Rich Redneck Builds Custom 300ft Combine Header! | FS19

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ring ring hello oh hey there jim bob how's it going what's that and you need a little bit of help with your harvest well i don't know what do you say buddy did we go help jim bob no oh all right well jim bob i'm gonna do the opposite i'll be down there and uh you know and just uh i'll be honest with you jim bob it's too early in the morning i can't think of a of a witty catchphrase so uh i'll just be down there yep all right i'll see you in a bit all right guys we've got to go help out jim bob sounds like he needs a little help with his harvest so let's get on down to town and see what we can do for him here shall we if you guys enjoyed today's video then make sure you give me a little thumbs up and subscribe for more if we get 150 000 subs by november 22nd i'll give away 10 copies of farm sim 22. by the way i uh i think i figured out what was wrong with the truck the other day i broke a wee bit of my suspension back there so this truck is a beast but uh you know if you want to do any actual big boy hauling you probably should put the dually on it so hey we might uh we might convert this over to dooley at some point but not today today we have got some farming to do and of course this is the rich redneck series so we're gonna what we're gonna fly our truck around backwards like a ballerina boy like what as i was saying of course this is the rich redneck series so we're probably going to get into some shenanigans at some point where's all the traffic out here man finally for once there's like very little traffic in in montana hey man i'm not going to complain i'll take it when i can get it here we go here we go here we go oh too soon oh god wow oh we ended up knocking out the sign anyways that's good okay can you stop flexing on the bar bar fence please uh oh i think i'm gonna need to call triple a they asked me what's wrong i'm gonna tell them that i'm literally just hung up on a hey we got it never mind yep i'm gonna be honest i wasn't expecting this thing to uh to turn that sharp i did talk to jim bob a little bit on the way over here and he said that his combine was over here getting serviced and he wanted us to come and pick it up so there it is so let's check it out he's got a s790 john deere with a 625x uh header here that's not too bad at all what do you guys say we're going hep on it inside fired up have trouble speaking you look english is hard wow it's nice in here man all right just give your old tilt back and uh hey let's let's get on going shall we he also said he already put a tractor down here so we're gonna see if we can fit oh i might have already hit something with you i don't want to talk look jim bob it was the service guys not me i didn't do it hey like a glove there oh no oh no oh no oh hey hey see look at that all right well this is the field we're working on and don't mind the power sprayer right all the way down there but what do you guys say we go ahead and get started here oh oh oh never mind hold on there's an extra step you gotta you gotta move the ladder yep that's so important that you have to move the ladder there we go now let's get lined up right over there and oh hey jim bob the world isn't really uh i i don't know how to work this oh i figured it out jim bob i didn't have the little thingamajiggy you know working right it is fine we're good we're good i'm definitely a professional farmer oh look jimbo this is what happens when you hire the your local redneck to come out and help you get harvest season done okay hell yeah this isn't working too bad but uh you know i think uh i think jim bomb's a little bit too you know conservative with his with his header choice here i think he could get a quite a bit bigger header choice i don't know if i'm gonna want to sit here with this tiny header this whole time nope you know what jim bob this ain't gonna work this ain't gonna work boss we got a bb to be betty beep this thing back on out of here we're gonna take this uh combine this header up to our uh little shop and top the mountain and we're gonna see if we can make this thing a little bit better for jim bob i'm sure he will definitely not complain at all every single time we change one of his pieces we one minute it's for the better right but tell you what here you go jimmy i'll at least give you the little bit of grain that i uh that i was able to harvest there yeah there you go you going uh you buy yourself something nice now all right flashers on and uh let's get this thing on up the side of the mountain i don't know fellas uh you know i we're just gonna work on the header today but i think next the next task is to make this thing a little bit faster because boys is gonna take a while to get back up to our place oh sorry about you yep just just send the bill to jim bob i'm not gonna i'm not gonna take the blame for that one no it wasn't me it was jim bob well you know i never thought i'd say the sentence let's see if we can get a combine up the side of a mountain but uh here we go we're gonna see if we can get this combine up the side of a mountain i have a strong suspicion that the lorax is gonna come after me with this header though oh it's a little rough out here boys i think maybe we'll install uh some air ride into this thing as well oh wait a minute boys i think i've just had the best idea ever now we're talking you never thought you'd see it but here we are mudding in a combine oh oh no uh jim bob you wouldn't happen to have a toe chain would you cuz that i uh you know i'm not gonna admit to the fact that i got your combine stuck but i will say that there's a chance that your combine is stuck well i guess i really should not have taken this thing into the mud huh that's all right i'm sure we have enough toys around the and around the ranch to get that pulled out uh hmm atv no charger no lawnmower hmm actually okay maybe i gotta play the where did i put my toe chain game oh chain here toe chain oh there you are still on the prius and the unimog look at that front and center delivery right there all right all we've got to do whoa easy now that's right she's a zero turn there we go got her hooked up oh actually let's turn on a little light how are you combine i'm coming to the rest yo gosh oh gosh oh god oh oh i just found my favorite thing we can go oh god that toad chain's gonna make me sick stop please stop please baby the throttle baby the throttle baby the throttle yo no you spin me right round baby ride round like a toad chain oh chain ah have mercy please all right i'm finally coming a lot more to the rescue we might want to hit the brakes a little bit though oh i don't recall but i'm pretty sure that this didn't like the uh the mud either oh boy this is getting difficult okay good news and bad news the good news is uh i know where i can hook up now the bad news is it's not on the back let's very carefully get to the front all right here we go come on baby no come on come on come on oh you get up pull it out come on dude look how much mud it's just spitting into the into the air dude yeah you know what i don't think it's happening i don't think our lawnmower is gonna pull this thing out what do you guys think hold on we might be able to jerk it here hold on here we go one more nope it ain't happening well hey you know it was worth a try so we'll just disconnect and uh just actually try something big enough i suppose oh enough for the spinning me around toe chain go i'm gonna get sick that's good enough all right put the lawnmower away and let's uh uh you know what i think i know what i want to use all right velociraptor here's your time to shine pull her out bud there you go yes yeah the velociraptor can do it wait a minute oh we can pull this thing fast okay idea one last little toy mess around here and then we'll actually change some stuff okay all right here we go here we go nope nope nope nope nope nope nope line it up stop fighting me back there stop fighting me stop fighting me combine we're doing it yeah all right i'm i'm satisfied all right combine let's get you back up to the uh to the house now shall we if you would look stop fighting me how many times do i have to say it look at me you're making me do wheelies over and over and over again stop anyways let's pull this thing into the shop get a little bit of work done to it we better get it back down there to jim bob's i'm sure he's wondering where it's been all right we got her done it didn't take us very long to get this done but i think this is going to help out quite a bit so let's finally get it back down into the field that we're supposed to be working on all day now let's get back to work i'm sure jim bob's been wondering where his combine is belgian bob if you look to the sky there's going to be a pretty simple you know explanation all right never mind this thing is not going to jump it take it back jim bob i wasn't going to jump your combine but it doesn't have enough power yet oh guys we may have a couple technical difficulties uh i wasn't watching i was on my phone and i ended up on top of i don't know whose car but oh no oh no you all are gonna make me austin oh come on nope not me out here just trying to austin powers this this massive header around a couple don't honk at me honk at yourself boy well all right crisis inverted we're almost back to the field it's taken me a minute but we're here oh finally we've made it all right so you guys don't remember what this header size was last time it was this right here this exact header this exact size right we'd have to line up you know a little bit off to the left and take us a while to do this field well uh you know i was i decided hey i'm gonna make your combine a little bit better so um i added some extensions as you can see we've got a hundred meters now 100 meters worth of headers and for those who don't speak in meters and uh you know the americans out there that's uh alexa what's 100 meters in feet it's about 330 feet of uh of headers here so wait a minute alexa how long is a football field this is almost the size of a football field guys there you go you can't measure it any more american than that how many football fields is your header oh here we go ladies and gentlemen are you ready it's dumb oh oh oh oh oh we missed a little bit over there there we go we're harvesting now this this is how you make harvest season go fast i'll tell you what oh yeah see see look at that jim bob it was well worth me taking your header look how much faster we're gonna get this thing done wait a minute now i kind of wonder what happens if i uh oh we can't do straw well you know what you're lucky jim bob because that would have been a fun little experiment okay but hey there you guys go we have a football field length header now and uh two passes we'll have this field completely done now this is my kind of farming right here all right well if you guys enjoyed today's video then make sure you give me a little thumbs up and subscribe appreciate y'all watching we're gonna take this big old behemoth over and dump it and until next time guys i'll see y'all later [Music] me [Music]
Channel: TheFormalPickle
Views: 307,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the formal pickle, theformalpickle, the formal pickle fs19, the formal pickle farming simulator 19, theformalpickle farming, fs19, the squad farming series, formal pickle, austin farmer and theformalpickle roleplay, realistic farming, fs19 roleplay, farming simulator 19, fs19 seasons, fs19 rich redneck, fs19 rich farmer, theformalpicklepickle rich redneck, fs19 100m header, fs19 300ft header, fs19 custom header
Id: Iysc609g6G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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