Meta Quest 3 vs. Apple Vision Pro - Which is ACTUALLY Better?

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so after a full month of using the Apple Vision Pro I think it's time to put it side by side with the meta Quest three and I know one is priced at 500 bucks and the other sits at a whopping $3,500 it's a huge contrast and that's why I'm going to not only show you the differences in well performance and features but also what their content offerings look like and most importantly what the overall experience gives you I've been extensively testing them to find out if they're suitable for various activities like socializing entertainment productivity and of course gaming so let's dive in shall we and I'll uncover the unique qualities of both vision and Quest without bias or preconception enjoy we kick things off with the setup and let me tell you they're actually quite similar but also the exact opposite on Quest For example you need to use the official meta app to install the headset and log into the device once set up it wants you to create a play Space too as you spend most of your time in virtual reality playing games it requires digital boundaries so you can safely launch your VR titles without having to worry you're going to hit something next to that you can of course use the pass through anywhere you want setting up the vision is a bit easier the installation process is integrated with an iPhone or iPad and can also be done without a mobile device Apple's headset mainly focuses on augmented reality so it doesn't need boundaries and skans your surroundings in real time because vision is integrated into Apple's lineup of products all of its standard apps can be instantly accessed if you are already within their ecosystem as your iCloud data is being sent over during setup all the data you've saved elsewhere gets put onto the headset immediately meta not selling anything else besides rayb bands and qu means you can't do this on their device making it less functional and personalized after the initial setup Facebook WhatsApp and Instagram they don't even come pre-installed you can of course download them yourself but then you discover that they have been in beta for years and don't fully adapt to the headset and that brings us nicely to the user interfaces because the UI is where you can see the notable differences Apple's years of experience in the mobile market certainly shine through it's entirely customized and designed to align with how we use our phones its menu settings and store are neatly organized and easy to find and navigate being a promising Gateway for those who aren't into Tech but do use a mobile device one might expect meta with their years of experience and owning successful social media platforms to achieve a similar userfriendly interface throughout the existence of the quest lineup they've been really trying to develop a more streamlined UI but to this day have not completely succeeded in pulling this off I've been using their headsets for years and even as a tech Enthusiast I still need to think about where I'm going when I'm in the menu or settings although you do have to give them credit for inventing a quicker method to summon a window or get into VR by double tapping the side of the headset oh I love that feature anyways the focus on content is completely different too browsing through the main Questa store will mostly find you VR games and fitness experiences with on top a handful of apps that can be utilized for productivity art education and entertainment the only issue is that its search engine is so focused on finding games that it's difficult for anyone to discover everything else it can do downplaying its potential on Vision it's the other way around they have a separate tab for their small selection of native games and offer a wide range of a apps that focus on lifestyle social media being productive entertaining and ones that educate you its content lineup is not only better categorized but has more variation as well because next to Native software you can easily download apps that were made for iPhone and iPad having gone through a lot of apps on these headsets it's clear that quests content mostly exists out of active experience experiences well Visions apps are closer to being passive you could say that the Apple vision is more of a computer and the quest a gaming console and talking about performance the first is definitely more stable and responsive during multitasking sessions Apple self-made chipsets easily outperformed a single one of quest 3 you can have a bunch of apps open wherever you want and use them all at the same time without seeing loading times increase or causing frames to drop it's no surprise that the quest is very good at running games the xr2 does exactly what you expect it to do and make sure that VR titles are fast and optimized so you can focus on the action and immersion oh yeah baby unfortunately it does struggle in the multitask Department Quest is limited to three apps per session which are glued onto each other in a horizontal position and as you can see are already pretty heavy on the machine you have to deal with random frame drops buffering windows that sometimes feel to respond at all forcing you to reboot and the worst part is is when tracking starts to get jumpy although with that being said based on their respectful use cases these headsets are great at hand tracking for example navigating apps and managing windows on vision is a true pleasure of course it's useful that the tracking range is huge so you don't have to get tired holding your hands up you can just casually use it actually Apple's entire operating system was developed around your fingers so it's quick Snappy and you don't have to think much about how you're doing it as it already feels familiar it helps that your hands are viewable at all times even inside VR giving you major Hollow deck Vibes and blurring the lines between what's real and what isn't on the other hand meta's OS was initially made to work with motion controls and it kind of shows it makes their UI feel even more are confusing and illogical when switching to your hands plus it also doesn't help that they decided to go for these ghost hands which are very distracting from a technical perspective the hand tracking is pure witchcraft on this headset but thanks to its cumbersome UI is not always being utilized to its full potential the quest does outmatch his division in games oh but more on that later H stay tuned because it's going to be juicy very very juicy so being backed up by ey tracking does give Vision a few distinct advantages first off you don't have to adjust the lenses you can open something by just looking at it and then confirm with a simple gesture it scans your eyeballs to log in let you type super fast and uses Dynamic fiated rendering a method that only renders what's in your eyesight so Quest 3 not having your I tracked does limit its performance and how good the hand tracking plus UI could truly be anyhow let's talk about something Vision doesn't have shall we which are of course controllers Quest takes the lead here as you can choose to switch between using your hands motion controls or a mix of both compared to hand tracking they work in like 99% of the applications the accuracy and heptic feedback they give you are no match for hand tracking but do not always prove to be necessary for each use case so keep your eyes peeled when I test them during productivity and gaming sessions one thing I do know for sure and that is that the batteries last for weeks they are so good so when we move on to comfort things start to get real spicy you can buy Apple's headset online or in store and by doing a face Scan they give you a strap and light seal that is tailored to you getting a custom fit is fantastic service but does mean it's difficult to share with others unless you spend more money on additional accessories the quest is also available on and offline but is a one siiz fits all or at least that's what's being promised by meta however it is definitely easier to share with friends and family funny enough out of the box I find both headsets not comfy enough to wear for hours on end yes I know division has more tech board featuring premium materials so it is significantly heavier than quest which is less Advanced and uses lightweight plastic but their soft straps simply can't balance out the level of weight that sit on your forehead vision's standard band is much nicer to wear in the back versus that of quest but misses an overhead strap its secondary band does have one but ends up on the same level of comfort as meta's headset so you're just going in a loop here meta does in fact sell additional hard straps that improve the quest big time the build quality may not be that great but do level up the comfort so on Quest the battery is built to the front well Vision uses an external one that of the size of a phone and I don't necessarily mind having to slide one into my pocket but the problem is is that you have to wear it at all times because otherwise you drag the battery or headset alongside with you to use it when wearing a dress or skirt you have to buy an additional battery holder and hot swapping means you have to completely turn it off first so in this case meta's headset is simply easier and feels less backwards and more inclusive it does consume more power than Vision which slightly outpaces it in general playtime clocking in at about 3 hours versus Quest 3's 2 and a half on top of that you can just plug them into the wall and then it doesn't matter how long your battery is going to last so there you go the pass through is an easy one after having used them for over a month it's clear that vision is just Superior you can't really see this on compressed video but it's fast through is sharp has low latency responses quickly to changing light sources features far less noise and overall is realistic enough to perceive as your own you can enjoy it for long durations without feeling motion sick or needing to adapt to the real world it's fascinating how it offers filters and lets you choose how much you want to be in fast through versus being fully immersed and is even able to show your family members through a bortle well vision does suffer from chromatic aberration and motion blur I do prefer this over quests warped and distorted view yes it's popping brightness and contrast may be nicer but also the reason why you get so much noise washing out your image Plus in its home screen you can only choose between VR or no VR there is no option in between in its defense it's not unusable by any means basic chores such as doing the laundry or emptying the dishwasher in between gaming or productivity sessions can be done just as effectively in mixed reality or spatial Computing Vision truly excels the menus apps and the 3D objects seamlessly blend with the space around them casting shadows and the surface and reflecting lights from outside ultimately providing depth to your visual experience quested menu seems to miss out on all of this I know we're talking about details here but they do make the whole thing a lot more realistic and appealing to use like they're physically there it may come as no surprise that meta pass through is being mostly used in games making them come to life in your room in the most magical ways possible in general they have a more playful approach well Apple's headset takes the spotlight with productivity and multimedia enhancing your workflow and transforming your surroundings into a movie theater but there is one thing that does make it playful too and in light of that let's move on to the next topic which are spatial videos the vision is the first headset that lets you capture 3D photos and video watching them back feels like looking through a window into the past it's beautiful and emotional at the same time to relive your most the cherish memories as if they could jump straight out of their frames the quest can do this right now but I wouldn't necessarily say you are missing out I rarely shoot spatials with the headset as you don't tend to take it outside but I do on my mobile device if you have an iPhone 15 Pro or above you can take spatial content yourself upload them and watch them back not only on Vision but also in the quest which is a great example of how a rising tide can lift all boats next up are the displays and lenses looking at the price difference it's pretty obvious that quests resolution doesn't get close to what Vision offers in the visual Department personally for me it's all about the use case based on that I can immerse myself in either device depending on what I want to do meta's headset does actually have a bigger field of view but when I'm engaged with something it hits me with the same level of immersion looking at who they're for it makes total sense on Quest the field of view matters a lot when playing games as the action usually happens around you while on Vision resolution is more important as you want to be able to clearly read Windows during work and consume entertainment like you're in a real Cinema which is naturally in your line of sight having mentioned that with eyesight a total new feature people on the outside can see what you're up to Vision displays when you're FaceTiming for example busy working or watching a movie and showing your eyes when you look at someone it's not that well executed from a hardware perspective right now but despite its limitations I can see how this deck could maybe maybe normalize wearing headsets we'll see it's could also be that it's just a gimmick after all now talking about audio the headsets do the job well but again serve distinct purposes the speakers of vision are crisp adapt and match your sound to your space are R traced and deliver a substantial amount of Basse in comparison the quest sounds way less impressive but for gaming specifically are not bad at all if you do want to go beyond that then it does feature a jack that let you plug in your headphones now you are bound to a cable because trying to do this wirelessly will sadly cause serious delays you can also decide to rock Razor's wireless earbuds which are a collaboration between meta they sound great but do require a special USBC receiver to properly function over Bluetooth the vision supports ultra low latency so you don't have to mess around with cables if you already own a pair of airpods or even better headphones you're luck although pairing non-apple devices like my Sony XM 4S for example have yet to work in regards of voice commands the integration of Siri is Handy it's not AI driven but instead of relying on your eyes or hands you can simply ask it to open or close a specific app and inquire about the weather while the quest can also perform voice commands it is restricted to broader assignments and weirdly enough North America only oh and here's what their microphones sound like so this is what the microphone of the quest 3 sounds like in full pass through and this this is what it sounds like in VR this is what the microphone of the Vision Pro Sounds like in pass through and this this is what it sounds like in a immersive environment the headset's avatars are a day and night difference currently meta goes for a full body Avatar with a cartoony look you have to generate one by choosing pre-build options and since Quest has no phase or eye tracking moves based on what the system thinks looks most natural what's a big deal though is that they do function on their own in fully 3D environments giving Quest a strong social framework what I am surprised by is that you can't use your avatar to video call on WhatsApp or messenger that said Apple tries to aim for realism their so-called personas combined a phase and eye tracking to give it a more livelike feel and can be created by scanning your face with the outward cameras they are integrated in most communication apps from Discord FaceTime Google meet teams Zoom I mean I I could go on forever that's the main reason I think why they don't have lags and are stuck in little floaty Windows Apple says they are working on making them spatial so they can function in multiplayer experiences but are waiting till personas are fully out of beta in this case meta is definitely ahead here as you can already use their avatars in shared environments and talking about partying up in the social field Vision feels quite isolating besides voice calls board games and social media there aren't many online apps that let you spatially hang with friends or strangers on Quest there are tons of games and experiences that let you physically meet in VR you can even share a mixed reality space together and go on an adventure by choosing your own playground meta also has its own social world called Horizon that is integrated within the quests ecosystem but sadly is Geo blocked in most countries outside of the US let me tell you entertainment on these headsets is a mixed back vision is absolutely fantastic as apps like HBO NBA and Red Bull TV digitally dim your room and Gast lights into your space like a real screen on Apple TV and Disney plus you even have high quality environments that create an extra Dimension to what you're watching movies sports or series they're gorgeous on this headset but films in 3D are in A League of Their Own and so are documentaries and concerts shot in 180 the only major apps that are missing are Netflix and of course YouTube with the letter already being in development on Quest you can have a movie night too but looking at the dire State it's streaming services are in makes it very difficult to enjoy besides big screen supporting multiplayer and some 3D movies you have to deal with a Netflix app that hasn't seen an update since quest one launched Prime seems to have been abandoned as well with its low resolution Cinema and then there is Quest TV which with a few exceptions let you watch blurry 180 and 360 content and yes the highest quality its concerts and VR animation section is the only part that's worth visiting but heavily under promoted next to Pluto and X stadium for sports activities you can use YouTube a welcoming addition and great for watching all kinds of videos and of course the shorts so looking at the entertainment offerings and how they use the headsets vision is the clear winner despite not having Netflix or a finalized YouTube app productivity is where things start to get really interesting the quest being limited to three apps for session does make it challenging but not impossible to perform basic work tasks for example you can use word PowerPoint and Excel in your home screen which is fantastic you would think though that Microsoft and meta having teamed up to bring the office software to the headset would give you optimized apps that were made with the quest in mind but sadly you're still dealing with lazy web versions and then there is also Microsoft Mash that I can't even get access to right now looking at the reviews I don't seem to be the only one with apple Things become a lot easier as you can launch more than three apps utilizing its processing power and creating the West combinations that work best for you it lets you control native and compatible iPad apps all at once it works exactly as you would expect it to do and doesn't take long to make a personal work environment so switching back to meta if you want you can use your PC inside the headset that's right in Horizon world work rooms meta's own productivity app let you bring your physical screens into a virtual office and what's great is that next to full pass through you can see your desk through a portal so you can continue using it in VR and if you want to transform your controller into a stylus absolutely genius Horizon is also the place where you can host meetings with other colleagues but what's a bit limited currently is that you can't open native quest apps alongside with it and well the headsets un a software sometimes makes it crash forcing you to leave the office early since Vision utilizes its entire ecos system it does not need a dedicated productivity app to transform your computer into a virtual office all you have to do is look at your device to bring its screen into the headset without being bound to a specific spot unfortunately this of course Works exclusively on Apple's own products and disappointingly supports only a single screen at the moment what makes it stand out though is that you can connect your magic keyboard mouse and trackpad over Bluetooth and wait for it control both Mac and vision OS simultaneously oh man this still blows my mind as you could already see earlier Quest works with accessories too but they don't let you navigate across two operating systems in the main menu I tried to go from a native Quest app to its single remote display but it didn't let me control it what it does do is let you see your keyboard in VR something that is a problem on Apple's headset in case you're on the road you can download apps like immersed and split screen that expand your laptop by adding virtual screens a cheap and futureproof way of not having to bring or buy extra monitors anymore and yes to bring this to a close Vision does have two additional productivity apps there is a free form in which you can share a whiteboard with up to a 100 people but it's a missed opportunity that you can't spatially use the apple pencil and next to that we got kyot 2 that lets you give presentations it works really well but with no social framework in place doesn't give you the option to invite others to sit in the audience so for basic work tasks and inperson VR meetups the quest does an okay job but for anything beyond that the vision alongside its Advanced window management resolution and processing power is a beast of a work machine that you can use for long and extensive work we lastly about gaming and fitness I can be pretty straightforward vision is lovely for casual experiences such as playing board games and puzzlers you can put these on the table somewhere and start playing if you want to dive into something more active that's where you can see that the Visions hand tring can't keep up with the speed of the game failing to deliver in most situations something that's worth mentioning too is that it is powerful enough to natively run 2D titles serving as a console you can can wear on your face and you can stream games while you're traveling all you have to do is spec your controller and you're set so besides running big flat pancake games on the headset Quest can do all of this for a while now in regards of hand trkking it's almost like the faster you move your hands in front of this headset the better it's tracking becomes you can definitely see that Vision struggles to do what meta can in high intensity experiences and if you are a hardcore gamer who loves action-packed V our content then the choice is even easier Vision not being that ergonomic design wise and having no additional controllers it's no surprise that the quest is the ultimate VR Gaming and fitness device that was made to get you immersed in the most magical ways possible the quest store is filled with tons of engaging titles that will blow your mind plus feeling these with the controllers takes it to a whole another level so if you weren't planning to play games on a giant screen or a few casual ones and pass through but want to be inside the game instead then the quest is the headset for you yes I know similar to Quest link you can now use alvr to play PC games on Vision but it is only interesting to those who are desperate for its resolution because its process is not necessarily consumer friendly and there you have it that's my comparison of these two unique headsets and as you can see they're both amazing in their own way way and one isn't necessarily better than the other despite their price differences they excel in their respective Fields but also face hurdles that need to be overcome apple and meta will undoubtedly strive to outpace each other in their areas of expertise so I anticipate updates for these headsets in the coming months that greatly enhance their capabilities this competition can be seen as a rising tide that lifts all boats to me it's clear that there similarities and differences are what make them interesting to a wide audience meaning more people will likely own a headset in the future which is a win-win for us all that said I love these devices so much I can't stop using the Quest for gaming and meeting up with my virtual friends and vision for work stuff social media and of course watching movies so for me personally this is a great balance between everything I ever wanted I want to thank you so much for watching let me know what you think of these headsets and uh until next time bye-bye
Channel: Nathie
Views: 17,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest 3 vs apple vision pro, oculus quest vs apple vision pro, apple vision pro review, meta quest 3 review, apple vision pros and cons, meta quest 3 pros and cons, best movie apps meta quest 3, apple vision pro cinema, meta quest 3 remote work, apple vision pro remote work
Id: oNUGVmg8IhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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