10 Counterfeit SUPREME Products!

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yeah dude this is fun Oh welcome to doper nope the show in which we review products well not really paying attention to anything yeah it's just a life living you know I didn't understand our pay attention to you I feel the same today we're looking at 10 counterfeit supreme product and Michael picked oh thank you Michael they're late now don't clap for yourself that's so you go yeah oh did you clap for yourself oh yeah okay it turns out it was actually somewhat difficult to find counterfeit supreme items because supreme is a brand in which they sell the most bizarre odd products no these does all of these products are a hundred percent legitimate not legitimate we're gonna throw that out bracket they're counterfeit and the reason why we know that is not because they're lower quality it's not because they're made poor it's just because they're cheaper and if you know anything about supreme they charge a million dollars for even just a pair of slides or a t-shirt so let's begin shall we haha supreme brick we have pre-owned what do they do dude this is for when you want to like throw a brick in like your ex's window with style and what's like a name tag ask if this is like though I am supreme look like someone just wrote it on there - dude they should put a leader on the back Supreme Leader it's a pretty leader - no no okay they're gonna regret not laughing at that in about two years I wonder if the person who made this was like yes I fooled someone like yeah actually stolen by that or they're like heck yeah someone bought it I think that was like so recognizably no yeah it was so bad that you could tell he was just memeing it it looks like he scratched it on there that looks like the one you do with the three lines and then you make all right Add to Cart wait what this is not even the same brick this is a different brick that one they shot like this here's the truth this isn't the first one they sold you no it's not this isn't the first one they sold it quality that's amazing I kind of want this alright no weird that I really want that brick you want it because it's ironic yes in like it's just so imagine in your bedroom just like having a supreme break the bow himself this is like oh this kid is funny is what that tells me I feel like something Quinn would have in the editor for your vlog channel you think so yeah shout out to my boy Quinn Quinn Quinn where are you Quayle where are you now where are you quo so you give it a window you give this a dope I give that I get that adult I was $1 I would buy that why don't you just make it a bricks like a dollar because it's the aesthetic look at other scratching it in it looks rustic but it's still it looks for a fine I say no I would not pay that's a huge dough permit no that level of irony is worth it for 15 bucks heck yeah this guy can be parted with his money easily also we're not gonna do the pitching thing we're only gonna do it when it feels organic okay shut up about it supreme f/w that stands for friends with 17 chopsticks Red Box logo new accessories so just from the start this is actually amazing in my life like I would even like supreme that much I don't own any supreme I'm gonna start that off right here doesn't electric force a premium this is actually really cool if it keeps this a step yeah in real life that's awesome right twenty four dollars for a pair of chopsticks that's like two meals a little hefty what we do think supreme would actually charge for those opposed are Liberty these chopsticks if it was supreme chopsticks and it was like maybe throw another brand on there too they would charge 150 bucks but you buy resale for probably about a grand two grand Oh Ryan yes because Japanese in like Asian culture right now are super super in like batting in with white people no it's just yes we have somebody named curse that works with us he actually buys supreme stuff so if I always want to get his opinion on what he thinks people would pay for this true my bike actually looks like the case for an apple pen it just looks like white cardboard get along disagree with you more often not the other way around yeah it's just a white cardboard box supreme oh this looks so good I actually have a pair of wooden chopsticks I have metal chopsticks I use I do pay well actually they're gonna stone or what okay I'm gonna slide it out I love this kind of I'll let no lastic it's plastic I wish it was something more like porcelain imagine a porcelain looking case and you you unveil it or I feel like do you know this isn't really just because we're some cheapest is yeah but on camera there's a promise that is it's cheap Oh like this quality there's a cream you think supreme stop speed it sounds like a hundred dollar t-shirt oh you by H&M clothes what you're talking about cheap yeah that's that's to the same quality this guy's breaking your chopsticks over here I'm actually keeping these I'm gonna use these today for lunch so let me slide these out supreme chopsticks they have this like [Music] instantly whenever this happened to do a product you know a it's a bad product but also it could why the sticker stickers they're just done that do that let's see that logo that's the same font right yes ain't ya how did they get away with that are able to just roll now that's why this video is called counterfeit oh so we're pretty much thrown people in the bus right oh yeah Oh big time spare you all by buying it baby how do you know this video is even real what have we just made them all whoa maybe a future video I don't know all right so these are normal chopsticks you pick things up I got Mario Chong this is let's get this settled this is no different than real ramen it's just noodles yeah works anyway get away did they taste supreme it's better it's like money it tastes like money no Lord supreme the chopsticks are yeah but it helps I like those though I'm gonna say I'm gonna say dough I'd say job I just really like Thompson so if you can throw any brain on topics also dope alright come just lose the spoon just about to try it not have lunch I'm really about that next product oh my god Oh God necklace for me pistol machine oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa demonetized Lassiter necklace on blaster machine blasters called machine machine blaster there you go blaster yeah bend it necklace jewellery hip-hop punk style charm I love I can't wait to be a hip hop pump yes already there this'll make me complete what the hip-hop Punk kind of Justin Bieber Justin Bieber he's literally a punk he like tries to be hit with a law breaking citizen I'm just gonna turn my neck green I mean it is Mellie Express you know it ain't real gold-plated I just want everyone to know how seriously I'm gonna walk down the office I just like someone's not doing their job right it's just a supreme newsy it's like wow this is actually cheap are you shocked well I mean they made the chain that legal is gonna be so much bigger no looking it's not even like straight right yeah it looks like a cycle it's super bendy take that thing off put it on this weight legit anything go right I can make a better whoa whoa oh I'll give you all my money I want your $11 he's going to don't pay me what you eat oh it's a supreme even tinier than in the picture look at that mag though dude all right I say that's a note because it's broke before we get into that next product big shout-out to a reddit page if you want to send us products that you find on the internet that are equally as weird as these send it to us on the reddit page link in the description supreme boxing gloves Everlast red black and blue see this I wouldn't believe is supreme though yeah I would yeah me too I think they've made supreme boxing gloves did they really I think so I don't know how do we know these aren't them because they're not south dogs yeah if buyer want to delay the payment because of financial problem please contact us by the ebay message within three days what hey listen I bought it but can't afford the forty bucks so can you just send it to me and then I'll delay the payment and they're like yes eBay message by the way these guys know how to business like listen we want to get these products out even if you don't pay I had the car whoo look at these babies all right Tanner come here you try the little box off Oh No just a punching session let's do a lower half only boxing match cuz I'm man our faces are both of our moneymakers so we can't risk those with your accuracy I'm not too worried about it have you seen me swing no at the park all the time supreme yeah what the heck I wonder I didn't think it would go that far I thought I thought it hinged right here dude this is fun it's so fun they're using my best for you I'm gonna keep this and just take out all my energy wait watch out for the camera here try these is this it goin nearly as far back as mine this isn't me I plot the weed I give these a dope for dinero that's a by far a dope supreme oh so it's like fake supreme merchandising see this is stetic this ironic aesthetic I love this stuff and I remember there's somebody who's really popular that did something like this I think it was Kanye maybe it was somebody in the comment down below no there's like celebrity merch they did this like whole backward thing ever since I've seen it I've always really kind of loved that aesthetic alright so looks like we've got it on the canvas so this is like nine point six inches by 8 inches that's what a bigger than that forehead but just to be sure we're gonna go ahead and buy it to see what it looks like IRL add the car and its smell is very supreme s I've smelled supreme before but I've never bought it what is this I don't understand so it's a canvas it's kind of like having a painting on your wall Oh open you guys ready for the reveal flip that can boss that's actually amazing so it's is it painted on or markered on what an aesthetic point right here so as you can see we've already instantly put it up so this is a natural crowd pleaser this is what smoke would say that's awesome I think it's really cool though and it literally described this channel we just make fun of I'm gonna give it a twenty eight hundred percent be at our brick bear Oh be at our see I know you're new to this but the @ symbol is like an egg it's like when you do it on the myspace then it's an easy eatin out of there twiddle hand twiddle twiddle handle is at our brick supreme cook chrome orange rabbit creative decoration groan you know fate actually figure toy pig squish you don't leave me the funny as we throw all these products up around the shelves in the next episode everyone gonna be like these guys love supreme so much because no one will be able to tell that these aren't actual supreme oh yeah it'll just look like we're flexing yeah we're super hard but everyone else will know that didn't see this video it's a meat yeah what like why order for some better than supreme it's cheaper and it's 20% instead that's a lot like me Fred to Matt are you really been arguable my hairline is like this at 30 we have the same airlift flap put it back down oh yeah two kids by now what's the 400% all over it that's like four Nevers I'm bigger than a rabbit audible wait is this it so this is a rabbit right we all agree yeah bunny sure it's rather no I disagree I say it's a bunny it's like a leg oh yeah so they actually sell these Aaron put up a little PNG right there they sell these actually play but they're this big you mean supreme does yeah they're like this tall and they're like wide and they're allergic like they have little urges they legit have supreme uh little makes them look like Gucci or like but why do we vuitton they're legit like 10k plus but why it's just like aesthetic all these like young youtubers they have them like in the corner of their house oh it's no one your money into something that just sits on your desk that costs that much and it's not even anything that there's no function yeah there's no function there's no function you to weight that and there's no real aesthetic yeah no function besides aesthetic then it's not aesthetic in my opinion I can wear all these helmets don't tempt me if I'm bad for us cuz we only paid 50 bucks but before you buy 50 bucks is still wait yeah what does that do besides save my hand what does this do besides sit perfectly on this PC over here for the next eight episodes you're right actually you can pipe it up yeah I'm gonna say - no I'll say no I'm gonna say don't just because we can put it on here right sure don't break it we paid $50 for it and I want to pretend like she's waxing unisex t-shirts or PMS no one would be able to tell like right off the bat actually as long as you don't say it out loud dude your stats funny guys he's more handsome near this guy let me know in the comment please don't tell me who's hands more handsome near this guy I don't want to know don't say that we know I don't want to I don't want to comment I don't want to confirm it I guess this is why you get it for 21 bucks and not a thousand dollars if you look at it really kind of quick it looks like it says meme serpentine you can't even tell on camera on camera it looks okay but IRL this looks like trash Shadid I think of orange II read it why is it looks so good on camera though it's like orange but it's not showing up on no not on this camera does a little bit more it's faded like the edges are wack like this is bad quality or our eyes messed up no this wouldn't fool anyone that would make me laughing you would wear this and then someone like an immediate look at it notice it's like a little faded and then read into it and then they'd be like oh oh it's a mean so what you're saying is we should call Owen cush and see if you can tell the difference yeah maybe I'll just guess what video we're filming right now counterfeit supreme I take a seat so we've intermixed both supreme and counterfeit supreme items into this video okay now this item we want you to tell if it's real or if it's counterfeit okay it's surp this guy knows every you even the way you hold it makes me feel comfortable he's like holding on as oh yeah he's like so as he's here the drug account is a 16-hour supreme shirts normally more thick he's like there just were think that's the original ones are actual like wood chopsticks other actually like 60 bucks the original ones the retail price on them really not bad what's a resale but for what for like 120 130 uh these are also fake for my knowledge don't think Supremes ever done boxing gloves they did last season release a punching bag which was like five grand it's like okay so what about this that is that my decision that one honestly goes for like a hundred thousand on that side nice thank you very much honkers you can get back your party plane committee with mom guys before we get into a next product shoutouts to camp am gore dawn vo the only added feature i see is that chin under his beard are you talking about me or Matt but I think my beard is better going boating that pole on the top right Gracie hit the subscribe button to bell icon because you got notified if you do that thank you guys love you next product supreme cross haines crew socks black super soaker 18 ship from New York oh there's ten available so I think that means there's five technically available oh my gosh overwhelmed by supreme overwhelmed by money oh it's like so gross actually I don't know if supreme would ever cross at Hanes if they have let me know but Hanes feels like such a cool person brands like million dollars what what your friend is a hip with the use as a software socks like dance or staining and I never even heard of that old stances having like zoomies Antilles and stuff that aims are just cheap like my dad wears these going to bet you're definitely intense I guarantee you I haven't even seen Tanner socks today but I guarantee you I've never seen Tanner wear white socks in my life know who does bad these are black yeah I if you're wearing like a fresh pair of white kicks and ring shorts you wear like a nice you where you were these high of white socks yes that high oh yeah like you know like they go up to here like right beneath your cashews your way I think it's almost always better to wear darker colors so I mean what really matters nothing white shoes I love doing it with white shoes mm-hmm depends on the white shoes you guys see right here I have black socks mistake I should have worn white with this yeah it's like black I wore black to let I was thinking I was gonna like going into your white going into camel looks gross 2min no that's what it's supposed to look like white on chemo I put on the wrong socks today and I regret it big time because I didn't think anyone was gonna pay attention to her here's one thing I do with the Sox this big I never actually isn't for my feet I'm wearing the pit I'm wearing socks in this relationship you didn't say don't put up I say no those are trash yeah I said I already said nope as well yeah he's a trash full supreme it's up that's the PERT super embroidery sir hey what hey hey II know it's a size seven eight plus zig-zag boring stuff is that employers yeah Wow anything I wonder how it feels I wanted to touch it alright bye now look quality squeaky oh that's what those are for seven it says plus but there's no pity to plug my phone that's at the ipon tent oh well look at the way the cameras oriented I know that product Bob you guys like that case I like the me that says super I think super is cooler than supreme I think so too you think I get made fun of it my legs god no no no if you take a call on it risky play I start answering what's super dope dude that embroidery is nice this is alright if like that was also kind of like actually I think I'm gonna probably get made fun of for having it on but I can't do a Madonna dates now I'm gonna have no picture what is this SS a must mean something it's a lot of these about supreme Super Smash Bros 180 where's the B there's the lion in the 8th is a B yeah rip work gloves in hand that means they have it available to ship right away oh it doesn't mean literally the glove is in hand no your hands in it a glove would not work of it in your hand gloves just skins skin $20 is pricier these embroidered or what or is it just rubber is it like a rubber printing I don't have any questions I think it's rubber I've got a gardening gloves or they imagine I bring these home imagine you you see like someone gardening with these just like a nine year old woman it's supreme gardening gloves no you just feel like actually someone mowing their lawn with these gloves you don't know the blade why off I haven't my Loni dude Add to Cart this came with a supreme bag this is probably the most official-looking supreme please smell it yet and it's the bag guys know what's supreme smell like Sabrina smells a bit like rosette well it smells very expensive oh yeah oh I'm a lot of sticker that a real supreme I don't know actually I can't tell oh I forgot about this tradition oh yeah and now everyone's gonna hate you forever because of it this hype underneath supreme don't cover up my height Oh God Wow I'm so sorry enough ha ha ha ha makes this bottle worth way more put it on the front of the key doesn't cover up the CD slot wow your supreme doubt right now we are rich I feel anxiety your comments are just like oh my god thank news thank people it kind of makes sense that he gets the Guardian deluxe right why because I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty actually that's the opposite yeah hey yeah yeah Burris thing actually kind of cool though because that's rubber so it's like eh Ryan is rubber excuse me I just wanted a touch dude you should drive your Tesla with those arms supreme lo I say no the only cost of twenty bucks I'm gonna rate up yeah yeah that's a heck you out of these guys one dope tuneups mine counts way more all right guys you click either one of these videos because dad said so I'm waiting that all day I got like at least 10 more seconds of it so the clock is not gonna run
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 3,400,688
Rating: 4.8649564 out of 5
Keywords: supreme, yeezy, supreme 2018, gucci, supreme ss18, supreme drop, supreme fw17, counterfeit, counterfeit supreme, supreme products, in real life, counterfeit supreme products, fake, ripoff, fake supreme, supreme art, hypebeast, supreme collection, supreme droplist, supreme bunny, mens fashion, clothing haul, #DN006, family friendly, Hi5 Studios, Hi 5 Studios, Hi5, Matthias, Matthiasiam, Mathias, unboxing, comedy, unbox, reacting to, top 10, review, dope or nope, dope or nope channel
Id: sa3nDbp60E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
Reddit Comments

What a retard for eating with rep chopsticks, enjoy that leadpaint

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Clayman20 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Matthias is legendary lmao

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Jon7luc 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/yippiyak 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wish he’d save some pussy for the rest of us 😩😤😪 smh

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NinjaAssassin260 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
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