8 Instant Ways to Look More Attractive

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hi guys welcome back to my channel if you're new hello join the family today we're gonna be talking about eight simple quick ways to make yourself look more attractive and don't be fooled by the caption there are a few of obviously the superficial ways to make yourself feel and look more attractive but there are some tips here that a lot of you need to keep in mind these hasn't nothing to do with the way you look but the way you carry yourself please don't forget to subscribe and press the bell and follow me on instagram because there's a whole other world out there of me doing stuff okay so tip number one and this is gonna be something that's super super simple and any one of us can make that little effort to make ourselves go from zero to 100 so the first tip is put on a lipstick now if you're someone like me that I'm not necessarily all about putting makeup every single day I'm all about keeping it natural but if you want to bring that little oomph and a little attention to your face lipstick can always go such a long way so first I wanted to say huge thank you to 100% pure for partner up with me for this video and 100% pure him out with their new line of food pigmented lipsticks that are using all natural ingredients and fruit dyes so even if you just want to elevate your look you don't have to use the ones that have crap in them so all about the natural alternative this is there OSs this one is the strawberry cactus this is the Savannah last but not least is at the Desert Rose beautiful colors so this is a really easy one find a color that you know that works well for you that complements your skin tone and just have it in your purse now I love to go for more natural colors and what I like to do is just spread it with my fingers to give it a little more of a natural look to it adding that little bit of color will really make your face pop and make you feel a little fit in and more attractive a little trick that I like to do with lipsticks is I used a more natural color as the base but then what I did was I took the desert rose it has a little more pigment to it and I just tapped it in the middle of my lips the bright color goes in the middle so it actually makes your lips look a little more pouty hundred percent pure have been kind enough to offer my subscribers 15% off with a coupon code Valeria I'm going to put a link in the description box and if you guys want to check it out tip number two is tame your hair I'm all about that natural flowy look but guys if your hair is dirty please put it up in a bun kind of shows that you don't really care doesn't make you attractive and I'm sure the key you're not feeling so hot yourself if you want to have your hair down make sure that it just looks a little put together I'm not saying you have to stand for hours in front of you're making it perfect you need to know what to give up in that dry shampoo what I like to do is on days where my hair is just absolutely not cooperating I love doing the sleek low bun I think it's such an amazing and simple way to make yourself look polished and more put together and I'm gonna show you my literally 30 second tutorial [Music] [Music] tada we did it it's literally my go-to hairstyle even when I have clean hair just to make myself look a little more elevated the next tip is wear a set this is definitely not something that's visual but it has a thing to it when you walk by and people just smell you just leave some kind of impression and it definitely makes you feel and look more attractive I recommend to find a signature scent that you love that you feel kind of represents your personality and who you are there's so many sets out there so definitely find something and stick to it I personally love using perfume oils I find that it's less aggravating because there's no alcohol in it but it's also sticks around for much longer so the secret is don't put too much I see so many people literally bathing in their perfume and I can tell you how fine the line is between Kota scent on and soak yourself in perfume it's really bad you never want to be that person that works buying people are like not cute so what I like to do is just put it on my wrist and the back of my wrist and then I apply it behind my ears and that's really all you need I feel more attractive already tip number four is nails ladies nails are really important and I'm not the kind of girl that likes to go to nail salons and to constantly worry about the colors but from a girl to a girl there's nothing that I dislike more than seeing chipped nail polish I think in general like even if we think it's not a big deal when someone looks at you it kind of gives like a certain feel to it so I even prefer to go completely nude or just have like a top coat on and that's it rather than having color that's chipped it just shows that you don't take care of yourself and I know that it's not a big deal but if you ever notice yourself looking at someone with chipped nails just like think about the Association and like the feeling that you get it's it's psychological for sure so if you can maintain a colored nail polish choose a nude one or just a clear one tip number six is positive and good energy this video obviously we started with more visual and more superficial things but I can tell you that it doesn't matter how much money or effort you put into your looks but if you're the kind of person that looks miserable none of that is gonna help there's nothing that is more unattractive when you see a person that just looks like they had enough all the time so I think just having always you know a pleasant smile being happy and positive is a very attractive quality that a lot of people will really appreciate even if you know something's not going the way you want it to go bringing those negative vibes out never gonna help anybody and I feel like it's just gonna push people away from you so part of being positive and have good energy is to not gossip there's nothing that shows more insecurity and is a very unattractive quality than people gossiping about other people you focus on your thing there is no reason whatsoever for you to judge someone else tip number seven is don't be on your phone we all struggle with this this is a disease that's taking over the world these days we are all like this no one's going to come up to you no one will want to interact with you if you're just giving all your attention to your phone so be conscious of it be conscious of when to know to put it down and put yourself out there and actually interact with people and showing that you are open for people to approach you it's very very important also it's literally gonna give you a double chain this is gonna be a thing because all the young people are doing this and our skin is gonna be south of rings if you want to maintain that link full neck and you want to make friends and attract the right kind of people to you stay away from this device at least for a bit just a bit the next tip is quiet confidence and this is something that people don't talk enough about confidence is obviously mentioned by everyone everyone is like be confident be confident confidence is so sexy it's easier said than done confident takes a long time to build it's a journey of yourself taking care of yourself and building that relationship with yourself so I'm not saying be confident because it's a very big tip what I'm saying is quite confidence white confidence is basically the opposite of what people do today to look more confident if you are in a group environment but there's some people that for them to feel confident they have to be the loudest in the room they have to constantly talk they have to constantly express their feelings or what they think is right and wrong and it's just you just want to be like so quiet confidence is even when you don't feel super confident but knowing how to be tactful with when to speak and what to say is such a great way to put yourself out there as a confident and strong person definitely listening more than talking is an amazing trick to show confidence so just feeling calm cool collected and not feel the constant need to fill in the space is a super super attractive quality so start practicing it next tip is posture this is something that I'm sure you hear from your mother every other day or so but posture is so important for us a lot of us are slouching and I'm noticing a lot of us are sitting down and our body language just puts those vibes of like I'm not interested you always want to make sure that you keeping your back straight it makes you look elongated present in the moment which attracts other people body language is important so definitely something to keep in mind when you are talking to people walking around just doing your thing out there in the society keep your back straight please and the last tip is all tourism there is nothing more attractive than someone that thinks about other people that is selfless and cares so being generous and doing nice things for other people will actually make you feel better about yourself and it's a super attractive quality trust me everyone notice it everyone's watching so be generous be kind super sexy so these are all the tips that I have for you guys how to be instantly more attractive thank you again so much 200% pure for collaborating with me I hope you enjoyed this video and let me know what you think about these tips that's it I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Valeria Lipovetsky
Views: 1,317,076
Rating: 4.9040856 out of 5
Keywords: valeria lipovetsky, valeria lipovetsky hair, beauty hacks, how to be more attractive, ways to look more attractive, instant ways to look more attractive, how to look pretty, ways to instantly look more attractive, how to look prettier, how to look better, how to look more attractive, makeup tricks, style tips, how to look more stylish, valeria lipovetsky makeup, how to, model, how to look expensive, how to attract men, feminine energy, attractive habits, attractive hacks
Id: gzJ5oaNfhZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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