10 Greatest Police Chases Of All Time

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[Music] crazy police chases don't just exist in video games and movies the police have to always be prepared to chase down criminals even if those criminals have some pretty creative ways of evading capture whether their vehicle of choices of convertible an RV or a skateboard they figure out how to keep running for as long as they possibly can and whether they're a hardened criminal or just a little kid police are gonna have to find a way to pull them over let's take a look at some of the greatest real-life police chases of all time some criminals think that in order to beat the police you have to become the police this was the case for one man who was chased by police after he decided to steal a pickup truck he crashes the stolen truck in the desert in a cloud of sand and jumps out using the confusion to his advantage and taking off into the bush it looks like he might try to flee on foot or hide from the police but what he does instead is wait for the officers to start chasing him and then double back he heads towards the abandoned police cruisers on the side of the road completely unnoticed by the officers and lucky for him they left their keys in the ignition helicopters watch as he takes off in the stolen Cruiser and even passes by other officers on their way to lend backup who think he's one of them but eventually they catch on to him once the car is reported stolen and he's finally cornered and taken into custody but where short was a strange day for the officers who got a lot more than they bargained for by having to chase down their very own patrol car a woman by the name of Kaitlin Rodriguez shocked Texas when her police chase turned into a family affair the 29 year old was caught speeding down Route 90 at a hundred miles an hour after cops tried to pull her over on outstanding warrants the woman knew she was wanted so she thought her best chance at freedom was a high-speed chase down the highway but it turns out that she wasn't the only one in the car after her Mercedes SUV crashes into the back of a pickup truck she jumps out and retrieves her baby car seat in all from the back seat then she dashes across several lanes of a busy highway avoiding cars with her baby still in hand and tries to steal herself a brand new ride but carjacking can't be so easy with a baby in so and she's apprehended by police before she can even get the car started the baby thankfully unharmed was carefully removed from the car and brought somewhere safe 52 year-old Julianne Rainbird was struck trying to evade police in an RV after they tracked her down for identity theft Rainbird bought the RV with an identity she'd stolen so when the identity theft was reported the police were almost immediately on her tail police approached the RV first but Rainbird frantically sped away it's obvious that it was difficult for her to control the large vehicle and that she was in a completely panicked State unable to weave through traffic she smashes into at least six cars and a palm tree causing more and more damage to the RV as she goes but she continues to drive even with gaping holes in the vehicle turns out she wasn't the only one in the car either she brought along her two furry friends at one point her dog seems to have enough and decides to jump out of the vehicle don't worry the dog ended up being just fine but a second dog appears and it's clear he wishes he jumped out to the RV finally comes to a halt and Rainbird decides to run on foot but she's quickly outrun by the police and taken into custody and her dogs the unwilling accomplices to her reckless driving were taken somewhere safe running from police in style seems better reserved for games like GTA but two burglars in Los Angeles thought that they should turn being chased by police into a star-studded moment the two men drove down Hollywood Boulevard in a Ford Mustang convertible and were seen pulling Donuts dancing in the seats pumping their fists in the air and just genuinely having a good time as police chased them for about an hour and a half their chase even gained a number of followers as people live tweeted the event as they watched them speed down the busy Boulevard the chase lasts all the way to South LA with the two men soaking up the attention the whole time before they finally pull over to take some selfies with fans as they wait for police to catch up it seems like the duo wanted to go out in style as they complied peacefully with the officers when they arrived do you think you'd try to take advantage of your five minutes of fame - if you ever ended up in a police chase let us know in the comments a crash that could have ended very violently went down in Phoenix Arizona 31 year-old Mitchell Timothy title tried to avoid capture after police tried to stop him for a moving traffic violation instead of pulling over he speeds up and police are forced to use stop sticks to try and slow him down but he avoids them he speeds and then starts to exceed 100 km/h the police try to box him in but that doesn't work either he Rams a patrol car and veers off picking up even more speed as he darts away obviously he had to slow down at some point and cops were just hoping he wouldn't collide with another driver but of course all this concluded in a head-on high-speed collision between Tai Bell's red SUV and a black SUV black smoke fills the air and things don't really look good for either of the drivers Tai Bell's vehicle even rolls a few times before coming to a complete stop but amazingly after such a high-speed accident hybl is uninjured as is the driver of the other vehicle he was then taken into custody and driven off in a patrol car at a much slower speed a man who stole a lumber truck and took it on a joyride through a town gave a whole new meaning to the term hot pursuit the man was chased by police after he stole the vehicle and started doing donuts on a busy street he was also waving at people and seemingly enjoying his ride as pedestrians cheered him on but despite how much people were enjoying the show the vehicle was dangerously swinging across the highway and blocking traffic moments away from causing an accident when police started to pursue things got a little too hot for the driver one of his tires is shot out and he loses control of the vehicle the back of the truck starts to catch on fire and the flame continues to grow as he continues fleeing flaming debris even starts to roll down the highway as it flies off of his vehicle he's eventually brought to a stop and taken out of the vehicle before the fire can spread but it's a pretty close call if anyone on this list was happy to have police pull him out of his vehicle it's probably this guy some car thieves don't even prefer cars as their main method of transportation such as the case of a man in Los Angeles who was chased by cops after stealing a BMW sedan the driver speeds through red lights and weaves through traffic to avoid capture but he eventually crashes into the back of a vehicle stopped in traffic that didn't mean it was over for this thief he figured that leaving the car behind and using another means of transportation was the best bet the man hops out of the BMW with his trusty longboard in hand he runs into oncoming traffic and hops onto his board once he reaches the sidewalk riding it for about a block before he has to run into traffic again his joyride is then thwarted by the driver of a pickup truck who blocks his path allowing police to finally corner and capture him turns out that the pickup truck driver was actually a bit of a celebrity it was actor Lu Pizarro who starred in the truTV show operation repo so at least this guy had a pretty cool story to tell in jail a drive through some wide-open spaces might seem like a fun time but we're sure it was stressful for this Oklahoma driver a man in a stolen truck took police on a chase through country roads and then wide open fields when they tried to corner him the driver seems to have some fun at first even pulling Donuts before another vehicle pulls up and shoots at the truck panicked the driver takes off through the fields and then ends up driving straight into a pond when trying to reverse away from the police he then clumsily gets out of the vehicle and trudges through the water as fast as he can which is not very fast given the swampy conditions the police have some trouble following him in but he's eventually caught and put soaking wet into the patrol car we're sure that he didn't imagine his day ending in such a sinking situation you don't have to be an experienced driver to be the subject of a police chase you don't even have to have a license or be of legal age like this 10 year old Ohio boy who was taken into custody after leading police on a high-speed chase that ended when troopers boxed him in along the Ohio Turnpike but this wasn't even the 10 year olds only joyride a second chase took place just two weeks later and this time the boy was more evasive he drove onto a grassy berm at a slow speed to avoid the officers stop sticks a trooper was able to gently nudge the vehicle into a post with his cruiser and block his getaway and the child was thankfully unhurt so why would he take his parents car out for a joyride in the first place well the first time he told officers that he was just bored but the second time yeah that's because his mother took away his playstation talk about a temper tantrum that Ohio boy was not the first or the last kid to get arrested for taking his parents car on a joyride what about these two kids who found themselves getting a talking-to by the portage police chief for reckless driving and endangerment not even tiny children in their tiny cars are above the law but all jokes aside some really young kids have been involved in police chases like this nine-year-old driver and his four year old passenger who were pulled over for the second time while driving a car they'd stolen from their parents on 911 that the vehicle appeared to be operated by two young children and that they were not able to keep the vehicle in the correct lane of traffic a Washington County sheriff's deputy responded and was able to intercept the vehicle about three miles away from the location of the initial 911 call while he was in pursuit the nine-year-old drove the vehicle into a ditch thankfully he wasn't going very fast and no one was hurt but we hope that this is the last time that these two siblings decide to drive themselves to Grandma's house so what's your favorite entry on the list and have any of you ever been in your own real life police chase or maybe you were the cops doing the chasing let us know in the comments be sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you want more great content thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 6,820,681
Rating: 4.8606052 out of 5
Keywords: TheRichest, greatest police chases, high-speed pursuit, LA police chase, stolen police car, helicopter footage police chase, police, 5-0, criminal, in pusuit, cops, cops show, fails, found, arrested, jail, illegal
Id: I8g6I_K0iJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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