10 Cool Inventions Anyone Can Print - The Best Models for Brand-New Printers

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I got a 3D printer for Christmas The Power of Creation in the palm of my hand so what are you gonna make I could print anything anything yeah but like which anything are you gonna do you know like first for interrupt grade parts or another Pinchy or uh us nerds love getting gadgets but sometimes we're not totally sure what to do with them so before that new meta replicator becomes a clutter aggregator check out these 10 free models that don't call for anything except filament and common household knickknacks making them perfect for breaking in your brand new printer I'm actually giving some of today's projects away to a lucky viewer so ladies gentlemen and Cyborg stick around here in voidstar lab number 10 hand crossbow by arkudaki this elastic Blaster inspired the whole list because it's cool stacked up construction doesn't need any nuts bolts or glue at all if you've got some filaments some rubber bands and a clicky pen you have all you need to go medieval on some derrieres caulk the rubber band drop in the ammo also printed of course and let it rip it's even got a safety this thing is nowhere near as powerful as a Nerf blaster which you can totally print by the way check out that bubble over there for printing super power blasters but those need a parts kit from some schmoe and Etsy and this just needs your junk drawer the hand crossbow is a bit of a torture test for your printer these sidewall pleats love to curl up the intricate cams and side demand precision and this base piece up here is just pure Heck if you're the meticulous type you can actually get the retaining pins to friction fit so you don't even need any glue I am not meticulous so I did glue major warning especially for the Utes these hooks can snap off under spring tension and nail you right in the eye never ever Prime this Blaster unless everyone in the vicinity engages their safety Squints Swiggity Swooty I disclaim liability by the way I found everything featured in this episode on today's sponsor things the place to find and share anything three-dimensional things now host over 7 million models and if they don't have what you want they will search the competition for you use the links in the description to grab these models support the channel and now share pictures of your builds so the independent creators who designed them can see their hard work pay off that brings us to number nine wall mount key hanger by electrosync I nearly missed this one because of its generic ass title and I'm really glad I didn't because this seat belt shaped key organizer is a great help for the ADHD airhead I know you are stick the Buckle to the wall attach the latch plate keychain that's what the thing is called a latch plate and when you you come back from work don't whip your keys into the couch void snap them into their new home hit the button and your keys don't just drop into your hand a tiny spring-loaded tab ejects them what's really awesome is that apart from the key ring itself and the tape to stick the Buckley bit to your wall this thing is 100 filament your printer game does need to be on fleek fellow kids because tolerances are tight in all directions and the Springs which of course are also printed will snap unless you use filament that is not prone to snapping but the reward is a super slick way to avoid having to ransack the couch every morning and you can make and use it right now no glue required snapping your keys into their special spot after a hard work day and ejecting your favorite Enlightenment logo bottle opener is almost as satisfying as this peanut butter cup Nitro Stout I'm a cocktail guy number eight steampunk light switch by 3D printing world I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's better if you hear this from me first now that you have a 3D printer your friends your family your co-workers all of them now believe you're a mad scientist at first the jokes will be amusing some Doc Brown there some Young Frankenstein here but while the novelty will fade the normies are infinite this is your life now and you would do best to embrace it so fire up that printer snap on your welding goggles and swap your light switches for big honk and steampunk levers this clever print replaces the light switch cover but works with the switch itself turning it into the clunky over-engineered Insanity that frankly everyone already assumes you have there's a single and a double switch version you need nothing except filament and glue and you don't have to Tinker with the high voltage stuff so there is no point trying to escape your fate for authenticity's sake I printed mine in proto pasta iron filled pla a mixture of salt vinegar and peroxide rapidly rust the tiny metal particles embedded in the filament after all have you ever seen a mad scientist polish their doomsday device the handles are made of wood filled pla which I stain to bring out the grain if you're curious about these Fancy Pants filaments I tested over 50 of them in this video linked right here is it oh that I pointed the wrong place now there is no doubt this room belongs to one who dares trespass in God's domain pull the lever Brooke know the other lever number seven lathe pencil sharpener by h4i2 I love tiny scale versions of real life stuff especially when they have tiny scale functionality I actually made an entire tiny battle station complete with tiny desktop PC so I could play Tiny Doom so you could imagine my delight when I happened upon this wee little machine shop Mainstay this thing is so [ __ ] cute ah this Lily pusion lead features an adjustable cross slide and detachable tail stock but what's really neat is it actually turns tiny Lumber glue a pencil sharpener in there and you have the littlest mini machine tool that sends the cutest swarf tumbling onto the shop floor what a great word swarf swarf swarf that's all I got it's a pencil sharpener that looks like a lathe number six print and place Nunchucks by Aero designs one of the coolest design flourishes that 3D printing enables is the print in place mechanism these are hinges cogs chains Etc made of multiple moving Parts but you don't need to put them together the entire thing prints pre-assembled and works right off the plate these full-size nunchucks or ninjaku if you're a weeaboo have two different print in place elements the chain links print already linked the ball joints already in their sockets in the the nunchucks sticks this is a really tall model so I'm going to print this thing in Rainbow filament so I can oh God damn it as I was saying printing this in Rainbow filament brings out the dramatic spectrum of oh you slurping snuggle learning experience tall thin prints like this are really likely to fail the taller the print the greater the moment of inertia the nozzle imparts as it drags across the top uh it's like a lever multiplying the torque really strong force plus really tiny bottom layer equals a spaghet I also made things worse by using silk filament which looks like gorgeous shiny metal but it puffs up like popcorn as it leaves the nozzle I am about to say two words that will make it unambiguously clear that our very species is beyond salvation this is your last chance because here it comes physical posts Humanity has reached an era where we can and do to vote petrochemicals in Precious time manifesting zero effort maymays that get a momentary nose snort half laugh then continue killing dolphins until the planet is a spherical ashtray the dolphin hating 3D printing meme Lords have converged on Dwayne The Rock Johnson for some reason and I think you could smell it the pruners are cooking Heaven or Hell round five let's rock it all started here with the floppy print in place rocktopus now personally I prefer Dr rochtaganapus ba witness The Fast and Furious Transformers crossover of the century rocktimus Prime this is not the rock this is a rock lobster hide your kids hide your wife because I'm about to whip out my red rocket I'm gonna flip this pickle over and it's gonna be hilarious because it's pickle Rock slavers sculpted in a conquered Mountain hell no Mount roxmore is the real American Legacy do you want to grow up big strong and also bald then eat your broccoli finally I know you've been thinking it and it's real it exists I made it I got it right here it's the rock rock did I kill the joke because that would mean Rock is Dead number four oh good people keep asking me to 3D print firearms and I keep refusing because America's school system has plenty to share but you know what your people wore me down you changed my mind you destroyed me with facts and logic and the time has finally come to 3D print some Real Steel I loaded up some Real Steel infused filament and ran off a 100 composite polymer Croc 17 that's right this whole thing was a setup for another Dwayne The Rock Johnson joke what can I say except you're welcome blah blah blah number three pin screen toy by 3D printy do you remember those science stories at the mall with the glow-in-the-dark stars and the make your own slime kits you don't because you're not 45 well sucks to be you because you'll never experience a Discovery Zone one of my favorite science toys that they used to sell there was that one where you put your hand or something under this grid of Steel pins and it makes like a cool metal relief my parents were smart enough not to buy one for me but my time has come because now I can print one this right here is a true test of your printer and your printing skills because almost every component is a different circle of printing heck these standoffs are tall and thin easily torn off or warped the grid needs size Square cutouts which is surprisingly tough without a really well tuned printer finally the pin itself has a tiny surface area so it barely sticks to the bed but it still has to come out precise enough to fall smoothly then you need 270 more of them but I sallied fourth and printed these sequentially with rainbow filament very same technique I use for the parts rainbow to make a glorious tie-dye gradient the only other things you need are some really long M3 screws and some scrap plastic to keep the pins from falling out you could scale the whole shebang for whatever screws you happen to have and the plastic is optional as long as you never turn it upside down so does it work like kinda like a quarter of the pins in my copy are jammed because I'm I'm actually not very good at Printing and people think YouTube is a meritocracy all of the shots where it's actually working are by the Project's Creator 3D printy has his own small YouTube channel where he designs a new unbelievably polished 3D print leg every week and his videography is better than mine go to youtube.com 3d printy and share that out algorithmic juice number two snap fit scale mail by roboticlay this was one of the entries for my hello wearables contest and it barely missed the cut but it fits this theme so well I had to bring it back this simple yet clever duet of scales and fasteners lets you up armor a boring black t-shirt into a scale male boring black T-shirt believe it or not this needs nothing but filament a shirt something pointy and a nice long cue of void Star Lab videos punch holes in the shirt push a Fastener through Snap On a scale lather rinse repeat until you've made yourself a surprisingly convincing renfare fashion statement print a set for your Squire so you don't find yourself unattended I'll be here all night let's be honest a lot of 3D printable items are just simplified knockoffs of mass-produced products and most of the time you're better off just buying the real deal but our last model of the day blows this apart you can't buy anything like it and I don't even think it is mass producible this is a testament to the possibilities of printing it's genuinely useful it's easy to print it's just freaking cool behold number one rolling storage box by 3D printy yeah that's right same guys the pin screen is projects are great and he let me use his b-roll this octagonal caddy is actually eight slender Parts trees wrapped around a central core the magnetic clasp holds them tight and when you open it the rolling motion and the inward sloping sides keep your tiny parts from spilling out the core itself is even a screw top canister perfect for holding bulk items tools or scraps the best part you got options there are five sizes of Rolly boys from the short model for resistors and stuff to the Colossal giant model that could easily hold four or five iPhones in every single bin you can mix doesn't match those bins too the regular style is easy to reach into and there are three different divider options to straighten out small parts grab a sliding bin or a drawer bin and just pull out the whole shebang the magnetic latch is pretty secure but if you're really worried about spillage supplement those magnets with a wrap around strap apart from the magnets or velcro this is 100 filament even the hinge pins or bits of filament straight off the spool how cool is that I don't care about your opinion you now have at least 10 Dew hickeys that I'm pretty sure you can run off right this very second and you can download each and every one of them from today's sponsor things using the links in the schmagi remember to share a pic and enter the contest to win your very own voidstar lab box or rocks things also sponsors many of our weekly streams most Mondays and Fridays at twitch.tv Sac Freedman where we do not play games we build projects because we are intellectuals YouTube actually shows my videos to my subscribers so if you want more you should know that the red button actually works click it finally I'd like to to think are patreon supporters the peanut butter to my jelly the jelly to my peanut butter the very bread that makes the peanut butter and jelly into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of some peanut butter smeared on a plate with some some jelly smeared on top of it this metaphor really got away from me if you like to support future projects head on over to patreon.com Zach Friedman every tier gets access to our secret lab channel of our 10 387 member Discord which I drop into nearly every day special thanks to our Top Class collaborators command vinayaka Patrick Thompson Jeremy Arnold schwetty badge Brian D swollen nut Chuck faduke small dong and Reagan says Pop-Tarts microwave instructions are microwave on high setting for three seconds of having your name somewhere in this episode can you find them our lab assistant supporters include BLM and friends my dog is a bear Bill schooler trans rights Bob dobbington burbison did nothing wrong yet a blade of Kit and duck distribution specialist in a choir of stickers cats the Cuttlefish walking robot lab tournament antropin SXP aerator give it up for chronome and the vowels Captain black screwed the merciless yard buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Kevin DeGraff Michael Roche period klotz the Endeavor Eddies and foreign Nathan Johnson Brad Cox one handful of beans protagonist epon man Talent Democratic Socialist and a pretty righteous dude Granville Schmidt a zundo wielder of iron heater of shrink Nino gansetano Victor Von the midnight Patron what patrons at midnight powerful CCH Rolando Alvarez varca Rusty flute Caster the catboy William thresher Lydia cave my yiddisha mama Ashley Coleman the world's greatest drone pilot Bach grinder fpv zorch tkmk on all levels except physical I am a lioness taranak clunge Bob squirt pants DSA Roger Pinkham of the great Star Theater flat 32 curb akali always remember but I forgot what Philip zoster's 2021 and I still go to My Little Pony conventions Boulder Creek yard James good suck burunduk 3 Ethan Gomes C Harris and the cunning Valiant and most chivalrous Patron in all of the realm sir durpington of derptopia may your 3D printer be your gateway to cool projects instead of an expensive thing to stub your toe on thanks for watching and I'll see you in the future
Channel: Zack Freedman
Views: 1,066,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, zack friedman, zach friedman, zach freedman, voidstar lab, voidstar labs, 3d printing, 3d printed projects, diy projects, what to print first, new 3d printer, what can you do with a 3d printer, unique printing projects, thangs, best 3d prints
Id: 1XVcix5n8x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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