10 Moments Live TV Was HACKED!

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these are 10 moments live TV was hacked number 10 imagine is just a regular evening you're at home relaxing watching some stranger things when all of a sudden [Music] I don't think that was the face of a demagogue on in fact that mass belongs to fictional AI personality Max Headroom who just a few years prior started as the main character in his own film so when this guy popped up on screaming homes all around Chicago many people were shocked and extremely confused by this this of course was not part of the plan broadcast as the person who performed this stunt had to have used exceptionally advanced equipment for the 1980s they were also very likely adapt that using that equipment if they hijacked an entire TV station I mean these guys could have broadcast literally anything to the world but this is what they chose to give us well that was pretty odd what's even more eerie is that these people behind the incident never came close to being caught and not even a single lead was found number 9 speaking of unsolved mysteries I wish we could get some insight as to who performed this next broadcasting heist I only say that because similarly to the famous time traveler this message was like literally out of this world we're talking about the Vril on takeover of 1977 it took place on November 26 and it was a really weird incident because I had viewers witness would appear to be a message from an alien race to avoid captured prisoners of war [Music] those are still [Music] what follows this is an ominous warning about our distant future and what we need to do to prevent destruction all of what this presumed alien was saying sounded similar to the ideals of a new world order which led most sceptics at the time to believe that this was just a big sham I mean if it's not already obvious we're not exactly being subjected to the wills of our cosmic overlords so it was obviously proven to be a hoax the incident itself however was very real and did freak out loads of viewers while receiving plenty of publicity around the globe in all fairness of the people here imagine you at home enjoying your favorite show when it's suddenly interrupted by what seems to be extraterrestrial life predicting our doomsday yeah I'd probably smash my face into a good book to avoid hearing anything else from these beings number eight we've all had emergency alerts go off at some time or another they typically interrupt whatever we're watching before letting us get back to our favorite show but if you heard this from your TV I'm sure you'd be a little too panicked to just continue watching [Music] this message was presented as a legitimate alert which made a feel all too real for the people watching Steve Wilkos at the time imagine how much worse this would have been if they were catching the latest episode of The Walking Dead now while it would have been crazy to have a real zombies apocalypse it should be apparent that no such incident could occur regardless of its legitimacy though this being aired spooked tons of people into calling the TV station that the alert was played on all of them were asking the network what to do in this doomsday scenario but the channel later responded with a general statement saying that the messages didn't in fact come from them but rather an unknown source to this day there has been no sign of anybody who sent out this fake alert and no real reason given as to why it was even broadcast it was probably just some well orchestrated prank meant to scare a few people and get some fuzz I mean I may not have seen it live myself but if I did I'd be looking around for the nearest mystery box to spend for a Raygun number 7 while the zombie apocalypse might be among the scarier fictional judgment days perhaps what's even more terrifying is the thought of a realistic doomsday that potential reality was brought to check television screens in 2007 when a group of artists snuck would appear to be an atomic bomb going off into a national broadcast can you imagine how terrifying oh be to see something like this surprisingly for the Czech people this was viewed as nothing more than PR entertainment I mean most of them are interested in how the artists did it and found it quite amusing how easy it was to break it into a live telecast here's the thing about hijacking TV there are a lot of consequences that come with it the group of artists involved were arrested with charges of scaremongering and faced a hefty fine along with some jail time now they were eventually acquitted and even praised by their fellow countrymen I mean I bet they had an absolute blast taking over TV and I'm sure they didn't regret it in the slightest number 6 already on this list we've seen some elaborate pranks performed by these hackers but not every hijack broadcast is done in the name of comedy supported bluntly this incident happened as a means of protesting the extortion at rates that HBO has been charging it's satellite customers the message stayed up on screen for roughly four and a half minutes before technician was able to regain control of the satellite but for that entire time the eastern half of the United States was subjected to this slanderous message about their television provider and boy let me tell you HBO was not happy in the slightest this was being aired on their channels shortly after the incident the FCC and FBI investigated the jamming and later found a culprit resulting in him having to pay a $5,000 fine the event made national headlines and even force Congress to identify satellite jacking as a felony well he may have bet the bullet for trying to speak his voice many people regarded him as a hero for fighting back against the excessively high price tag on satellite television can we get someone to do this for like all streaming services I swear they keep raising the price every year for our number 5 spot we're going to be moving away from pranking antics and instead shifting our focus to an extremely weird incident that occurred in Wyoming taking place in 2006 this strange takeover frightened thousands of viewers the video displayed models of human faces that were accompanied by messages such as you will see such pretty things and why do you hate amongst many others that played in the background of these messages were super creepy music that also contained a really high-pitched frequency extended exposure to the contents of the video caused some viewers to suffer from vomiting headaches even caused hallucinations so yeah with that in mind I'm gonna try to keep the clips we showed to a minimum but you really need to see it if you believe the creepiness of this clip the 2008 general election [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this extremely strange video ran with a runtime of about six minutes and only stop to cut back to the we present a special presentation screen several times in the course of its runtime whatever purpose this video had being aired on live TV is a mystery but one thing is for sure it is unbelievably creepy number four we're sort of cheating a little with this one as it takes place via radio transmissions rather than TV but it does feature one of televisions most famous franchises the Looney Tunes specifically Yosemite Sam when the original run of Looney Tunes was presented as an adversary to the wisecracking Bugs Bunny to whom he would commonly say things like this that audio clip was taken from the 1949 cartoon short Bunker Hill Bunny and for the context of this video that's what you would have heard on all the radios in New Mexico during the week leading up to Christmas in 2004 the audio itself played on a bunch of different frequencies and at different intervals in time for each then suddenly the transmission stopped in December 23rd before resuming again on January 14th of the new year some people actually believed that this was Yosemite Sam trying to contact us from an alternate universe but it was later found that Sam's voice was used to test new radio communication technology by a facility in the area so when they place it on a few frequencies the signal is randomly intercepted and this strange phenomenon came to be I'm just confused as to why they use his voice out of all the Looney Tunes I had to choose from I mean imagine just cruising along with the radio on when suddenly here number three so far on this list most of the broadcasts that have been hijacked are relatively old but technology nowadays has mostly prevented these intrusions from happening too often but on January 12 2017 this wasn't the case for cable company c-span who had one of its programs switched to that of a Russian television network for context it just cuts to this random Russian broadcast with zero explanation as to why the assumed reason was that it was like a technical error on the side of the c-span but speculators thought that this was definitely something else many people thought this was Russia's interfering in American politics and if the hack was intended to show the weakness of the u.s. democratics procedures well officials insist that it was likely just somebody flipping the wrong switch somewhere they've yet to actually provide any proof to this theory what do you guys think was it just a technical error or was this something a little more calculated number two so if you thought that last one was calculated this one's even more of a coincidence if you could even call it that if you're from the outback there's a chance you may have seen this live but for the majority of us who didn't get to see it we're talking about the Mayday incident named after the documentary those playing at the time on channel 7 this hack didn't actually veer from the scheduled content on the channel rather it repeated the same phrase from what was airing over and over and over again it played over the documentary for approximately 15 to 20 seconds and while the phrase isn't exactly creepy on its own having it repeated to you like this gives it a really weird feeling after hearing this several times over a 14 minute period people began to call in to channel 7 station to inquire about what was going on after asking what happened they were only told it was a technical glitch with the audio with the context of the audio being a phrase like that though it led to some to believe that it may have been intentional those speculators believe it to be a subliminal message of sorts put into the programming by a TV pirate regardless this intrusion to people's programming left plenty of them unsettled by the oddness of it all out of all the entries on this list our number one spot might be the strangest hacked broadcast in history taking place on wedding central a channel known for making shows targeted to those who are looking to plan out their own weddings the network was the last place anyone would ever expect to see hacked wedding central was airing another episode of their series bridezillas when suddenly this interrupted the broadcast just heads up it gets really loud [Music] [Applause] now that's creepy even though it only interrupted the show for about eight seconds it left its mark on those who watched it live many of whom were so disturbed and so unsettled by the incident that they proceeded to call into the station to voice their displeasure to the network and while the incident was looked into by wetting Central nothing ever came of their investigation as no trace of any intrusion was left to this day those who were the cause of this disturbance has never been caught and likely never will this has been Tommy keep it here top 5 central
Channel: Top5Central
Views: 549,221
Rating: 4.8919454 out of 5
Keywords: live tv, 10 Moments Live TV Was HACKED!, moments live tv was hacked, live tv hacked, hacked live tv, hacked on live tv, hacked tv, tv hacked, live tv fails, funniest live tv fails, live tv moments, broadcast interuptions, top 10, top 10 live tv hacked, top5central, live, tv, moments, hacked, new, video
Id: fuhr5ZKGIOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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