10 Cool Things to 3D Print while you're Stuck Indoors

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[Music] are you stuck at home with nothing to do do you own a 3d printer if I can't think of anything to print with it does your wife or girlfriend glare disapprovingly at you every time you mentioned the 3d printer that she didn't give you permission to buy in the first place well they may not be able to help with the last one but for the first tube I've made a list of 10 free and cool 3d models you can print today to add some style to your place or even just to dull the mind-numbing repetition of not being able to leave your house number 10 my first suggestion of things to print is something I've needed forever but every one of these I've printed hasn't worked out for one reason or another this paper towel holder is pretty cool and that you can attach it to a wire shelf or the bottom of a cabinet and it doesn't need to bend to hold your paper towels in place you just screw the dowel end into the end of the paper towel roll and you're good to go so now I can fantasize about a day when I own paper towels again and can actually use it [Music] number nine a soap dish is something I've never really needed personally considering a prefer to use liquid soap in most situations and it seemed weird to put liquid soap in a soap dish for some reason however I was recently given a gift card for world market and among other things I ended up buying a bar soap with it or a bar of man soap soapy man bar now that just sounds like a very specific kind of place whatever it smells amazing and looks pretty cool on top of the soap dish in my opinion note this video is not sponsored by a world market or man bar or anybody else for that matter number 8 are you looking for a way to fight off that never-ending boredom and repetition of being stuck indoors all day I'm not but to be fair this has been my lifestyle since way before social distancing became a thing but for the rest of you here's one pretty cool print to keep you fidgeting and occupy your mind for at least a good minute and a half this infinity cube print is a torture test that I had to scale up to about a hundred and fifty percent and it still had some issues but it looks pretty cool and it's fun to play with once in a while number seven for the next one to be honest I was mostly just looking for another print to add to this list but I'm not mad at it I hear you this hyperboloid pencil holder is pretty awesome and then it can organize most of your pencils into a single location on your desk if you prefer or if you want to do something artsy with it you could always fill it up with pencils or dowels and rest one of those decorative balls on top like you see in random coffee table bowls and hotel rooms number six so this one is more of a generic category than a specific model but cookie cutters like this eric cartman one or a great reason to put your 3d printer to work in my opinion you can design your own if you want or just go with one of the seemingly infinite number of cookie cutter STL options you can find online without having to wait for them to be delivered to you assuming you can find what you're looking for in the first place disclaimer though there are many people who will tell you that FDM 3d prints are not food safe and to be fair they're probably right partially for example if you're using PLA to print a bowl or utensil and you decide to try using it regularly to consume food that may not be such a great idea because of the porous nature of FDM prints the theory is that leftover food can accumulate in those pores and grow bacteria that will end up making you sick despite your best efforts to clean the prints after each use but to be fair wood has some of the same potential for storing food particles and that doesn't stop people from using wooden spoons to stir their food you can always use some kind of food safe finish on your print to make sure that's not a problem however as far as claims go that using a brass and oz little print will leach harmful toxins into your plastics that will transfer to harming you if you try to consume anything with or off of that print I haven't seen any solid studies proving those claims that doesn't mean that they don't exist just that I haven't seen any so with all of that said a couple of things to take into consideration if you're going to print cookie cutters with PLA you probably want to wash it pretty well before using it and not in a dishwasher because it will melt and without some kind of finish it may not be particularly reusable straight off the printer since it will start accumulating food and bacteria the first time you use it number five for any of you planned or unplanned plant parents out there try saying that five times fast this hypercube vase or Vaz printed in a rare filament made by a company that doesn't exist anymore is pretty awesome-looking and might make your desk or windowsill look a little more stylish you can use it to hold some smaller plants or maybe even your favorite flowers number four if you're like me and always looking for a way to hold stuff in place while working on a home project this fully print advice could be exactly what you're looking for the vise is designed to be fully printable so there's no need to go by any extra hardware screws to make it work just print assemble and go [Music] the only downside is it doesn't have a way to mount it to a table or hold the vise in place when you're using it however one really awesome trick that I learned thanks to watching Crimson guitars videos is the masking tape and superglue trick and it really comes in handy with this vise if you're not familiar the basic concept is this instead of using some crappy double-sided tape that is either too messy or too weak to hold your stuff in place effectively you take a piece of masking tape and put it on one thing that you want to hold in place then you put a matching piece of masking tape on the thing that you want to stick it to [Music] after that you super glue the two pieces of masking tape together [Music] and now it's not going anywhere you'd be amazed at how well this holds things in place and it's very easy to clean up just pull up on the vise peel the masking tape off and you're good to go [Music] number three this is probably pretty obvious to anybody watching my channel but one thing you could spend time on while you're stuck indoors is printing upgrades for your 3d printer for example I particularly like this set of z-axis braces for the mana price maker select v2 they got rid of a lot of the wobble in my maker select z-axis and I've never had any problems with them but no matter what your printer is you can likely find some kind of upgrade to print to make it better or worse not all upgrades are actually upgrades unfortunately number two if you have multiple SD cards or just an overwhelming need to relive your childhood by recreating Mario related paraphernalia this question block SD card holder might be for you in my opinion it looks awesome if you print it with enough infill that feels really substantial and the lid fits on it really nice and snug without falling off the only real downside is the original question marks don't really fit in the recesses as well as they're supposed to I resize them so they fit pretty much perfectly and you just have to super glue them in place so I'll upload those and add a link to that model in the description below with the rest of the models also for you switch owners out there there are other variations of the same block with slots made to fit multiple switch games instead of SD cards so this could be a great option for keeping track of them and number one this Batman headphone stand looks awesome in my opinion and while it may be slightly creepy to have the Dark Knight sitting on your desk at all times or in your headphones at least you won't have to worry about any Joker stealing them but seriously I like this print a lot there were some other superhero related headphone stands like Wolverine but the Batman one was by far my favorite and for a bonus print I'm sure if you watch any other 3d printing youtubers you've already seen by now people recommending that you go print PPE to donate to your local healthcare workers I fully support that trend if that's what you decide to do I have read a few articles on the subject and there are some things to take into consideration one if you're going to do this check with your local hospital or healthcare providers to make sure that they need what you're offering to print for them because you don't want to waste ten spools of filament printing something that's just going to get thrown in the trash because nobody will accept what you printed and two if you're trying to print the popular face shields that seem to be a big trend in the 3d printing community right now you'll likely need some sort of sterile environment set up to make sure that what you're producing is clean and safe to use to my understanding most hospitals will only accept sterile supplies although it's hard to say since a lot of them have fallen on really hard times recently and to add to that if you were anybody in your house is currently sick I'm sure the local hospitals appreciate the thought but you're probably okay to sit this one out although no doubt there are likely charities that would gladly accept donations however if you're prepared to take on the challenge and decide to devote some of your printers time to helping out the cause I would highly recommend going and reading some articles or watching some videos dedicated specifically to the subject also if you know of a good source of information on the topic feel free to leave it down in the comment section below and I will try to add any helpful links I can to the description of this video anyway that's all for now links to all of the models I mentioned in this video should be in the video description below if you have any personal favorite suggestions for things to print that I didn't mention here feel free to leave them down in the comment section I know my videos aren't usually that interesting to watch so I figured I'd try a few new things out to see how that goes over but anyway let me know what you think of the new format if this video was at all helpful interesting or entertaining to you feel free to click the like or subscribe button and as always thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Remain Indoors
Views: 626,298
Rating: 4.7404671 out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, stl, 3d model, 3d printer, top 10, indoors, quarantine
Id: Cp8cqAroWjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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