my nose is ready for both the cold so this is actually only costs like 66 bucks it's normally like 140 so we got a killer deal on this wow that is gold did this picture honestly looks like maybe she wasn't really invited Oh didn't see you there and she's like I live here no this is like a guy who lives with his exes but is dating another girl so she's just looking like I'm so happy was hanging out with Brenda and then she's like oh sorry Brenda Damien wants to come over and then just shove Brenda in the poor corner yeah I did third wheel is pretty hard here's my question who's got French bay doors but can only afford like those beautiful French doors like that's like an old-school like expensive French colonial house that they're sitting there like man just got my new apartment but I got away furniture the same person who lease a lamb bone so they're just buying a Civic yeah as you can see if you already bought it I'm already putting it in use so the test will come at the end of the video because if it hold itself up then it's a dope oh I seriously what if a diff waits during the video it'll be a no and make sure you guys are paying attention to the frame if we start going lower then you know what the problem comment down below next product alright this next product is a like to buy which means we have found that may be super expensive or it just might be super absurd I might take a lot of prep work like this one just like this is the one I was a buckaroo so as we were finding these luxurious products for this glamping video we came across the self making bed so I'm gonna be tissue tissue wanna blow your nose keep going I want to hear more about alright so it's a smart duvet you can pretty much sleep with it and then the blanket will inflate it so and then like reeks panic self then you deflate it then it just drops into place so it makes the bed for you and you can change the type of heating and cooling on wait can you actually cool it's what it shows you can so I've tested something similar to this obviously before I'm just there so I used to have one that would heat up your bed it didn't make the bed so this is definitely improvement and it definitely didn't cool what it's supposed to cool no it wasn't supposed to cool it's just supposed to heat but the issue was it was like a cover that you put on your mattress and the issue was it was plastic right so you plug it so much sheets on it and stuff like that didn't make a difference you sweat like crazy it just didn't breathe so there's any bit of plastic in that I'm gonna have to write it a note before I even sleep with it so we found this product along with some other products which we want to make a video title ten products that got extreme upgrades this being one of them people are trying to upgrade their comforters so if you guys want to see us make this video and test out this self making bed comforter give this video 125k likes and we will test out these products because it could be extreme the upgrades could be really cool comment down below smart bed and we will make this video happen that's it roadshow portable entertainment system stop you put no Oh Tanner a game out or do whatever you want I watch the sports this is like a system that you pack up you put a TV a generator what is what is that what is that thing right there what is that like a backup generator how do you get cable like just wait just just above everything else there's no way you can fit that almost you put it inside the Army is okay but strap that to the hoodie army okay so this isn't for camping though right this is for it says like Roadshow I'm still confused about how you're gonna actually watch TV with this what do you mean how you're gonna watch TV win a hookup and buona notte spot well yeah so what you're saying is you get a phone hot spot in a chromecast and you used your phone hot spot to test the chromecast Wi-Fi and then stream to it what no you can just like have a smart TV are you over complicating things well does your phone's Wi-Fi gonna be that reliable let's get real and there will you're gonna use it out in public you're most likely somewhere right I mean come I'm thinking in the woods for sure no you're not to the woods yeah for sure yeah yeah because the people that are going to the woods want to see the wood no dude my dad would love to watch NASCAR on a Sunday in the woods no here it is this is it so like oh look at the side here I would door entertainment center so if you open the CIO oh I thought I was gonna pinch me it definitely doesn't look super stable super shaky and for the TV underneath ok initial setup why is it talking to me Oh women's like flying through this like a magician like it truly is advanced its setting itself I mean it's working it's doing its job now imagine this we're outside we're outside rocks on the ground rocks everywhere neighbors with their own campers they're your own thing their abs or angry yeah what do you do bust it out I'm gonna play some games but more importantly we cook up some dogs and burgers are here we're eating or consuming and the kids are playing the games and then you reel this thing out and you say here's the cherry on top you just play some game this is cool I feel like this could have been slimmed too I mean I guess down here you're supposed to have a generator which we don't have the idea is that a generator we could go down here then you'd just be able to wheel this whole thing anywhere so yeah I think that is a pretty good mix I think it works pretty well I'll say it's a dope dope all right guys our next product shock to even me okay it is a SaLuSa also known as a Sal you spa I don't know if it's supposed to be a play on words Sal use salutations salutations look absurd anyways it's a Sal you spa Palm Springs air jet inflatable six person hot tub it has air jets in it we look up debris loses any heat dude I want this this is lit it's an inflatable spot pretty much and it has a jetpack just water so we're gonna get all this water Tanner I'll show you where I'm gonna get all this water the duper nope team set this up outside I mean when you're home you're out and about and your camping car camping at your resort well we're a big walk if I was where I would be camping which is like Duck Creek Utah follow the stream yeah stir you can build like one of those little systems that have pipes that just like drain it yeah I mean it'd take like a week to do all right well I'm sold can't wait to get in the jacuzzi with my boys the Sal you spa Add to Cart alright guys we're going to jump to our other campsite where it is set up in three turn it we're gonna jump one all right so right here check it out we got the Sal you spa it has been up and running for three hours actually the dope Renault team came here yesterday Liz came here at 8:30 a.m. turned it on it is now 11:30 a.m. it's gone from 51 degrees to 63 in three hours it's so sad that's like three and a half degrees an hour at this rate it's gonna take 24 hours to get up to the desired temperature and what was it marketed us to get it up to it now or not right oh that's so cool it says the Heat's on so here's the deal I'm not about to get in 61 degree water no sadly not especially when it's sixty degrees outside technically warmer alright guys so it didn't heat up no no next product I know alright for this next product we got a c3 truck white RC cooler no stop whisp speakers no stop little speakers no no stop I can't it's too cool please stop yes we got drives and steers by remote control capacity is 30 cans with ice built in stereo and LED headlights this I'd be pretty lit that's actually really cool 360 bucks what's the use case all right so you're outside your beautiful motorhome you're chillin right here on the coach friends you're like ahhh got to get my high what if you forgot the remote boom now I think that this is really dope but I also think this is the most bougie things so it might be perfect it is perfect for this video it's Hannah if you haven't caught on yet we are glancing dude yeah we're camping in these clothes look at us what those kids that get beat up by the real campers are you kidding I'm wearing a leather jacket I'm that kid that beats you up alright let's have a bit of car and bring us some drinks you know I'm lyin [Applause] [Music] stop it came with GoPro nope stickers yeah do we got a custom look at those rims look at that that's so cool ya know your favorite what you call a Mexican Coke wow it's really cold you're like a it's cold or you don't like the cross you like Coke I like Luke coke I like lik coke we got off no code well I'm tired my keys I could open these first but that's this is cool this is pretty dope okay let's okay it's a Bluetooth that's Michael Badal and Rose you get that feedback though that's as lovely goes the speakers just suck do they're so discreet bad like do you hear that but who my hair's how does much mix are you sure yep play a different song maybe that's just make sure it's a talent of our crew I am no it's the speaker yes no this one is definitely mad he added that roster to his voice you know yeah I'll still say it's a dope even though the speakers aren't that great I think it's still pretty cool just like a funnel Twitter have your kids if you have kids they would enjoy it again and drive it around yeah I think it's pretty dope the best choice products outdoor porch hang curved Shea's lounge chair swing hammock pillow stand canopy deal the way you said Shea's that was shit-faced Shea's like you shaved your legs yes this does go in line with the other products that we bought so far in terms of obnoxious it's just the most obnoxious colors they can find those green and blue just so loud yeah it does look pretty comfortable I don't know it doesn't to me you don't like when you're sitting in a chair that's just slouch just in the wrong way and it doesn't allow you to move it and you're just like okay I'm never gonna get comfortable now you know the real first world problems Add to Cart all right guys what's even good in yourself first yeah then I can get in myself you don't think I can know without rolling okay rape my grace on a scale of 1 to 10 just right now when I get in life okay three I'll take that out of your head throw that away yeah you're you're very average Joe when it comes with this kind of stuff I thought you were gonna lose a life I didn't think I was gonna hold you you got hurt too I bet that's a grace of three like I've heard three you almost hurt you hurt yourself you wouldn't make it to hurting yourself anything almost flopped it out dude can we just replay Tanner in his reaction definitely was a friend I was gonna let it happen yeah you're just backed up he was trying to help well how's it feel it's comfortable I don't know it doesn't to me just to make it even more bougie for you oh this is what I'm talking about check this out guys I would like what is this why isn't it shaking so Tom it's hot cocoa it's chocolate milk look at this it's not hot guys in case you were curious the glass is pretty cold this is really wicked I mean just because you can I guess you're glamping buddy this is kind of like the opposite of glamping it's super disorienting because usually it's hot cocoa with marshmallows okay what problem do you see with it well first off it's disorienting that the chocolate besides this the chair how do you follow the chair yeah the problem that I have with it is like why does it need to be suspended why can't it just be a Shea's lounge that just like folds up it's a bench in general but watch this hold my drink I want to see if I can control myself oh I can you're gonna kick that oh yeah you're right it's oddly like peaceful yeah it's very like peaceful it's very like serene and like I'm like I'm in alright alright does Adele say if you got room in your backyard and you want to put your backyard in it do it before that next product big shout-out to Jess Brown for becoming a member of the doper nope family baby what she did was join the membership squad you know what's up there's three different tiers you get all different things like live streams like extra little vlogs behind the scenes pretty fun stuff so if you're interested check it out by clicking that join button and you may like what you find you will if you don't it's your fault our next product is a portable air conditioner cooler portable the quick and easy way to cool any space as-seen-on-tv suitable for bedside office study room and you know all that other good stuff what I like off the bat is it's an air purifier which I think is something very valuable to make sure that you guys don't get any of that nasty cruddy air in there you know that you can be getting from other people around you it also has a humidifier which swings about this is just all-around looking pretty good so far I'm confused talking it humidify if it's an air conditioner an air conditioner removes the moisture from the air you can do both prior don't ask questions you don't want the answers to oh it's tiny they're using it for camping oh come on oh maybe in ten yeah look at that super hot it's not insulated what a paper towel of flappy and fry your bassist this is the dumbest product ever it basically consists of a fan with the force by kitten picture the man yeah looked much larger and didn't cool like I thought wouldn't it purchase this and it's just a picture of hands of the man that's his reaction when he saw it in the mail it showed but it's like it's POV all right let's go ahead add it to list boom the boxing is not too bad it's blue I'm slightly disappointed oh it smells yeah yeah this is oh just walks around you can walk yeah like a boom box this is a new age when like Armageddon is happening it's just hot hey baby you looked in hot how about I call you down okay so we found a plug didn't come with a plug laughs there's no batteries no nothing yeah this is just odd looks that's that one screw on top oh sorry yeah it smells like poison smells like a swamp cooler yeah like that you like haven't used in a while and you're starting it back though that's the weakest fan I've ever seen this is fully on yeah I'm gonna having put water in yet so wow you think that's gonna actually do anything I think the reviews don't light it does you can see on this side there's like it shows you the fan and how fast it's gonna go oh that's full are there a difference to be honest this feels less powerful than me going dumb blow actually wait which side is it supposed to come out on I can't tell help Jill marshmallow breath it feels just as intense on the other side where it's sucking yeah have some coca-cola with a mix a little smell I cook hopefully hopefully yes yeah it smells like go on actually got cross-eyed I just saw like that I'm gonna no bottle flip costs way mini portable washing machine for compact laundry small semi-automatic compact washer with timer control single translucent tub seven pounds capacity blue and white colored okay why does this one look small but ends up being really big while that other product look really big and looks really small it's only 60 bucks that's not bad no not bad I mean depending on how efficient is if it were complete piece of garbage then it's bad don't even pay it what's the use case it's not a dryer we do hang out your clothes like a troglodyte well what is the problem what if you're camping and then as you're camping your clothes get dirty or some questions saying hot dog yeah oh no I want hot dogs ah I don't just not kind of good my eye twitch when you said hot dogs look it's still Twitter knew it aha now you gotta wash it oh it's the only shirt I brought camping rookie move and then you got to go wash it are you rubbing it outside no let's have his baby to car and that's it heart all right you guys do all the work I'm just gonna take a nap here he's just hanging around I'll instruct so first off connect the tubes wait excuse me excuse me can you spin me no he told me to connect the tube at the bottom tube Tanner what does that one do two t-shirts close that baby up and then I'm gonna grab some laundry detergent yeah tied not sponsored don't eat their paws you really plug this thing in yeah no what do you think you're turning it like butter how are you supposed to guess you could plug it into your camper oh yeah this guy says that he can make Wi-Fi there but he'll be damned if he can actually produce power I just carry too much you clearly don't do your own laundry I do but I'm it one gets defensive about their Luna do you know that I don't use my own wonder how somebody does La Julie no no no this is how I normally do it it's like normally I just do a little bit of this and then they're like this might work your wife handles the laundry god bless her whoa open up Tanner tanner tanner tanner push me closer okay oh wow I'm curious if you can open it with a pistol keep going it will get a good look at it look at that I've been in with the boys right now why is this actually so cool this oh you can only put it on offer wash so you can either this turn to spin on our home you know let that baby spit how's this supposed to wash it if it doesn't spin I'm supposed to wash it by not spinning by just alright let's see if it's washed clean first try and then that's how you drain it look at that dude Kelly watering your plants like well thank you for washing my shirts Tanner and Michael now dry them alright I must say that's a dope definitely don't what on earth is this a dentist sink econo looks like it serene life horrible camping sink it is a camping so my gosh it's an actual camping thing it's for camping are you okay he's like over here going he said dentist sick and I really got me going literally rolling wheels perfect for outdoor events gatherings worksite in camping okay that's cool that makes sense you got like a work event you're outside you're like doing like construction you know I don't want to go inside to wash my hands what am I going to do I got mud on my hands I got mud on my boots what am I supposed to do take my my pants off but I don't recommend it my boots up we got how many feeds as this has liquid soap dispenser tissue holder that's toilet paper foot pump built carry and handle - now it's a capacity of 3.0 looters he's pretty cool and the cart right so how does it work Michael alright so this little guy right there yeah that's the foot pump which will start to bring the water up it brings us out of this what what brings it out of this no so in the base here it's already filled with water so that's the drain yeah this is a drainage oh do I hate that I think go ahead put your hands there you want to take your ring off you take your ring off before you wash your hands I never take me because it gets open too much too much oh it's so cold any consistent water I just drool on my jaggon oh this is weird to watch ma'am I'm having trouble like doing it softly there you go if there's a real art to it like you have to really kind of like ease your foot and then lean into it and then you can like really make it happen all right your turn oh it's so cold well you're just like stepping on it you got to remember either foot now oh it's like puking on my hair I gotta hit the faucet just starts collecting followers now he's like dude the faucet has to be right okay how long you gonna take to wash you want something doing that to your hands all right I'm gonna say that the dough that's a big no-no thank you very much for joining us for this wild adventure if you enjoyed it let us know what part you enjoyed best if you enjoy it with a friend who you watched it with we want to know that kind of stuff because we're weird alright this video is ten ways that you can get back at your frenemies it's pretty crazy some revenge stories indeed now this video over here is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy so click one of those don't click away one of those is your only choice and move on peace
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,802,059
Rating: 4.9501824 out of 5
Keywords: glamping, rv, best, camper, how to camp, luxury, camping, camp, tent, adventure, tech, haul, irl, in real life, online shopping, funny, fun, comedy, hilarious, online, diy, 2019, unboxing, unbox, fails, amazon, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios, reacting to, cringe, cringy, on amazon, trending, reaction
Id: xGq-Yxu6vfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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