10 Most Scary Randonautica Videos

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That narrator has the most irritating voice I've ever heard. I wanted to jam icepicks into my ears.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/amoodymuse 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 đź—«︎ replies
Randonautica is an app where you think of something that you want to see and this app will give you nearby GPS coordinates to find it, but sometimes they are way more scary than what you were ready for. Number 10. A Tik Tok user by the name of baddestbunnyontheblock uses Randonautica in search of creepy stuff with a story to tell. The Tik Tok app takes them to one of the scariest Randonautica finds on this list. By a river near a bus station they find a discarded tarp by a mound of freshly dug earth. Under the blue tarp is a shredded black trash bag . . . . . . inside of which they find a shovel and an object covered in red. Before you think they put this here themselves, consider the fact that she calls the police, who take interest in the scene and actually collect evidence instead of shrugging it off. Based on their reactions I think she might be onto something. 9. Steve Ronin knows firsthand how scary Randonauting can be and says the Randonautica app is not to be taken lightly based on his experiences. He and Josh tell Randonautica that they want to manifest something “dark and twisted” in their exact words and let the app tell them where to explore. Through the woods is where they are told to go. A mysterious light in the woods leads them to them a pentagram painted on a tree, a symbol that’s as dark and twisted as it gets, and it’s only the beginning. Randonautica takes them to an abandoned house and the same unexplained light is right there with them. It remains the same size no matter how close they get. The light takes them to the backyard where it goes behind an object at 16 minutes and 50 seconds so it’s not coming from their equipment at all. Also, while they are exploring the area this ghostly figure appears in the screen window. Tell me if you see it. It looks kind of like a face with two hands. While exploring the abandoned house they see the face of another ghost in the hallway at 21 minutes and 29 seconds. It’s in front of the railing and looking down. That’s when they hear the scariest sounds of all . . . . . . police calling for them to come out and explain themselves. 8. A YouTube channel called Exploring With Erick relies on Randonautica to show them the scariest place they’ve ever seen, and it doesn’t let them down. They soon find themselves at the end of a long dirt road with multiple signs, and one of them is a warning. Google wasn’t able to translate the wording perfectly but apparently this sign says that the property is owned by a dangerous witch who has eyes on them at all times. If someone could tell me the full message I would really appreciate it. They find two fences lined with creepy dolls. Some of the dolls are burned and have parts missing, as if they were used for black magic rituals before being placed on display as a warning for all to see. It must have taken a lot of time and dedication to collect so many dolls, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the children who owned them are being kept somewhere nearby. At the end of the road they find three homemade mannequins wearing old clothes that could be scarecrows for a small garden or more ritual props. Something looks weird about the one on the left. When they get closer, since I don’t see any crops, I don’t think it’s a garden. The way this is all set up looks more like a memorial if anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if some passed on individuals were buried below the earth here, and I don’t think I want to find out. A little farther up the trail they find this old shack that looks more like a place to hold somebody or something creepy like that rather than a place to live. They are about to explore the shed when they feel distant eyes upon them and go running. I have to say that seems like the right choice. 7. A Pasco, Washington couple wants to get really scared so together they concentrate deeply on finding a human through the Randonautica app, which takes them to a random dumpster on a hot summer day. They peel the lid back and find a single trash bag that looks full. By now they are sufficiently terrified that they might have actually found something disturbing with Randonautica and so they close the lid without exploring what’s inside. After all, there’s no need to call the police if you don’t actually see anything. 6. The Everything Paranormal Show gets in on the scary Randonautica video craze and goes Randonauting with paranormal creepy stuff in mind. The Tik Tok app takes him to a random address and he waits for some creepy stuff to begin, which it most certainly does. Before he knows it somebody is standing near his car. They’re not moving, just staring him down. To be fair, what to him is a creepy man could just be someone wondering who is in their parking space. But even when he leaves the man is standing completely still, simultaneously staring at nothing in particular and everything all at once. 5. Amanda and her friends want to see if Randonauting is really a thing and so they do something clever that I haven’t seen in any other Randonautica videos: they write down what they want to see and never say it out loud just in case the app is listening in. They concentrate on finding a rainbow because they think that this object would be the last thing to be able to creep them out. They were wrong. Randonautica helps them find this unforgettable experience that has them screaming in their car. It’s a multi-colored rainbow fence, followed by a real one not too long after. That can’t just be a coincidence, right? 4. Here’s a video that shows how Randonautica can be scary without even trying. A YouTuber named Nolan goes Randonauting with his friends in search of the color orange. The app takes them to two orange cones, no problem. They are weirded out but not entirely convinced so they decide to go Randonauting for something more obscure that would be creepier to find, like the number four. Not only do they find the number four prominently etched into a concrete handrail, but get this..... . . . the location that’s given to them to find the number four . . . . . is exactly four minute away. Now they are getting creeped out and concentrate on a color that’s hard to find in the countryside at night, the color blue. Not only does Randonautica take them to a pack of blue gum, when they go back to their car they find out they were parked by an empty energy drink with blue lettering this whole time. 3. A YouTuber named mia cole has what she describes as one of the scariest Randonautica experiences ever that doesn’t begin until after she’s come home from a long day of Randonauting. Earlier that day the Tik Tok app took her to a location where there was a weird windmill by the woods. She didn’t find anything else odd, but this is where something odd might have found her. More than a few people have pointed out how, later that night, a weird pair of glowing eyes appear to be watching mia cole from the window. It could be a cat or something but, if the viewers are correct, it could just as easily be something that followed mia cole home from the woods, something that wants to get in. 2. A YouTuber named Jake Carlini and his friends all want to experience creepy Randonautica moments so they summon the scariest thing that comes to mind: forest clowns. The app takes them Randonauting to a scary location in the woods that creeps them out even in broad daylight. A bird calls overhead but listen closely and you’ll hear creepy noises coming from deeper in the woods . . . Circus music to be precise. It’s not like an ice cream truck would be driving out here so there’s no reason for scary sounds to be playing in the middle of the woods. They leave before they can get a clown sighting on video but maybe they’ll go exploring there again one day. I’ve got a challenge for you, since you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next 5 seconds, because I upload 4 new scary videos every week. If you’re curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. 1. A YouTuber named NoahDB5 hopes to find creepy haunted places to explore around his campus and so Randonautica takes him to a nearby cemetery. But not just any cemetery . . . . . . a cemetery with scary screaming noises at night. And later on while exploring a different area, he hears the same scary noises again, this time from deeper within the woods. This sounds like it could be some kind of wild animal to me but other people are saying that this could be a mysterious creature like The Rake and that he is mostly likely being followed. Noah has asked if you would subscribe to his channel and check out his other videos like this one.
Channel: Chills
Views: 794,486
Rating: 4.7706003 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary videos, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, entertainment, most scary randonautica videos, randonautica, randonautica scary, randonautica tiktok, randonautica videos, scary randonautica videos, randonauting
Id: 96f6TyHazjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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