Top 10 Interesting Facts About Anakin Skywalker

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if you would join us how can you do this hey guys how's it going and welcome to another top ten today we're gonna go over one of my favorite characters of all time Anakin Skywalker the chosen one now Anakin's got tons of information canon and legends out there so you can imagine really this list could be you know with top 1000 facts about anakin but i'm just gonna keep it short I'm gonna keep only ten here and I'm just gonna pick some random cool things so I could even make it part two of this so before I digress further let's get on with the video number one Anakin's visions destroyed him one of the questions that arise from Anakin's fall to the dark side is if he hadn't had visions of Padme his death would he have betrayed the Jedi in the first place he joined the Sith so he could save her life but in an ironic tragic twist it was that very choice that ultimately led to her demise so if he hadn't seen the future would the events that created it have occurred at all the ability to see into the future was one of Anakin's most powerful and prominent powers however you should know that after the events of Mustafar after he lost to obi-wan and officially became Darth Vader he lost this ability forever the death of Padme is probably the most well known of his visions but throughout Anakin's life he was haunted by the future on various occasions in particular during the Clone Wars on mortis when he encountered an entity that was the embodiment of the dark side of the force known as the Sun the powerful force wielder revealed to Anakin what a dark turn his life would eventually take as Darth Vader the knowledge of his dark fate twisted his mind and the vision itself turned him to the dark side but to restore him to the light the memory was later wiped clean by another cosmic force entity called the father number 2 Anakin was 12 when he built his first lightsaber one of the most important rites of passage that a Jedi Padawan must pass as constructing their own lightsaber and it can join the order at a later age than normal recruits but he was a quick study with a uniquely strong connection to the force so when he was 12 he built his first lightsaber in the crystal caves of the planet Ilham obi-wan took Anakin so that his apprentice could make his saber the young Skywalker went inside the cave found a spot and began to meditate while in his meditation trance a specter of a slave and another one of Darth Maul appeared and attacked him but Anakin was able to handle them easily when he woke from his trance he had completed his lightsaber the saber was perfectly balanced for him with the hilt that was heavy and rigid to complement his strength and would go on to serve the young Jedi well until he lost it in the Droid Factory on Geonosis in Episode two number three he could tame beasts with the force some Jedi were able to communicate and/or manipulate with non sentient animals or creatures throughout the galaxy this included Anakin who trained in the ability from his earliest days with the Jedi it proved especially useful for him in the arena on Geonosis when he was able to calm down a ferocious reek and even mount it as his steed the ability remained with him as a sip as well after his injuries on Mustafar as Vader he would go on various occasions to invade the minds of beasts to be used for his own ends number four years before his fall he nearly left the Jedi given that the Jedi Council didn't initially want him to join the order Anakin was always a little uncertain about his place with the Jedi but there was a point years before the Clone Wars that the young Jedi actually decided to leave his doubts were only heightened when he developed a friendship with Chancellor Palpatine whose influence began to push him away from the Jedi he started to wonder whether he was on the right path in his life he joined the order as a child and hadn't really made an informed choice his doubts only grew over time until he reached the point where he handed over his lightsaber to obi-wan Kenobi having decided to leave the Jedi as we can see in this old Anakin and obi-wan comic however a crucial mission interfered in his plans he had to cast his doubts and uncertainties aside and focus on the important tasks at hand throughout that adventure and it can eventually changed his mind and made his own choice to remain with the Jedi much to Obi Wan's relief and later great regrets but yeah what would have happened if Anakin had left the order before the Clone Wars that's fan fiction for another time number five Anakin's robes reflected his personality now made a video on this by itself a couple years ago but I'm gonna reiterate and dive into a little more here and it can always stood apart from the other Jedi we know this he joined them at an older age his power was unrivaled besting every other student and even some teachers his attitude was unconventional and he would at times disobey orders and improvise during dangerous situations usually two very successful outcomes but his masters and other teachers found him reckless you can argue that he liked making these little subtle at times not so subtle rebellious acts against the order even his robes were a bit of a middle finger to the Jedi they were a darker shade of brown than what most Jedi usually wore they also incorporated a synthetic black leather sir coat the black color was probably a fashion choice but the material itself offered greater protection than traditional cloth like Toby ones this came in handy for a man of action type like Anakin as he would at times jump into situations before stopping to think than through the roams actually supplied some protection against possible reckless lightsaber strikes as they wore dense and provided armor though the outfit of course didn't reflect lightsaber strikes it merely gave him a bit better of a protection and feel the outfit did have its practical uses though the Jedi were still a bit concerned with the obvious rebellious choices Anakin had made in the aesthetics of his robes concerns that as it turned out they should have taken more seriously number six inspiration authors on occasion when they are trying to come up with a name for their characters sometimes find inspiration from historical figures that doesn't really appear to be the case with George Lucas however who seemed to have search for cool sounding names that reflected his characters function like Luke's last name was originally star killer but was changed to skywalker and he is a Jedi and symbolically walks in the sky compared to ordinary beings with Hans last name to Solo was picked only because the character was a loner that lived his own rules as we saw in the solo film though it hasn't been confirmed by Lucas it is possible that the name Anakin might have a historical origin as well there were allegedly giants called Anna Kim who were creatures in the vein of Goliath from David and Goliath living in Palestine they apparently reigned supreme and favored war above most things so perhaps Anakin was supposed to be the more aggressive name and Luke could have been David to Anakin's Goliath number 7 Anakin almost became a slave again when we met Anakin and the Phantom Menace he was a slave which even after he was freed or something that haunted him the rest of his life he resented anyone who is involved in the horrendous trade so when during a mission in the Clone Wars Anakin obi-wan and ahsoka ended up in bondage the former slave was probably dealing with one of the most difficult moments for him in the war in order to rescue took Rutten colonists who had been kidnapped by zai geryon slavers Anakin obi-wan and ahsoka posed as slavers to get their queen's favor but she figured out who they were and Anakin was forced to serve the Queen as her personal slave because his friend's lives were in danger he obeyed her for a time eventually he devised a plan to escape at the right moment while the Queen had to face the wrath of Count Dooku only a slave again briefly he and ahsoka promised to freed the galaxy of slavery after the Clone Wars of course it could be argued that Anakin was a slave his whole life on Tatooine in bondage he had a master and then as a Jedi he had masters as a Sith Lord he had one master Anakin Skywalker Darth Vader was never free to be his own man if you really think about it he always had to answer to someone else number eight he trained to sauger era the breathing impeded extremists in the cumbersome suit soccer era who was played by Forest Whitaker in rogue one and voiced by Andrew casino in the Clone Wars animated show was a resistance fighter who hated the separatists and the Empire and fought them both with fanatic zeal and determination during the Clone Wars Anakin obi-wan and ahsoka trained Guerrera and his people and how to wage guerrilla warfare against the separatist forces training which he would later employ with great efficiency against the Empire and to some degree would be adopted by the Rebel Alliance meaning Darth Vader had to fight against the tactics of Anakin Skywalker number nine how he got the first scar on his face between attack of the clones and episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Anakin grew out his hair grow exponentially in power and ability and suddenly had a mysteriously cool looking scar over his right eye how did he get it well in legends at least Anakin was on coarsened in the lower levels listening to a recording Padme had left for him when he was suddenly attacked by Count Dooku's deadly apprentice Asajj Ventress she managed to taunt and antagonize the Jedi enough that his temper left him momentarily open fer to carve the scar into his face with one of her lightsabers but she's soon enough withdrew from the duel as she knew she couldn't beat him though she didn't let on instead she left with the boast that she could have ended him whenever she wanted but had chosen not to number 10 Anakin's midi-chlorian count one of the more controversial editions George Lucas added to Star Wars lore with the prequel films was the concept of midi-chlorians personally I liked it I was fine with it but I know a lot of people had issues with it they were Lucas's semi-scientific explanation of how the force works where before the force had been more of a spiritual mysterious galactic energy and I feel like they still are however this was George's scientific way of trying to explain it I'm not gonna get into whether the addition was a good or bad thing either way their cannon a force sensitive can sense the strength of the force and other beings but to understand their potential account of their midi-chlorians is made if the Jedi lived in a video game you can say that the midi-chlorians are a type of stat level with Anakin Skywalker having the highest number of any forced user in the history of the Jedi his count was over 20,000 with even some sources citing it at over 27,000 what he could have become and full potential remains unknown but it's clear it would have become something incredible as even with a crippled burnt body he had no equals I hope you guys enjoyed this random 10 facts video about Anakin if you'd like for me to do another one with some other 10 facts or maybe even you know ten top powers that Anakin has in legends and canon as well just let me know in the comments below and I'd be happy to do that for you hope you enjoyed this video I'll see you in the next one and until then remember the force will be with you always destiny you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
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Keywords: Top 10 Interesting Facts About Anakin Skywalker, star wars, darth vader, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, star wars explained, star wars theory, kylo ren, darth vader death, obi-wan kenobi, order 66, revenge of the sith, star wars trailer, darth vader suit, mace windu, the last jedi, qui gon jinn, darth maul, star wars episode 9, vader fan film, hayden episode 9, ian mcdiarmid, obi wan vs anakin, vader vs luke, rey vs kylo
Id: 4DpS80DxpyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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