10 Products with Secret Hidden Features!

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winner gets the Fritos one two three oh well you're out yeah what's going on guys welcome to dope or no the show where we look at products and get distracted very easily what are we doing oh that's right products that have hidden features ten products that have hidden features all right so all of these products this is episode two do the kids like the first up is up they did and I guess that's why we're doing up so - right we're here to please the kids that's all we do here what kids I'm a kid 80 year old yeah you kind of are I'm gonna do a kid most most kids like wow alright I think that's good for an intro yeah us Patrol hanging closet safe tank tops time looks like a regular tank top made of Khan keeps valuables hidden in your closet oh I see you're saying what's with the US Patrol though isn't supposed to hide it from US officials know you guys patrolled the brand oh then though the idea of this is that you put it in your closet and no one would ever suspect that your valuables are hidden somewhere in your clothes until they realize that a mere tank top is shaking making very loud noises why does it sound like JLo why would you be even searching through the clothes to begin with because what if they have a nice Gucci shirt you want to take in resale someone's breaking in i'ma break in for all the Gucci Gucci I'm sorry but if you're gonna steal something don't steal clothes that's about the dumbest thing in the world because clothes don't actually have real value there's the difference between worth and value think about it this way though steal clothes just change into them before you run see what I'm saying something like he's meant to come out of that room yeah Wow Wow closet safe is it really a safe though Oh see it does say you're supposed to put this in a jack but no one will know it's a safe Shh it's like a regular shirt don't tell anybody Oh looks like there's something hidden in our already oh velcro oh don't go me that oh no no so nice pictures yeah can you give me out some bazooka bubblegum yes I can should I actually try this off first no no it's not meant to be try it on yeah good t-shirt fine fine fine no we'll just use the product incorrectly no we do on this channel ever product incorrectly on this channel I never will oh yeah baby's gonna buzz on here what is happening not very useful I don't know I think it's pretty useful get over here I think it would absolutely work I don't think it's it's a safe it's a hideaway and I think that's we're all ready to know that it's not it's not like it's locked that's what a safe is the safe is no matter what it's safe mini multi-tool clip tactical mini multifunction clip bottle opener screwdriver file ruler scraper Magento project as a feature now diamond see what this is what a multi-tool what is a multi-tool so a multi-tool is a tool that has multiple uses like a screwdriver like maybe a bottle yeah but what are the navy magenta I know but what are the tools the tool or right sorry bottle opener magenta screwdriver five I don't know what scraper necessarily is Oh what am i scraping dead skin off my bag by 20 Matt an MTA hair clip oh I get it more now oh is this for people that have long hair no it's just it's a hair clip that also has multiple other functions mini multi-tool clip tactical mini multi-function clips a multi-tool so why would you wear a hair clip if you don't have long hair ask girls in short hair I don't know how to keep it or bang yeah cuz it's too long alright Tana now to go in on this popcorn ass so it actually describes each part so this is the bottle opener the scraper is just the size of it against the ruler wait what are these measurements they'll even give you like units so pretty much a useless ruler small screwdriver yeah let's go ahead try it we're gonna try and put it in your hair to see if it also can hide itself okay you know how one of these works I have a baby oh how long long enough a parent wanna do that I'm gonna lose some hair now you have a beautiful big boy here lose his hair it's okay cuz he's got enough to go around hi you're pulling it out I'm saying it's lost in his hair honestly I don't know how these work okay on the bottle alright want to try a bottle opener now you what is that peach flavor because I'm super more than trying it so thank you for bringing this new flavor to my attention Michael yeah I've never been more excited to try to stop that's the bottle opener it's gotta be right what else would you let me show you just a little my fitness I'm the man it did it but it's really difficult yeah it's just this is for children oh my god a boy Michael you get up first drink this guy stays up till 11:00 p.m. one night it's just like tragic day does it do his hair look at this trash I want to see if tanner is just really bad at this oh oh this is the seams trainer has not become incompetent today at least in this action I mean come Matt oh yeah well you want to see me do it in one try oh that it's bad like you don't even want a second yeah not finishable look at the rim oh stop no boys boys boys get me back in another way but I don't want sticky knees nobody wants oh so I read that one a No I think it's the product it's too much work too much yeah it's too Flynn it's too flimsy a healthy pocket picnic rosewood red free-standing design for efficient use so it's a little back that guys just here yeah got apple juice that's definitely apple juice the picnic provides all in one convenient with a water light cooler water tight water high cooler and I gotcha I appreciate it that's the team's report how are we gonna test it Michael what we have to do we're gonna put Jake ah just not all right we got all-in-one convenience multi-purpose prep table easy to transport they hit you almost got hit by shrapnel so that's just a mini table it's not a seat I thought this was like the ice chest just a mini table it's an ice chest no no I thought it was like I thought that's what folded out to me but it has no bottom II oh yeah so yeah that is a crappy table oh it's like a warp - oh wait look what's in this pocket what is it Michael cards a ballerina give me the sandwiches [Laughter] holders out really quick I wanna see what it looks like next one wait what other kind of chips do you offer I'll trade you Cool Ranch for Less train right now hi rock paper scissors winner gets the free dose one two three oh well you're out yeah Oh what do you have you get these ones so what's the point of this little mini sable we're not even using it right like do this but like why can't I just stay in the background it's not like well my issue with that is like you can't it's not like you put a drink on it it's so work it's like barely even stable obviously it's a no I said it's enough to before we get into that next product big shout out to purple crow are you proud you got an electric vehicle huh where's your electricity come from nukes coal oil hydroelectric wind solar how is your car manufactured equipment powered by what and from where you get the idea a better idea liquid sunshine by the way tehsils are manufactured in a Giga Factory that's powered by the Sun my car's powered by solar panels so that's the Sun but it's not the liquid Sun tried to get me did yeah but yeah anyways if you want to get a shout out like this leave a comment down below maybe it will less mean next time new picture frame hidden a nice pie HD huh this is up with you this is beyond creepy man II spy HD video camera microphone with motion detection feature black that's a feature if you ever see your picture frame plugged in maybe start asking questions the art staring imagine this like you're just going like like you're changing in your room and some of these plugs in a picture frame anybody can see them they knock oh wait I need man I want you to see all the pictures that can come up from this picture frame I swear yeah this would be smarter and like it would be more covert if that picture frame was digital to then people would think oh it's a digital picture frame so that's why you plug it in but this one's just a picture so you're like what are you what's pulling the power right now huh is it a little nanny cam are you being a perp what wait I think it is digital though like you can use it without it all the same picture that well yeah you can use it without being plugged in because it's a toy fixer print no putting a picture in there Michael video photograph motion picture Paul his eyes that must be a thumbnail oh gosh there's like one button so they try to make one button do everything is that really not noticeable I guess if you're not looking for a baby in a dark room your size oh there we go it's on your it has a battery inside it how long talking to the perverts everywhere who's you know looking at policy why are you so surprised about what you see see that though that's like the little SD how do you get that out of there there we go that's actually so difficult now let's connect it right this one on you let's all say nope in the same time three two one nope Southwest specialty products eighty thousand and one s like the new iPhone I don't know if that means the candles safer stirs it's a safe oh it's a safe fifty dollars for a candle you're out of your mind Bob made from genuine product containers screw off bottom burgundy colors are made from a hundred percent vegetable Lac oh and actually burn it burns yeah burns up to twenty hours that's cool so I mean it's got a wick on it that's functional here's the question if it keeps burning they're gonna like you're like in the middle of this nice dinner all the sudden you just know I smell this smell of burning cash is it red I have to say mine's more purple than red thank you for that commentary let's go back up let's buy this thing yeah make sure you get that three protective let's get lit here's my candle it's from the Swiss hide it in plain sight so this is a safe underneath you can see it opens up like that and if I flip this baby around boom it actually looks at the bottom of a candle you ever seen one of those a bottom of a candle yeah you know I used to work at a place called sorry strug's they sell candles met exclusively like half the store was Yankee Candle I feel like it's homey they should be selling drugs but that's known to eat their own candle okay I'm trying to open it I'm not good with opening handle just scratching this is just light that on fire no no no I only do this with the parents kids yeah like I did with mine you guys are professional and boxers now carry around the knife I usually just use my sharp intellect all right before you get this lit up alright let's take a look at the bottom it's supposed to be twist off and it is with the wrong my life is a lot all right you twist it off like said Azam what is that you messed up to me I didn't put this in there who put this in okay three six Liz oh it's just from your vlog no they messed it up clearly our channels are gonna say it's alright Doritos they're the most valuable thing in this office put that baby around making some serious damage to this table vegetable wax we didn't know why did it who's like you serious you are doing it pretty bad no that's good I line it up all the time heat all right side boy is pretty dumb smells pretty good actually it smells like nothing God it works folks save with combination laws oh oh dictionaries diverse book saved that's cool 0:03 number combination lock design do you not need keys so you pretty much just put stuff inside your book is it waterproof and or fireproof thanks for the question but kindly be advised that our book safe is fireproof they're not waterproof I think it's easy to be waterproofing yeah waterproof you just have to seal it no fireproof means it doesn't melt and I could have a relatively simple seal but waterproof water creeps bro fire doesn't creep fire does creep no creep yeah creep creep like Radiohead credit Wow I'll never read a book the new English dictionary that's offensive to my kind yeah Mike librarians no English English hey or hi eight three six what's the combination oh that was it it was eight three six eight six three oh my god we sort of a thighs block in like three minutes put it on the bunny rabbits not very thick but wait no yeah yeah that was a bit I think what do you think Michael I'd say it's pretty dope story some good stuff in there I like that can I see it I don't think it's dope what yeah I wish they would have put it like a few but like a real book almost yo that is not fireproof if they were to put a real book in the inside of it was a fireproof case and it may be it's a little smaller of course but it actually is like a real book I'm sold I say dope okay you're all I'm never wrong never seen you're right drew no Michael what is the matter with you you know he can't show this to the kids they're gonna think this is okay like in Billy Madison I don't understand innovative if you ever start something with poop stains on it with the word innovative you're wrong okay poop ourselves now it's changing the game the briefs they've hidden condom gone done it's not hiding my poop in the toilet no one's gonna find it there no no the kids never expected I would be perfectly honest with you I still don't understand that's weird I know I understand that's the storage area I don't understand yet did instead what's the heart what are we hiding here are they supposed to be dirty on the ground and that's why no one would touch them is that what you hide your money in your passport I think so you put it on the ground or is this in you sleep while you're traveling in youth yeah like oh you're you're like traveling you know like out whatever country and this is okay I think you're right and you're like I don't need my passport but you don't want to just leave it lying around it's like they couldn't commit to the road failure disgusting epic cards Oh brief safe no would-be burglar or hotel maid would ever think about picking up these C on the floor does it come with or buried markings or is a DIY crude marking no it comes with I hope it's DIY DIY q what wait is this like Germans going out and buying legit underwear this like actual brand underwear yeah they're committed it clearly by pooping a nice all unfold this one Michael you have to play with the phone alright Michael you open it up it looks like a piece of bacon in there what's that who who has done this as absolutely disturbing you can tell it with someone painted it yeah but it's like brushstrokes you're touching the PD oh my god there is some just paint yeah but still just this that looks already real for sure and the fact that it's seeping through the other side we know it's babe hey come on I mean come on we got to figure out put on your head I don't know this man will do anything for a laugh sometimes you just got to commit you know no no come on man guys go ahead and send this to me on Twitter is my default picture no that's a heavy note before we get the next product guys we have a subreddit it is our slash strange items make sure you guys go there if you have any cool product ideas because we might make a video out if it gets enough uploads all that cool stuff video jazz and be part of the community because we love you guys Marshall MF 3.2 North America medium capacity bar fridge black so it looks exactly like an amplifier this is actually they like to buy from who says amplifier people in the music biz know this that happen music this guy's not rookie music biz now yet he's never made one song that's made any money arguable you know how much I made on Spotify I didn't like a dollar or two maybe maybe like 150 guys this is a like to buy from a previous video actually it's the last time we've done the hidden features video episode 1 with Matthias old set up way less funny than with all three of us how many likes there's a hundred thousand I know hey guess what I know how many likes it was because I was in that video it was a hundred thousand likes we're asking for it guess how many we hit I just look s1 you're crazy 123 thousand likes you guys you crush the goal so yeah we bought it because we fall through them because we're good people and once we did this big change we just know that you guys want good selling it's so hard we're good people we're good people don't tell other people they're good people I'm a bad person yeah that works that'll work so we bought the amplifier because that's the proper way to say it and we have the right to show you and you have the right to remain silent Wow entry bang look at that right there Aaron makes you do really cool cut like a lots of like bullying of a lawyer an explosion bang because guess what guys right here what were you gonna ask me another drink than that I put some in here quit talking and serve it up okay so in order to get in here you have to turn the power on off and you have to twist this resistance novel today's was easy now and then you have to put treble to zero because you can't open it if you're in trouble did you say nozzle and then use the master 210 because you have to be the master in order to open it as well and that's how you do it kids that's cool got like a little blue light in it would you like an Izzy we have is easy yeah is he's good we have orange juice is it Minute Maid yeah Minute Maid is trash I accidentally bought that today I was like can I some orange juice I I asked for orange juice at Jimmy Dean's and they gave me that and I was like yo open it up taste it right now you tell me that you can drink the whole thing that's the most pretentious don't drink it to the Jimmy Dean's guy right now that tell me you could do it yeah you want Bob so you want sprite what do you want easy me what would you like I'll take it is easy that's for the coke girl here so yeah and then in order to lock it up back again guys treble you have to put treble back to ten are you allowed to be making these jokes if you don't have a kid and then power off on and then mediate standby and then look it just holds the tradition never reveals the secret I said oh yeah cause school stainless steel necklace with hidden blade medallion night mini how creepy do you have to be made about how ironic to hide a blade in the cross why he's very good at catching just using it to machete thing or cut the cheese why put a knife in a cross why couldn't wait to spend like a school night look the whole point is that a cross with pure and you're sitting now like taking out a knife and shaming people with it whoa whoa well you do a shank cheddar cheese back on the tee wow that is HUGE put that on dawg you know actually I'm gonna need your kind of guy you can pop email that cross bro who are you gonna write gonna wear some big cross bigger oh yeah I mean like for like as as much space as this has it could have been a longer blade what are you doing you can't even put all the way back in you're gonna hurt yourself no this is actually made just really bad poorly made my hope oh let me try yeah you write this thing ain't going back in all the way yeah I don't know it was like think twice about what you say boy I just doing I'd get into the dress TrueNorth spin coins what is this secret hiding oh I get it hmm funny you know it's a coin and it's hiding a compass yeah that's a thick coin bro why is that coin so thick I guarantee point too thick who needs a coin like that though what do you do with that we mean it's a compass fine which way is north everyone is given Maxell compass why I put in the coin cuz it's mine but why is it got it would be natural compass wimpy-butt wise i got to be an actual table snow angel just the compass part I know aesthetics whoo this isn't quite the size of a coin so it's not like you know you're gonna put this in your little coin purse now is a coin purse right which ways north where North wait sorry okay so which way is north I'm always bad hold on I I need to stand up are you feeling the gravity so that way for sure that would superraw not even close let me say super-wrong it's that way ah same difference difference if you're talking about north of this office - literally the next office if you go that way long enough you'll run into that way but if you're like saying that way to go even two miles it's wrong maybe because of the way angles were I'm gonna write this one a note I've seen better compasses some doesn't work yeah I don't care for it much so sorry for a dollar you can get a compass similar to that guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you check out one of these two videos just guess what they're super funny if you don't watch it I'm sad yeah and do it for that alright well click one of those cuz I'm not gonna end the video that's a wrap
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 4,895,004
Rating: 4.8756151 out of 5
Keywords: products with hidden features, hidden, secret hidden, multi use, secret compartment, gadgets, gagets, new tech, secret candle safe, book safe, DIY, compartment, book, life hacks, best products online, products, strange products, dope or nope, dope or nope channel, #DN009, hidden blade, products that actually work, products with secret, secret uses, online shopping, features, family friendly, Hi5 Studios, Hi 5 Studios, Hi5, Matthias, Matthiasiam, Mathias, unboxing, comedy, unbox, top 10
Id: RRVL9LrOkec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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