10 Must-Have AI Tools for 3D Artists

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a Hot Topic nowadays some are skeptical some are scared and some are excited in whatever group you are for sure you don't want to be left behind today I will show you how to use AI to your advantage the first tool is awesome we can install 2gbt script for 3ds Max it allows you to create Max scripts using a normal language I have it here I will put a link in the description to all these tools so you can check them out let's say I want to randomly rotate these objects I just type my request here if I click fetch it will create a script and when I click to execute it will automatically run the script quite impressive isn't it then we can use this code and add the script to our toolbars let's create a new script you can watch my tutorial on how to do it step by step a link in the corner or we can ask Chang GPT here we go we just have to copy this piece of code is it on top and replace this line with our code we should adjust name so we can easily find it later and that's it click evaluator now we can find our script not sure if it's ours actually now we can find AIS script here and we can add it to the toolbar now scripting is way more accessible for everyone imagine that you found the perfect person that suits your visualization but you cannot find anything similar as a 3D model or 2D asset we're moving complicated backgrounds manual is terrible job and time consuming here the background removal comes with help we can just upload the photo and in a couple of seconds the background is perfectly removed water relief is in it we can just download the PNG format and it's ready to incorporate it into our visualization we would still need to adjust it to match the original image but this is not an issue we can do this without much problem the next tool I want to show you is an AI image enlarger it can be useful when you have to incorporate background photos to your visualization and you don't have a good enough resolution image as an example I have a photo from Paris you can see that there are a lot of details here so it may be tricky but let's see we can drag and drop the image choose how many times we want to scale up our image and click Start to make the magic cover that's it now we can download the outcome and see the results it's not perfect yet the quality is not fantastic but it may work in some cases this was a quite challenging photo but the results can be better with less detailed images one of the tools I use for organizing and planning is an option recently they added the AI tool let me show you the example let's say you want to write an email to our potential clients and offer them your services you have the base but you feel that it doesn't sound as good as it could that's not a problem you can ask AI for a little help we have various options I just showed you a couple of them first of all I plug it to sound more professional so let's change the tone of us here we go the AI is writing it works pretty fast perhaps I don't like this version not an issue we can try again let's say that I am happy with the result but I would want it to be a bit longer not a problem quickly replace our base with the new script whenever we are ready it's awesome isn't it we can improve our text and sounds more professional even if English is not our strength another way of using 10gbt can be for business side of the artist's work let's imagine you start your professional journey and you have no idea how to prepare a project Court not an issue let's ask jgpd for help awesome in just a few seconds it generated a professional looking template now we can play around with this and add some details for example we provide the amount and type of visualizations to include in the project description based on this we have an actual project quote generated we need to check out if everything makes sense and add some information but in general the most work is done we have even payment terms included we can of course adjust them to our needs but we have a perfect base and a great advantage of this is that we can adjust it by writing simple comments perhaps we want to add more details to the next steps section you can just write down a comment and the job will be quickly done instead of spending an hour or so creating all of this by yourself you can ask AI to help you we can use chat GPD even during the production process let's say we get a creative license from the client and we're not sure what materials Tools in a particle situation let's ask our friend for help sometimes adding specific descriptions like act as someone may be helpful to create a more specific outcome awesome we have some ideas about out what to use now we can design it may speed up our process instead of looking for ideas by ourselves now we can just choose a course of action means Journey can be a great tool for creating Inspirations and references by using a technology we can explore various scenarios and generate results quickly that can serve as inspiration for color palettes materials Styles shapes lighting and work it can be also useful in creating mood boards for the client for references that can speed up the communication process in addition we can use mid-journey to create custom images and try to recreate designs in the 3D software for the original purposes it may be especially useful for people who just start in day Journey with pretty I've already made a video about the use of the previous version of mint Journey so if you want to check it out I put a link in the description below the video with the newest version the results are way better and we can get much more details and more natural looking images Photoshop also uses the AI technology let me show you a remote this is a better version so you can install it from the Beta app stop let's choose the remove tool let's adjust the size and start working on image I try to remove the boards pretty good result isn't it the tool replaces area of your image with realistic and relevant content if you want to fix something we can just draw in these places it's not perfect yet but know that this is the better version so I can imagine it will work much better in the future but still taking into consideration how complex these areas are the results are satisfying I am really impressed by this tool and I will definitely use it in my creation process it will be very helpful for example when there are some distracting elements on background photos and we have to remove them from the image chroma can be another useful tool that we can use during decoration process it is basically a cooler plaid generator there are many options and it may help us if we struggle with choosing colors that match each other in the beginning we need to choose 50 favorite colors so an algorithm can personalize the outcome for our preferences it seems like a lot but thanks to that we'll get better results for our needs I just picked some random colors so we can go to the essence of it quickly in the top left corner we have various options but the ones we can use for our projects are the palettes so it basically creates the various palettes based on the colors we choose let's say we have an interior project with a few Violet accents we have a bit of Sky visible through the window and we think about the colors we should use mainly in the project can we have an example we can use tons of orange so we can for example add sun to our scene which adds the orange look to it or maybe we want to create more of a desk shot this can be an idea for colors to use or something more vibrant and colorful if you choose a specific palette we can easily check the values for the colors or we can just keep it as inspiration and adjust by eye with poppy it's an AI texture Edge and we can use it to generate any texture we have in mind however you can also check the materials that have been already created and choose from the library let me show you an existing example this marble you can see different textures are generated we can also see the preview you can check the prompt as well that was used for generating the maps if you don't have experience with the tool it's good to copy the existing prompts and analyze how it works we can change the light color to Black for instance and add the word elegant to it here we can preview the generated Maps let's say we think that the veins are too prominent we can correct the prompt and add the word tiny twines and wait for the results you can see that the veins are smaller but we actually miss the black color another option is that we can upload an image and create a seamless version of it we need to change the option and click make seamless of course it's not perfect however it might work in the distance for example the last one I want to show you is lumine and it's not really about the results it has right now but the potential it can have in the picture instead of hours of modeling you can easily use the mobile app and take a series of images after that AI will transform the photos into 3D models imagine that you must include a certain asset or maybe some complex models of surrounding Square animation in your cell solution may be revolutionary as I mentioned the results are not high quality however if you think about the progress of the AI tool even in the recent month it looks super promising I am pretty fascinated by the potential the AI tool hack and how our work can be sped up I'm sure that in the future we'll see more and more fantastic Solutions if you want to learn more about visualizations or animations visit our shop or watch more videos here on YouTube bye bye foreign
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 33,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, animations, 3d render, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction, ai tools, ai art, artificial intelligence, ai video generator, open ai, ai apps, midjourney ai, dall e 2, ai software, ai tools for designers, ai tools for beginners, ai tools 2023, ai tools for graphic design
Id: O0CoxLZrt2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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