These videos are so scary they’ll make you
want to scream. Good luck proving me wrong. 5. Jody Dean, aka Hunting The Dead, has been
a paranormal investigator since 2010. He explores practically any haunted location he can find
regardless of the risk to his health and sanity. March 30th of 2020 is when he revisits this
haunted house in his hometown of Aripeka, Florida. It only takes three minutes and five
seconds for paranormal activity to begin. In the mirror a shadow figure passes by. That’s
not his reflection. You can even see Jody’s arm in front of it. It happens too fast for him to notice , so
he continues deeper inside. Later he sensessomething near and as he turns around . . . he sees it, a shadow passing across the doorway.
A fast-moving shadow at that. Little footsteps if you ask me. He follows them and senses something watching
him. The whole hallway looks blurry like someone’s standing in front of him. And when he raises his voice it runs out the
door much like a scared child. Within a few minutes it’s back inside of
the house, bound here forever I suppose, and Jody subconsciously walks back to the bathroom
where the first shadow image is seen. But before he has a chance to help the girl,
a dark physical force fills the room as the spirit box announces a single word. I think something happened to this poor little
girl at the hands of her father. And now she can’t escape the room it happened in. And that’s when dad confirms his presence. Unlike Jody, who is filled with fear and passion,
this man’s voice is uncaring and cold. So when he’s not checking out haunted houses
like this one, this YouTuber likes to bring the spirit world to his own home however he
can, primarily through a collection of possessed dolls. Ellie and Nessy are the two most eager to
communicate. Look what happens when he lights a candle here. Nessy levitates and there’s
absolutely no strings to be seen against the black television backdrop. Ellie, meanwhile, has been known to smile
on her own, though the video is grainy so editing is not out of the question. But it’s when Ellie and Nessy are together
that they seem the most powerful and able to communicate. They have no problem manipulating
the electromagnetic reader to their will. They respond to their names without hesitation. And the lights seem to appropriately gauge
how strongly they feel about each question. Here’s what they think about him moving
to a new address. Believe it or not, Ellie and Nessy aren’t
even the scariest dolls in his forbidden collection. Just two days after Nessy says the words “demon”,
Jody purposefully angers a different doll into doing this. I don’t see any way to fake this but maybe
I’m missing something. Is there any way that they could make this doll’s eyes close
that you can tell? Even if they had a hole in the table and were running the doll’s
head through it, I still don’t see how this would work. 4. HypeMyke has gotten into some crazy adventures
in the past but staying at this abandoned factory until 3 am is probably one of the
wildest yet. Outside he finds a collection of what could
be someone’s belongings out in the forest but decides to continue anyway. As soon as he puts his camera down to climb
inside he hears this noise . . . which I think sounds like a door being slammed as hard as possible. When he finally comes across an entrance he
finds the door has been kicked hard many times, like somebody leaves this way every day, though
to be honest the footprints look to be about his shoesize so maybe it was him. On the floor are dried red stains and a massive
red streak across the wall that I think is paint, or at least I hope so. And that’s when he hears it again, the same
sound as before. Someone’s kicking doors open. Do they know
he’s here? Soon he comes across more red stains but I
think it’s almost definitely paint considering the red wall has a similar streak on it as
well. He’s exploring various old burned out rooms
when it comes back, the same noise as before. Two bangs coming from opposite sides. He must
be surrounded. The fact that HypeMyke is not taking off by
now makes me think this almost has to be fake. And this explanation is really unlikely. But just when I started to doubt this video,
this really strange sound plays. This doesn’t sound like the wind to me, especially with
how it ends, but tell me what you think it is and if it’s paranormal. HypeMyke makes it to nightfall without hearing
any further noises. Maybe it’s gone for now, whatever it is.
He’s trying to figure out a place to get some rest and wait out the rest of the challenge,
but that’s when the noises start again. The room where it came from is completely
empty but the complex is still occupied by something that has been waiting for the right
time to strike. And that time . . . is now. HypeMyke runs out of there fast but makes
the mistake of taking one last look. Do you think this is one of his friends or a person
who’s lost their mind? 3. I’m going to take you to one of the most
haunted places in the world. Some people call it The Arnold Estate, but you probably know
it as The Conjuring House. Yeah, that one. This seventeen-hundreds farmhouse in Harrisville,
Rhode Island is where the ill-fated Perron family lasted from January of 1971 until June
of 1980. During this time items would go missing and small piles of dirt would show up whenever
they cleaned the kitchen floor. Soon they were visited by spirits who smelled of rotting and could possess them at will. That’s because it was less of a farmhouse
and more of a portal to the underworld. A sorceress named Bathsheba
Sherman is said to have practiced arcane magic here, possibly even sacrificing her own kin
to better forge a connection with the underworld. People have lost their lives all over the
property, kids – floating in a creek and swinging in the attic, too. Now it’s a place for only the bravest of
ghost hunters to go. Jennifer and Marcel of J&M Explorations want to put their skills
and equipment to the test. On March 18th of 2020, they team up with some friends for safety
in numbers and prepare to explore it, The real Conjuring House. They really want to see something crazy so
they waste little time heading straight into the basement, the same place where father
and husband Roger Perron used to feel a sinking presence behind him whenever he had to come
down here to fix the heating equipment, which mysteriously failed many times. The deeper they go, the more they are filled
with dread. I don’t think it’s just them down here and this is why. Something guides them to a piece of old wooden
furniture in the far corner that just so happens to have a kid’s drawing on it. Andrea thinks
this could be “a person with a crooked neck” in her words and I see what she means. If
it’s not that, then maybe it’s someone floating in the creek. As she’s explaining what it could be, a
small face with large black eyes looks at her from behind. At least that’s what some
people claim to see. Roger always thought he felt something behind him. The old barn is next. This part is of particular
interest. I’m pretty sure Marcel is right by her so
it’s not him. And here’s another voice they catch in the
bedroom. This one’s not in the mood to sing. Its voice drips with hatred. And soon thereafter
a foul smell washes over Jennifer, the same one who moments earlier was asking for a sign.
Well, I think she’s got one and don’t think she’s faking. She smells the rotting in my opinion, a stench
coming from the door. Watch her reaction when she tries to leave. Just then, their friends enter to talk about
their experience while using a Ouija board downstairs. They spelled out a demonic name,
and just the mention of it registers on their equipment. And while paranormal equipment is designed
to withstand electromagnetic interference, normal cameras are not. The screen turned off without him anywhere
near it. A final truly bizarre moment happens when
they head down to the dining room and see this hanging decoration is spinning. Soon another one is moving, this time side
to side instead of in circles. Here’s the same room taken towards the beginning
of the video. The camera is not steady but it’s steady enough to tell that these objects
are not spinning. It could be air from a vent or a draft but
I don’t think so. These dried flowers are meant specifically to keep spirits away. Moving
the flowers could be a message from the spirits that this isn’t enough to stop them, as
one of the ghost hunters points out. So you can say what you want about the movies,
but the location it’s based on is definitely not someplace you’d want to spend the night
at. J&M Explorations experienced the same types of early situations that the Perrons
had happened to them during the first few years of living there before things started
ramping up. I guess the house likes to take its time.
Oh, and then there’s this doll who goes from waving hello at 13 minutes and 47 seconds
to asking for a hug at 34 minutes and 39 seconds, so I guess Annabelle isn’t the only one
with possession problems. 2. There was once a YouTube channel called Meatsleep
that appeared to center around selecting, and capturing people of random choosing, the
work of a someone documenting their own mental psychosis firsthand and putting it online
for all to see. Some videos silently watch people from afar
as they go about their daily routines, like this woman walking by herself in a lake. When she gets out of view, the cameraman stands
up for a better look, completely fixated on her. Camouflaged by vegetation, he feels bold and
creeps closer. She gives no indication of knowing or consenting to being filmed in this
way. Never once does she look back at the man staring at her and I don’t know what
became of her. Other videos are simply outside of someone’s
window, presumably waiting for a glimpse of their latest obsession. One creepy video is taken in a subway. You
only see the target briefly, a person with short dark hair. And there’s slowed down
audio, too. This whole time I thought this was the work
of one person, but at double the speed this sounds like a conversation between three people
plotting to enter someone’s home. The rest of this video takes place in a dirty
basement room. Could this be where their victims are eventually taken? It’s a downstairs dwelling that shows up
time and time again in many videos, a place that gives off a strange and gruesome vibe.
And this black body bag looks far from empty. Another video shows the basement room from
the top of the steps while someone wails below. I feel like this could be network of human
collectors organizing a red room. Which, for those of you who don’t know, is a live stream
of someone being brutalized by people paying money to decide what happens next. One video, titled she’s a keeper, is little
the outline of a person who perhaps has rotted into the floor. I think her screams are being
played over it, too. It’s hard for me to listen because it’s so realistic to me but
what do you think? Is this real or fake? A single chair sits in the middle of the room. Maybe the whole channel is an advertisement
for an organization shrouded in secrecy. One video, titled commencement, is total darkness
and silence until this happens. Look at the writing on this door. The letters
look carefully arranged in a grid-like pattern. Is this random graffiti or a secret puzzle
spelling out the date and time of their next show? This organization appears to delight in taking
apart families. Not even children are safe. A home video shows a child with blonde hair
on the porch. In a different video she’s spinning around as if being inspected by an
adult who they don’t trust. She looks taller, older, perhaps held captive for years, but
I can still make out the same short blonde hair. And this adult woman, possibly the mother
or grandmother . . . . . . closely resembles the woman whose picture
they openly mock in a different video. So perhaps she is another one who has been
captured as well. All of this evidence is starting to make me
sick so I’m going to cut to the chase, a final video that makes me suspect this could
actually be a collection of vampiric humanoid creatures. First their name is spelled out
letter-by-letter: S-E-W-N-K-I-N. Sewnkin. Then the camera turns around to partially
reveal a ghoulish black-eyed face. Now that’s enough to make me scream. I’ve got a challenge for you, since you’ve
made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next 5 seconds, because
I upload 4 new scary videos every week. If you’re curious about what I look like in
real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. 1. This creepy kids show is called Mushroom Land
and it was apparently broadcast somewhere in Poland decades ago. At first glance it
seems like a fairly innocent program until you pay attention to what they’re actually
saying and start to piece together what this material was probably really used for. We follow a girl named Agatha as she learns
more about the magical world of Mushroom Land. The first episode is called “Smile Guide”
and I feel like there’s subliminal messages the whole time to the point where I had to
take breaks while watching. Like here at 3 minutes and 16 seconds where
it sounds like someone crying in reverse is being played over hypnotic piano notes. The red figure is named Tuefel, her smile
guide, and the way they smile at each other at 3 minutes and 28 seconds is unsettling,
if not demonic. Tuefel is constantly by her side, getting
her attention and distracting her while she tries to cut an apple. This is supposed to be some kind of instructional
episode about how to slice an apple but she seems to be teaching kids to do it all wrong
and gets really close to slicing her fingers here instead. This next part made me feel slightly lightheaded.
A creepy deep voice, no doubt laced with more subliminal messages, tells us that Mushroom
Land is a beautiful meadow that will bestow misery upon all who enter – –
to which Agatha seems to transform into something completely evil looking, shoulders low as
she tells us not to listen. Skip to episode 4 and she is opening mail
from other kids who send her their hair, which is something people sometimes do after they
take kids captive to prove they really have them. This is also when we meet someone known only
as the jeansman, an adult who dances with the kids and appears to groom them when their
nails and hair grow too long, presumably after being under his watch for a long period of
time. How he gets them is never made clear. But some of the letters are from the families
of other kids who could have possibly been taken. One of them mentions the eight anniversary
of their passing on. Another note says that someone’s niece isn’t
breathing. By episode 5 Agatha is being prodded awake
with a stick, furthering the theory that she’s being held against her will, and she’s wearing
lipstick now, perhaps put on her by the jeansman. I think she’s being allowed to call her
mother here but the stress of being in captivity leaves her unable to talk and she disassociates
from reality. Tuefel appears again and tells her he’s
taking her on a field trip, presumably to the meadows, but first she has to do something
she really doesn’t want to if she ever wants to get there. Something about these pictures looks a little
too real, almost like they’re still photos of a real girl screaming. The eyes might also
double as a blindfold. Maybe the jeansman is a real person who forced her to make this
show as a tribute to all of his previous acts. As for what Mushroom Land means, I think it’s
just a clever way of saying underground. Creepy when you think about it.
As for Tuefel, he could have been a way to introduce the underworld to kids in a fun
way that they wouldn’t understand until it’s too late. This was before the internet
so a kids show would have been the perfect way to do something like this. At any rate, Tuefel seems to be invading Agatha’s
mind and trying to be cute about it the entire time. Someone could watch this and not even
know the underlying meaning. This is a show starring a small impish figure
who seems bent on instructing harm. If this series is real, then it seems history
is repeating itself. People have been sadly making dangerous instructional videos for
many years now.
Can a person have a punchable voice? because this guy surely does.
I agree his voice is definitely odd but that's not his actual voice if you look at his Instagram he reveals his actual voice I don't know why he does it like this for his YouTube channel but for some reason he does