VRChat Mastery | How to use VRChat Camera

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before we had cameras in VR we had screenshots and mirrors sometimes worlds with built-in cameras and booths VR chat has now provided everyone their built-in camera where you can capture from memories to Art I'm going to explain the camera settings to you and teach you the basics of Photography and film making I am jewelry box and this is my VR chat Mastery while I'm in VR explaining the camera settings all accessible in VR with VR chat plus desktop users and everyone else can still follow along with limited settings these are all the tools a able to you right at the game starting with the menu the camera tab has three categories camera other and manage photo camera takes photos with buil-in camera settings and sorts them into your photos folder stream camera makes your camera monitor displayed onto your computer screen which you can use to display on a broadcast software for streaming or making videos icon camera takes photos for your user icon on your profile Gallery camera takes photos for your profile gallery to either set them as a profile pick create user icon or create emojis on desktop you can upload images onto your account to have your custom icon emojis profile pick or if you have a VR check group create event posters screenshot you can take a screenshot of what you are viewing with UI in all stattic cam stabilizes or reduces the shakiness of your headset camera for display purposes multi-layer camera opens a camera that renders the people environment and UI separately for easier compositing open Gallery menu you can view the photos in your gallery open photos folder is where the VF photos are stored all photos are sorted into year and month labeled folders in v folder in your picture system folder the user interface on a monitor displays the settings defaulted or what you set to the camera camera mode pin focus and filter you can switch the camera frun or back or reverse the photo depending on your settings you can also flip the camera by hand you can zoom and reset use the arrow to show or hide the camera settings or X to close the camera the camera has up to 14 tabes of settings take photo with the Press of a button timed 5 Seconds where you can take a photo on a timer 5 Seconds without holding the monitor monor camera mode which I explained earlier Photo Stream Gallery user icon multi-layer flying is a new drone feature where you can fly your camera around you up to 150 M while toggled on you are unable to move in the world anchor is where you can anchor your camera to these three settings default where the camera is anchored to the camera local where the camera is anchored to your play space and world where the camera is anchored to the world Behavior we have smooth which stabilizes or reduces the shakiness of the camera look at me where the camera's track to your face which will keep the face or Viewpoint in the center of the camera auto level which levels the camera to its height where the Tilt is off and Trigger takes photo where pressing the trigger takes a photo in Focus we have off where everything is in Focus full auto which focuses on a subject you selected manually or automatically semi-auto is where the aperture adjust the depth of field and manual which controls the aperture and focal distance which is the distance from a lens to its focus pins are very useful features when you want to save presets or use them as a multi-cam live production by pressing the trigger you can toggle back and forth two pins at a time mask is where you can toggle certain layers on and off local user which is yourself remote user all users in the world environment which is the world to a transparent background green screen you can toggle the green screen on and off for a clean removal of the background when you have a program to key out a color that's usually not used on a person or shot in CG it can be rather difficult to remove or not as clean so you should practice keing before making it your go-to you why you can toggle on and off the UI whether to use for demonstrations or show name plates lens visibility whichever you choose people can still see your camera with its name plate attached to it or when they open their menu these settings are useful depending on if you are taking group photos or streaming or need to see where to look off to keep the lens hidden ghost to keep the lens transparent or solid to keep the lens visible filters are rarely used but you can add effects to your pictures or videos whether funny artsy or comedic effect these effects can enhance for what you need blueprint glitch speed Hypno pixelate sketch Sparkle trippy old photo resolution depends what you're using the picture for you can go from HD up to 8K lock keeps a monitor locked in place for easier control from distance without needing to hold the monitor grid is a guide for compositing your photos by dividing the camera frame into nine equal sections following the rule of thirds which is the basic principle photography with all of these tools you can create these optimal camera movements handheld adds a raw and immediate feeli to the footage suitable for documentary or a sense of chaos steady cam creates fluid and immersive feel allowing for dynamic movement without the shakiness of traditional handheld shots dollar track is where the camera follows the subjects or explores environment with smooth lateral or or forward or backward movements pan tilt panning and tilting combinations pan is where the camera swies horizontally from a fixed position tilt is when the camera swivels vertically from a fixed position combining them offers versatility and captured multi-directional movements within scene whip pan is a rapid horizontal pan creating blurred or streak effect this is a transition between scenes or add energy to the visual narrative zoom zoom in zoom out or zly or vertigal effect adjust the focal length of the lens to makees subject appear closer or farther away this Alters the composition without physically moving the camera creating sense of intimacy or distance combining them creates a disorienting or surreal effect often used for dramatic tension crane is where the camera is mounted on a crane or jib allowing for vertical and horizontal movements offering sweeping elevated shots providing a unique perspective and Grand scale Arc shot or Circle shot highlights the central point or character often used for dramatic effect now that you've learned the cool camera movements you can recreate in VR check chat here are some basic camera shots to consider when filming eye level high angle low angle bird's eye view Dutch angle or tilt over the shoulder point of view two shot three shot wi Shot full shot medium long shot medium shot medium closeup closeup extreme closeup establishing shot insert shot other menus to help with photos and video we have personal mirror for poses or viewing your surroundings to seem like you can sense or feel an interaction from another subject face cam to see your facial expressions for the appropriate look gestures which you can toggle on and off for a photo or keep an expression while expressing with your hands animations toggle animations of the Avatar to get the shot you need if you don't have fbt or your body movements are limited Avatar height to adjust yourself to the world other avatars or get creative with it Avatar toggles toggle features for appropriate combination to tell a story goo Loco adjust poses for standing sitting laying down or even dramatic float World settings even though we can't control the white balance or postprocessing there are worlds that provide those adjustable settings note on lighting proper lighting is essential for achieving correct exposure avoiding issues like overexposure or underexposure it also minimizes the noise and ensuring image or footage quality find a world with good lighting or for easier keying on avatars with green on them there are worlds with flat blue screen backgrounds and even control your own lighting instead of adding props to your avatar which can take a lot of stress to do you can go to Studio worlds that provide props necessary for your content either take a picture or a 10 to 20 second still footage of the background needed preferably all Focus to edit out of focus however you wish green screen your talent with prop and add it together in post you don't need Advanced cameram mods to achieve the best shots you just need to work with what you have because creativity flourishes with limitations you can check out other VR photographers filmmakers or content creators on their social media join their VR check group or join their events and learn it firsthand you can also follow other Travelers stream photographers and talk the new mother YouTuber like myself as a two share their artwork online if they anything else you want to learn about what you can do in VR chat leave it in the comments below leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe for more content like this this is VR chat Mastery I am J box class dismissed for
Channel: JewelReeBox
Views: 2,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatars, guide, quest, tutorial, twitch, virtual reality, vr, vrchat, vrchat beginners, vrchat best, vrchat games, vrchat maps, vrchat memes, vrchat quest, vrchat world, vtuber, cross platform, ai, unity, vrchat guide, vrchat camera, how to, film school, masterclass
Id: -ZOyCdf3-q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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