NEW 3DS MAX 2024 FEATURES TUTORIAL | Boolean modifier, Open vdb, Phyllotaxis array, Modifier list

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hey guys hope you're fine uh to the max version 2024 is all out and now you can update your juicy mics to the new version so in this version um new features are added to the uh to the series Max and some are some are really great and I will update you with the uh the details and with the functions so let's move on the first and biggest change that has been made in this version is the additional Boolean as a modifier after selecting the main volume you can add Boolean to your modifiers from the modifier list and it can greatly affect the speed of your work and also the modeling so uh previously you had to choose between compound object and Boolean or Pro Boolean from the modifier section but now you can easily add Boolean to your work from the modifier section so for example I have selected my volume added Boolean to my work and there is a new section um called split under operands and that I will explain later for example I'm now using the subtract section and subtracting this volume I then merge four other volumes together using the Union you can see that you can edit your work very quickly and it's really great for your money links also you can now have access to your previous modifiers or add a new modifier for example I can add an edit poly modifier to my work here and then I did my work based on the new modifier that I bring to my work so now from the operands section and you can select operands of your move of your work and move or scale them or even change their orientations so for example um now I want to select one of the cylinders for example now I will try to select the cylinder number 12. and change its mode from Union to subtract now you can see that this part has been removed from the main volume so it can easily help you with modeling and another helpful section in this part is manipulator brands so after selecting manipulate operands you can see that the sphere has been added for each of prints you can quickly access the desired print by clicking on the Spheres and you can quickly edit the volume I should also explain the next part which is about display section from the display section you can change the display mode of the prince currently it's the selected brand mode for example if I select one of those Brands you can set it to result mode which is only show the result or Brands mode which shows all the brands or selected operands mode which only shows the selected operands you can also change the display mode and like a wire shaded or wire and shaded this section can also help with displaying and controlling the work volume for example um by selecting result mode so it helps to [Music] so it helps avoid unnecessary lines on the work and this is really great for changing the volume and editing the volume in the split section suppose we have a volume on the worker space for example let's say we drew a box and now we can use the split feature um but make sure to select the base object then we click on the box volume and we see that the exact part of the Box volume is selected and highlighted now we can easily use edit pulley feature to select that part and we see that the selected part is splitted from the original volume so this is really great so this feature helps a lot with fast modeling and so in general the additional Boolean to the modifier list is a really great help for fast modeling and also the quick changes and in regards for the modeling another part of the Boolean section that I need to explain is the option section so in the method especially the method option you can use the openvdb method from this section to adjust your volumes volumes mode so the addition of VDP to this section helps to improve the texture and volume of the mesh and so rebuild the topology as you can see there are many segments but you can adjust them for now I'm reducing the segments to make it easier to view the volume and this can help with the with quick modeling again so I still have operands and I can quickly create already the volume by selecting and copying or moving them and so if you if you select operands and click on again the manipulator Brands you can easily select the Spheres and get help with the sketching on your work so especially for sketch like task this section also speed up your more of your modeling this is really an exceptional feature of 3D Studio Max 2024 and it's really extraordinary so [Music] another change in this version is really small it's really small one and that is the way the modifier list is displayed and categorized which used to show all the modifiers before but now if we start typing for example ad it becomes limited and doesn't show all the modifiers and this change can be practical so and um so one of the other new features added to do this Max 2024 is a section used for modeling specific volumes such as flower petals or volumes inspired by Nature and in the so Ari section you can use the filler taxis distribution mode the first section so adjust the strength of the effect which is currently set at 100 the next section is the number of volumes and the next section is a starch radius which is where the uh so Circle starts here I increase the power a bit the end radius is where the circle ends so you can also use the section to adjust the angle of the work this section also helps to move along the z-axis and the next section also I can change the scale of the work so we can increase or decrease the scale and I have a section also provides new alternatives for the work can adjust the work with Contour strings to have better results [Music] and so ultimately you can create very interesting volumes another way you can use the array mode is on a SP line array for example and I select the fear again then and then in the array and the takes it and go to the peak distribution a spline section to get help and select the SP line just make sure you draw this B line in the front mode and here my volume is almost in the center of the work okay then I hit the pick and then select the speed line and now you can see that the sphere I had has become an array around this recipe line and now you can use the area settings again to edit to edit the volume and also to adjust how you want [Music] thank you and until the next tutorial foreign
Channel: Mahyar Abdollahi
Views: 5,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3dsmax, 3ds max, 3d studio max, autodesk, rendering, 3d modeling, 3d model, 3d, render, new features, max 2024, 3ds max 2024, 3d studio max 2024, new 3ds max, autodesk 2024, boolean, boolean modifier, open vdb, pro boolean, modifier list, changes in 3ds max 2024, 3ds max features, array, phyllotaxis array, phyllotaxis, array distribution, archviz, visualization, 3d rendering, animation, architecture, tutorial, germany, mesh, edit poly, polygon, architecture visualization, vray, chaos, viz
Id: 1uYxdU1mRwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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