10 Photos With CREEPY Backstories

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/tysonmellow 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

done,hope u return the favor :)

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Upvoted :)

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I need 20 Karma, please help me to

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mikedodduk 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

done. revote please :)

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dNsGG 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to be looking at ten photos with creepy backstories every day millions of photos are taken so it's no surprise that sometimes people capture something odd they didn't mean to in photographs prepare to be totally stunned by these ten photos with seriously creepy backstories to them but before that be sure to subscribe to my new channel the crafty anyone who subscribes will be shouted out at the end of the next top tens video so leave a comment saying you did coming in at number 10 we have samurai ghosts in 2014 a man named Martin sprinkles on vacation in Japan he was walking around on a cliff with his young daughter and wife eventually they reached an area where you could get a good view of the coast so Martin decided to snap a photo of the scenery with his daughter in the foreground it was all normal and him and his daughter and wife moved on with their day however a little while later Martin noticed something strange in the photo in between his daughter's legs in between her legs were a pair of legs dressed in samurai clothing a pair of black samurai boots could easily be made out he assumed a man was standing behind her as the fight was being taken but he just didn't remember it but his daughter and wife confirmed nobody else was on the cliff that day and unless the samurai was super short his body and head should also be behind the girl rights Martin sent it to a friend who then posted it on reddit and it went viral after that many people accused Martin of photoshopping it but an expert said this photo was unedited it still remains a mystery but people are convinced this was the ghost of a samurai next up is helping have one of the most innocent kinds of photos are family photos they're usually pretty corny and the only scary thing about them is if they end up in your parents Facebook for everyone to see but this family photo is a little different we see a normal smiling family sitting happily on a swing nothing seems untoward there's no legs of a samurai ghost anywhere in sight but there is something very very wrong with this photo which is bound to creep you out look at the little girl on the far left and you'll see a mysterious hand around her you might think this is one of her family members but look at everyone's hands and arms and their insight the hand appears to belong to another child is this pretty small but clearly other than the kids in the photo there were no children in sight the family say they have no idea who this could be but it's rumored this taken their haunted house and some say the hand belongs to a ghost of a young girl who do you think could be behind this mysterious hand next up is the unexpected passenger this is one unsettling photograph which seems normal at a first sight but the creepy thing about this image was only discovered by the photographer after he took it the photo was taken by a guy called Roy in Chico California he saw an abandoned truck and thought it would make a good image he snapped it and then moved on with his day but later after the image was developed he saw something bizarre there was a face in the window of the truck when the man took the photo nobody was around and he even closely inspected the truck and remembers it being empty the man was actually a police officer so he took it into the station to have it checked out it was examined and they found it was 100% genuine the face seems to be on a woman and looks very ghostly the woman actually looks scared in the image which makes this all the more unsettling next up is red box exorcist we all probably use netflix on our computers or with an app on our cell phones but believe it or not Red Box used to be kind of like Netflix where you would rent a movie from a box and then mail it back one woman appears to be doing this and it was caught on a surveillance camera just above the box now returning a movie may sound mundane but in this image the woman's eyes have been rolled back and her head is tilted all the way back to now I don't know what movie she was renting but if it was the Exorcist that would make a lot of sense she looks like Regan MacNeil I hope there's nothing wrong with her but the camera was hidden so she wasn't doing this to mess around maybe she just found out she was getting a late fight and freaked out what do you think could be behind this woman's weird photo is she really possessed or is there some kind of bizarre explanation for this I can just imagine the security guy watching this being terrified I sure know I would be if I saw somebody doing this on camera next up is coincidence this photo is creepy but instead of a ghost hanging around it's got a nice explanation that's right this mysterious photo has actually been explained in 1994 Nick wheelers mom snapped a photo of him playing in a beach in the UK when he was only six years old the photo was totally normal for 20 years but in 2014 20 years after the image was taken it became creepy Nick wheeler married a maiden when he was 26 and she was 25 they were looking through old photos of their wedding when Nick's mom pulled out this image and blew everyone away the reason why is because in the background the image was the woman Nick married Amy it's crazy to think these guys were playing rights next to each other as kids and then 20 years later they were getting married when they found out it made the news and they returned to have a look at the same beach the photo was taken at all those years ago next up is cowboy this photo isn't from the Old West it was actually taken as a promotional campaign for a movie they wanted to get the mountains of the Arizona desert in the background but they caught something unexpected in the background as well if you look over to the right of the man you'll see a boy in the bushes dressed in cowboy gear the photo was actually taken at an old cemetery for cowboys which has led some to say the figure in the background is a ghost this kind of makes some sense as he's very bright but experts say this could just be the old camera at first the man who took the photo II thought it was a rock but they returned to the same spot and there was no rock many said this was fake but experts have looked at the image and the film reel and they say it's totally real is this a real ghost or spirit caught on camera or is it something else I know catching a ghost on camera seems unlikely but I can't really come up with any other explanations for this next up we have the real Annabelle we all know the seriously creepy haunted doll named Annabelle she's featured in movies such as the conjuring and Annabelle but did you know the dolls in those movies are based on a real-life doll in 1970 a mother purchased a tool for her four kids just a few weeks into having their toll it started to act a little strange firstly began to glow but then it began moving and appearing in the kids dreams after that it began moving around the room and grabbing onto the kids necks sometimes it would even grab their arms and legs and pull them out of their beds the doll was a Raggedy Ann doll and some said it was haunted it was taken out of the home after things weren't too far and a cross was placed above it in a museum it was also kept behind glass with a sign saying warning positively do not open I couldn't agree with that sign more but despite this doll being locked away you can still visit it and take some seriously creepy photographs of it as many have next up is faces this is one seriously unexplained photograph one girl was taking a regular photo for a myspace profile back in 2007 she got her friend to stop the picture quite near to her University campus near a bush but when she came to upload the photo she noticed something scary behind her in the bush were too scary smiling faces looking right to the camera the girl didn't see them at the time so she freaked out and called her friend her friend who took the photo said she had no memory of seeing anyone in the bush let alone two people it's unknown whether these guys are smiling because they're joking around or whether they're being sinister and spying on the girl she was determined to know what was going on so she put the image on Facebook and asked if the guys went to her University but despite thousands of people seeing the photo the two men are still unidentified and the photograph remains unexplained next up is something in the ceiling this is a very old vintage photo which I guess kind of makes it even creepier and what's more this is a family photo and despite what people think we all know from before that they can be scary this family back in the 1930s took a family photo it was of a grandmother a mother and her two sons they put the camera on a timer and then posed for the photo they expected to get a nice image back from the photo developer but this really wasn't the case it appeared that a body was falling from the ceiling in the image the people in the photo claimed there was nobody else there and that nothing odd happened at the time they investigated their home and even took ceiling boards out to check the roof if somebody or something was up there but there wasn't an image still remains unexplained some say it was a smudge made when the image was being processed but others say this is the spirit of someone who used to live in the home before the family did coming up next is Slenderman we all know the woods can be one of two things beautiful or scary and one country known for its creepy woods is Russia these students found this out the hard way they went to what is known as the lost forest in Russia this isn't because the forest is lost but many people who go in there never find their way out because of this many people use String to find their way back anyway they were walking around near and exploring when they decided to take a photo of themselves in the woods they put on a lot of social media and after a few hours their friend commented saying what's laughing in the background at first they were baffled until they looked behind them in the image and saw a tall figure something this is an oddly shaped tree stump in the forest but others say this is the real-life version of the Slenderman which is a popular creepypasta what do you think this mysterious creature could be check out the poll on the top right corner to vote for the creepiest image I think it's gonna be the thing in the ceiling because I have no idea what that is as I said before guys be sure to check out the crafty on YouTube right now the links are going to be coming up and but right now are the shoutouts to people who have subscribed if you want to shout out next video just comment on the latest crafty videos saying you subscribed but as always thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen rights now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to top tens [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 23,697,373
Rating: 4.6381602 out of 5
Keywords: scariest, scary, unexplained, photo, photos, pictures, people, creepy, backstories, it, photographs, doll, pennywise, clown, movie, Creepy Photos You Won't Believe Were Caught, haunted, ghost, creepy photos, real, ghosts, unbelievable, you won't believe, believe, caught on camera, supernatural, scary pictures, paranormal, creepy photos you won't believe were caught, incredible, amazing, top, 10
Id: JXmHYsyY8bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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