10 Free 3D Prints to BLOW YOUR MIND!

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a non-euclidean chessboard a sculpture that hangs in thin air a Nerf blaster that reloads by the handful I found 10 surreal 3D printable projects each one free and each one featuring a wildly different way to Boggle baffle and on balance blow your mind but first I've got a question for you how many quarters are in this sock it's a brand new void Star Lab our previous location collapsed in a manner of both unceremonious and aqueous but there was a silver lining I got to plan my perfect personal print farm from the ground up okay it's in a basement so like it's technically the ground down but whatever this episode was supposed to be a tour but it turns out you people are really not interested in oscilloscope tutorials and if I dig my algorithmic hole any deeper YouTube will make sure the final voidstar lab is a cardboard box behind a GameStop I'll tell you why let's sneak a peek at the gear we'll use to pull off today's first mind melting model this is the crown jewel of my workshop a custom-built laboratory grade fume Hood from Century Air systems in Cypress Texas designed to my specs specifically for resin printsmanship this powerful fan imprisons the stink in a full foot of HEPA filters and activated charcoal so even when I'm sitting right in front with the door half open I can't even catch a whiff now we will be able to do more resin more often and make it look better see we no longer need these orange hoods so you get to watch everything single 50 Micron layer emerge from the surface thank you so much Century Air systems for this fume hood and to today's sponsor any cubic who populated it with the brand new Photon mono m5s I don't say this often but you're looking at a true Leap Forward in 3D printing the m5s has a 12K panel the highest resolution display I've ever seen and higher res than most resins can even resolve but the real Innovation is under the surface the entire vat and LCD are floating on four spring-loaded strain gauges making this the very first self-leveling consumer resin printer no more calibration cards no more sticky hex Keys just hit go and the m5s will handle the rest this thing can even sense the amount of resin remaining in the tank and warn you if you're about to run dry m5s can print up to three times faster than the competition you get all of this for just 500 bucks and they'll throw in a free bottle of high-speed resin to learn more about the any cubic Photon mono m5s hit the description and while you're down there you can find links to every model I am about to show you let's put that 12K to the test with an infinitely intricate design number 10 serpinski 4 pyramid by vendikar 1. the serpinski pyramid is a classic three-dimensional fractal you start with a pyramid and you split it into five smaller identical pyramids then you split each of those the same way and continue iterating add infinitum and or nauseum vindicur's design is actually half a serpinsky octahedron which has similar properties to the true pyramid but doesn't have any overhangs that need support picking this clean would suck infinitely by editing the script ourselves we can fabricate a fractal of any size to any level of detail that will push any printer to the limit of its resolution that detail is absolutely insane and I really underestimated it math people call these types of fractals sieves and turns out that works literally not only did tons of resins stay trapped in the voids bits of crud from my wash and cure station got like ingrained in that maze this is an an absolutely unforgiving model and even a half hour in an ultrasonic bath couldn't dislodge the detritus still this is a total trip to gaze into and once you understand the numbers it'll really start baking your strudel you see each level of recursion each iteration cutting things up slashes the volume in half so if this were a true theoretical serpinsky pyramid we would have zero volume that would really save on resin but at every single stage of this never-ending procedure the surface area has remained exactly the same now that we've bent geometry our next model is going to punch a big fat hole through it number nine is the Wormhole chest board by things Legend Dave makes stuff this is a pair of conventional 8x8 chess boards placed back to back with the middle squares contorted and conjoined into a sanity shredding catanoid horror on passant more like on psychotic this is a lot more printing than it looks there are a lot of tiles on two chessboards but as long as you got some time it's easy and actually a lot of fun to assemble but the effects on gameplay play our downright grotesque for one there are now squares on both sides of the board so to play it you have to prop the entire game on its Edge every piece and position needs this little magnet to keep your horsey standing in attention the Twisted topology also means a third of your pawns cannot actually reach the other side of the board and since eight of the squares now have five neighbors your Rooks Bishops and queens will pull some truly revolting power plays as they surf the trans-dimensional butthole there's also the question of which side parentheses s to actually begin on you could face off on the same side as usual you could start diagonally on facing worlds classic map or brace yourself you could print a second set of pieces and have a four player non-euclidean free-for-all no friends no problem each player can dual wield two sets just remember to work out in advance does a player have to meet either king or do they have to pone the whole polycule I don't know and the site of purple King creeping out of an inverted donut is living rent free in my head in the Creator's words actual gameplay on this board is beyond challenging so unless you're a Super Genius this is more of an art or Conversation Piece I will have to take his word for it I don't know how to play chess number eight is print in place articulating Critters it's not really a print it's like a category these snake serpents Etc can wiggle and wiggle right off the plate no assembly required Brook and I recently drove to the Diamondback nozzle Factory and you know what we found in this random convenience store an armpit farts fill Utah well next to the candy and the R-rated supplements sat boxes of these guys priced like 20 bucks each and the clerk said they could barely keep them in stock turns out most of these are actually paid models so I scour the introbots for the floppiest friendliest freebies first we got the ice dragon by pilots with a jagged crystalline hide I used Inland polycarbonate for a frosty gleam but silk filaments would probably come out even better I will warn you this one's pretty spiky so if if you're summoning this dragon on behalf of a young Beastmaster You may wish to hunt down a safer species the articulated Axolotl multi-colored Remix by print Brothers 3D is so cute multi-material printing creates a lot of waste but you know what I have zero respect for Al Gore's stupid planet so I scale this bad boy up 75 in like 13 hours later I was nuzzling him and naming him zaxolotl look at his little eyes this is dimples but I saved the best for last mcgai Beer's Cobra pencil holder apparently also sponsored by any cubic this isn't just one of the longest articulated models I've ever seen it's the only ones arguably useful print the included pencil cup and let your newly minted danger noodle defend your fanciest fountain pens I use 3D fuel buzzed a bizarre pla beer residue composite from the cursed filming episode I put the thingy up there I just thought the Sandy texture seemed snaky and honestly I just want the stuff out of my workshop because I'm a huge masochist I tried running this fella off in resin I wouldn't exactly say it went well I had to turn it sideways to just fit the bed so a few of the segments got fused together by support material and a few more broke during the very lengthy cleanup process but you know what it works and it looks really cool msla stands for make snakes like articulate whether you use the spaghetti or the sauce these all make perfect prints for printing beginners they for force you to tune your printer but they reward you with rewarding payoffs let me show you another excellent newbie print with a double dose of what the hell is going on here number seven is the tensegrity sculpture these Jagged multi-part models appear bolted to thin air levitating a few centimeters apart in an oddly rigid way as much as Brooke wishes otherwise magic is not real but what makes tense security a true trip is even after you see the fishing line that's wiring it all together it doesn't look like it should work every one of these lines is running between the top and bottom halves so what's keeping the whole thing from just falling down this is not an optical illusion and your intuition is actually correct if I give one side a big old poke the pieces collapse and Dingle flaccidly but watch as I bring them back into position the strings start pulling against each other Tighter and Tighter until the entire thing is solid and taut the secret is this middle one it's tied to these overlapping arms Which pull it in the opposite direction as the other lines back towards the same piece the arm is supporting that's why Buckminster Fuller named this construction technique tensegrity or attentional Integrity it has no support elements that are being squished everything is being pulled against each other to create the structural Integrity it's a silly term coined by a silly man who invented a silly car I recommend the dual 10 security connected structures by m4nu because 2 is 100 better than one also the way the two Flyers brace against each other just in my opinion and makes the entire thing feel more uncanny or less canny but my absolute favorite has got to be 3D print bunnies straight up Bonkers print in place version which forces your poor printer to bridge single lines of filament like three inches over thin air these act like pre-installed strings so the tensegrity begins right off the plate albeit super duper fragile this has got to be one of the most elegant clever designs I have ever shown on this channel our next model is extremely clever but no person with a Fleck of taste would describe it as elegant so a few weeks ago I saw a community post from Lord draconical astoundingly long time YouTube nerfer and self-proclaimed vampire he was going to a Nerf war in Colorado Springs and I'll be damned if I let this state have two YouTubers in it I've built some serious blasters in past episodes so I reached out to the organizers to see if they're cool with me ramming foam tubes through children's eye sockets at 200 feet per second to my surprise they said absolutely bring your drone Blaster I could bring a printed Blaster this is going to be a full-length Dart only event as long as it fired full length darts it's a bit of a weird restriction and I only have a single Blaster they can now within reason my caliber and sniper from the caliber and sniper episode will but only for mags those things are like two by fours so I sought out a powerful printable repeating Blaster that raw dogs the darts and I did not return empty-handed this is the Griffon by flyconio a flywheel Blaster with a slim silhouette and a manually operated semi-auto Pusher it's like a more powerful 3D printed Nerf Strife but mine is special number six is the stapler Griffin by the man the myth the captain Slug and it trades the basic Magwell for a nine round integral Magazine with a truly bananas reloading mechanism when you pull the spring-loaded follower the entire side of the Blaster automatically flops open so you can just throw a line of darts in there slam the door the follower re-engages and you can resume your cuppocalypse it's incredibly Snick it's incredibly Snick Brooke it's unlike anything I've seen before and it runs at least as smoothly as the detachable clip version Captain slug is after all of the meki Mastermind who made the caliburn Talon claw and basically every other meta breaking foam ordinance but those are all spring and string powered as far as I know the Griffin stapler is his only electric project full stop uh oh speaking of that spring prepare for some Barrel strength overproof turbo Jank the follower is being driven by a retractable badge holder and bolted onto the side and looped over a pulley it's so dumb it's so smart I didn't have a retractable badge holder I had a VR headset cord manager and that turned out to be too strong so now this latest jostle just spring starts everywhere it happens to every guy sooner or later I designed some brackets to bolt on additional magnets I made the entire door smoother and then I got a bit carried away and replaced like the stock the foregrip the pretty much everything else I then made a speed loader because it turns out that just dumping in fistfuls of darts roadhog style doesn't actually work womp womp so funny story turns out electric Blaster is actually Fire full length darts harder than half length darts so when the blaster in question has four Ultra Crush Kepler flywheels and 100 amps of Kraken Motors the head tends to go one way and the foam goes three other ways bring your own Blaster with within reason I don't really want to point this thing at anyone except larger conical he is an immortal Undead with 800 000 Subs he'll be fine you may wonder why it didn't get many shots of assembling this thing and it definitely was not because this was supposed to be a tiny side project and ADHD railroaded me into such a deep Nerf Rabbit Hole I had to construct an entire episode around it to salvage the lost time stop looking at me here look at number five the hooped kinetic sculpture by Dave makes stuff wait this guy again this stupefying spectacle of sweeping circles and syncophating spheres stands in for the splashing set of STL styled motion sculptures AKA kinetic art and automata turning the crank sets six bobbing balls rising and falling just barely enough to squeeze through six sweeping multi-level Rings it's truly impressive in action and a lot of fun to crank but if we rewind to watch me assemble this contraption the transfixing effect is hilariously simple see the sticks that prop up the balls are riding in a face cam not the picture-in-picture view of a streamer's Pog face it's a track like a roller coaster the sticks or followers ride in that Groove rising and falling on the same course as the Rings and of course they always line up the cam that Bobs the balls and the Rings they Bob through are a single piece I really like this model because the effect is so transfixing yet the construction is so simple except for the Rings nothing needs any support material and if your tolerances are just right you can assemble this thing with zero glue mine aren't so I use non zero glue but heed my warning innocent Surfer of the three-dimensional web if you search for automata you will mostly see fan art of near automata specifically its Bodacious protagonist let's just say most of these models aren't exactly consistent with the established Canon number four extraction by Yours Truly what's my video I'm allowed to share my own projects extraction is my free 3D printable board game where anyone is allowed to make their own pieces and even if you don't feel competitive building up the little Rube Goldberg Contraptions is just straight up satisfying I already featured Hyster action on a recent episode so let's highlight some of the trippiest tiles made by the extraction Community Smiley printer primed the Gauss tile of functional magnetic Canon that immediately accelerates a single ball to Ludicrous Speed I got seriously nerd sniped trying to figure out a way to reload this thing so let me know if you can Lee Olson's 79's Canon tile is a lot more literal roll with a tiny ramp leading out the barrel and I'll be damned it actually works you can fire balls into the goal to clinch a surprise Victory from two or three slots away Timothy Jackman created this super clever Twist on the Trap tile the Newton's Cradle tile when one side traps a ball it sometimes knocks the other one loose inertia after all is a property of matter then Andrew though 5942 turned the flipper tile on its ear with the one up tile featuring a Deployable ramp that eats one ball and sends the rest off into the wild blue yea off the table if you'd like to try extraction for yourself perhaps even challenge Yours Truly duel your opening is in like three days I'm going to the first ever Open sauce to sort of maker Fair VidCon mashup and I convinced them to give me a table just for extraction I'm gonna have four boards set up to play and I'm giving away hundreds of these special edition tiles I designed just for this event I call them the sauce dunk if you would like to get involved with hipster action just download the files and create your own collect them all links below but I have one more free tile that has nothing to do with this episode yet is too hysterical not to show Eli zupka presents Bulls are stored in the P Eli bless his her there or its web adult heart even wrote up some rules so you can empty your balls mythical speaking of physicals number three is mind-blowing for all the wrong reasons this is so you will get an existential crisis from Simply knowing there are people out there depraved enough to think of it powerful enough to make it and online enough to well you'll see number three is not a place of honor nothing valued is here Captain subjunctive presents Shrek's DC squidwamu and jars the Dank avatars of the mimosphere polymerized with the most powerful entities in the Jojo's Bizarre Multiverse this is a high effort post each figure is way too detailed with memes upon memes that will paint your dreams this terrible Trio quietly festered in the bells of the 3D printing subreddit back when that site was if not good at least in durable they were hosted on their Creator's personal Google drive under their real name so out of respect for the creator of the pillar memes I re-upped this slaanesh of stls to my own account if Captain subjunctive is in the crowd or major subjunctive if they got a promotion kindly let me know when you share this on your own account I will change the link in the description so you can collect your luscious prusa meters meanwhile I am going to format my entire hard drive and return to the workshop for something significantly more useful our penultimate print the fractal Vice by teaching Tech if you're a consummate content consumer you've probably seen this video already it has more views than my entire Channel my groups are so sour I could make prison wine I gotta break this salt crust and admit the project itself is extremely cool and it just exemplifies what every 3D printing project is supposed to be but before I explain why let's explore what so regular vice has two jaws one of them is fixed one of the moves they pinch things real rocket surgery up in this Biz nizzle but well a vanilla Vice works great for circuit boards Bosnian locks and other flat-sided objects real projects have curves the fractal Vice takes the twin jaws and makes the end swivel using a dovetail joint for strength the face of that pivoting jaw is fitted with two smaller pivoting Jaws Each of which gets two more on and on until the business end is 32 rotating cleats with five degrees of freedom per when the vice grips your thingy these little mini vices Contour into every nook and cranny with 62 pivot Points acting as levers to force each element into position it's 3D printed it's a toy but in terms of being a project designed for others to print this thing is in Immaculate each piece comes pre-oriented nothing needs support and floating holes are covered in a layer of plastic that tricks the slicer into not printing stuff in mid-air like my gridfinity magnet screw hole combos that probably waste about 50 000 of Humanity's Collective human hours this is how every 3D printable project should be posted everyone who uploads 3D files online especially me should consider this the gold standard things get a bit dicey when you hit the base you're going to need a long lead screw a specific nut and two steel round rods luckily I have more 3D printers than I know it to do with I Salvage the lead screw from a biku B1 SE I grabbed a nut from an any qubit Cobra and don't start curling your knurling I didn't strip a prusa Mark III down for parts the rails got damaged when the workshop flooded and I was going to replace them anyways I actually printed a modified version of this thing with sockets to mount coolant arms so I can use this as my soldering station I printed the tips out of bamboo petcf one of the most heat proof filaments available I also printed the feet out of that tire TPU combo from the cursed filament episodes got great friction so it doesn't slide around but does that freak I should have put the printer in the fume Hood I'm going to lay it on you straight our final print is a Humdinger I didn't think there's any possible way it was printable even if it was there's no way to work today we beat the odds with my number one mind-blowing model the digital Sundial by Mojo Optics I hope you know how a sundial works you put it Outdoors the sun casts a shadow the time is the number the shadow is touching by the way the stick is called the gnomen that's the nomenclature the digital Sundial is the same thing but fancier instead of casting a shadow onto the time the shadow is the time these angle channels supposedly display the gosh darn Time by casting different shadows as the sunlight strikes it from different angles when Details Matter resin is usually what you want but this is a sundial UV resin doesn't do too hot and UV Rich sunlight light and that would be about as useful as a wireless cable car I am busting out the bamboo and loading up some 3DX Tech carbon fiber ABS the only option with decent dimensional stability and great UV resistance but will it actually work G Gully goalie it actually works it only updates every 20 minutes and only keeps time from 10 o'clock to 16 o'clock that's 4 P.M in God's favorite country but that still means this thing is casting 21 different shadows and that is my collection of 10 3D prints designed to blow your mind is your mind blown put your mind's degree of blowiness in a comment and subscribe I'd like to thank any cubic again for sponsoring this episode and providing the photon mono m5s also thanks to Century Air systems for the bomb ass fume Hood but the top shelf premium thanks go to our patrons and things members without whom the Slick Workshop would never happen and neither would Brooks and my ability to eat food every episode I pick three lab scientist supporters to think at random and today's our binary construct Pat Min and Mr James our most righteous collaborators are David Gomez keep to yourself what the Chuck bit rot dysfunctional potato SXP Turner's age schleppy the schwagster the benevolent misanthrope moonkin the suits ruined our fun Castor the catboy and e to the eye Pie as you can see I've transferred their names to the new printer room where they will live on an infamy forevermore I also hid their name somewhere in today's video presentation can your significant other who is sitting next to you pretending to be asleep in the hope you'll shut this video off find them last but not least are our lab assistant supporters these electromicrographically supercalifragilistic expialidociously anti-disestablishmentarianists include Trump did nothing wrong you might want to change that Michael Doom crew Inc bum tickly 69 visit omaha3dprints.com for all your 3D printed project needs nugget in bed burn it the lizards are watching sack my younger better dressed brother Micah Friedman the anti-fog max Lux says you're too hard on yourself love yourself idiots I Inspire the next layers YouTube channel so you guys should check it out it might appear on his podcast Talent Democratic Socialist and pretty righteous dude sack Roger Pinkham of the great Star Theater Elites giant Cliff Henning Bill schooler good lady Nat queen of lemons Victor of the great Citrus Wars Bob dobbington Tegan my dog is a bear thunder chicken sir Jack Cooper the second Wilder frying pan Nathan Johnson Nico quintiens Nova Rin trans rights Big Bird Tommy Waco's bump in the night Travis Hippa boots Evon poopstein scratch finger period clots Sharia coleslaw storm bee design Incognito RJ dipcord powerful CCH ox41 repeating Aaron steers Danny devoid of life my husband watches this so hi Arch sticks like the river not the band Ashley Coleman Dr Mrs the mirrorman juicy Legend Drinker of Juicy legendary fruits cross threading is just free Loctite but seriously ladies gentlemen cyborgs every name I just read out loud is fake seriously on with the real subscribers so 6a6f656e75 rinery skl amanishi entropy isn't what it used to be Nate Onyx plague brynwolf Schulte Boulder Creek yard James Acorn quantumly Tangled Granville Schmidt Zach dempser sucks mcgok Stacks dastardly seeks Seth's checks Samuel Rush spur induck three Stephen six foot six figure six-pack Schulte microwave Max Steel doesn't have the balls to play extraction xanthorian the Cuttlefish Circle zero blamo Zapp cacophony of failure one sleeve Cody 603 Jason measure once cut twice free glue cut again VK to ktj vigelli Kink shaming walrus capanic Topher John loves gen dead beef Rusty flute DVD Russ Ryan cooler varka Kevin degraf quality doggo Eddie hand chops for the homeless City lauman Reagan azunda wielder of iron heater of shrink skrudo saggins Bob Forbes Jessica Maurer hand Jamie General Buck targetson protagonist Adam birchker the OG frog sunburnt cat covering not a digimon Dennis Kemp and Anthony Evans craft Computing Cameron argoltree Matthew Arrington Brad Cox blood suck or retina Snyder Mike Kelly John marlar Lydia K iron rain Michael Roche call sign Carrick Cullen J Webber reminds us that tolerance of intolerance is a parodox the the Monk and I'm working on every resin video and it will be out next week I promise you see what I was waiting for thanks so much for watching happy Printing and I will see you in the future well you're not tied up you just leave Psych
Channel: Zack Freedman
Views: 459,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, zack friedman, zach friedman, zach freedman, voidstar lab, voidstar labs, 3d printing, 3d printed projects, diy projects, resin prints, filament prints, best prints for new printers, useful things to print, coolest 3d prints
Id: m99I05VJFLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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