5 Scary Videos That Messed Me Up

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Jesus christ the voice... The speed of his speech... Or there lack of... 👨🔫

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tuffy075 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies

i dont like chills why was this in my notifications

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chonkeeeeeee 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies
These are the scariest videos that messed me up after watching them, some for days after, and some for a lifetime. 5. A YouTuber named Leviathan has an old barn in the woods where scary noises have been coming from late at night. Many sleepless nights later he works up the courage to take a friend with him to investigate the strange sounds coming from the haunted barn in the woods. When he goes inside he finds that the barn is not haunted like he thought. It’s something way worse than that . . . Would someone tell me what this is, writes Leviathan. It’s an unknown creature sighting to him, but I’ve seen enough scary videos to immediately guess what it is: The Rake. He lets the creature have the barn and doesn’t go outside for two months until one night he hears it making scary noises in the woods much closer this time, as in right by his house. Against his better judgement he takes an old busted flashlight outside for a final creature sighting he’ll never forget. Crouched behind a tree making hideous hissing clicking sounds is The Rake, the same creature he caught on camera in the barn. He keeps a respectable distance but it’s still not far enough. Who knows how fast this thing can run, especially on all fours. Luckily for him it hangs back in the forest and lets him run home. Both of these videos were taken in 2020 and seem to be part of a new wave of Rake sightings from all over the world. High quality videos of The Rake like this one are cropping up all over YouTube and they are not grainy at all. Hopefully this new rash of creature sightings is a video editing trend and not an indication that mysterious creatures are creeping out of the woods, creepy right? 4. A live ceremony in France starts out normal enough until 7 minutes and 11 seconds when an object moves on its own like a ghost is about to throw it. The object levitates until the clergyman puts his hands down, at which point it stops. This happened on live TV in front of thousands so someone tell me how it could be fake. Stranger still, a man in the audience claims to have seen a supernatural apparition in the dark doorway, a ghostly figure with a white face and hair who watches the ceremony from afar. The full version of this video has never been put online to my knowledge but this picture apparently shows the figure. I think there is a good chance that it is a photoshop but it looks creepy and is worth mentioning. So if anybody out there is good with photoshop then let me know if this is a real picture or if this scary face was edited. 3. A mysterious creature sighting was caught on camera at the edge of the woods in Forest Lake, Minnesota by a woman named Stephanie Gibbons. Based on her description of it, this thing, which she says was a creature known only as the dogman, is undoubtedly one of the scariest things in the woods she’s ever encountered before. Stephanie says the dogman sighting occurred around 7:30 pm. She describes the dogman creature as having long arms and a scruffy mane. It’s too small to be a bear and Stephanie says cougars don’t live back here so it’s not that. According to her, the demon creature hardly notices them, too busy watching deer across the field. She never shows the deer so that part of her story can’t be verified. The dogman stays still until 12 seconds when her daughter makes a noise. Stephanie says this is the moment when the dogman looks over . . . They accidentally zoom out so I don’t see it move. Other people have said they can see it sniff the air and lick its nose and I wanted to know if you can see any of those things happening here because to be honest I don’t. She also posted a photograph to prove that this is a humanoid creature of some sort. It looks like it could be a person crouched down wearing a wolf mask at first until you take a closer look. On top of its head are two horns and what looks like leathery wings wrapped around a bat-like body. Stephanie says that the dogman sighting is one of many reported in the area but this is the only one that she herself has seen. Tell me if you believe her. 2. A paranormal YouTuber named Chza Chad is in search of some real ghost sightings so he goes exploring an abandoned hospital in Perrysburg, New York called the J.N. Adams Memorial Hospital. This old hospital is said to be haunted by patients from the early 1900s who, on occasion, will still show up for treatments in the hallway . . . as a ghost. Chad soon separates from his team of fellow ghost hunters to explore the hospital on his own. The hospital is actually a collection of abandoned buildings and Chad is determined to investigate as many of them as he can to discover which places are the scariest and most haunted of all. In another room he finds and mistakenly handles a red container with a biohazard symbol. He doesn’t look to see what’s inside but touching it at all probably wasn’t a good idea. That’s not his only concern. It’s not long before he suspects there is a ghost in the hallway with him as well. Creepy noises coming from both ends of the hallway leave him unsure where to turn next. He wanders across a room with a single chair inside of a pentagram, like a ritual of some kind has been performed here, one that we’re probably better off not knowing more about. It’s a weird enough discovery to make him rejoin his group, who by this point are as creeped out as he is. While exploring a different floor they find this bird helplessly flying wall to wall even though there is an open window for it to go through. It could be protecting a nest but something feels wrong in this room and they take the bird’s confusion as a sign of negative paranormal energy in the air. They chose to investigate this area with high-tech paranormal equipment designed to translate ghost voices into speech using special voice recognition software. First it says the name “Paul” followed by two more words. “Appear human” is what Paul the ghost says. I wonder if it’s actually trying to say not “appear” but rather “up here”, as in above them, possibly referring to the space where the bird was trying to go. Next they place a backpack on the ground and invite Paul the ghost to interact with it. At 22 minutes and 40 seconds their paranormal equipment registers ghost sightings all around the object, and at 22 minutes and 55 seconds, the ghost kicks its backfoot off the backpack and disappears. One of the ghost hunters named Herm stands in front of the camera to verify that it is working correctly. Their equipment has no problem detecting the ghost hunter as well as a solid black paranormal orb that shoots out of the space where he’s standing. “It’s like he’s inside you, I think” says the ghost hunter named Kasha. Tell me if you agree that this could be a possession caught on tape. Not much else happens for another minute or so and they can feel the paranormal energy start to fade from this cursed room. They catch one last ghost sighting in the corner of the room by the door, evidence that it’s no longer interested in them and parting ways. But when Chad looks up, his camera refuses to go into focus, almost as if Paul the ghost is in the hallway, watching them for one last time. I’ve got a challenge for you, since you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next 5 seconds, because I upload 4 new scary videos every week. If you’re curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. 1. Kathy and her family often hear scary sounds coming from a basement they’ve long suspected to be haunted by a paranormal entity. Objects tend to move all by themselves down here and this time, on July 3rd of 2020, a loud bang from the cymbal of their drumkit sends the father downstairs to investigate. Kathy stays on the steps and Jayden, her daughter, is too afraid to venture down there at all. The father cautiously takes a few steps into the room and doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary. A strange sensation of being watched keeps them all on alert. And then . . . Two empty bottles fall off the ledge with no one nearby. Nobody is hiding in the corner to pull a string and there’s no room for anyone to stand behind the bottles. The objects just move on their own like a ghost pushed them. Or maybe Jayden stood at the top of the steps and pulled a string, who knows. Weirder still is a ghost sighting on Tik Tok taken four days prior, this time using the ghost hunting app called Reality Ripple. Kathy’s alone in the basement talking about previous encounters when she’s literally interrupted by what she thinks are ghost orbs. She turns on the Reality Ripple ghost hunting app and is surprised to find there’s way more paranormal evidence down in the basement that’s been right in front of her eyes the whole time. The app is only supposed to show color around living things but paranormal entities are known to trip the app, too. In other words, Tik Tok detects a ghost attached to her husband’s drums. An alternative explanation is that the drums somehow looked like the outline of a person but I don’t see how. Not even a painting of an actual person is enough to set it off, so I don’t see how these drums would. With all of this paranormal evidence in mind, tell me if you think they really are haunted by a ghost or if the whole family is playing a joke.
Channel: undefined
Views: 747,891
Rating: 4.8539276 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary videos, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, entertainment, scary videos that messed me up, videos that messed me up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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