How To Make HOMEMADE TOMATO SAUCE Like an Italian Nonno (Must Watch)

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give us the sauce today we're learning how to make the tomato sauce the tomato pasada the tomato puree that we use for pasta meatballs pizza anything today we're learning how to keep the most important italian tradition alive thanks to the caesarean master here philippo thank you so much for teaching the world how to keep the traditions alive thanks to you the entire world now can make tomato sauce at home like a sicilian [Music] i and welcome to vincenzo play with the master hero of the tomatoes the man that is going to teach us how to make the best homemade tomato sauce like a sicilian don't necessarily writing we want to learn so much these are the tomatoes that grow in his garden first we want to learn more about the tomatoes we need to use and we want to learn step by step how to make it please filippo teach everyone how to do it to make the tomato sauce ah do we start at western that's how it said make the little plants and from here we go to the next step from the little plants that's what we get what kind of tomatoes are these how do you call them they're called roma but i think they're called king roma tomato king ramen well it depends who plants them you're the king because they're soil it's it's virgin it's the first year there were plenty mothers here that's why they grew so tall and healthy in it and all around here [Music] see how bushy they are [Music] and then the tomato that's so healthy and big you know normally they don't grow that big you know the size they grow a bit smaller like this one but some of them they're about 300 gram you know that incredible i could never believe that we could grow this too much so you'd say that you know in australia you can grow beautiful tomatoes we can grow the perfect sauce yeah because i got the story we got italian seeds and in australian soil perfect perfect match perfect mix and uh i'll show you some other varieties of tomato see this tomato here they're called the summer salmon oh yeah they're perfect for pizzas yeah oh yeah yeah look the size of this you grow the san marzano here in australia oh wow yeah look oh my this is perfect for pizza and pizza party we come here and get the tomatoes yeah there's plenty here for look the size of this tomato yeah now this variety of tomato if believe it or not come from sicily oh where you're from now years ago when the tomato they used to grow in season this variety they grow this type of tomatoes in there they grow in a bunch what do you do you hang them in a big bunch and they last all year all winter you know when winter there is not on models you get tomato and i'll show you i've got a big couple bunches in the shed and they've got a little nipple oh yeah so they're female tomatoes but you don't find this any uh probably only a few people got this type of seed here in australia yeah what's the best tomato to use for the sauce the romano roma i break in roma tomato the masano it's empty you know it's hollow inside roma tomato it's more solid you get more pie stare over tomatoes this is basically a tomato farm it's and a a tomato other veggies but i enjoy to work in like in my backyard so that's that's what we do with this with these tomatoes so we hang them in a big bunch and this tomato they last all year next year this time you pick tomato from me can you make the sauce with that you can make anything yeah and they're very very sweet all right before we do the tomatoes you have to show me what everything is a little bit a little bit more of the product that's that's from sicily yes see this zucchini we call kokuchi longi yeah see this one the goats yeah twice about 12 years and 10 years ago how long is that i think this one it's 1.8 1.8 meters long and actually the top one was my first record wow congratulations champion champion yeah this is easily and that's where i was born it's this little village here and this is taumina here and this is all myan detonate the volcano all this chocolate that's just how do we make the tomato sauce this is how i do it my way i cut them in four quarters cut the little black spot at the back and inside it's a little green line because i think this is bitter so i tuck this off that's that's how i clean them [Music] so we can say this is the most painful job let's say because it takes a long time yeah it's very fiddly and taxol all day you know really because the precision the next step you know it's still a long way you know when you avoid them no why do you live in the water they also have to you don't you let them ripe for a couple of weeks or yeah yeah see what i do when i pick them i put them on those trays see those trays for a few days until they get more ripe more red then in the water just to wash them that's why i put them in the water so don't you keep it on the waterfall no no just when you do the tomato put them in the water because so they get washed right so that's why the reason of the water is water not salt nothing no no no no this is just to wash them you know because you know when you spread the tomato the sometimes you know the sprays still stay on their skin you don't want to eat that so don't eat that so that's why you put in the water so they're nice and washed philip when the tomato has the black in the tomato is it safe to eat that or should we throw that away well it's like but it's better if you cut that little bit off cut it off yeah cut it off and you can still use the rest it can still use the rest there because the rest is still good okay that's good for thanksgiving keep this going you know we can keep the tradition that's what i was kind of about to say that's good to keep the tradition that's right i think we have a friend from season felipe we have mohabbet from lebanon he wants to learn and want to introduce this to his family nick he's going to continue this with his family with three kids senic your kids can learn this and i want to learn teach this is a bastion too it's something we want to keep in the family thanks to you my friend you can do this and thanks to felipe you can do this so please write a comment below and thanks say thanks to felipe thank you thank you thank you okay so nick how does it feel being like the younger in the family who is going to continue this uh tradition oh it's great you know it's always good to learn new things and um to get all the experience from the generation before learning how to cut my tomatoes for the first time you know it's all learning curve and hopefully it keeps up the tradition for many years to come [Music] what are we doing now yeah i put a little bit of water about a little water and then i fill the pot with the pot with the tomato yeah the reason why i put a little bit of water because i let them boil for a couple minutes so the tomato won't stick on the bottom of the pot that's the reason why but then when i put this in the in the basket there it's gonna the water is gonna be drying air completely you know see and the reason why i use a smaller pot was it's easy to manage it you know but you can use a big pot and then it would be hard to manage it to carry around so now we wait until this is gonna boil see now they start to boil actually they've been boiling for a couple minutes and now they're ready to drain them people put them in the basket this is the next step after i boil the tomato i put them in this basket here so what have you got in the basket there what is it that's a vial yeah that's why the tomato sauce goes through the little hole so the vial keeps the the popper you know in the water so they're gonna drain run out the drain out you know so the tomato the paste will become more thicker and pastier now you see how much water they're gonna release [Music] you don't want the water in your sauce no you're done with it you want the sauce so with the leftover all the rubbish we give to the chicken and the chicken they enjoy it [Music] all we need is sauce all we need is circles sauce come on pretty forgive us the sauce so now what we do we put the paste in this bowl here so this machine is to mince the tomato so to become a paste and so you put the tomato through this bowl here and the paste comes out from from this channel here and the skin it comes out from this little hole here if you don't have one of these machines you can use a manual mill which is used for making purees and sauces this is a very old one but you can get bigger sizes of this as well teamwork father and daughter so what are you doing now filipino stay in there say what how the skin comes out from there separate the um flakes and that's a spice tomato paste what you need is spaghetti because we got the sauce the sauce is nice and thick really thick because the water has been drained out but it's still got a little bit of water but it really concentrates you know yes and now what we do this is that skin but it's still a lot of shorts the best deal here so the best is there now so we're gonna go over maybe once maybe twice so that's not for the guys the pulp is still here yeah so let's go through these again so the skin really has a lot to give you [Applause] looks like it's thicker we're still going to use this maybe one more time maybe might be one more time because there's still a bit of a tomato here [Music] see we're gonna go over again because there's still some more pasty not to be gritty but uh they'd probably get out another couple bottle of space from me see their skin dry in here there's still a little bit more but we got our jelly enough already all right so and we keeping gown until it's all finished and then we mix the whole lot together so won't be different you know so that the old sauce will be the same not some too thick and some to watery wow i drew the sauce in my way i put a handful of salt some people that don't put salt but i always put a handful of salt that's how i that's why the way i do it thin and then you mix all together and now it's ready to go in the bottles okay the next step is to get the glass bottle sterilize them and put a little branch of basil and then we fill it up with tomato sauce [Applause] [Music] make sure before you put in the bottle that you stir it so the sauce will be all even not watery and not too thick and now we're just filling up the bottles the sauce here to about there yeah yeah you bring the bottle up here so you don't waste anything until you if you spill anything hey this is the last step put a little bit of olive oil just enough to cover the sauce see the oil with seal they make the seal now like wow okay you use the oil to seal to seal it so you don't get it moldy don't get a malty they need the when you boil them they need a bit of spice space that way the bottle can break you know with the pressure like that yeah yeah anyway these caps you pray from a special job and normally some people they reuse them in it but i'd like to use the new ones and i'll show you a secret like a trick how to seal them properly see when you put the cap on you don't clock it go back until you hear two clicks and then close them two clicks and then twist it as hard as you can so you get a better seal [Music] [Music] so this is the last step you have to get a drum what 44 gallon a bigger one depends how many bottles you make you put a new spy about all clothes on the bottom you put all your bottles next to each other standing up standing up why standing up and all lie down probably more safe you know but sometimes you can put them light down you know but if you fold them with the newspaper otherwise you know when the water bowl that the bottles the grass hit each other you know and can break so if you celebrate with newspaper or blanket or whatever so they don't eat each other the glass doesn't eat each other okay oh so wow okay you put the clothes on between here so that the bottles don't break yeah so so now we do another layer let's do another one put this on top and you can put the rest of the bottles on top yeah now the other one ready for another layer [Laughter] yeah we can fill up with what up to here oh now we need a heavy boy the good strong voice to fill up with water nick it is an important job nick let's see this is the class that's laughter okay now we're trying to light the fire before start to rain okay so we close this ah now for more food what's happening now what happened right now left to wait until the water bowls okay for at least three hours three hours okay and tomorrow morning and then leave the bottles in the hot water after finish boiling overnight okay and tomorrow hopefully we find the bottle intacted sometimes basically the three hours boiling boiling what do you do with that what happens to the bottles the bottle so what i will say in the meantime what we can do right now we can watch the fire maybe it's hourglass or wine and smok cigar so thank you so much for watching this episode thanks to you filippo now everyone can keep those traditions alive it's like you know making lasagna other dishes anyone can make the tomato sauce as they want right you can prepare your basil up to you that's up to your taste you know but this is our master makes is on tomato sauce for the family with how many bottles we made today up to one year depends how much yeah it depends uh yeah of course but guys please write a comment below for this wonderful man write a comment say thanks to filippo he's only 48 years old he's got 50 more years of making uh some other souls that way in 50 years you won't be here probably besides a lot of so protocol see you in the next video felipe will you be in the next video again yeah why not he makes it salami so maybe he can show us how to make salami okay if you want to ask felipe to make salami for us come on but we have to wait another six months at least we can wait thank you guys i see you bye bye felipe say bye to everyone thank you bye bye
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 46,760
Rating: 4.9787612 out of 5
Keywords: how to make homemade tomato sauce like an italian nonno, homemade tomato sauce, passata, how passata is made, how tomato sauce is made in italy, homemade tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes, homemade tomato sauce for spaghetti, homemade tomato sauce recipe, homemade tomato sauce italian, tomato sauce, sauce, how to make tomato sauce, italian tomato sauce, tomato sauce recipe, traditional tomato sauce, tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce from scratch, vincenzo's plate
Id: NWtMaN-Pzg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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