10 Strongest Forms Of Wolverine

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[Music] Wolverine has been around for little over forty five years and like most characters in the Marvel Universe there have been multiple versions featured in alternate timelines and realities across the multiverse the first version of Wolverine ever seen is far different from the many ones who followed but not all are as strong as you might think the Marvel multiverse is awash with all kinds of characters with everything from an anthropomorphic pig version of spider-man so a planet where everyone is some kind of ape for Wolverine he's usually a savage beast of some sort and most variations are just as deadly as the classic one found in the pages of Incredible Hulk number 181 still not every version of Wolverine can be said to be equal in terms of strength savagery or lethality the versions of Wolverine found here are the ones you wouldn't want to piss off under any circumstances if you do try and buy him a beer and walk away or bumping into one of those Wolverines that may be the last thing you do I am Kirsten from what culture comics and these are ten of the strongest forms of Wolverine number 10 Weapon X during the age of the apocalypse event from the late 1990s the characters fans had come to love were all replaced by the alternate universe doppelgangers who had lived during the so-called Age of Apocalypse it all kicked off when Legion went back in time to kill Magneto but screwed up and killed Professor Xavier instead the resulting alternate timelines saw apocalypse launching his assault on the world a decade earlier and the resulting timeline was dark every character was different in this new timeline and it would eventually be resolved through some follow-ups home travel shenanigans carried out by Bishop for Wolverine he changed considerably I prefer to be only known as Weapon X he was still a member of the x-men though the team looked quite a bit different than it does on earth at six one six Wolverine was far more feral and he no longer had his left hand he lost it in a fight with Cyclops but could still pop his claws from the stump making him almost as lethal as a typical representation of Wolverine his ferocious attitude made up for the missing hand and he was still as deadly as ever but kicks off the top of this list as a result of his injury number nine old man Logan old man Logan comes from the darkest timelines in the Marvel multiverse and when he was first introduced he was far from strong or dangerous he refused to pop his claws and hadn't done so for decades this was due to him being tricked into killing all of the x-men by Mysterio when the villains banded together to take over the country when the Hulk gang killed his family it was time to let Wolverine out of his cage and he slaughtered the whole clan including The Incredible Hulk slash Bruce Banner who was stronger than any time in the past oh man Logan was definitely strong but he had some issues he didn't contend with in earlier life his healing factor was significantly hindered by the fact that he was 197 years old at this time in life despite the infirmity he was still lethal and insanely deadly to anyone who crossed him well he didn't have the healing factor he possessed in his youth he did have nearly two centuries of experience in being the best at what he did well it may not be very nice he was still pretty damn good at killing people a lot of people number eight Wolverine sans adamantium it took some time before the readers began truly understanding the nature of Wolverine but after a while it was clear that at some point in the past he was selected to have adamantium bonded to his skeleton he was perfect for the experiment seeing as his healing factor made it possible for him to survive he also had some nifty claws in addition to the indestructible skeleton but it wasn't clear how he got them until magneto rips the metal from his body when that happened it was revealed that a part of Wolverines mutation involved six of bone claws which he could shoot out of his hands you might think that a Wolverine SADS adamantium wouldn't be deadly but in reality he was still as insanely strong and violent as he was before he may have been even deadlier seeing as he had a penchant for stabbing his bow claws into his enemies instead of slashing them as he'd done before he did take a hit where his healing factor was concerned but over time it returns he took a lot more damage during this time but once he could heal again it was all-out war for the Canadian mutant number 7 Wolverine Wolverine entered into the Marvel Universe back in 1974 and he quickly became a fan favorite despite not know much of anything about his past his gruff demeanor and ability to dispatch almost any enemy with the ability to survive everything thrown at him made the fans flocked to comic shops to buy whatever books featured him in terms of strength Wolverine is stronger than your average human for a number of reasons his adamantium lace-curtain grants him a great deal of durability which makes it possible for him to lift an extraordinary amount of weight his strength and durability are what make it possible for him to slash through almost anything he wants to cut normal strength could have slashed through solid armor but pack some serious strength behind and in breakable blades and that means Wolverine has no problem taking apart anything and everything in his path number six Ferrell Wolverine gives an adamantium fuse to every bone in his body was one of those painful things any person in the Marvel Universe has had to endure if you thought that was bad imagine what it felt like having that same unbreakable metal forcibly removed through all of his organs not only did that hurt like bloody hell but it also screwed with Wolverines healing factor as then him down the path to once more become feral Wolverine has gone feral a couple of times in the comics and when he gets this way he wraps it up to 11 what's more the adamantium was apparently holding back one of his mutations and when it was taken away it kicked into high gear and transformed him into a more animalistic version of himself this was Wolverine in feral mode but far worse than he'd been in the past The Wolverine without adamantium feral version was far stronger than he was before he ever had the metal bonded to his skeleton he lost almost all control over his actions and truly became a wild animal fortunately he still wore clothes but for the most part he was a mindless killing machine number 5 vampire Wolverine one of the best aspects of the what-if series of books was that each one created a new reality in Marvel's multiverse in what if Wolverine was Lord of the vampires the world of Earth 9 1 4 0 was introduced and a lot of characters ended up dying including Wolverine in this universe Wolverine comes in contact with some vampires but he doesn't turn like a normal person due to his incredible healing factor he still turns but not in the usual way as he drinks Dracula's blood and then ends up taking his place as Lord of the vampires now Wolverine is already one of the deadliest people in the Marvel Universe usually anyway so adding a drive to feast on human blood coupled with the fact that he is now the leader of a group of super-powered vampires results in an undead murder force that was almost unstoppable vampire Wolverine was still the same person but he adopted a far more malevolent personality still he did have the same weakness as any other vampires despite his abilities so he could be taken out by sunlight and if a wooden stake could find its way to his heart it would be bye-bye vampire Wolverine number 4 venom old man Logan we already know that old man Logan is one of the strongest forms of the character but he did have some limitations the lack of potency of his healing factor and the fact that he lived in what amounted to an apocalyptic wasteland did earn him a higher place on this list while he was deadlier than ever Logan did still have his enemies for example Archangel hunts him down and captures him in order to exact revenge for his slaughter of the x-men decades before despite being tricked into doing it neither Logan nor Archangel could forgive the fact to punish the aging mutant Archangels six venom on him only in this timeline venom was bonded with its her Allosaurus Rex Logan winds up getting devoured whole by the symbiote infected dinosaur and while this might have been the end for most people it was only the beginning for old man Logan the Venom symbiote said since that Logan is a stronger host than the t-rex so it bonds with him the addition of the symbiotes long list of powers strengths and abilities made for a deadlier combination that had existed previously in the Marvel Universe number 3 zombie Wolverine Wolverine is already one of the toughest characters in the Marvel Universe and with his healing factor he can come back from just about anything son was a single sellers present he can reform his whole body but there's one pathogen he wasn't able to fight off and it came in the form of a zombie plague when the zombie virus hit Wolverine was bitten by Captain America and Hawkeye and while it would be reasonable to assume he could kill her off with his healing factor in actuality it did no such thing Wolverine was turned into a zombie but his story didn't end there he ended up losing his right arm but a fight against the Silver Surfer but then he and a bunch of other zombified superheroes ate the surfers body gaining the power cosmic then when Galactus arrived to consume the planet Wolverine got in on the action once and eight the world's devourer this gave Wolverine and a few other lucky zombies their power cosmic and with it they traveled the cosmos eating everyone and everything they came across technically Wolverine is dead in this scenario but he's also a cosmic power so he's pretty high on the list in terms of strength number two he'll Vereen under normal conditions Wolverines adamantium claws are some of the deadliest weapons on the planet but they could certainly use an upgrade they received one when the red right hand occult two swore a vendetta against Wolverine successfully summoned a demon to possess their foe that's exactly what happened and the newly possessed Wolverine was aptly named hell Vereen but there's more to it than just a simply demonic ride-alongs his claws changed with the possession and he displayed a number of new powers including fire breath telekinesis acid generation and mind control his claws glowed with fiery intensity and he became far more powerful than your standard-issue Wolverine when he was possessed Wolverines soul was trapped in hell and he'll Vereen wence about the planet taking out as many of the people who were closest to Wolverine eventually Wolverine managed to move his soul onto the offensive and he began an internal battle against the unnamed demon on the outside all of the x-men were necessary to take on Hal Vereen but inside his body Wolverines soul fight with a series of powerful memories including one of Jean Grey as the white Phoenix Nightcrawler and others in the end the demon was burned from his mind and sent back to hell number one Phoenix Wolverine the Phoenix force is most commonly associated with Jean Grey as she was its target on more than one occasion throughout the Marvel Universe the Phoenix force is well known as one of the most powerful entities but it can't always have genes so it has taken on other hosts from time to time long after Jean Grey and her ilk had died many eons in the future the Phoenix force remained but it wasn't alone in an issue of Thor the present-day manifestation of Thor Odinson and one involving old King Thor and his granddaughter's in the far future saw what became of the Phoenix force old King Thor begins investigating what appears to be the death of all life in the universe and as he's conducting his search he comes across something he never expect to find at the end of space and time Wolverine of course it's not just Wolverine it's Wolverine the final host of the Phoenix force the character wasn't examined deeply so there isn't a lot known about his strength or power levels other than the fact that he may be the last living thing in the universe and he's paired with one of the most powerful cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe we may not know much but it still seems set in stone that Phoenix Wolverine is easily the strongest Wolverine of all and there we go there's strongest forms of Wolverine let us know down below what your favorite form of Wolverine is if you liked this video give a thumbs up and if you haven't already click that subscribe button but for now I have been cursèd Andrea and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
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Id: cJwz2RdFLlM
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Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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