Get A Job In Architecture Visualization!

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Looking for a job? You are in the perfect place. Today I will share with you 10 tips on how to get hired. **Send your application correctly** Send all the information for the application as it is required. It sounds trivial but you will not imagine how many people totally ignore this step. From our personal experience, many artists send us random applications, for example, they don’t attach portfolios. I cannot really understand, how you may forget to attach a portfolio as it is the most important thing of all, as it speaks for your skills. Or they send applications where at first glance you can see that someone didn’t spend too much time preparing. This way you show that you have no ability to handle simple instructions or what is worse that you don’t care. **Understand your boss** The next important thing that is probably less obvious is understanding a boss. What is the reason why the company wants to hire? What do they need from a person in a specific job position? A boss needs to hire a person to solve a specific problem and your goal is to show him how you can help him to solve his problem. What skill set do you have that may be helpful, what characteristics do you have that the team may benefit from, and what value you may bring to the company? On top of this, you may be sure that independence is an appreciated skill in each position. For this reason, if you show at the early beginning, that you cannot handle simple tasks like sending the application correctly for example, there is a red flag for recruiters - they will think about how you will handle complex projects. **Master the essential software** Mastering the essential software should be your goal but it shouldn’t be a limitation. The more skills you have, the more advanced level of knowledge you possess - the more options you will have. You can get a higher position and as a result, and earn more. On this channel, you will find plenty of tutorials about the top software used by professional arch-viz studios - 3ds Max, Corona, V-Ray, and plugins available to this. On the other hand, some companies hire without experience, and they will train you along the way. But as a result, you will get a lower position and lower earnings. So you shouldn’t see this as a limitation but as a way to improve and get better options. What is more important for you? What do you value the most the 3d skills or personal characteristics? I think personal characteristic is the key for us because all the technical knowledge, the 3D knowledge you can learn from us. If you are a quick learner then this is not a problem. But your personal attitude, your mentality is really the key for us. And we have really huge number of people who started with us without any knowledge and then they become really great artists and have really nice careers. **Create a diverse portfolio** Create your portfolio carefully. Choose your top projects, don’t try to include all of them if there is no need for this. Try to create a portfolio with different types of projects to show your diverse skills, showcase a variety of projects, including residential, commercial, interior, and exterior renders as well as animations. It all depends on what you have but it’s also worth creating some new personal projects dedicated to a portfolio. Also, you can create different portfolios for various companies that include the projects that are the best match for the type of work they do. **Understand the arch-viz industry** Gain a better understanding of the arch-viz industry. Be familiar with industry standards and best practices by listening to people from the field, watching tutorials, and reading blogs and articles. Learn various approaches, and find out about the artistic and technical sides of arch-viz. You may find tons of information on this YouTube channel for instance. The studio tours series is perfect for getting to know various approaches and understanding how professional studios work. Pay attention to being organized by proper file structuring, and asset management to ensure smooth project workflow. These things are appreciated if not required in professional studios. **Stay updated** There is always a place for developing the skills. In both, craft itself, and technology. No matter what level you are, refine your skills. Try different methods of working, perhaps consider different approaches to creating images or videos. Also, stay updated with what is going on in the industry - what are the new realizes of the software, what are the new plugins, scripts to use, and so on… AI is definitely a hot topic at this moment so make sure you are not left behind. No matter what is your take on this, stay updated with AI tools that may help you in your job now or in the future. I’ve created a video on this topic, I’ll put the link to it in the corner and in the description below the video. Sometimes you need to adapt if you want to get a position or learn new software or a plugin. It is important to try to be as much flexible as you can, it is a valuable characteristic that may be a calling card for you. **Develop an online presence -** In today’s online world being present on the internet can be really helpful. Adding your work to the industry galleries can give you recognition and help in finding a dream job. For this reason, I would love to invite you to apply your work to our showcase section. Your work not only can be visible on our website but also we will publish the best works on our social media. I’ll put the link to it in the corner and in the description below the video. Besides, don’t forget about creating your social media accounts where you share your work and build your position in the field. Many companies look for talented artists in different places nowadays. They may contact you one day if they like your images. So it is worth doing so! On top of that, you may go ahead of the competition and create a professionally-looking website instead of sending a CV and portfolio. Not only does it presents your work better, and gives a good impression but also it is more accessible for recruiters than PDF format and makes you stand out from the crowd. **Participate in competitions** Participating in competitions is another way to develop your skills, get exposure, and create fantastic work for your portfolio. Multiple actions in one! So not only, you build your position in the industry but also, get more experience and challenge yourself. If this sounds great to you, I want to invite you to join AVA Awards 2023! Great prizes, awesome sponsors, plus you can apply with existing or new projects! Check out the details on our website, I’ll put the link in the corner and in the description below the video. **Collaborate and network** Networking is a great opportunity to build your group of contacts. When you know many people from the industry, your life becomes easier. There is always someone who looks for employees, and there is always someone who looks for a job. By word of mouth, you may be easily connected with the right person. So for example, during a conversation, you say that you look for a job and someone may know a person who is looking for an artist. He contacts you with his friend, and here you go - the job is found! P**repare for the interview** Ok, you passed the first step - the recruiters like your portfolio. Now, the company invites you for a job interview. Awesome! Now, it’s time for preparation. Not only prepare the answers for potential questions you may get but also do some research. You should know about the company as much as you can. For example, what types of work do they do, what do they value, what is important to them? But above all, get to know their projects. All of these may help you to craft your answers and show them that you care, that you do your job precisely, and that you really want to be part of the team. Remember, finding the dream job takes time and dedication. Continuously improve your skills, stay passionate about the industry, and be persistent in the search for opportunities. Check out our website to learn, find out about job opportunities, and showcase your work! Also, watch other videos here on YouTube. Bye, bye!
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 4,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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