10 Most Heavily Guarded Places On Earth

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that is so what are they doing there oh bro i want to know welcome back to sidemen reacts with me harry and simon today we are going to be checking out the 10 most heavily guarded places on earth places we'll never get to go but we can find out about them so oh you know what we should go side by minute we have to break into one of these places break in [Laughter] oh let's see okay let's see let's see a review a hide and seek maybe i don't know about breaking i don't know okay ever since the egyptians built the pyramids was your nose thousands of years ago the human race has been searching for and creating ways to safeguard their treasures from theft and from harm be it through castles and forts to hiding things in the sea checking buckingham palace is there don't know and in this episode we chronicle what we think are currently the 10 most heavily guarded places on the earth looking not just at the measures in place to ensure safety but also at what the treasure is that it seeks to protect okay i'm liking this let's start with an unlikely one that looks like it's been created as a challenge for car thieves in those heist movies yes you heard it right at number 10 on our list of the most heavily guarded places in the world is a car park located at bold lane in derbyshire this spots in derby with a reputation for harboring anti-social behavior in 1997 the city council entered into a partnership with park safe which put into place a series of upgrades totally changing the aura of the space customers who parked their cars here are issued a barcoded ticket that is specifically linked to one particular parking bay each bay has both horizontal and vertical motion sensors that remain activated until the customer returns and pays his parking ticket access into the building is only possible using the barcoded parking ticket and an immediate lockdown of all exits is triggered in the event that a motion sensor alarm i'm not that impressed i don't know i'm not gonna lie i thought it was gonna be like yeah like it was gonna be like tombs with guardians yeah and like lasers and like i yeah it's just it's not going to be like why is the zombie in here i swear this just stops you does this not just stop you stealing the car but you could still break into the car yeah like the phone yeah yeah yeah well i rate it boys i rate it control room operators use a system of 190 cctv cameras and electronic maps to monitor all pedestrian movement in the car park okay there you go okay come on impressive the swiss have long had the reputation of having the safest banks in the world or because of the security guaranteed by their privacy laws than any armament and that reputation is all set to be enhanced throughout the period of the cold war there were many bunkers that were built to withstand nuclear attacks most of these are now decrepit and in ruins but this particular bunker has been repurposed with post-millennial intent built in 1947 deep inside the alps near outinghausen in central switzerland this sprawling subterranean complex once served as the swiss army secret headquarters located over 500 feet inside the granite mountain people seeking entry need to hand over an id leave a biometric scan hyper-sensitive security portal and then through an entrance tunnel with anti-nuclear steel doors the facility has racks and racks of data storage electronic security measures designed to report attacks from would-be hackers and preserve information through power cuts earthquakes and terrorist attacks perhaps the most secure of all the data in this facility is that of zappo the bitcoin wallet company which is stored inside a cold room steeled as a crime scene and into which no one enters not even the internet the cold room is surrounded with steel slabs to ensure that an electromagnetic pulse doesn't wipe out the encrypted data on the hardware and an operator in the facility must receive confirmation from two other vaults in other continents before he or she can improve a transaction that's nice yeah first one thought of is the most secure moving location in the world yes you heard it right there are two of these identical planes and only the one with the president on board is called air force one while many of its in-flight security features still remain secret here are a few of them that we've become aware if he gets on the other one is that now air force one yeah yeah so the lie if he's getting on if he gets like a private jet somewhere or like a helicopter does the helicopter become air force one if he gets in the car does that is that him can fly faster and higher than any regular commercial plane and its range is near infinite since it's equipped with facilities for mid-air refueling its electronics and wiring have been shielded so as to protect the plane from the effects of a nuclear blast we're not sure if the plane is new but we do know that it has electronic counter measures designed to change enemy radar and make it invisible and the wings have both mirrorball defense technology to scramble infrared missile guidance systems as well as flares that can be released to confuse heat-seeking enemy missiles its impregnable air defenses are matched by an equally rigorous ground safety protocol but you're here with the football though each location the plane is due to land is scanned for many hours by sharpshooters armed with high-powered rifles and the bullet-proofed and armed presidential motorcade is transported in cargo aircraft prior to the arrival of air force one even the food that is to be served on board is subject to a security protocol and the plane is equipped with staircases and luggage ramps so that there is no dependence on the facilities that an airport provides the current planes are nearing the end of their service lives and we wonder what other features the new planes that boeing delivered a new air force one that would be sick that would be outrageous i've heard about this one yeah yeah they keep every seed we've all heard of noah's ark saving the animals from a worldwide catastrophe but have you ever thought of something to save plant species it was with the mission of creating a safety net to protect traditional plants gene banks from accidental loss of diversity that the doomsday seed vault was created in 2008. it was built in an old coal mine on the remote arctic island of spitzbergen less than a thousand miles from the north pole and inhabited mainly by polar bears the area is geologically stable and covered with permafrost ideal for the long-term storage of seeds a 400 foot long tunnel with air locks at both ends leads to three refrigerated chambers each 90 feet long 30 feet wide and 16 feet high only one of these is currently in use and houses over 890 000 varieties of seeds to exclude moisture the concave tunnel head is designed to deflect the force of a mystery and there are five levels of locked doors between the engines and the seats still reinforced concrete walls together with a negative 18 degrees centigrade temperature maintained in the vault ensure that the structure and the seeds within will remain for thousands of years but had the designers accounted for the havoc that climate change could cause in 2016 melting of the permafrost caused water to flood parts of the entrance tunnel although the seeds remained unaffected the norwegian government has recently announced that it will be upgrading the vault including service buildings to house emergency power and refrigerating units oh 404 no okay that's what i i thought would be on it how do we start off with the car parking at number six and five of this list are also vaults but of a different nature altogether these structures have in the popular imagination become synonymous with the absolute high security associated with guarding much of the world's gold as well as some of america's most priceless treasures fort knox in kentucky has nearly 30 000 troops and 300 tanks armed personnel carriers wait wait wait 30 000 troops for one bank well for one vote well no it's it's i think it's also a foreign yeah yeah and artillery available for its protection as if this were not enough the building itself is protected by four layers of barriers motion sensors and electronic surveillance the walls are made of four foot thick granite lined with cement steel and fireproof material the foundation is of cement in 10 foot thick granite and the sealed windows are blast-proof fireproof and darkened the front door weighs 22 tons and can only be operated when several members of the staff enter their combinations change daily the vaults inside are 27 inches thick and made of steel and concrete well it's a bit overkill now surely like i'm not like like you guys yeah who's taking who's going there no like no one in america is coming even close to that like yeah i guess it's probably the point that make it so outrageous that you're not gonna even bother daily codes though you have several members having daily codes like you could do like monthly but to be fair that's the thing like if you it's always protection here but if you just get the code this door might look all big and fancy but if you've got a code you need to get it from five people they change it every day so that's the yeah by the time you you know you get all of them yeah they've just changed sounds like a bad sounds like a challenge sounds like a side man video the gold vault at the federal reserve bank of new york is located at the basement of a building 80 feet below street level and 50 feet below sea level a comprehensive multi-layered security system protects the vault the most important pieces of steel cylinder that is placed at the only entrance it is set within a 140 ton steel and concrete frame that creates an airtight and watertight seal when closed each compartment within the vault is secured by a padlock two combination locks and a seal by the auditor further security is provided by the time locks the massive steel reinforced concrete walls the motion sensors as well as the constantly monitored surveillance cameras in addition to these special measures the vault is protected by the building security system how constantly monitored do you think constantly monitor this there's a guy sat in the room with his feet up in a box of donuts just i was gonna say there's no way he's sat staring at it yeah 24 7. i have a couple that they signed a few ones each other with defense features so iconic as to make it feature in james bond's die another day the korean demilitarized zone is a narrow strip of land two and a half miles wide that separates north and south korea it extends for 160 miles from the sea of japan in the east to the yellow sea in the west the area is fortified on both sides by chain link barbed wire razor wire and electric fences tens of thousands of land mines and anti-tank mines are placed within it is patrolled by and anti-tank mines bro oh my god hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed with sophisticated tanks and artillery hundreds in addition there are watchtowers and listening posts every few kilometers and there are electronic surveillance systems in place these physical measures combined with the political standoff between south and north korea make no trespassing signs unnecessary and the absence of human contact has led to the creation of a nature reserve with abundant flora and fauna including several endangered animal and plant species ever thought of what an offshore haven might look like one of the most intriguing places on this list this place was built during world war ii as a platform to house anti-aircraft guns this 120 by 60-foot platform is located 60 feet above the north sea seven miles off the northern coast of britain is declared as the sovereign republic of sealand in 1967. i've seen this some guy owns his own his own country or something or something weird like that like technically until it was repurposed in 2000 to create a hyper secured data fortress and the only people who were permitted to enter were its investors authorized personnel and members of the british royal family in addition to constant monitoring of surveillance cameras armed guards would blow anyone off the platform which was to be surrounded by mines in gun boats that's kind of cool though you know what it's like it's just like that spitback fault the one we went to in portsmouth yeah except that looks like it's gonna say in 2008 the havenco website went offline and the facility was apparently shut down with no reason being given and speculation is rife as to what this super secure location is currently being used for oh it's off the grid the uk is showing up today you know derby and then that was [ __ ] sea land in fremont county colorado you'll find the united states penitentiary administrative maximum facility also known as adx florence or the alcatraz of the rockies this prison is designed to house those inmates of the federal prison system who are deemed the most dangerous and in need of the tightest control the soundproof cells and furniture are made almost entirely of poured concrete and the 4 foot by 4 inch windows only allow views of the roof and the sky to prevent inmates from finding their specific location within the premises the compound is monitored through thousands of motion detectors and cameras and there are 1400 remote controlled steel doors that can all close at an instant if the panic alarm is sounded the perimeter is surrounded by pressure pads and a 12 foot high razor wire fence with heavily armed officers and attack dogs patrolling the area the prison is currently home to some of america's most heinous criminals including key figures in the september 11th attacks and the world trade center bombing the shoe bomber the underwear bomber and many erstwhile al-qaeda operatives and the security measures aim not just to keep convicts within the prison but also outsiders out yeah i wouldn't have to go now yeah at the top of this list of the most heavily guarded places on earth is no surprises here area 51 the top secret u.s air force facility in nevada whether it's cutting-edge weapons research black projects or unidentified flying objects that occupy the region we'll never know owing to the blanket security coverage which shields the area at first glance it isn't much a chain link fence a boom gate some orange poles to demarcate the area and many no trespassing signs which also prohibit photography but the real security measures lie within the military area which is a no-fly zone look at that black bird how sick is that that's actually x-men that we didn't make that that's from sci-fi that's like it's not the batmobile in the air but yeah sensors are placed all around the perimeter of the base and it is believed that these are sensitive enough to tell the difference between humans and animals there is also constant patrolling by pairs of men and suvs whose role is to act as observers and deterrents and who are sometimes reinforced by helicopters flying low there are of course security cameras constantly scanning and the air force has not made the task of observing the base any easier by withdrawing the surrounding lanes from public use especially those with elevated vantage points hmm oh mate everything's so sick you know it's so interesting like it's so what are they doing there what are they doing i wish everyone stormed it so i could just know that what are they on what they are oh there's some mad [ __ ] that i bet like some crazy [ __ ] like like you the only stuff we see on online like the the mechanic stuff like the dogs that are walking it's like the mechanic yeah they have like mad voices what about yeah the stuff that we don't see like that's the stuff that we do see what's gonna say isn't there something like everything that's been released like they're actually five years ahead of that something like that yeah technology wise so area 51 is probably like 10 years ahead ah bro i want to know mate they got the iphone 20 in there if anyone watching this is this if your dad works in area 15 well we'll sign ndas we'll sign ndas we'll do a hide and seek and not post it yeah second channel let's people watch it all right well thank you for watching boys i hope you enjoyed i'm just saying by the way i'd have a crack at that car park i reckon out of all of them yeah all right see you guys [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 1,953,326
Rating: 4.9777718 out of 5
Id: R8l7zYeeMQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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