10 Comics Fates Worse Than Death

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[Music] when a character dies in the comics it's usually not a permanent problem which kind of takes the wind out of the Grim Reaper's sails somewhat because it's like oh I'll go collect some Souls to make my quota for the day what do you mean he's already back on his feet how is that even possible well maybe death should settle down a little as just because his target isn't actually ready for the reaping right now that doesn't mean that his future clients are having a great time of it from not being able to die to being killed over and over comic books have found horrible ways to make the end of life itself look like an absolute picnic by comparison so let's look at some of the most unnerving horrible and downright cruel fates for comic book heroes and villains as I'm Jules this is what culture calm and these are 10 comic book fates worse than death number 10 immortality for most people the concept of immortality seems like the perfect way to use one of their three magic Genie wishes but if you stop and take a moment to think about it it's one of the worst fates a mortal can suffer in most depictions immortality is a curse as it means the person is left to watch everyone and everything they care about die and turn to dust over time immortality would surely drive anyone to madness and this unfortunately is often the case in comic books to live forever without companionship is a horrible fate as is the fact that even if they did want to end it all they simply couldn't just take obvious from the Sandman books he had his head cut off but still couldn't die and so had to live on for hundreds and hundreds of years without the use of his body imagine if he had an itchy nose number nine continuously experiencing death over and over and over in the Vertigo fables series Goldilocks isn't some sweet little girl who's just looking for a place to sleep in a little bed of porridge to eat she's a psychotic killing machine and while she was ultimately stopped in the series she suffered a horrible fate that most wouldn't wish on their greatest enemy in fables the characters strength and durability is based on their popularity in the published works that are read by mortals when a character is as popular and as well-known as goalie locks she's essentially immortal and very difficult to kill in any permanent fashion while she was going on one of her killing sprees she ended up an axe to the head which sent herd tumbling down a cliff only to be hit by a speeding truck when she finally hit the bottom the impact of the truck sent her careening into a river where she remained she was so badly hurt that she couldn't make it to the shoreline or the surface of the water and so remained there for weeks however get this she wasn't dead instead she was stuck in a state of always drowning never dying for weeks grim about eight trapped on a single world unable to save his own the Silver Surfer began his super-powered career as Galactus is is is is is Harold and while working in this capacity he enjoyed surfing the cosmos traveling through black holes and resting in the center of stars his power cosmic gave him the ability to do pretty much anything and travel wherever he wanted to go but that all changed when he defied his master Galactus being as petty as he is bloody huge punished the Silver Surfer by trapping him on earth making it impossible for him to leave the atmosphere and once again surf the cosmos but that wasn't the only thing that he did he also informed his former Herald that now his homeworld was back on the menu for absorption so all the Silver Surfer could do was wait on earth with this threat that this could happen at any time hanging over him number seven being stuck between life and death the Infinity Gauntlet series played out a bit differently in the comic books than it did on the silver screen that's quite the understatement Ashley because in the books vanoss acquired the gems and assembled his gauntlet but once this was complete he went to war with pretty much every remaining character in the Marvel Universe this included every cosmic being including Celestials and even Galactus but with the power of the Infinity Gauntlet he was able to subdue them easily and bend a lot of them to his will using all of this power he even placed himself as the new Eternity becoming one with the entire universe yet before all of this happened he resurrected nebula but he didn't bring her back to life in a nice clean package she was more of a husk affirming neither dead nor alive forever stuck between life and death floating in space eventually she managed to free herself but for a long old while this was a truly torturous existence number six aging rapidly into oblivion the crisis on Infinite Earths event was one of the biggest to shake up the DC Universe since the publisher started pumping out comic books nearly a century ago and it left fans reeling when favorite characters were changed forever including of course the faint of Barry Allen in the 8th issue of the series Barry saved the multiverse but it cost him his life and it was not a pleasant death in the slightest here Barry managed to foil the anti monitors plan to take out the earth with an antimatter cannon he did this by running faster than he'd ever run before creating a speed for techs which pulled the power of the cannon into its wake he ran so fast that he began running backwards in time and the strain on his body was too much for him as he called out for help he began to age rapidly and turn to dust before his friends eyes it might have looked quick but to run yourself out of existence as pretty brutal to say the least number 5 never make a deal with the devil when Al Simmons was brutally murdered he wasted no time in attempting to return to the land at the living he was cast into hell for his life of government-sanctioned murder and mayhem which brought him to the attention of a demon who offered al a deal now this is the thing becoming spawn might seem like a great gig sing as you're effectively immortal and have some insane powers but it does come with a price as what the demon wanted in exchange for all of this power was Al's identity as such Al Simmons was erased from history and now he is forced to watch his family live on without him what's worse is that his close ties to the family actually resulted in a great deal of pain and suffering being sent their way that makes being spawn definitely a fate worse than death number 4 being thrown into a tiny box and then being used as an energy source in Batman Incorporated number 2 Batman and Catwoman were going up against an immortal being called Lord death man who could come back from the dead every time that he was killed as you can imagine that made him a pretty difficult foe to deal with well that was until he got one of the most brutal endings imaginable Batman chucked him off a building leaving him prone enough so the Catwoman could stuff his body inside a cramped safe but that was the end of it as this safe was then launched into all it in a huge example of hey I can't really be bothered to deal with this problem right now so somebody else will sort it however this wasn't the end of his suffering as Lord death man was eventually recovered by Rachele Ghul and instead of letting him go he kept him confined and used his body as a continuous source of so called Lazarus blood which works pretty much in the same way that the Lazarus pits did keeping him alive for an unnaturally long amount of time number three imprisonment in the Phantom Zone the Phantom Zone has been depicted in numerous ways over the years but for the most part comics have actually skipped around on its very nature however a relatively recent depiction quickly became one of the most frightening of all in action comics volume 2 number 13 we see the first person ever to be imprisoned in the Phantom Zone as he's placed inside he screams what's happening why can't I see I can't hear why can't I feel anything this showcases a horrible existence unable to see hear feel or age anyone cast inside the Phantom Zone would be aware of their own existence but be unable to do anything about it as you can imagine this would be torture on the highest level to anyone put inside number 2 the pennant stare so Ghost Rider is a truly impressive character firstly his design is outrageously cool and that is only equalled by his incredible powers that are purpose designed to torture the wicked when it comes time to deal with a bad guy up close and personal Ghost Rider has several abilities at his command he can detect sin identify people based on their transgressions and zero in on the worst things that they have ever done in their lives and turn it back against them he does this through his penance stare which involves looking directly into the eyes of his foes and when he does this that person feels all the pain and suffering that they have ever inflicted on anyone throughout their lifetime and they feel it all at once and for all eternity now it's fair to say that these individuals deserve to feel the suffering that they've caused but for all eternity woof and number one gamma radiation doesn't turn you into a Hulk in real life in the Marvel Universe it seems that all anyone needs to do to score some dope superpowers is to bathe in radiation for a little bit he'll at work for daredevil it gave spider-man his powers thanks to an irradiated spider bite of course Bruce Banner got the big green treatment that blast of gamma radiation transformed Bruce into the Incredible Hulk her being who is saved and endangered the world in equal measure however this led many to question what would have happened to him in real life well that's exactly the concept that's explored in the Marvel miniseries ruins in this version Bruce was still transformed but instead of becoming the Hulk he turned into a gigantic mass of tumors which ended up turning most of his body inside out what's worse is the fact that he continued to live through this in constant agony with no hope of death or healing and according to Rick Jones he remains in a CIA facility where he's kept alive to be studied grim and there we go my friends those were 10 comic fates that were worse than death I hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comment section below and if you want to chat to me further about all things to do with comic books TV film video games and anything else then why not follow me on Twitter at retro J with a zero or you can swing by my gaming channel which is called live and let's die swear I'm doing loads of live streams and board games so if that's your cup of tea I'd like to see you over there but before I go back I just want to say one thing we detailed today about fates that were worse than death and you know what in our everyday lives we can make our lives harder for ourselves without even realizing it sometimes so what I'm going to say to you right now is it's okay to take a break it is okay to take a step back from life and ask yourself some important and very simple questions such as am i okay and if you're not that's okay because friends family professionals in the support industry all of these people care about you and want you to do well they know that you're a massive legend deserve to live a healthy and happy life big love from me to you as always I've been Jules you have been awesome never forget that and ah speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 711,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CXUReyeuLA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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