10 Items Every Man Should Keep In His Car!

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welcome back survivalist so today i want to talk to you about the 10 items that every man should keep in his car at all times and these are going to be the kind of typical items that probably came with your car already i'm not going to tell you to keep jumper cables and a spare tire and your owner's manual in your car you should already have all that stuff these are going to be additional items that protect you and your family in emergency situations or to allow you to be the hero if you come across an emergency situation so let's jump right into it so the first item that every man should keep in his car is going to be a knife now a knife is an incredibly versatile tool and can come in handy in any number of situations but in terms of your vehicle there are a couple specific situations that i think having a knife is a crucial item and one of those is this going to be self-defense car thefts and muggings happen all the time within vehicles and you also have to worry about road rage that is kind of a big concern these days but there is another critical reason why i want you to have a knife in your vehicle and really any knife at all and that is for emergency situations and to help you escape seat belts so this here is a knife that i actually keep in my car and this is actually meant for emts and one thing i really like about it is that on the back side here it actually has a blade specifically designed for cutting seat belts so if you get into a vehicle and let's say your vehicle rolls over and you have you can't quite reach the lever if you have access to your knife you can easily cut through that seat belt or if you're trying to get your family members out of a car as well having a blade like this can easily cut through their seatbelt and release them now your knife doesn't actually necessarily have to have this specific blade but really having any kind of blade there to cut through seat belts to help your family and you escape a vehicle or if you come across another vehicle that's flipped over and you're trying to rescue people and get them out having a blade to cut through the seatbelt to help them evacuate that car can literally be the difference between life and death that is very very critical and why i really think that everybody should have a knife in their car specifically for that situation of a car flipping over and you have to rescue and help somebody get out and they're tangled up in their seatbelt and i have a link down in the description below to this specific knife which is meant for emts and paramedics and this one also has another feature which i really like and this brings us to item number two that i want you to keep in your car and that is going to be a glass breaker and this one actually has that feature built into the butt of the knife so once again if you find yourself in a flipped over vehicle having this glass breaker right here to shatter the glass can literally be the difference between life and death and you evacuating that vehicle or you being trapped inside and i do believe that having a glass breaker like this is really a must-have in anybody's vehicle you don't necessarily have to have a knife that has one on it a lot of these tactical pens that you can get fairly cheap 10 20 they have a glass breaker on the back of it as well so if you wanted to go with just your standard pocket knife in your center console as well as a tactical pen like this with a glass breaker on the back of it you could do that they also have key chains that have these glass breakers built into it and various other tools but i really do think that having some sort of glass breaker in your vehicle so you can shatter the glass and evacuate and having some sort of blade in your vehicle so you can cut through the seat belts and help people evacuate are two must-have items in every man's vehicle so the next item that i think every man should keep in his car is going to be a flashlight so emergencies don't just happen in the daytime they often happen at night time in fact it's probably much more likely to happen at nighttime when your visibility is lower and if you have a flat tire or you go off into a ditch or you have a car accident at nighttime having a flashlight is going to be critical now there's a couple of different options here you could just go with a standard cheapo flashlight you buy at a gas station something that's just an led flashlight but one thing that i really like is getting a headlamp right headlamps are really really nice in emergency situations or situations where you need to use your hand to do something even if you're just trying to change your tire at night having a headlamp like this so that your hands are free is going to be a really nice luxury and i often recommend headlamps for people who are camping or for your blackout bag or any kind of your emergency prep situations and i definitely think that having a headlamp like this in your vehicle kit is going to be crucial as well now you could go one step further and get something like this now this is from hybrid light and it is a rechargeable flashlight slash lantern with a solar panel built into it and so what i like about this is you obviously have a directional light light like this but you can also open it up and now you've got a lantern and now this does take batteries but it also has a rechargeable battery built into it which you can charge from a usb port so just like this you could charge this from your vehicle and that way you know that you always have a charge uh light and it does have a solar panel on the back here so if you wanted to literally just stick this in your back window or throw it in the back of your truck most likely will have some sort of charge when you need it and this can also help you out in longer term situations now one thing with flashlights is that you have to be conscious about having batteries that are charged having a flashlight like this that you throw in your you know glove compartment and you don't use it for four years and then when you need it you find that the batteries are all dead that's not going to do you any good so having ones that you can charge from your car i think is really helpful or make sure you have additional batteries as well so buy a flashlight then also buy a pack of batteries that go with that flashlight and keep that in your glove compartment or your center console but yeah absolutely having a flashlight is going to be a critical um item in your vehicle's emergency kit the next item that every man should keep in his car is going to be a first aid kit and you'd be surprised how many people do not have first aid kits even though literally hundreds of thousands of people die in motor vehicle accidents every single year this is definitely a must-have and if you do not have a first aid kit somewhere in your vehicle you need to go buy one right now and they don't need to be all that elaborate literally 10 20 30 dollars you can get a very in-depth first aid kit that has everything that you need in a motor vehicle situation now one thing with the first aid kits is that your goal is not necessarily to perform a surgery or really save somebody's life uh if you come across a car accident your only real goal is to prolong their lives until an emt gets there that's what they told us in the military is that you know you don't have to do anything real elaborate just keep them alive until an ent gets there and for most situations all you're really going to need is just some bandages and gauze in case somebody has any open wounds you can put some pressure on there keep them from bleeding out until the professionals until the emts get there now one item that you do want to make sure your first aid kit has is going to be some rubber gloves that is definitely going to be a crucial item especially if you're dealing with strangers you know if you come across a car accident and somebody's got hiv or something else like that you don't necessarily want to get that blood on you so make sure you have some rubber gloves if you're going to be dealing with strangers and you may come across a situation where you do need to help a stranger but that's all i really think that you really need for safe kids can be some rubber gloves some gauze and some bandages so the next item is going to be hand warmers like these something like this will keep warm for 24 hours and these are super nice to have in your home preps anyway i recommend just buying a box of these to keep at home and then stick a few of these in your car and the real reason why you want one of these is because it's not uncommon for people to get stuck in traffic jams for five six ten hours even especially on icy weather when you have multi-car backups you know when you see on the news of icy road conditions and there's a 20 car pileup and everybody's just sliding on the ice into this car pile up the people that are behind them that's the vast majority of people are going to be impacted and they're going to be stuck in their cars for a very very long time as people as the emt comes and the people tried to tow away and sort out this massive car accident and that happens quite often here in america that people get stuck in their cars in freezing cold weather for eight hours ten hours sometimes all night long and when you're in that situation now the concern is do i have enough gas to keep my heater on all night and a lot of times people don't you often see people literally just abandoning their cars they have friends or something come pick them up you know there's any number of situations where you could be trapped in your vehicle overnight in freezing cold weather and having a hand warmer or a few hand warmers like this could be the difference between life and death or the difference between you getting frostbite and losing your fingers and toes or keeping them something like this will stay warm for 24 hours so absolutely go and buy a box of hand warmers keep a lot of them in your house but also keep a few of them in your car as well so the next item is going to be a thermal blanket or otherwise known as an emergency blanket and something like this is super lightweight it's super compact and they claim to reflect 90 of your heat back at you now you may look at this and say this thing's so thin and so lightweight it couldn't possibly do anything but these things are designed to be super efficient at reflecting your body's heat back towards you and something like this could absolutely keep you pretty warm in an emergency situation and you want to have a emergency blanket like this for the same reason that you want to have hand warmers just that there are a lot of situations where you could get trapped in your vehicle overnight especially in freezing cold weather and having something like this could be the difference between life and death now if you don't want to go this route you don't want to buy an emergency blanket or a thermal blanket you can also just buy a really thick wool blanket like this this is i love wool blankets they this is incredibly versatile tool as well but these things are just super super thick and will definitely keep you warm provide a lot of insulation or at the very least get any type of blanket that you have just have some sort of emergency blanket in your vehicle in the trunk of your car wherever it is just in case you and your family do have to spend the night in your vehicle somewhere so the next item they should keep in your car is going to be some face masks get some n95 respirators and keep these in your vehicle at all times and the reason that you want to keep something like this is for smoke right this is especially important now that we're experiencing all these wildfires all along the west coast and you see videos of people literally driving through forests that are on fire on both sides of them and they're just inhaling a lot of that smoke and all that debris in particular and this is when you want to have a face mask like this to filter that through and it's not just forest fires as well let's say you are driving and there's a tractor trailer that's on fire and you have to drive by that and inhale those fumes and exhaust that's when you want to have a face mask to help filter that and keep your lungs clean and there are a couple of specific ones that you can buy that are really specifically designed for the forest fire situations that we're seeing out on the west coast so this one here is a respiratory protective device by fire mask dot ca and it's got a whole kit inside of here specifically for fires so if you open this up it has a much more elaborate full face mask with a filter in it to help filter out a lot of that smoke and particulates and inside this kit it also has some fire resistant gloves that you get as well so something like this if you are in a region where forest fires are pretty common or you're just in a region that gets really dry and you could have a brush fire or forest fire in the future having a kit like this for each member your family would be a very very nice thing to have especially if you are out in california but at a very minimum just get some n95 respirators to keep in your vehicle as well for situations like that so the next item that you want to keep in your car is going to be flares or an emergency light like this one of the scariest things is when you're driving on a highway and then suddenly i don't know where there's a broken down car in the middle of the highway or maybe you're driving at night and there's a broken down car in the middle of the road this happens all the time and i'm surprised by how many people do not have some sort of signal or flares or emergency light like this to help uh show people that there is a broken down car here and you got to avoid it and there are many many many accidents that happen for this specific reason that there's a car broken down people don't see it until the very last minute so having something like this is going to be crucial uh to have in your vehicle this is kind of a must-have that you either have to have an emergency light like this or have some road flares don't be that jackoff who breaks down in the road and doesn't even turn on his indicators or try to indicate to people that there is a broken down car uh in the road and this little guy here i'm actually pretty happy with this is from wagon tech and it's got a bunch of different signals that you can have on there plus it has a flashlight built into it and it's got a magnet on the back of this so you can literally attach this to the back of your vehicles make sure people see it the battery will last for 38 hours i like having something like this better than road flares because road fillers do have a lot of other hazards associated with them and once you use a road flare you can't really use it again something like this you run out of gas and you only need to use this for an hour you could do that and you still have this in your vehicle and this one here takes three aaa batteries so what i recommend is if you're buying a flashlight as well and one of these make sure that they take the same batteries this is something that a lot of people overlook if this takes double a batteries and this takes aaa batteries now you have to buy twice as many batteries to keep in your vehicle just buy one pack of aaa batteries and buy a flashlight an emergency road flare like this that takes the same batteries now if you don't have one of these and you don't have road flares another not as good option is you could get some glow sticks now i bought like a pack of 100 of these a while ago and i do keep some of these in my vehicles um this is not as bright and not as effective as as having something like this but this could be a good alternative if you don't have any other options so you definitely want some sort of road flares or emergency signal for your vehicle for if it ever does break down or stalls out or you run out of gas any of those things or let's say you do go off into the ditch and you have to spend the night in your vehicle you can stick this up in your back window to help people find you and kind of alert people that your car went off the road and crash into a snow bank something along those lines so i am really happy with this one and i'll have a link down to this product in the description of the video as well so the next item you should keep in your car is going to be a backup battery charger so once i discovered these i fell in love with these battery chargers i have several of these you can get them for as cheap as ten dollars only up to maybe sixty dollars something like this will give me two and a half full charges of my cell phone and i literally just keep this in my car at all times and if i'm not charging my cell phone i'll plug the charger into this and keep this thing fully charged and i am very surprised about how often i actually end up using this thing you know life happens sometimes you don't get to charge your phone at nighttime sometimes you lose your cable or you think you have it plugged in but it's not and you start your day and your batteries are already at 30 and what's nice is i can then take this with me and keep this in my pocket with my cell phone and charge my cell phone kind of throughout the day but let's say you run out of gas and you can't charge your phone from the car anymore having a battery backup like this is going to be crucial but most often what i find myself doing is just taking this in the charging cable with me and charging my phone in my pocket while i'm walking around hiking or camping or backpacking something along those lines now going along with this i also do recommend you have some extra charger cables in your car so that you can keep your main charger in your car and take something like this with you and have a variety of these connectors or have some sort of adapters for these as well you know i'm an android guy i have an android phone but i keep an apple charger cable in my car as well just so my passengers can charge their apple devices if they're in my vehicle so having a battery backup like this this is this is a game changer once you discover these and you start buying these and carrying these around with you this is going to be a game changer and leaving it in your car is a pretty nice place to leave it so the next item that you should keep in your vehicle at all times is going to be a good multi-tool so i am always blown away by how many situations i end up using my multi-tool and it is an incredibly versatile tool and it has several very useful tools built into it probably the most useful and most used for me is just going to be the pliers here and then the phillips head and the flat head screwdriver it also has a knife i also use a lot of the tools for scraping sometimes and this is definitely a must-have in your vehicle now this one here is the gerber flick and i've been using gerber for a very long time i'm very happy with gerber but there are plenty of other really solid multi-tools that you can use as well but by the size of a multi-tool like this i'm always blown away by how many functionalities this thing has like you could have an entire tool bag that you keep in your vehicle or you just have this you know keep this in your glove compartment or your center console um and these things are just incredibly incredibly useful and if you don't have one of these in your vehicle for vehicle maintenance and emergency situations you definitely need to go get yourself a good multi-tool you're probably going to spend at least 30 40 to get something that's really selling and will last you for 10 years um germa obviously has a really good brand and they are who i've been using for probably 15 years or so for my multi-tools so definitely go out and buy a good multi-tool keep it in your glove compartment or keep it in your center console so now that you know what the 10 items are that you should keep in your vehicle at all times click right here to check out my video breaking down the 15 items that the red cross wants everybody to keep in their homes at all times i also want to announce that i recently launched a brand new website survivalknowhow.com i have a bunch of articles and gear recommendations up there right now so definitely go and check that out thanks so much for watching i'll see you over in the next video
Channel: Survival Know How
Views: 55,405
Rating: 4.8603582 out of 5
Keywords: emergency vehicle kit, emergency car kit, what to keep in your car, car emergency kit, vehicle emergency kit, prepping, prepper, disaster preparedness, bug out vehicle, car road flares, vehicle flares, how to survive a car accident, get home bag, emergency kit, survival items, survival gear
Id: ZPUwx3goUfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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