10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Carnage

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[Music] during the 1990s venom spawn fused with the murderer called Cletus Kasady creating a new super villain called carnage according to Venom's host Eddie Brock Cassidy is the worst serial killer to ever walk the earth body count only dictators and plagues can dream of one without the ability to feel compassion guilt remorse or pity carnage grew up to become evil incarnate however there are a lot of things people don't know about carnage we know he's evil and powerful but few comic fans know how his powers work or who else has worn his symbiote so let's have a look at the misconceptions everyone makes about carnage I am Kirsten from what culture and these are 10 things everyone gets wrong about carnage number 10 modern carnage is the same symbiote as the first carnage any Brock became the supervillain venom after he encountered a black gooey alien known as killed ha or otherwise known as a symbiote after Brock lost his symbiote he was sent to jail where he shared a cell with the serial killer Cletus Kasady eventually the creature found Brock and bonded with him once more after venom left a Cassidy noticed the symbiote had left an liquid goo behind this goo was Venom's offspring and it bonded with Cassidy turning him into carnage this may be common knowledge to Marvel fans but very few people know that spider-man destroyed the carnage symbiote after one of his battles with Cassidy so how did he get it back well the alien warlord blast star launched an invasion of Earth through a series of portals one of the portals led to a dimension called the negative zone where a dormant Clint are awaited as the portals opened Cassidy was naturally drawn to them as he sensed a symbiote lay on the other side Cassidy managed to locate the alien and bonded with it to become carnage once more because these circumstances are somewhat convoluted the idea that this symbiote is not the original carnage has been dismissed in some stories number 9 carnage has no family besides venom carnage is often known as the spawn of venom implying he is only the offspring although he was the first child of venom he wasn't exactly the last a corrupt corporation called The Life Foundation kidnapped a venom believing they could utilize his symbiote to create a super soldiers when they learned that the Clint I'll give birth a sexually they imprisoned venom until he spawned five offspring phage agony Lasha scream and riots each generation of symbiote is supposed to be stronger than the previous one which is why carnage is more powerful than venom however since these five symbionts didn't bond with hosts for very long their strength pales compared to carnage but these aren't the early members of Carnage's family in venom versus carnage Cletus Kasady learned that his symbiote was pregnant knowing his offspring had the potential to be stronger than him Cassidy did everything in his power to kill his spawn after Carnage's son was born it merged with a police officer called Pat Mulligan to become toxin thankfully toxin does not harbor the same malicious side as his father and grandfather and allied against venom and carnage several times number eight he's slightly stronger than venom because each generation of symbiote is more powerful than the previous one eunice doom carnage is slightly stronger than venom however carnage is in his own league of power although venom can lift ten tons carnage can lift a staggering 90 tons making it one of the strongest beings on the planet carnage is so mighty he is effortlessly defeated Wolverine Captain America and the Hulk he also has more powers than you would imagine he's bulletproof and doesn't need air heat or food to survive even though he was ripped into and hurled into space carnage survived and his legs grew back also he's immune to psychic attacks because he cannot be defeated with brute force superheroes have had to be smart when trying to take on the maniac Ghost Rider track down carnage and performed the penis' tear forcing Cassidy to relive every sin he committed simultaneously unfortunately the Steyr had no effect on Cassidy since it can only impair someone that feels compassion now you might be thinking College should be easy to defeat symbiotes are vulnerable to fire and sound aren't they well number seven he's vulnerable to fire and sonic attacks as has been shown in the film's venom and spider-man 3 the Clint are are weak against fire and sound base attacks in fact they are so sensitive to fire that venom has been defeated with the flame from a lighter Peter Parker originally got rid of the Venom symbiote by forcing it to listen to the deafening toll of a church bell when spider-man first handled with carnage he knocked out the malevolent alien by blasting him with a sonic wave okay that sounds pretty easy if you burn carnage or ring a bell he's down for the count this may have worked in the past but Carnage's powers have evolved dramatically in recent stories after having his blood exposed to a dark magic called the dark hold carnage became invulnerable to sonic attacks and fire yes if you didn't think carnage was already overpowered he also has magical powers the only thing that carnage is vulnerable to is electricity ironically venom and spider-man tried to stun carnage by electrocuting him in their first encounter but it didn't work this inconsistency was probably an oversight by the writers number 6 Cletus Kasady can separate from carnage in theory it's pretty simple to defeat a Clint are the alien is at full power when it's leeching off its host if the symbiote is disabled it will separate from the host once carnage is removed from Cletus Kasady he's just a guy with no powers obviously he's still very dangerous he wouldn't be able to hold his own against Wolverine or Thor could he if only it were that simple in the superior carnage miniseries a scientist explained that carnage is no longer a suit that Cassidy wears it's a permanent part of him the Clint are flows through his bloodstream since it has bonded on a cellular level and nestled into his DNA even if someone else bonds with carnage it will do everything in its power to return to Cassidy while the serial killer was in prison he was shivved in the neck the injury was so severe the doctor said he would be dead in hours the symbiote could instinctively tell Cassidy's life was in jeopardy tracked him down to heal him even if Cassidy dies and he has multiple times carnage will revive him basically making him immortal number five Cletus Kasady is the only person to become carnage over the years carnage has bonded with thousands of people the Green Goblin Norman Osborn found a sovereign of the symbiote and merged with it to become the red goblin because Osborn is in his own league of evil he forced his grandson Normie to bond with the alien as well after Cassidy was lobotomized the symbiote bonded with a scientist called Karl Malus to become superior carnage malice fused guns knives and grenades it's who the Clint's are to make him as deadly as possible when Cassidy infected the entire town of doverton the Avengers swooped in to try to put a stop to his madness during the battle carnage managed to inflict the thing Captain America and Wolverine with the alien turning them into his minions the symbiote eventually spread until they reached an animal preserve forcing the remaining heroes to battle a carnage version of a gorilla and a giraffe which was ridiculous and awesome at the same time number four he is a genius at first Cletus Kasady seems similar to the Joker after all they're both homicidal maniacs who thrive on spreading chaos but there's one major difference between the two supervillains the Joker is a tactical genius despite possessing no superpowers that Joker has defeated Batman time and time again by relying on superior strategies and contingency plans Cassidy on the other hand is an idiot he never went to school and so possesses no education he knows little to nothing about history politics or religion since he spent most of his free time playing video games and watching trash TV despite his mental limitations he can overpower the greatest superheroes since his symbiote is powered by violence carnage didn't choose Cassidy because of his intellect it chose him because his ability to wreak havoc exceeds anyone else on the planet when he's fighting spider-man or venom he usually doesn't have any strategies all contingency plan he just fights like a crazed animal who loves killing number three carnage is always evil when carnage was asked what his purpose is he said it was to dance all silly and spine broken to the universes death rattle this mattress shows just how truly psychotic carnage is but a when Scarlet Witch accidentally exposed Cletus Kasady to an inversion spell she removed all his evil impulses for the first time in his life carnage wanted to be a hero in his own words my skull is bombarded by all kinds of confusing and gross feelings and stupid emotions it makes me want to do good since he had never rescued someone in his entire life carnage sucked at playing hero when he saw pacifiers being attacked by criminals he shouted halt evildoer and fear not fair maiden because his name sounds terrifying he decided to go by the new moniker your friendly neighborhood carnage man yeah it didn't catch on his heart may have been in the right place but carnage never got the hang of being a hero when he saw criminals tried to rob a bank he stopped them by burning the building down I mean you can't rob a bank if it's incinerated right number 2 Cletus Kasady has only bonded with one symbiote after Cletus Kasady was killed his body was stolen by a Clint are worshipping cult this group desire to awaken the creator of carnage of species no because the deities consciousness is tethered to a symbiote called Grendel null can only be awakened if Grendel absorbs the DNA of every person on earth who has bonded with the symbiote believing Cassidy was the best person to revive the null the cult members merged Grendel to Cassidy's body which resurrected him it turns out Grendel was the first symbiote to arrive on earth hundreds of years before venom null used Grendel as a vessel hoping to wipe out all life on the planet but he was frozen in ice which shut down nulls mind after bonding with Grendel Cassidy took on the name dark carnage number one he is the most powerful symbiote carnage may be powerful but he doesn't hold a candle against the deadliest symbiote in the universe jerks in the story king breaker jerks is introduced as one of the prisoners of Shaya empire jokes has the same power as any other Clinton but to a far higher degree as hard as it is to believe Jukes is actually more evil and twisted than carnage although Asim biet feeds off of the adrenaline of the host Jukes prefers to eat the brain of the one he has merged to as he fights his host begs for death as you slowly devours their brain the Shia stated that Jukes is the top five most dangerous beings in the galaxy considering the Shia have battled omega-level mutant interdimensional parasites and the Phoenix force that should give you a basic idea of this clintus power when an evil sentient world was chasing the Shia Jukes single-handedly destroyed the entire planet in a matter of seconds and that's our list what do you think of these carnage facts leave us a comment below and let us know if you liked this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe but for now I've been Kirsten from what culture and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 858,296
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Id: yS4hTRiq7zM
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Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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