10 Game Changing Tips & Tricks In FCPX! | Final Cut Pro X Tutorial

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hey everyone today we're going to show you some game-changing tips in final cut pro 10 that'll help your editing become faster and more enjoyable my name is gav from gk videography and on this channel we help you become a better video creator with straight to the point no waffle videos uploaded weekly so let's jump on the mac and get straight to it so i've been a final cut pro editor for the last what 10 years and even some of the ones i'll show you today i didn't know about until recently so there may be something you do know but stay tuned throughout this video because some of these will save you so much time i really wish i'd known about them a few years ago when i started using this program so the first one today is adjusting audio volume now you think that's probably a a simple thing we've got a project here which i shot a little while back a mountain bike edit and we've got some music here at the beginning now if you hover over the line here you know that you can change the the volume but when you click and hold it's really annoying to get the exact you've got to move the mouse really slow but if you were to hold the command key while doing this and then you click and drag it makes it a lot less sensitive and easier to adjust so tip number two is to do with the magnetic timeline now it's a great feature but sometimes can be a little bit frustrating and i'll show you an example right now if we want to move say this clip here it has all these connected clips with it and you just want to move this clip but when you try to do that it moves with the connected clips even with the position tool it still does the same however if we hold what's called the tilde key tilde i wasn't sure what that was at first but i'll put the graphics underneath so you can see the tilde key you'll see that your cursor has this little orange icon i don't even know what that is if anyone knows let me know and then if we just drag that while holding the tilde key with the position tool selected we can move that clip without taking the connected clips with it great right moving on to number three we have the good old magnetic timeline again we want to delete a clip in the timeline say this one here and when we do obviously it puts the rest of the uh the project up with it so if we just do command z and say we just want to delete that but we want to leave a space simple shift delete and it leaves what you call a slug or some people call it a gap clip in place of it so it's not affecting the rest of the edit further down the timeline now this is a favorite of mine when i found this out actually pretty recently funnily enough when you've got a project with lots and lots of clips in the browser and you've got your edit laid out sometimes it's like well are there any clips in here that i haven't used yet and you're kind of scanning through and you're looking at your viewer thinking yeah yeah i've used that i've used that however there's much quicker way to know what clips you've used so firstly we just go up to view in the toolbar at the top we then go down to browser and then we want to select used media ranges so then that'll put these little orange lines beneath all the clips that you've used and that section of that clip that's in the edit so you can see all of these have been used so it's a great way to just have a quick visual scan of your browser and look at the clips that you've not used yet so this is a super simple one and not just exclusive to final cut pro 10 you can actually do this within finder and things like that say we want to copy this clip for whatever reason sometimes you want to duplicate a clip normally i would do command c to copy move the playhead to the point i want to copy it to and then do command v and then if we were to just do a much simpler way by holding down option click and drag it'll then duplicate it so number six is a quick way to trim video files once they're already in the timeline now if we look at this clip of mitch coming down the mountain on his bike say i want you to cut it here and delete this section so i would get the blade all out cut that press a for the selection tool highlight the clip delete and it would be done however we would just undo that a quicker way would to have this be have this clip selected and then when we get to this point here we just do option and closed bracket so we're using the square brackets not the standard so square bracket there would cut that and move the edit up if we to undo that and say we wanted to cut this section we would then do option and open bracket and then it would cut it from that point to the left now number seven is one that i use consistently all day every day rather than zooming in and out of a timeline say i want to get to the whole size there you go so i can see the whole edit um i would just zoom out however if you were zoomed in and you just want to zoom out to the whole width of the edit it's a simple shift z and then it fits to size so the next one is a quick one regarding transitions we've got two clips here that i want to add a fade to black or fade to color as it's called so you would go over to transitions menu you would grab this and drag it over here however if i just undo that a quick one would be to select as you see we've got a yellow line between the two clips then command t will automatically add your default transition so for me my default transition is the fade to color yours may be a cross default dissolve if you want to have a different one as you your default transition the simple thing to do is just to right click it and make default and then every time you do that command t shortcut it will add that transition to the clips so this is number nine and one of my favorites and when i found this out i was just like thank god because this annoyed me so much when i was getting into final cut pro x so with this clip here i want to delete it say for example but as you can see these audio sound effect clips are attached to this one video so if i was delete it or to delete it they would disappear however if i want to connect these to say this clip so when i delete that it doesn't disappear all i need to do is press on the audio file command option and press again and as you can see here it's now connected to this however we've still got this one here that's connected so again we just do command option move the playhead to an area when it connected and click there and then it connects to this clip so if i delete this the audio files stay there oh my god this was so good when i found this out let me know if you knew that one already because i wish i'd have known that years ago the finale is to do with compound clips now a compound clip if you didn't know is a way of nesting what they call nesting in some of the editors several clips into one clip so there's several within that one and i'll show you quickly what that means so say i want to add all these as one clip i highlight them all i right click make them a compound clip click ok and as you can see that's now one clip but say i double click into that and i can see them here but it's outside of the timeline i click back but i want to break them apart again so the shortcut for that is shift command g and it just uncompounds them if that's the right word but that just then breaks them apart to the original form i absolutely fell in love with that shortcut when i found it out so which one of those was your favorite were there any in there that you already knew any ones that were a surprise that made you just go would love to know in the comments below thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: GK Videography
Views: 6,515
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Keywords: 10 Game Changing Tips & Tricks In FCPX!, 10 gae changing tips & tricks in fcpx!, 10 Gael changing tips & tricks in fcpx!, 10 gale changing tips & tricks in fcpx!, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro tips, Fcpx tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial 2021, final cut pro workflow tips, final cut pro x tips for beginners, final cut pro tips and tricks, final cut pro tips for beginners, final cut pro tips and techniques, fcp tutorial, fcpx tutorial for beginners
Id: xIacLUB0MrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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