10 Best VRChat World Experiences

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hi I'm Binks and this is the 10 best VR chat experiences there's so much to do and so much to see in VR chat and this list is meant to give you guys an idea of what you can be getting up to it's in no particular order and first up we have Art Gallery worlds there are many Art Gallery worlds to experience in VR chat some of them feature a single artist and some of them like the Vive Gallery feature many artists from within the VR track Community you can find most of them by searching Art Gallery but some of my favorites are the lighthouse art gallery and the Museum of VR painting you can even visit virtual versions of art galleries that exist in the real world most art galleries feature 2D artwork but my favorite are the ones that feature 3D art experiences like the Museum of VR painting all of the artwork in the museum of VR painting is 3D and was created within VR you can walk into some of the artwork and experience it from every angle the Museum of VR painting is honestly one of my favorite worlds and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't been there [Music] yet next up we have worlds based on media step into your favorite movie or visit a location from your favorite video game meet characters explore locations there are hundreds of Worlds based on movies anime and video games my personal favorites are the studio gibli world and District Roboto which is based off the video gam stray World creators have spent hundreds of hours creating worlds from our favorite media and many of these worlds have Easter eggs that I would encourage you to stay long enough to find I've showcased a few of my favorites but there are so many more next we have one of my favorite categories of world beautiful worlds these worlds exist to be a visual display of what VR can really be view things you never thought possible enjoy the beautiful Vistas as you stand in a Airship above the clouds or visit an entirely Illustrated world the possibilities are endless honestly it was really hard to pick favorites for this category but some of my favorites are ship in the clouds and floating bread I'd encourage you to go out and find beautiful worlds and just take in the [Music] view music visualizers are one of the most unique experiences you can have in VR step into a world of Music visualized by particle effects imagery or lyrics on the screen possibly reminiscent of the music visualizers from the ' 80s and '90s on platforms such as is the Omega of VHS music visualizers in VR take that idea to a whole new level one of the first worlds that I visited when I got my VR headset was audio orbs this world allows you to put in a video URL and have the orbs move to your own music after that I discovered many many more music visualizers and enjoyed every second of them next we have exploration worlds these worlds are meant to be explored some of them have puzzles some of them have secrets and some of them are just meant for exploration organism was one of the first exploration worlds I visited set aside a few hours and grab a few friends and have an adventure organism is so vast and it's really worth a visit I recently discovered the world magnetized and it's quickly become one of my favorite worlds as has astral bounds these are worlds that I always introduce to new players whether they're on Quest or PC there's something for everyone next up we have ride worlds now ride worlds aren't for everybody they can induce severe motion sickness in some people I still thought they were worth a mention on this list because there are some really amazing rides within vat I've also included train maps within this section take a ride through the sky as falling stars fall all around you I'll try the deep sea train and experience the spectacles of the ocean from the safety of your Carriage fiaa also has rides that are more involved like magic Heist by fins magic Heist also doubles as a game having you collect gems and Destroy targets as you look around it has its own story so I've tried not to include too much so not to spoil it for you guys Roos El noan Adventure preview is also a really good ride the ride to F can be really really fun just make sure that if you get motion sickness you take care of [Music] yourself next we have cozy worlds if you've checked out my streams you know that I hang out in cozy worlds on a regular basis but to me VR chat was made to socialize nothing's better than grabbing a few friends loading up your comfiest world and just hanging out for a few hours most of these worlds feature soft Furnishings cozy fires video players pens mirrors all the things that you might need While you hang out with your friends cozy worlds are a great place to meet new people join a cozy world and just strike up a conversation you never know who you might meet one of my favorite worlds is the ephemeral Sea by very marry it's so relaxing and I love the colors but there's also a very cool water bed which is so much fun to just dive into whatever you're looking for in a cozy world there's something for everyone be it under the ocean in a rainy Cliffside Shack or hanging out on a beach there's so much variety and so much more than the trending page so don't be afraid to explore I would encourage you to check out wispy Woo's worlds they seem to be a master of making any location as comfy and cozy as [Music] possible next up we have game worlds there are so many different game worlds within VR chat some of them are mini games some of them are single player but my favorite are the ones where you can get a big group of people playing together if you're looking for people to play with every month we host a community day on my stream where we play games together some of our favorites include blackout VR wear and Laser Dome VR chat has many different types of games some of them are unique to VR chat but some of them are Recreations of other games I've met some of my closest friends just by joining a game Lobby in VR chat and striking up a conversation I've only spotlighted a few games in this video there are many more to explore I'll probably do another video spotlighting games in more depth but I just wanted to show you all how much fun you can have in game worlds so grab a few friends join a random Lobby I'll come to one of my community days there's so many different ways to play in VR chat and I'd encourage you to explore and find some of your favorite games for our next category we have Club worlds so the first thing you're going to need before or you hit the clubs is an optimized Avatar if you don't have one already don't worry there are plenty of public avatars that are optimized and what optimized means is that it has a medium or better quality you want to go aim for green which is usually good ideally but medium will suffice now that we're in our optimized Avatar we're ready to hit the club club club Orion is the best place to start if you're looking to get into clubbing people often host public events here although not very optimized it is a good time the VRU is one of my favorite clubs they host many clubs within the same world clubbing can be hard to get into but I would recommend joining some groups for clubs because some worlds are private and although everyone's encouraged to wear optimized avatars sometimes you can lag so make sure you're using your safety settings and shield settings and I couldn't not mention tube tube is one of the largest clo events within VR chat not only that they host real life events too in the UK so get your party on and dance the night away and for our final category of Worlds we have horror worlds horror worlds Encompass many of our other categories like VRA vatra is a extensive exploration map with mind bendy scenes and experiences and a few jump scares along the way the devouring is one of those classic horror maps that almost everyone's tried or at least heard of after a mysterious car crash you wake up in a strange room find the courage to leave the room and find notes piece together what's happening this map is very extensive and lasts for about 3 to 4 hours Slender Man V is an adaptation of an existing game collect notes and evade your pursuer just make sure not to look directly at him dead men walking is an adaptation of cod zombies now some people don't think zombies count as horror I do so I included it grab up to four friends and try and survive as many waves as possible of Relentless zombies Bu weapons and try to [Music] survive and that's the whole list thank you so much for watching my video If you like this video make sure you like it and if you want to see more of these videos don't forget to subscribe also I stream on Twitch 5 days a week at twitch.tv/ Binks by y NX I had such a great time making this video so I'll be sure to make more videos I think I'm going to be making some World spotlights featuring the categories that we covered in this video thanks again and I'll see you all soon bye
Channel: Bynx
Views: 5,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fcuu3UlQD5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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