10 Most Badass Batman Moments Ever

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batman is indeed an absolute badass how much so well to be honest i don't have enough time here on this video to tell you instead what we tried to do was a very difficult task of narrowing down the 10 most badass batman moments ever and trust me that was a real chore so let's take a look at them as i'm jewels this is what culture.com and these are the 10 most badass batman moments ever number 10 batman paints a room and himself yellow to antagonize green lantern all-star batman and robin number nine in this batman yarn from dc comics all-star imprint which reimagined the humble beginnings of many many heroes hal jordan the green lantern is sent to try and talk some sense into batman as his methods which is pretty much scaring the bejesus out of everyone are giving superheroes a bit of a bad name batman is surprisingly cordial and agrees to sit down with hal and hear out his concerns i'm kidding because of course this version of batman which according to writer frank miller is the same as the dark knight returns is having none of that before hal shows up batman engages in questionable child labor practices and has robin paint an entire room canary yellow and when i say everything i mean everything the walls the floor the ceiling the furniture everything is painted yellow even the dark knight and the boy wonder themselves this is also that how jordan cannot use his power ring against them when he tells how that he has no plans to change his methods regardless of what he threatens and he even goes so far as to drink lemonade right in front of hal to drive the point home all the while showing his inner monologue berating the green lantern corps for having a primary colour as their only weakness number nine batman bites jaws and wins batman number 251 so batman has faced off against creatures big and small many times over but the most impressive display of the bat trump thing over mother nature has to be in joker's five-way revenge in this story the joker is knocking off his prior associates one by one for snitching and sending him to the loony bin batman with his strong sense of morality can't let the joker follow through with his plans to kill these men as murder is indeed still murder even if the victims are utter scumbags batman comes to the rescue of joker's final target a reformed wheelchair-bound former henchman who is being suspended above a tank containing a great white shark the joker is able to subdue the dark knight and strips him of his utility belt slaps some handcuffs on him and then dumps the batman into a tank of water with the shark because simply killing him in a less grandiose manner wouldn't be as nearly entertaining of course even nature's most efficient killer is no match for the caped crusader who manages to kill the ferocious predator with nothing but the handcuffs number eight batman buries the kg beast alive batman number 420 so it's the height of the cold war ivan drago has just lost to rocky and the russian and cuban army had just been beaten by a bunch of high school kids mother russia is none too pleased about all of this so they sent an assassin with the not so subtle name of the kg beast to kill 10 high-ranking u.s officials including scientists military figures and politicians culminating in their final target the then president ronald reagan the kg beast proves to be ruthlessly effective at his job going as far as poisoning an entire banquet killing over 100 people in order to ensure that he got to his target of course batman springs into action only for the kg beast to elude his grasp for three issues during which the kg beast cuts off his own hand in order to escape the caped crusaders clutches batman is then informed that even if he does manage to capture the kg beast it's unlikely that he will ever be punished as he'll be able to avoid prosecution due to pesky diplomatic immunity so during their final confrontation bat traps the beast in a room deep within gotham's labyrinthine sewer system as the kg beast attempts to go batman into entering the room and engaging in a fight to the death with him batman simply shrugs off the beast's proddings locking and then barricading the only way out of the room number seven batman takes out super powered martians with some matches jla issues one to four during the new world order story arc a group of super powered individuals calling themselves the hyper clan shows up on earth and makes it their mission to make the justice league look bad by simply being absolutely unequivocably better than them with public opinion in the justice league starting to wane in favor of these new mysterious superheroes the justice league investigates the hyper clan and discovers that they're actually using mind control to manipulate the public which of course leads to the two teams punching the absolute crap out of one another batman is taken out early and is actually presumed dead after his bat playing crashes during the battle eventually all of the justice league is defeated and are taken to the hyperclan stronghold to be tortured but of course batman isn't dead and while undercover deduces that the hyperclan are actually evil white martians which means that they're actually susceptible to fire he slinks around their stronghold knocking off members of the hyperclan one by one using nothing but a can of gasoline and some matches the leader of the hyper clan unable to comprehend just how awesome batman is starts to freak out and question why his team of super powered aliens can't stop one mere human a weakened superman casually explains to him that batman is the most dangerous man on the planet and that makes him a pure badass number six batman decks one of the new gods cosmic odyssey so in the late 1980s dc brought all of their major players together for a crossover event that they christened cosmic odyssey the basic premise of this story was that darkseid a powerful nut job with an ego so big he wants the entire universe modelled after himself finds the catatonic body of the new god metron this is a pretty big deal because it signifies that something incredibly powerful is floating around out there and darkseid being the egomaniac that he is is compelled to destroy because he can't stand the thought of something else out there being better than him so in order to achieve this darkseid decides to let bygones be bygones and teams up with the high father the ruler of the rival planet new genesis the two of them enlist the best superheroes out there including a mix of super-powered earthlings like superman and green lantern and also batman because he's bloody batman this ragtag team eventually finds out that the being that they are hunting is the anti-life equation which only wants the opposite of life as its name would indeed imply so therefore earth's heroes and the new gods essentially run around disarming planet-destroying anti-matter bombs for a fair few issues and in the end a second-class new god named forager sacrifices his life to save batman and the entire universe orion the alpha male of the new gods makes a crack about how forager wasn't so useless after all and it's here where batman goes full badass he straight up decks him in the face for being a jerk even supes can't believe that batman had the audacity to punch a new bloody god it just goes to show you that batman doesn't care who you are you bloody well mind your manners when you're around him number five batman knocks out guy gardner with a single punch justice league number five so guy gardner may be one of the most annoying characters in the entire dc universe mainly due to his backup status as green lantern but nevertheless he still wields a power ring a powerful weapon used by the lanterns that enables them to manifest anything that they can imagine somebody with that sort of power would be a force to be reckoned with for anyone but batman clearly doesn't care about such trivial things the dark knight has never met a man woman alien animal or creature that he's not afraid of and the whiny obnoxious and occasional sexist guy gardner certainly isn't any exception so in justice league number five guy gardner is pitching a hissy fit over the fact that batman is the leader of the justice league and not him after sulking and badmouthing the caped crusader for a fair few issues batman has had enough and challenges guy to a fight to settle their beef once and for all guy agrees and batman knocks him out cold with just one punch while the other members of the justice league can't believe what they just witnessed batman calmly walks away to attend a meeting number four a long courtship with the sinestro corps various comics the sinestro court are essentially the evil version of the green lantern corps whereas the green lanterns are a sort of intergalactic police force to preserve justice throughout the galaxy the sinestro corps manipulate their target spheres for nefarious purposes these powers are represented by a colour found on the emotional spectrum with the green lanterns deriving their power from green obviously which represents willpower while the sinestro core utilize the colour yellow which represents fear only those who exhibit the greatest ability to instill fear in their opponents are deemed worthy enough to wield the yellow power ring and given that batman's whole shtick is about instilling fear in criminals it comes as no surprise that he's offered a membership so batman's candidacy is first hinted at in green lantern rebirth number five where the entity known as parallax senses a disciple nearby which is heavily implied to be batman later when scarecrow is inducted into the sinestro corp in blackest night number six he mentions that batman is the only one who can scare him something that not even the black lanterns which were zombified versions of fallen lanterns whose sole purpose it is to scare people could do finally in green lantern number 17 batman is chosen to be the first sinestro corps representative of sector 2814 and in forever evil number four bruce demonstrates that he is more than capable of wielding this yellow ring of power despite having no prior training his ability to instill fear is so great that sinestro himself is impressed with him and thinks that batman would be a great yellow lantern let's just hope that batman continues to fight for justice otherwise well we're all gonna be screwed number three batman outsmarts prometheus jla world war three so prometheus is essentially the opposite of batman his parents were dirty hippies who murdered and committed crimes indiscriminately with their son in tow their crime spree ended when law enforcement finally tracked them down and riddled them with bullets something the prometheus witnessed making him promise to himself that he would make it his life's mission to kill anyone who upholds the law and what does batman do well he is the bloody law so prometheus clashed with the caped crusader a handful of times and proved himself to be a worthy adversary and it turned out that the helmet that he wears was capable of downloading skills and strategies directly into his brain kind of like keanu reeves in the matrix which gave him a significant advantage in battle to get around this batman tinkers with prometheus's headgear replacing all of the fancy fighting abilities with programs that affect his body basically weakening all of his muscles to the point that he can't fight back when prometheus declares that batman has cheated batman simply retorts not cheating winning number two batman beats superman by making him more powerful tower of babel despite being friends or air quotes friends at least batman and superman have indeed traded blows more often than not even though the man from krypton boasts abilities above and beyond what batman could ever hope to achieve through physical training and gadgets bats has proven time and time again that he is more than capable of taking down the big blue boy scout and while he definitely has relied on his suits of armor and various kryptonites there's actually one other instance of batman destroying superman in a truly badass way so in 2000's tower of babel story arc batman reveals that he has a meticulous plan for taking out every single member of the justice league you know just in case and when you pepper in some meddling by rachelle ghoul well he has to actually enact some of them and in order to take down superman he synthesizes red kryptonite which has the opposite effect of the green variety in that it makes superman stronger now this may seem at first counter-intuitive but it actually makes superman's skin translucent making him absorb much more solar radiation than even he can handle superman's powers become dangerously unstable and it causes him an immense amount of pain in addition to being just gross to look at it takes all of superman's concentration to keep from exploding due to all of the excess energy he's now absorbed proving that batman's genius intellect can trump even superman's brawn any day and number one throws lois lane off of a building to beat superman hush during the hush story arc batman discovers that poison ivy has taken control of superman using her mind control powers and is using her man of steel puppet to eliminate the dark knight with the last son of krypton hot on his heels batman deduces that superman is subconsciously trying to suppress poison ivy's control meaning that the real clerk was still floating around in there somewhere so bats comes up with a hail mary plan to break poison ivy's control over the big blue boy scout while batman distracts superman with haymakers courtesy of a kryptonite ring bats then instructs catwoman to kidnap lois lane and bring her to the top of the daily planet building once catwoman has lois in her possession batman stops pummeling superman and has catwoman enact the second part of the plan and that is to drop lois off the side of the bloody building seeing the love of his life plummeting to her death is enough to break free of poison ivy's control and superman speeds off to catch her from becoming a lowest lane pancake on the sidewalk batman has no idea that this plan would actually work though demonstrating that he is willing and able to do anything necessary in order to benefit the greater good by his own admission batman is not a nice guy but you know what he is was a true badass and there we go my friends those were the 10 most badass batman moments ever i hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as always i've been jules you can go follow me over on twitter at retrojwithazero or over on instagram which is at retro j with xero underscore instead where i do all of my warhammer model painting and it'd be great to see you over there as always i've been jewels you have been awesome and never forget that and i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 613,241
Rating: 4.9390621 out of 5
Id: zZpgl89O_qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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