10 Model Beauty Hacks You Need to Know

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hi guys welcome back to my channel if you already follow me welcome back if you're not welcome to the fam today we are gonna be doing a fun video where I'm sharing with you all the model beauty hacks that have learned throughout the 11 12 years of modeling Oh sounds so long there are so many little tricks that I've picked up from being around you the experts makeup artist hair stylist other model girls that really taught me how to make all of this work even on a bad day with very very little let's get into it really simple quick and easy model hacks everyone should adopt number one nutrition is an inseparable part of beauty whether you like it or not what you eat will really show up on your skin on the level of your glow and your hair I am a huge advocate of fats I love fat you better start loving fat as well I think that is a very important part of our diet so I'm talking about healthy fats like avocados like nuts that contains vitamin E which stimulates the skins collagen production so without having these fats inside of us nothing can come out also a lot of time for models there's not a lot of time to have a lot of food breaks if it's during a job or if it's when you're running around the whole day in castings so what I like to do was incorporate a bigger amount of healthy fats and my diet in the morning or at lunch like avocados or adding avocados or nuts or Chia or ham into my smoothies because that also makes me feel fuller for longer and gives me the energy to keep going fat is processed slower in the body so it keeps a stable blood sugar and make sure that we have enough energy to do everything and shine while we do it the second hack is multi-purpose products this is something that I think a lot of us can benefit from and if you have been watching any of my beauty videos you see that I love having one product that I can for multiple purposes so for me because as a model I was running well with my portfolios running along with my heels it was such a mess I really wanted to make sure that I have as little as possible in my bag to carry so having things like a lip stain that you can use on your lips and on your cheeks is a major thing for me also making sure that I always always have a lip balm and my pocket is crucial not only to moisturize my lips but also add a little more shine into my cheekbones to make it them look higher if I'm not wearing mascara and I want to bring my lashes up a little bit I'll put them on my lashes if it's too organized this crazy eyebrows usually I would always have a wand in my purse so I can just dip dab it and the balm and apply it on my lashes and on my eyebrows and if there was any castings for lingerie or something where my body is a little more exposed I would use the lip balm to put it on my knees whatever these called what are these called collarbone so out of this little thing I got a lot of different purposes so lip balm can do a lot for you having these two was enough to make sure that I refresh myself and look a little more alive and shiny and glowy throughout the day the next trick is face icing and face icing is something that I would always do in the morning I didn't have the funds to go for facials I didn't have the funds to do any like fancy masks so what I would do is take a cloth and put some ice in it you definitely want to make sure that you don't apply eyes directly on your skin it's way too harsh for your skin what I would do is wrap it in a face cloth and just kind of apply it on areas where I need to make my pores smaller if I need to add a little bit of glow because it really wakens the skin up and also it's a great way to help if you have a stubborn pimple or acne that you just want to calm down so the pressure and just adding that cold temperature to it will help to not make it as visible and flared up as it is the next hack something that I've learned because when you're young and you're traveling the world you go out a lot and enjoy being an important place in meeting people which was my favorite part about modeling around the world this is a hack that I've learned from a makeup artist and that it also depends on your skin tone so what I like to do if you have dark circles under your eyes and you want to make sure that you look fresh and bright in the morning to go to see a client's for a casting I would take something that has a pinkish pigment to it if you're darker and orange a pigment will work for you and I would apply it under my eye and just kind of spread it out where those dark circles are and then top it off with my concealer what it does is basically neutralizes the color because what happens is when you put a light concealer on a dark spot it doesn't really cover well and it just kind of looks like you try to cover and you might have to use way more product than you want to adding that pigment to cancel the darkness and then put your concealer on will really help to make this whole area look bright and fresh and ready to take over the world what dark circles I don't have them I went to sleep I slept like eight hours last night this also helps when you are a mom a new mom or any mom of any kind because sleep is no longer part of your routine you're welcome the next hack is one of my absolute favorites and it's something that I still use so I'm sure you've seen around there was this fad of the fiber mascara where you put those fibers on and then you put the mascara and then it makes it like the lashes look puffier and longer so I actually stumbled upon this little hat way way way before they came out with this fiber crap so all you need to do is you apply one layer of your favorite mascara that you want to use and then you take any powder that you have it can be your finishing powder foundation powder or whatever it is and you apply it on your lashes basically what it does is that it does the same thing as the fiber where it sticks through your lashes and make them thicker and and then you apply your second coat of mascara and it just looks like you put some full lashes in without even using anything this is a trick that I still do to this day and one of my favorites and I love it and it's so simple to do the next hack that I want to share with you is dry brushing if you guys haven't seen my video about dry brushing you can check it right here but dry brushing is an amazing way to really wake in your body to help with cellulite to get that blood flow going on the face and on your body so these are my dry brushes that I use this is for very sensitive skin there's a few different versions for this and this is for the body this is a great way to get the blood circulation going to exfoliate gently the skin and the body and it does help with removing dry skin dead skin and if you are consistent with the body brushing you will see that it improves any signs of cellulite which is something that I'm sure a lot of us are battling with the next hack is sheet masks so she packs is actually something that I was introduced to way before it was brought to North America and became this huge thing and sheet masks now are available everywhere and there's so many amazing different kinds to try from sheet masks are a great way to really get all that hydration in your skin a lot of models use it every single night so it's kind of a facial and hydration and just a little more TLC to your skin also don't forget your neck area because it's very important you can just take that excess fluid and just apply it on your neck you leave it for 15 to 20 minutes at 30 minutes and you feel so refreshed you can add your little face oil and you go to sleep knowing that you put all this goodness on your skin and the next day your skin will be glowing so I have lots of model friends that swear by sheet masks and use them all the time so if you guys haven't tried that out yet you have to the next beauty hack is a facial massage this is something very simple that all of us can do it doesn't require any tools or anything like it I like to use a face oil or any cream that I apply on my skin to do the massage with that what it does is really helps with taking out toxins awaking in your muscles bringing a little more blood circulation in and getting that oxygen going and your skin you want to start by tapping on your skin to awaken your muscles there are so many different ways and different techniques to do this and you can look them up online you can look on YouTube I'm sure that there's other amazing tutorials that show you quick and easy ways to adapt these techniques doing these type of things really help with brightening and giving more youthful look to your face helping your body maintain its elasticity and obviously consistency is key so if you start practicing this every single day you will notice a difference and you'll be surprised how this little ritual will help with maintaining a fresh beautiful and tight face the next hack is something that I don't think people talk enough about in the modeling industry and that's personality I cannot tell you how many jobs I booked because I was funny I mean at least try to or because I was attentive to people I was asking them about their day I think that today it's so important when you come to a casting and to anything you don't even have to be a model if you go to a job interview if you go to school if you just go out there and interact with society personality is everything so even you know making that effort to make someone smile to compliment somebody this will really make such a huge difference about how people perceive you I truly think that you know sometimes your beauty opens the door and then your personality gets you in but a lot of the times my personality opened the door and then this and all these hacks helped to seal the deal and then hack number 10 is something that we all have been doing for a very long time but this is something that I've learned from a makeup artist probably about like 10 years ago when contour was still only kept for kind of drag queens cuz that's where it came from and I'm talking about just knowing how to play with your shadows I come from an industry where lighting and shadows is everything you can look different and so many picture depends where the light hits you so when you play with the light and kind of play with your face that's really important things that I've learned is using very subtle contour when I'm in sorrow I really mean subtle like you don't have to go crazy just a little lines just to bring out a little bit of more cheekbones to create a little more shadow on your face if you have a little chin action that you want to cover just creating a shadow there bringing more light into the face into the high points of the face with a highlighter is definitely something that we all do now these tricks with a little bit of shadow and light really bring out the best features so adding highlights to the cheekbone to the inner corner of the eye and on the cupid bow is something that is so simple to do yeah it makes a huge difference on our face we can't come to castings wearing lots of makeup so tricks that I found that can manipulate my face and really bring out the features that I like is using very subtle colors so a brown mascara and even a brown eyeliner this is actually a brow cream gel from benefit and I use it as my eyeliner so it just pulls the eye a little bit more up and I can give myself a little cat eye without it being so defined and then just apply a little bit of brown mascara at the outer corner of my eye and it just really opens the eye and makes it look a little more pulled and gives a little kind of facelift and a way to the face so that's a trick that I've learned to really bring that natural beauty naturally but like with a little trick here and there this is it you guys I hope you enjoy this video let me know if you learn any new tricks if I rocked your world with new information or just reminding you about some good old habits that we all probably heard before but always forget if you already subscribe good for you press the bell ring the bell ring the bell I'll open the door if you are not subscribed please subscribe cuz I'm crazy thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed these 10 model hugs that I've learned through the years and so happy to share it with you as always thank you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Valeria Lipovetsky
Views: 1,415,335
Rating: 4.9597678 out of 5
Keywords: valeria lipovetsky, beauty hacks, beauty, makeup hacks, beauty tips, diy, makeup, how to, tricks, do it yourself, skincare, makeup trends 2018, natural hair, grwm, skin care, model, tutorial, tips, makeup tutorial, lipstick, cosmetics, easy life hacks, lifehacks, life hacks, lip balm, make up, diy makeup, makeup routine, transformation, sugaring paste, tips and tricks, easy makeup, beauty secrets, beauty life hacks, beauty tricks, beauty hacks every girl should know, useful things
Id: uB28yHYUvYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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