10 Star Wars Mysteries That Were Never Answered

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As one of the most popular franchises in all of pop culture, fans spend a lot of time dissecting each frame of a Star Wars film. The saga is a touchstone for generations of moviegoers, meaning that many people are well versed in each of their secrets. But even the most die-hard supporters can get stumped every now and then. There are aspects of the movies that have yet to be revealed. Here are Screen Rant’s 10 Star Wars mysteries that were never answered. Anakin’s Conception In Episode I, it’s said that Anakin was born without a father, and his mother Shmi can’t explain what happened. It’s a subject that’s not really touched upon again until Revenge of the Sith, when Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin the story of Darth Plageuis. Sidious’ old master, Plageuis could manipulate the midichlorians to create life, but the film stops short of saying this is how Skywalker was conceived. It’s a reveal George Lucas had planned in the original script, but he cut it – and now the answer may never be known, making one wonder why the miracle birth angle was introduced in the first place. Vader Doesn’t Sense Leia Darth Vader is one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy, so why couldn’t he sense his own daughter? In Return of the Jedi, viewers learn that Leia is Luke’s twin sister, and therefore one of Vader’s children. It retroactively creates a plot hole, since Vader never felt something in the Force that hinted at that. During the Death Star trench run, he was very aware that Luke was strong with the Force, and Leia, while no Jedi, was still able to use it. Vader should have been able to sense the presence of another Force sensitive being, especially when he’s standing right in front of her. Yoda’s Species Every alien and creature that shows up in the Star Wars films has a name. Many of them, like Wookies, Ewoks, and Hutts, go down in history and become memorable parts of the zeitgeist. But ask anyone what Yoda’s species is, and there will be no reply. The wise old Jedi master is just shown as a small green alien with pointy ears, with no mention of what kind he is being made. Even when another of Yoda’s people, Yaddle, was shown in the prequels, the answer was never revealed. It’s one that will puzzle Star Wars fans forever, and is unlikely to ever be solved. Luke’s Dagobah Training In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke heads to Dagobah to train with Yoda, while his friends fly in the Millennium Falcon trying to avoid the Imperials. The way the film is edited, it seems like Luke was with Yoda for just a few days learning the ways of the Force, but that hardly seems like enough time to become a Jedi Knight. That’s a process that should take months, but it’s hard to believe Han, Leia, and Chewie spent that much time cooped up in the Falcon evading their enemies. Fans will just have to use their imagination to come up with a proper answer, since this topic won’t be covered again. Maker of the Prophecy When he discovers Anakin, Qui-Gon determines that the boy is the Chosen One a Jedi prophecy speaks of – one who will bring balance to the Force. It’s a way to underscore Anakin’s importance to galactic events, but the prophecy is one of the more mysterious elements of the whole saga. Nobody mentions where it came from or who wrote it, or why it was so important to bring the Force back into balance. And given that there are Dark Side users in The Force Awakens, it seems like a hopeless cause anyway. The Chosen One trope can work sometimes, but the case can be made it should be left out of Star Wars. Is Boba Fett Alive? Fans were very disappointed when bounty hunter Boba Fett met a less-than-noble end at the Sarlaac pit, wishing that the villain could have stayed longer, or died with more dignity. His lack of screen time in the original trilogy has contributed to his rise in popularity, and viewers want to see more of him. The debate rages on that Boba could still be alive, having escaped the Sarlaac. The new Star Wars canon has yet to answer this, with the only clue being the appearance of Mandalorian armor in the novel Aftermath. If a Boba spinoff movie is in the works, fans may discover the truth. Who Discovered the Force? The Star Wars films present only a snippet of the universe’s vast history, leaving much more left to be explored. Obi-Wan mentions that the Jedi were the guardians of the Old Republic for over 1,000 generations, meaning the Force had to have been discovered a long, long time ago. It would be an interesting story to see unfold, since the Force is such a unique and fascinating concept. Learning that you can control objects with your mind and sense people’s presences is a monumental, life-changing event – and it’s something that had huge ramifications on the galaxy. Who’s Funding the Rebels? The Empire has plenty of resources at their disposal to wage a war, since their reach covers several areas of the galaxy, but what about their opponents? A ragtag bunch struggling to make ends meet, the Rebels have a number of ships and supplies they need for the conflict, and that stuff probably doesn’t come cheap. It’s hinted that certain sympathizing systems like Alderaan may supply some funds, but it’s something fans never know for sure. Since the Rebel Alliance emerges victorious, their financial sources are the real heroes of the saga who never get a moment in the spotlight. Obi-Wan’s Tatooine Vacation After the fall of the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan Kenobi goes into exile on Tatooine, so he can keep a close eye on young Luke. But with 19 years taking place between Episodes III and IV, it’s hard to believe that all Obi-Wan did was baby sit. While he probably remained low key to avoid attention, Kenobi probably found some adventures to be had on the desert world as he waited for Luke to get old enough to start Jedi training. With rumors of an Obi-Wan standalone film refusing to go away, fans may just get to see what he was up to before the original movie began. Where’s Lando? Introduced in The Empire Strikes Back, Lando Calrissian is a major player in the final two installments of the original trilogy, even helping destroy the second Death Star. It’s odd, then, that he seems to have no presence in the new films. Lando does not appear in The Force Awakens and isn’t even mentioned. To some fans, Lando is as important to the franchise as Luke, Han, and Leia, and with Episode VII playing catch up, it would have been nice to know Lando’s state. Billy Dee Williams was not part of the recently announced Episode 8 cast, so unless there’s a surprise, his time in the war may be over – without anyone knowing why. Those are our picks for 10 unanswered Star Wars mysteries. Are there any we missed? Which ones leave you confused the most? Sound off in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for more fun videos like this one!
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 10,692,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return Of The Jedi, A New Home, Phantom Menace, Attack Of The Clones, Revenge Of The Sith Force Awakens, Yoda, Boba Fett, Rey, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, Lando, Vader, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Movies, Films, #Films, film, List, Education
Id: XKmbLJbKbVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2016
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