What Happens When Hacker From Anonymous Meets FBI Agent In Interview...

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a hack dating website OkCupid and made myself the most popular male profile and loss after this this is so cool by the way that you guys are here this is really really exciting yeah decision by the director yes sir yeah so I read some of the notes about you guys which was very fascinating and you you reckon is in the FBI yes and you use did you work with anonymous uh yeah I was involved for a number of years and you were how was your work for the FBI what kind of focus did you have there was in cybercrime specifically in investigating cyber intrusions which is what this film was about so so what do you think is the biggest threat right now I think the biggest threats the FBI the NSA and their counterparts and foreign governments I mean these are all essentially you know companies right that try to justify their budgets in various ways often by scare mongering and with virtual impunity will launched exactly the same kinds of assaults that a lot of people up for decades for well I don't think that the government's the worst entity in the world I mean there's plenty of criminals out there and there are plenty of unscrupulous people out there who are launching attacks real attacks that we see all the time and you know understandably you know the security and privacy are opposite ends of the same spectrum right so there's always going to be in a democracy I would hope a healthy debate between what the government mates do to protect us and you know the rights of citizens so and you can find that debate right here let's start the debate so how can we yes that's normal people how can we protect ourselves from these things happening you know everyone I mean I got my credit card copied and stolen and hacked you know things like that small things like that yeah I mean we have been saying of course like ground zero is too you know use strong passwords long passwords different passwords for every site you visit but I think more generally than that I think it's important that you know all of us as consumers demand you know security as a priority from the companies that we do business with you know too much the the mo is breaches happen and will put out the fires and will keep going but we don't make it a forward priority I think we should vote with our dollars and with our participation right so when we you know when when certain entities that we deal with you know are proven to not have good security we should probably move to ones that do have good security and incentivize institutions and organizations and companies to provide good security for their customers and you have a very interesting OkCupid story can you tell us the story yeah sure I hacked a dating website OkCupid and made myself than most popular male profile in Los Angeles for a period of about three months and you know ended up meeting my fiancee that way thank you thank you hi there thanks for watching my interview I hope you liked it and if you did please share like subscribe comment below if you have anything you want to share with me or with other people don't YouTube and I hope I see you again soon I don't take care
Channel: Kjersti Flaa
Views: 8,253,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBI and hacking, hacking scandal, fbi agent interview, hollywood, new, news, 2017, donald trump hacking, facebook, instagram, twitter, security, trending, trend, anonymous, okcupid, dating site, hacked dating site, chris hemsworth interview, christopher mckinlay, michael panico, funny, awkward, sexy
Id: 8M71fnJNNeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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