10 Tips That Could Save Your Life

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hello mum [ __ ] me harder yo guys what's up your boy ksi here we got harry we got josh and we got vic yeah we got four man today gee your favorite bear girls oh i guess a few guys would get gasses oh you like me dude you wouldn't judge me auntie they came to this channel to try and save their lives and this is what they've been meant by run the video oh energy hey guys what's up it's charlie here and today we're going to be looking at 10 tips that could save your life you never know when you may be in a dangerous situation where you need your life saved don't drive a car well here are some tips to keep you very safe in the modern world and also some tips for survival in pretty much any situation before we get into it why not subscribe and press the notification bell too coming in that's number 10 we have two-way mirror so what could be creepier than someone looking at you in a two-way mirror believe it or not every year there are hundreds of reports of two-way mirrors in changing rooms and bathrooms but how can you tell whether it's a two-way mirror or not you put awesome on it i think yeah yeah i mean every mirror you see would you do that yeah every mirror you got to just finger it right you're paranoid at that point if it was in a situation where i was like getting naked and i feared someone might be watching me i might do this but but i didn't know i don't mind they can see me naked it's not much effort so every time you go toilet then well no because you don't get like you go in the cubicle right if you're in like a public toilet yeah i got nothing to hide bro if someone wants to see my dick they can see it bro obviously i'm a i'm a grown not a shower but still when without growing it's called the fingernail test and determines whether you're looking at a two-way mirror or not all you need to do is place your fingernail on the surface of the mirror if there's a gap between the reflection and your finger then you're safe as you're looking in a regular mirror but if there's no gap between your finger and it's reflection then you're looking for trouble finds out he's got a two-way mirror there's so it's good if there's a gap right there's a massive okay yeah yeah yeah cool no one's looking at me in my bedroom josh is sat on the other side and you better not do nothing too embarrassing in front of the mirror the banging video idea i spent 24 hours behind a two-way mirror and this is what i saw oh no i'm gonna get one fitted that might be illegal yeah 2021 big star card not sure that's okay you know that's like 24 hours kidnapping i mean no but it's the same concept as like i spent 24 hours in the seidman house and they didn't know like the calyx didn't go to jail i mean he's got a point but you don't remember the public are you getting the assignment involved no no no like other youtubers like i'd just be like i'll i'll redecorate your room and i just fit a mirror it's just big sat in the cupboard behind the mirror oh yeah maybe don't do that next up is elevators so elevators are good for getting around in tall buildings yeah they definitely save you a lot of time i've been up that elevator i think that's what it showed where is it i feel like it's at the marriott in uh new york if i'm not bugging or doesn't look like uh maybe one sec i'm gonna google this i'm sorry blood fun fact harry marriott it could be uh that um pyramid looking it's not it's not like something in vegas um it's triangular look it could be actually you're right in one corner no wait is it luxor no it's not i don't know right it is you're like a harry it's not very tall though is merit taller than that yeah the marriott's [ __ ] it's a big old that's all right it's not it's the same design but it's a different building but it's the same it's the same hotels why do we care who i don't know he's having his fun facts time i cared i can't harry harry likes elevators and you like having orgies all right swings and roundabouts but what if you're in an emergency situation and you cannot stop at another floor well here's a trick to make an elevator into an express elevator this is a trick used by police to get to floors quicker of course police can't just stop the elevators when they need to get to a major situation so if you're ever in an emergency here's how to use an elevator without it stopping first off hold the closed door button until the doors close and then keep holding it then press the floor button you want to go to and do not let go of the number or the closed door button until the elevator begins to move this actually allows you to go straight to that floor without the elevator stopping oh i'm just nabbing this in the future yo that's sick wait wait wait wait wait but we've just shown this to millions of people oh all of a sudden people are going to be on the third floor waiting for the elevator and it's just going to go past it three two one ground like if you're stuck like that where like it just non-stop just stopped it's closed that's the worst i wish i'd known something where i used to live i could have just not gonna go to my floor easy this works on every single elevator but only use it in an emergency it's very selfish so make sure you're in an emergency before using this oh no next up is brake failure so what could be scarier than driving downhill in your car then reaching for the brakes and realizing they failed you might think you're absolutely done for but don't worry there is actually a survival tip to actually make your brakes work after they fail all you have to do is start pumping the brake pedal fast and hard [Laughter] [Laughter] fast and hard this builds up brake fluid pressure that's what they call it yeah oh jesus of course another thing you could do to aid this is to use the parking brake and if you run out of all options you could scrape your car against a guardrail to slow it down however this will ruin your car and could go wrong jesus christ i mean well the car's stopped the car's definitely stopped you just stopped as well next up is car underwater so let's say your brakes failed and you didn't know those survival tips from before you end up in a lake or a pond and you may feel like what the [ __ ] is the only thing you can do to escape a sinking car is make sure you open your doors as soon as you hit the water it's good to get the doors open before any water pressure makes it impossible if you can't do that then use the metal part of your seat belt to break the window i would have done i literally would have died in this situation because i thought you're supposed to let the door fully support you know what you're saying is what he's saying is that like your car's floating on the surface for a second he said open the door straight away once you're yeah once you're submerged you've got to let the water pressure equalize and then and then you open the door yeah so you want to be inside the car fill up the water as well i know or you break the window with the metal thing on the belt like you're saying which is probably that's actually a pretty smart idea i'd even think about the metal thing on the belt if both of these fail make sure you stay calm and just wait for the water to flow into the car then once enough water is in the car the pressure will equalize and the doors should open automatically so i'm not dramatically oh wait what i i don't know i don't know that one [Music] imagine people in the back you leave the child lock on they're just stiffed next up is crayon candles so this is a survival tip for anyone going out in the wild or if you're in an area with a power cut in power cuts or the wilderness sometimes all the electricity can go out and this of course does include lights now many people use candles but what if you don't have a candle well something most people do have lying around somewhere in the house is a crayon i'm not gonna have a candle on a crayon believe it or not you can set fire to a crane like a candle and it will stay lit for ages no no one [ __ ] has a crayon these days i don't have a crayon i've seen a crayon i've been well i'm just doing a crayon since you're just going this way i mean last i saw crayons when you go to uh it goes to frankie and benny's back in the day and they give the kids the little crayola kit to keep them occupied i've just i've skipped that section there's i want to see how you like a crayon this could be coco just use fire fan you just like let's see well let's see what they say let's see what they say next up is next up is elevator failure so we've already seen how to make an elevator skip floors in the event of an emergency but what if something terrible happens with the elevator itself we've all seen in movies where elevator shafts fail and the elevator falls down the shaft if you've ever seen an elevator shaft you may think falling down one of those things means you're done for well there's a big widespread misconception that if you jump the moment the elevator hits the floor you'll somehow decrease the impact on your body however this is a massive myth and will likely cause you to pass away say lie down on the side or something right huh you supposed to lie down on that the side of the other side josh why don't we wait for charlie to say so we're guessing god's sake hold on charlie you're josh what do you think it is jj what's wrong with the tip is go no i don't know i'm waiting for charlie to let me know charlie you need to stop taking this job charlie needs his job shut up whoever spread that myth really is pretty intriguing and also the tip makes no sense seeing as you can't see through metal so you won't know when to jump so charlie what do you actually do well nothing is guaranteed but the best way to get it is to lie on your back cover your face cover your face yeah yeah you did miss that out but yeah that's why i challenged you well josh was also right way to survive it is to lie on your back on the floor and cover your back by lying flat with your back on the floor this distributes your body weight this makes it much less likely that he'll thud on the floor you need to also cover your head and hands as there likely will be falling debris luckily elevator accidents like this are incredibly rare but should it ever happen do not jump on impact instead you need to spread your entire body on the floor and cover your head and face next up is snake venom so let's say you're out in the wilderness and all of a sudden you see a snake the snake strikes and bites you now you have venom inside your body and you could pass away you may have seen on tv shows i thought the best bit is to suck out the venom but much like the jumping in a falling elevator tip this is total bogus you should actually never ever suck venom out of a snake bite as it's very dangerous instead it can actually help to spread the venom in the bite and also damage the skin around the bite some people think that the person sucking the venom out will also pass away seeing as they've ingested the venom however that's incredibly unlikely and they would be fine however you might not be so how do you actually treat a snakebite instead what you really should have is a suction device for removing this oh yes i guess australia australia or something you might have one bit of a wow wallet keys and a massive this suction device is specially made for snake bites and is much more effective than sucking it out some think that using a tonica is the best bet however many would advise against that as well as tonicates can damage nerves and blood flows for example one day in tennessee a passerby helped a farmer who'd been bitten by a snake he used to tonic however that actually ended up taking the farmer's life this was because his blood pressure dropped so much so instead of using a tonica or sucking it out use a suction device and of course seek a hospital as soon as possible next up is key self-defense so when i say key self-defense i don't mean basic self-defense i mean self-defense using a key let's say you're walking down a dark alley one night and you see a creepy guy behind you it may be your instinct to grab your keys kind of like this this way it makes kind of a spiky brass knuckle around your hand but believe it or not this is not the best way to do it keys can actually be used as a good self-defense mechanism but the technique known as the wolverine where you put your keys in between your fingers is not a good idea instead you should do things a lot more basically simply grasp your keys in your fist like what's shown on screen this is a much better way to defend yourself then you simply need to jab anyone who comes near you however some self-defense experts say that keys aren't the best way they say keys create an illusion of safety and if they're near enough to use keys you're better off doing something like pulling their hair or poking them in the eyes not doing any i've just i've just put on a stabbing motion i'm doing it yeah yeah just run or if you know how to fight then fight yeah you could fight a horse in it so it's fine yeah exactly but uh jj can you fight him for me yeah yeah i'll sort him out but like obviously other than that just run next up is fire starting so we know a good way to make light is to set fire to a candle but what if you have no light or a match is to start a fire well have no fear there's actually a very simple way to generate flames with almost no resources all you need is a battery and two small pieces of foil you can even use a gum wrap in many cases what you need to do is place each end of the foil at both ends of the bathroom then the foil will heat up and burn you'll soon manage to get a flame and then simply use grass leaves or twigs to get the fire going you can actually use things like doritos and other corn chips to help the fire start it's pretty surprising but doritos are very flammable also if you have any hand sanitizer that helps start fires too everyone got hand sanitizer these days it's true next up is code word so let's say in a very unlikely situation you're kidnapped you may think there's no way out but many kidnappers actually let their hostages contact their family and friends they often do this to make sure your family doesn't worry and call the cops wait so what if your code word is like harder here he goes you know what if the code is harder jj then they go harder on you they may tell you to call or text a family member saying that you're all right but in this situation you can use that to make your family aware that you've been taken what you need to do is make a code word for example your code word could be i'm fine then if you call a family friend or text them saying something codeword but i mean technically it works though because like you if she's as long as you both are aware sometimes you're like saying how are you i'm fine [ __ ] call it please yeah legit also if you've been kidnapped and your code word is like the banana has fallen i'm like okay can you text your family to say you're okay the banana has fallen they're like what have you done there hello mum the banana has fallen all right what about [ __ ] me harder why would you call someone same concept so they've gone right all right here you go call you call your mom uh i know you're fine so she'll call the police you go right hello mum yeah [ __ ] me harder yes that works [ __ ] me are the mom then what do you think the kidnapper is going to do what's going on yo i picked the wrong one and you're just like weird so the kidnappers i think you're probably getting hit to be honest that's true so would not yeah i'm just there like harder well what was the most useful guys um the one i'd actually use is the elevator one but i would hear an emergency oh no not the skipped floor ones i thought i've been there on the floor but no i will use the skipped floor one that is a very good idea the mirror something we all knew could tell you what's your one um my one is probably the one where i say thank you guys for watching be sure to subscribe and i'll see you guys in a bit bye just start waving start waving guys stop waiting i'm waving i'm waving bye bye bye all right now editors slowly fade out i still am i'm still waving i'll stop waving i'll stop waving at them oh you stop waving just don't wait i'm waving again i'm waving it again i'm waiting again right all right now bye have a great time [Music] can i stop now
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,328,074
Rating: 4.9749608 out of 5
Id: 45zdq5YXQlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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