Ten Awesome 3D-Printable Gifts

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[Bad-ass Matrix-style music] When you were social-distanced  brunching, I printed the blade. While you were on awkward Zoom  calls, I mastered the slicer. And now that there's one week until Christmas  and Amazon won't ship your presents in time,   you have the audacity to come to me for help?! Well, you made an excellent choice, because I have  10 free 3D prints that will make awesome gifts. [Sleigh bells intensify] I am Zack Freedman, and welcome to  Voidstar Lab. As an accredited mensch,   I've never had much stake in Christmas, until  I was contacted by today's sponsor, Thangs.   Thangs is the fastest-growing site to find  3D-printable models, and as far as I can tell,   they're the only search engine on the web for  3D geometry. This is going to come in handy,   because there's just a week til  eggnog day and the stores are all   pandemic-y. There's no time to waste, so  let's unleash number 10: Collapsing Katana. This is one of the coolest 3D models I found on  Thangs, not just because it's a bad-ass blade   that will delight any wannabe ninja. This is an  exciting demonstration of what a creative maker   can accomplish with a 3D printer. Even though the  sword is made of a bunch of telescoping segments,   it's only a single 3D model. All the parts  print together, nestled tightly enough to   lock the sword open but just far enough apart  that you can snap it off the plate and they   slide freely. Thangs searches for models on  Thingiverse too, so you can find even more   iconic weapons like a pirate cutlass, bo staff,  even a lightsaber. Just don't expect to cross   blades in pirates-vs-ninjas-vs-jedi showdowns;  these swords are for swashbuckling only. [Clackety noises] This next one is perfect for that annoying uncle   who just won't stop telling terrible dad  puns. We're gonna give him coronavirus. Number nine: Coronavirus. This reasonably accurate facsimile of that  little jerk is based on imagery from the CDC   and makes a really adorable stocking stuffer. Just  look at his wee little protein halo. He's so cute.   As previously mentioned, the most  important feature of this particular   print is that you get to say you  gave the recipient coronavirus.   If you disregard social distancing and don't  wear a mask, you can even make that literal! Side note: I printed this little guy out of  the most bizarre filament I've ever seen.   This is purple PETG, not PLA, and it glows green  in the dark. Also it's full of glitter. It's weird. This printable virus makes an appropriate  ornament or even a mildly sardonic tree topper,   but it's the remixes that really send this to  epidemic proportions. Here's a 'rona for your   extruder! Here's a 'rona that holds your masks.  Here's a 'rona to open your Corona. Some Americans   may fear the 'rona less than others, but they'll  change their tune once they see the BUFF 'RONA. Number eight: LiftPod. Photographers and videographers are THE worst  people to buy gifts for, because everything   camera-related costs a fortune. That's why I was  so excited when I found the LiftPod. Plot twist:   a whole bunch of shots you've seen so  far have been recorded with this LiftPod!   Except except this one. I suppose I could have  lied and said I printed two of these things, but   I respect 'ya too much. The LiftPod is different  from a tripod because it sits right on the table   and it's really easy to adjust. This makes it easy  to experiment with different shooting angles and   positions, especially when you're trying to  dial in one of those fancy pants close-ups.   The commercial version of this thing costs 150  bucks, but this one is entirely 3D-printed.   Even the nuts and bolts are 3D-printed! You  don't even need to have a fancy camera to   use this thing. All you have to do is print  the phone clamp instead of the camera clamp,   and they can start recording overly-scripted maker  content or whatever the kids are into these days.   Or they can put their switch into it if they're  too lazy to hold their own games consoles. Entitled brats. Number seven: PBC Dream Blaster. Maybe you're doing office secret Santa and  you got Gary, who never talks to anyone,   has no social media, and only  wears plain Uniqlo t-shirts. Who   the hell knows what Gary wants? WHAT  IS GOING ON INSIDE YOUR HEAD, GARY?!! When you don't know what they want, give them  something nobody - absolutely nobody - asked   for. Download a crossbow that  fires peanut butter cups. [Slow-mo peanut butter propulsion sounds] It all started with a girl named Kelly,  who fell asleep one night and dreamed of   a mighty weapon capable of flinging nutty  chocolate confections into a friend's eager   and waiting maw. Her friend Fernando took up the  challenge and designed the PBC Dream Blaster.   Simply pull back the tray, chamber a  peanut-buttery payload, take aim, and I quote,   fling them majestically through the air. All  you need is a rubber band, a touch of glue,   and a big ol' bag of ammo. You don't even need  to use peanut butter cups; the Dream Blaster   will also propel cookies, throwing starfruit, and  other cylindrical combustibles through the sky. Number six: THE PUZZLE OF EVIL! [Thunder crack] I sold this thing short when I first saw it.  I have seen countless nesting puzzles and I've   beaten many of them. What I didn't account  for is this puzzle is EVIL! [Thunder crack] This is the first item on the list that I printed,  and I gave it to Brooke, who is way better puzzles   than I am, to test it out. The Puzzle of Evil's  [Thunder crack] position in the top 10 was secured   when a week later, Brooke was still trying to  tangle with this torturous tangram but getting   totally trounced. She hadn't made an inch of  progress in an entire week, and she was working on   the easy side! And yes, the puzzle is possible. I  confirmed the solutions online, which I can assure   you are not easy to find, so spoiler-seeking  cheatyfaces are gonna have to work for it.   The Puzzle of Evil [Thunder crack] is the perfect  way to shut a kid up for 15 minutes or utterly   consume an entire table of drunken nerds who each  think they're the smartest person in the room. Speaking of rooms full of smart, drunk nerds,  the Voidstar Lab Discord is now online! Just   click the link in the description to join a  budding community of friendly project-building   smartasses. There's a channel just for  projects, there's one just for bad jokes,   there's even a voice channel so we can  schmooze while we solder. The best part is,   everyone there is the same kind of  socially-awkward ADHD weirdo who put   their Christmas shopping off for 51 weeks  and is still watching 3D-printing YouTube   videos instead of just doing it! Link's  in the description, I'll see you there. Also, [REDACTED] this puzzle. [Puzzling noises] Number five: Gift Kit Cards. These ingenious prints are a fun twist on  those old-school snap-out model planes that   boomers grew up with, and they're also the  cheapest, easiest prints on this list. There   are tons of these things on really anywhere  you can find STL's, and I think it's fun to   hunt down the perfect card for everyone.  You can download functional mechanisms,   iconic military planes, siege weaponry, holiday  cheer, and even fictional spaceships that   totally aren't abruptly destroyed.  [Airplane crashing mouth noises] What I love about these is that they barely  need any plastic, so you can run off a whole   pile of kit cards with the irksome remnants of  filament on your spool. If you're in a rush,   you can also bump up the layer height and it  doesn't really affect the quality that much.   Kit cards are really easy to assemble  - you just pop them off of their sprues   and slot them together no glue... or...  slot them together... no glue required. Number four: Cute Dumpster. 2020 was a rough year. Life plans were  shattered, loved ones got sick, jobs were lost,   and politics got very, very weird. This lovable  dumpster bebeh is the perfect symbol of the year,   if only because my printer gave me non-stop  trouble the entire time. This guy dealt with   layer shifts, ugly blobs, and all kinds of  disruptions, but he's still smiling because   the surprisingly supportive Voidstar Lab community  is watching. Just attach his little dumpster doors   to his adorable dumpster body and hand him off to  that special someone who had a real trash 2020.   What they tuck inside him stays between the  dumpster, the recipient, and the fire department. Number three: Lithophanes. A lithophane is an obnoxiously technical term  for a thin panel with an image etched into it.   The markings are too subtle to make sense of with  the naked eye, but when you pass light through it,   the picture is revealed crisp  and clear. What's cool about   lithophanes is that they're really easy to  personalize with pictures you care about,   and you don't even need to open up a 3D-modeling  program at all. Just head to lithophanemaker.com,   3DPRocks, or many other easy-to-use sites, pick  a shape, load an image, and get to squirtin'. Print a family picture on a heart so granny  can see the little ones when she makes her   morning tea! Fall asleep to the image of  your real family. With the ability to turn   any picture into a hidden masterpiece,  the possibilities are simply endless. [YOU BEEN RICKROLLED FOOL] Number two: 3D Maze Puzzle Box. You normies make me sick. You've watched 80% of  the way through a 3D-printable gifts video and   you STILL want to give them cash! Well, if you  insist on buying your way out of your profound   lack of creativity, know that you can at least  make the recipient suffer for it. This dastardly   little tube imprisons your dead presidents in an  obnoxiously labyrinthine challenge. It might not   look like much from here, but remember that  this isn't the gift - this is the gift WRAP. That little twerp needs to navigate this maze with  everyone at the Christmas party staring them down,   checking their watches, impatiently fidgeting  with the unopened presents in their laps.   They're not allowed to take their  turn opening their present until   your victim thanks you for the gift,  and they can't do that until they know   what you gave them! You don't write  the rules. You just play the game. Of course, you will need to solve the puzzle  yourself in reverse in order to LOCK the box.   You could have made a collapsible  katana. You brought this on yourself. The final print on this list, numero uno,  represents everything there is to gain by   3D-printing a gift. It's unlike anything sold  in stores, it will blow the recipient's mind,   it'll make the entire Christmas party  think you're a Tony Stark super-genius,   and requires zero skill and zero effort on  your part. Say hello to number eleven...   wait... that's not an eleven, that's a one. Say hello to number one: The Cyclone, the  triple-lift triple-track marble machine. Weighing in at 250 grams of filament and taking  18 hours or longer to print, this group of loops,   chutes, and circuitous routes is an absolute hoot.  Three intertwined marble raceways dance and weave   through a Rube Goldbergian masterpiece, and a  built-in hand-cranked Archimedean screw carries   the balls back up to run again. It's a gorgeous, intricate model that exemplifies the creative   potential of 3D printing. It's hard to believe  that this didn't need any supports or glue. WHAAA-- This model prints beautifully with absolutely  zero support or extra materials at all. I even   used PETG, which is a lot saggier than PLA,  and apart from dropping that screw into place   and cleaning out the tunnels, what you see here is  exactly what came off my printer. Even the marbles   can be 3D-printed, although in my opinion it's  worth risking a trip to Home Depot to grab some   ball bearings. The Cyclone is truly a low-effort,  high-reward print that anyone can make, but when   it gets unwrapped, you are going to look like a  mastermind. You and your giftee are guaranteed   to be the center of attention until the piss5  finishes downloading 200GB of day-one patches. And that, my precious present procrastinators,   is ten unique and impressive gifts that you can  run off in time for Xmas. A friendly reminder,   we just opened the Voidstar Lab Discord,  and you want to join our maker community! Wait... And we want you to join our maker community!  Thanks again to Thangs for sponsoring this   episode. If you are still looking for ideas, head  over to thangs.com and drop an STL right into   their geometric search engine. Thangs has tons  of pop-culture characters and other high-fidelity   models for you to print, and they are all free all  the time. Still haven't cleared your list? Well,   check out this collection of ten 3D-printable  tools. Jump on that subscribe button like a fat   guy down a chimney and jingle that notification  bell allllll the way. Thank you so much for   watching, have a very merry non-denominational  winter holiday, and I will see you in the future.
Channel: Zack Freedman
Views: 815,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, top 10, 3d printer, 3d printing, print, maker, christmas diy, christmas gift guide, christmas diy gifts, additive manufacturing, cool 3d prints, prusa, 3d printing nerd, christmas wishlist, holiday gift guide, gift ideas, christmas gift ideas, gifts for boyfriend, gifts for girlfriend, last minute gift, gifts for cousins, gifts for friends, diy projects, diy crafts
Id: p7-wedCPSHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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