10 Amazing Pets Who Saved Their Owners

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like and subscribe right now or you're going to have terrible luck for the next week as humans have rescued animals lives on different occasions so have many animals too in this video you will see different occasions where animals dogs especially saved humans from dangers in near-death experiences number 10 lions rescued a kidnapped girl i don't know if you heard this story too but there was a time it flooded the internet that a 12 year old girl was kidnapped by some men she was walking through a narrow path from school when the men crossed her way and kidnapped her they took her into a deep forest perhaps to unleash their evil plans on her or called the parents to extort them for a ransom but a pride of lions chased away the kidnappers what do you expect to happen next well normally as we view animals everyone would have thought that the lions would devour the poor girl who kept sobbing ceaselessly but the lions surrounded her without even trying to scratch her police came to rescue her the day after the lions left when they saw police coming well it was mysterious to non-line experts why the carnivorous beasts suddenly became angels but experts claim that the way the girl was crying put the animals off they believed that the lions felt she cried like one of their cubs so they thought they must have had to have taken care of her number nine gorilla rescues boy gorillas are known for their power and brutes but do you know that these human cousins could be kind too if you remember the story of a three-year-old boy who fell into the pen of gorillas at brickfield zoo in illinois you'd agree with me that animals too could be angelic it was almost unbelievable a gorilla can destroy a fully grown man in a matter of minutes so he could easily destroy a kid in seconds but instead of this gorilla to do so to this child the motherly creatures surprised everyone that witnessed the scene she dropped her baby and went ahead to pick the little boy and delivered him to the rescue team there was no hurt whatsoever except for the injuries the boy sustained when he fell the gorilla then went back to pick up her baby and breastfed it you wonder if this was the same world where humans abandon even their own warts number eight lulu saves joanne when lulu the beautiful black pig was given to a woman for birthday she immediately rejected it actually not many people will want to accept a pig for a birthday gift but the mother of the woman accepted the poor pig and took good care of her they were living together as friends but on a fateful day joanne realized that she had not only accepted a pet but a savior that day joanne had a heart attack and there was no one to rescue her she was home alone with lulu the pig when lulu saw her she was petrified she somehow opened the latch and went to the road placed her mouth on the road and stopped vehicles but people didn't understand her she went inside and came out again until a man decided to check what was going on inside the man found joanne lying down and fighting for her life immediately he called 9-1-1 number 7 a whale saved a snorkeler from a shark waters with shark or danger zones we all know but this fact doesn't stop snorkelers from daring the sea often when snorkeler non hauser dived into the sea she didn't know that she would be seeing something entirely different from the previous experiences she had been familiar with for over 28 years of snorkeling she hadn't dived too deep when she saw whale trying to tuck her in with her fin doing just everything to protect her as a mother does her child at first non-hauser didn't understand what was behind the whale's strange behavior but she needed just some seconds to look around and realize what danger she was in just a little distance away the shark lurked around seeking the opportunity to strike but nan was lucky enough to quickly understand her adopted mother's message so she quickly got out of the shark's territory the shark wouldn't have been so pleased with the whale [Music] number six horse saves a farmer from a cow attack cows are known to be very dangerous animals when they are angry they don't only strike with their horns but are also march on people with their hooves imagine the heavy weight of a fully grown aggressive cow on you that would be undoubtedly devastating the fact is even though cows don't eat humans they kill four times more than sharks do every year the cow in question had thought that farmer boyd was trying to hurt her calf whereas she was only offering some help thus the reason for the aggressive attack that almost took the farmer's life however boyd's horse carrie came to her aid the horse attacked the cow the cow ran away leaving boyd on the ground with aching shoulders what this boyd was able to call for help what if the horse had not been there that day it would have been an entirely different story number five rabbit saves man out of the animals someone would think to be capable of saving a human's life a rabbit would be one of the least you can put on the list well this is not to say that rabbits are not smart enough no in fact they are one of the smartest you can put on the list of intelligent animals but looking at the size you can never tell that they would be capable of considering rescuing a human's life in fact prior to this i have yet to see a precedent case when simon stegall who resides in the uk suddenly went into a diabetic coma the wife who was with him did not notice she thought that the man had simply fallen asleep while watching what she must have considered boring to him but the rabbit noticed that something was wrong so she jumped on simon's chest and started stomping on it until the wife noticed and called an ambulance number four dolphins save lifeguards life from a white shark dolphins love humans just as humans love them too or so we assume one of the reasons we love dolphins is for their intelligence and they also have warm nature towards humans perhaps a story will consolidate our love for dolphins even more off the coast of new zealand a lifeguard named rob howes alongside three other lifeguards and his young daughter were swimming unaware of the looming danger suddenly some dolphins swam towards them and surrounded them flapping their tails and fins against the water they all were confused wondering what was wrong with the dolphins until rob somehow managed to see the white shark coming ahead the shark jumped over them because the dolphin had set some confusion and they were lucky that a rescue boat came quickly to save the situation truly dolphins are quite caring creatures i'd have told you another story about dolphins but we're talking about 10 different animals right number three pearly the parrot saves his family from fire he talks like a parrot that's the commonest example of simile in high school literature but occasionally parrots do other than just the talk they act too now here's a story about how a parrot saved an entire family from all getting roasted in a fire around four at pre-dawn lara jean and her fiance woke up to the ceaseless sound of pearly their parrot but there was no way pearly would start chattering this early in the morning especially when there was no one there to initiate a conversation but pearly was performing a different role in that case it was calling on the people to rise and go check on the fire that had almost eaten up the laundry room thanks to the bird's persistent calls the couple wouldn't have been lucky enough to call the fire department for help fire is no joke especially when it's coming when you're asleep both will forever be grateful to the beautiful bird now it's time for today's best pick [Music] dogs are faithful human friends they cannot trade us for anything and even when we aren't so cool creatures dogs remain loving to us now to the next savior of humans number two pitbull saves family from fire we are all aware that pit bulls are banned in some places because of stories about their aggressiveness even as this painful name tag is placed on the dog's neck we can't dispel their good deeds too this applies to the story of sasha when shy and her family members were asleep there was a fire outbreak in her home but sasha wasn't asleep she kept barking relentlessly until chai woke up but before they woke up sasha had carried one of the children out of the bed when chai woke up she saw the flame and quickly called the fire department for safety if sasha had not been there it might be a different story and even a tragic one there might not have been a way of escaping and according to history this is the second time the dog would be saving the family from getting gutted in a fire before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works [Music] number one sea lions saves a man who jumps off the golden gate bridge so many conflicting activities in our present world endanger the mental faculty this is why mental health should always be taken seriously kevin hines was 19 when he felt like he was tired of everything in the world and was signing out he jumped out the golden gate bridge hoping this would be the end to everything but he was wrong a sea lion came to his rescue although he suffered lots of injuries kevin survived the incident however when he asked to know who had rescued him he was stunned by the pictures on people's phones it was a sea lion that brought him to the shore on his back kevin hines is now one of the people at the forefront of suicide awareness programs worldwide he is keen on supporting people on anything mental health telling people the story of his life how a sea lion helped him with the second chance to live again now it's important to understand that even animals love for humans makes the world a better place for us and it's actually a reason to stop being cruel to them have you had any experiences where an animal was your angel let's know about this in the comments section down below also do well to subscribe and turn on the notification bell to get more videos just like this one i hope you have a good one and as always thanks for watching
Channel: FactFile
Views: 11,709,877
Rating: 4.9084406 out of 5
Keywords: top, factfile, education, Pets, owners, best friend, pet, saved, faithful, save, rescue, life-saver, saving life, barking, help, brave, dog, cat, intelligent, saviors, loyal, survivor, hero, protection, protecting, gentle, actions, heroic, bear, pig, pets saved their owners, life saving pets, horse, case, pets who saved lives, mans best friend, pets saving owners, animals are awesome, funniest animals, awesome animals, amazing anumals, best animals, best dogs, dog video, cat video, best cats
Id: udsM5gS9Dyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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