Sword Art Online VR is ACTUALLY REAL

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what is going on ladies and gentlemen it is your boy awakened toast here and today welcome back to another Sword Art Online VR game here on the channel and this out of all the VR games I've played so far is seriously so Akin distorted online it has so much inspiration and you guys will see what I mean when we load into this I cannot even believe I got my hands on this this is legitimately a early copy of Sword Art Online in VR man you can even see the internal battery icon from the anime here we even got a working time code with the current date and everything for recording this is just too cool man and then just looking out in the distance this reminds me so much of the first season with kayaba I don't want to give away too much spoilers but if you know you know but one thing I do have to mention in this video is that there's not gonna be anything in English like they have the English option like on the game but they have it Incorporated any of the English language into the actual game itself so for the time being I am going to have to run this in Chinese but for the most part I'm just gonna try my best to interact with as much stuff as possible and see how everything works if you guys do end up enjoying this video I'd like to see more content made on sorter online style games then be sure to smash that mother oh wait a minute what I might just queued something up um what'd I do I was literally just doing my introduction what wait how'd this happen ing no way they actually got the link stored in this oh shut up shut up I was literally just trying to do my introduction and it threw me right into the mix you know what screw the intro dude let's go and check this out and actually they might have an English option okay um I guess I lied uh our permission is denied when we try to click English what they even have the menu there bro that is so freaking legit dude what because if you remember this from the anime basically any of the entities that couldn't be interacted with or if they were admins you would notice the little permission thing pop up like that and they literally have this in the game okay well let's go up to the top one because I assume that should be Chinese I'm guessing this must be gender so I'm gonna go with the bottom one okay never mind this is definitely not gender okay let's click the top one and see what happens actually we can go and log in too wait a second okay well let's go and type in my little gamer tag we'll just go and type in toast for now and that should do it let's go and check this out and see if the login actually works dude you're kidding it even has the welcome to sort of online text oh my God this is like literally a dream come true right now man and I think I already know where we are dude this is the town of beginnings and we have the little dude this reminds me of like the leaks that we saw of like a sworder online Style game back in the day and they even got the town to be getting song going oh this is too cool okay I think I think I'm a woman I am literally Asuna and my legs are crossed I don't know how this happened but guys take a look at this we literally have the town of Beginnings here from Sword Art Online I'm not kidding you I am such a hardcore fan of the series and you can have some people out there that just like talk absolute smack about some of the controversial scenes that you've seen in the anime but overall the idea of an isakai has always been so interesting to me of being trapped in a virtual world like sorted online has and here we are in 2023 listening to the town of Beginnings walking through this and able to see a sworded online Style game here within VR we even got the HUD in the top left of my eye here that I can see get the little time cone in the bottom right and this is just so awesome but the real thing that we gotta test here is to see if the interaction menu still works so let's go and spawn this in and sure enough just like the other game that we've covered with in augmented reality it seems like this actually uses the same style of what that has so if I remember correctly we should be able to swipe those away too and spawn it in and we have a full out interaction menu as well which I don't know what any of this stuff says but I do want to see if we can spun in some possible weapons to go and use within this so I gotta assume this is probably a weapon list can we scroll all the way down okay so this is just all the items that they have currently so let's go to the top one and go and spawn this in oh dude it's the Rapier wait is this as soon as Rapier give me a second I gotta go and swipe this menu out dude this looks incredible like honestly the Avatar definitely needs a little bit of work obviously just for like the shading style but the weapons look incredible with the lighting dude like just look at the Rapier here and how the Sun actually reflects off of it like this is the type of stuff that you would see on like Reddit or like Twitter where people are like sorted all lines in VR and they completely lie about it dude like they just show like some of those like blender renders and do like some animations but this is legitimately a VR game I can move my hands around I can go and switch to my other hand swap in the menu swipe it away if I wanted to there is so much stuff dude and we got the ton of Beginnings we'll be playing in the background as we're on this and not to mention it something that I have seen in some of the trailer work or not really trailer work but some of the stuff that the uh the dev kind of showed me was the fact that there's actually sword skills and depending on the different postures you actually do with them you'll be able to activate different abilities so if I were to go and click trigger you'll notice it has the sword sound for the sword skill and if I hold this when facing an enemy it will actually execute the a custom command or not really command but a sword skill within the game which is super freaking exciting and also not to mention it they do have some running physics where if you just go and swipe your arms back and forth like this you're actually able to run within the game which is super nice I don't see a lot of VR games actually doing that for Locomotion so it just adds a little bit more flavor and more immersion to the title for having that type of uh Locomotion in there but what I do want to check out is I want to see if there's any way that we can face some of the enemies because we have like this entire town but I'm not sure if there's any enemies nearby that we can go and see actually you know what maybe is it on the other side of that wall can I go and run to the opposite end and possibly see if it does take us to like the first floor because how cool would that be we're actually able to go on face enemies in this build I don't know if it's literally just gonna be for like the visual and just kind of showcasing like some of the uh the key features but I'm curious to see if they actually do have enemies that you can face because if they do and if it's anything like that AR version that we did over on the quest Pro this is gonna be nothing short of incredible man I want to see that in this build I really hope it is but just seeing the scale this this is awesome like I just wish there was like some NPCs or other players that you can meet along with like that'd be so cool but honestly you know it's gonna be really hard for a game like this to go and actually go completely public for the sake of it being you know copyright and trademarks and you know obviously sorted online like it's just not going to be possible to go and wildly spread a game like this especially you know if they decide to do like kickstarters or whatever for the title like that's obviously gonna be something that's gonna be a little bit hard when you're walking on the copyright ground but overall just to be able to see this at least once as long as I'm able to go and play this has me so incredibly happy I'm geeking out dude like we've literally walked so far from like the main capital area over there like that is so awesome and I'm curious can we go and spawn in some of the other weapons too I do want to go and check those out just see what else we can maybe find here so we got our second item which spawns in a bomb what are you oh my God wait a minute this is like the one from elfine I want to say right the one that Kyoto has over in alfheim oh that is sick or maybe it's just like a basic sword I'm not too sure but it kind of looks like that one let's go and spawn in another one as well and see what else we got here too what are you oh you are a tiny little sword look at that thing it is just so skinny but they did really good with the lighting dude I'm actually really surprised they even have like the physics where you can throw the swords that way too like for a game to be this early access I'm really impressed with the way this actually works for like the interactions and even like they have different grab points for some of the swords too it's really good what are you I am spinning you all around oh wait a second why do you look so familiar you're like you're like a mix of the elucidator and the dark Repulsor as one sword that's what it looks like dude and I guess I got the dual-wheeling skill as well nice it didn't actually just drop instantly wait a freaking second what are you you actually are the dark repulser wait a second okay you know what as much as I would like to use you I think I'm gonna wait I want to just check out some of the other weapons that we got looks like we got a health potion which we go and save but what else can we go and spawn in okay I've just realized we have a severe problem because everything's in Chinese this I don't know where the logout button is guys I don't know if we're gonna be able to find it I I don't see the log out button okay I'm gonna go and swipe this menu away but I want to see if these doors actually open and bring us to like the first floor dude I don't know if this would even be like from the anime or whatever if this was the first floor I'm not too sure I'm gonna walk up to it and just see if it moves and if it does I swear to God I'm literally gonna cry please tell me there's some on the other side here please tell me if I walk up to this it opens no no door there there's something there but I can't go to the other side oh man but maybe if we're lucky we might be able to go and spawn in the menu and possibly go and spawn in on an area somewhere here because this looks like the GPS stuff so let's go and just check this out and see if it takes us somewhere wait a second this totally is I think this is the boss region okay so we'll wait with that we got a bunch of different boss regions what and the training ground I think we should probably go to the training ground to go and check that out they even get a Teleport animation for it too so they do have levels that you can select it's just not like a oh whoa what is happening okay so it seemed like the training grounds was just like this regular area from Unity so I think I'm gonna go and try out a different area and see if there's anything else that's completed so let's go over to the menu we'll go and spawn in on that second one and possibly see if we can find a different region to go to jump to the outside let's go and check that out hopefully this will bring me to like some of the basic enemies that we can go and fight because that would be incredible I'm hoping that's going to be the case we're about to find out though dude it already kind of looks like it oh no way the music's so pretty this is like when they go over to their cabin and stuff in the anime [Music] oh this is gorgeous you can even see like all the structures in the background the moon and the rainbow ah this is like the dream of a VR MMO I want to say this is the first floor right because like from the anime if I remember correctly like once Kaiba was like oh you guys are trapped in the game and if you die in here you die in real life and then everyone goes and runs off and does their own thing right I want to say this is where Kirito and uh Mr Klein the man who doesn't get enough screen time you know going like their little training phase killing boars and all that stuff right like even if it's not fully developed it's just the concept and idea of being in a sorta online is what finds or what I find so incredibly fascinating like it's a dream come true dude to be able to go and do that like I've went and played on like VR chat and done like a few Adventures on there where people like created their own boss fights and done other things like that and even there's like a project iron crowd that's being made but just like any types of experiences that can add more to like the Sword Art Online fandom in a way you know just like something to go and try and experience I'm absolutely for even if it just means going and exploring an area without combat I'm all for it dude just hearing the music and just seeing all this is so cool dude this is awesome I do want to see if we could potentially find some fights to go and do because I just want to test out the combat if they have sword skills in here they gotta have the enemies right but the water looks amazing the scalability of these things too oh my gosh dude so awesome like being able to see all this like once this would be like fully developed of like seeing like roads and paths like people traveling on there fighting enemies like flower patches other enemies like you know going through the Tall Grass you could only see like the icons popping up there's just so much potential dude so much potential and I absolutely love it this is just too cool like I could just sit on this grass for so long and just admire the idea of a soda online like this I can go and spawn in this menu in front of me and I literally have a full-out interaction this way I want to go check out some of the other areas though so you guys can see more of this stuff because who knows how long this will even be able to be played so I want to go and check out as much of this stuff as we can but we have one that went to outside we got first town and then we got a quest two one which I assume that's only if I do have a quest to it actually enables the hand tracking so we do have to wait with that but I want to check out and see the boss regions because we have like it looks like a few of them because we got the training ground and then we got two other boss regions so let's go to the first one and check this out and see where it takes us I'm excited oh my gosh dude it's like the entire world's crumbling every time I see that dude I'm waiting for Kaiba to pop up and be like you're trapped in here wait a minute I know exactly where this is at this is where the Cobalts and stuff are right oh this is the world dude and it looks so good they even got the music oh shut up shut up dude I gotta get a weapon and I gotta check this out what you actually have to be kidding me right now as an Sao fan this is just way way too far man I love it it was the music editing too it just adds so much more intensity to what we're doing here but guys let's go and grab the Rapier and we need to attempt to beat this fight we're gonna be versing one of the first bosses featured within the anime dude and I am unbelievably excited to see how well we can hold up against this thing dude I don't even know if we can use the potions can you like smash them oh okay so you have to smash it that way got it all right guys so without further Ado let's go and push the doors open and see what we have to look forward to this really looks like the actual first boss room I swear to God if it initiates something as we go into here once those doors close they literally had the first entire boss room completely done and even the spawns for the Cobalts bro this is this is too much dude this is way too much oh my God what he's The Weezy was quick okay we gotta watch our health and his attacks oh nope just gonna go for another attack we gotta watch out for these blocks here oh God okay please oh my gosh okay this guy is actually a lot harder than I thought because I've played in the other one on the quest Pro and it seems like it's really easy to go get your kills that way but on this with the PC he is a quick boy and he has a a lot of Health come on and plus I am limited to my wire so I only have so much space to actually go oh my gosh please good job no okay we gotta watch out we only got so many potions to go and use during this fight this is just a minion oh my gosh please I wish I had my sword skill ready please just let me like activate something oh he went for the dive he's not gonna get us there oh no okay we barely got that block out a run okay let's get out of here boys he is chasing us it doesn't look like there's any other minion spawns yet it looks like we have to get three of these guys out before we probably get the boss spawned in and we don't have any other squads that could actually help us here it's literally just us okay please we got him almost down to about halfway health oh dear God okay at least his attacks are pretty decent to read but he still somehow got a hit on us there which makes no sense I could have swore we blocked that nope oh you got a bunch of hits okay um let's see let's go and switch that out I gotta go and pop a human Crystal thank you yeah this is getting very very feisty guys he's gonna probably go for his little jab here Yep this is probably one of his attacks where he dashes oh we got a sword skill okay let's see sword skill please yes there we go we got the dash dude yes it's lily as soon as like special ability man we actually did it nice come on let's go again oh my gosh I actually so they have the Perrys super well done with this so if you actually swipe in the wrong way your sword will literally just slip just let this work blood nice that sword death skill is amazing bro it feels so good please oh here we go nice okay sweet so we've gotten that sword skill to work like every time and then if I crouch and I go for a slash this way it launched me up in the air which is very odd which baby I could actually just land right on top of him oh dude it's like a setup move perfect so I gotta wait for my targeting to go back on if you'll get a red outline if we target him then we go and use our ability once again perfect nice and just like that we are able to go and take down the minion and we got the congratulations message next please explore it yourself dude we freaking did it even with the finisher using the sword skill dude that was incredible well not ladies and gentlemen I think that's gonna make you for this sworder online VR video here on the channel if you did end up enjoying it I'm looking to see more content like this then be sure to smash that Thumbs Up And subscribe the channel if you guys are new so you guys can stay up to date with all of your cut that we post and I also want to apologize if I sounded a little bit funky in this video I have literally been fighting like the worst head cold for the past week dude it just has not gone away I don't know what's going on but it needs to go but anyways guys it's me for me hope you enjoyed the video and as always keep you toasty my friends letters I got some shells for you more what's in his eye oh I'll fix it I would have died right here I'm gonna get it yeah why in the heck do you not have clothes you took my banana and now you must suffer [Music]
Channel: AwakenToast
Views: 1,537,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sword art online, sword art online vr, vr sword art online, sword art online in vr, vr sword art online gameplay, sword art online vr gameplay, new sword art online vr, new vr sword art online, sword art online new vr update, new vr update sword art online, new sword art online vr update, sword art online vr game, vr game sword art online, sword art online new vr game, new vr game sword art online, new sword art online vr game, new update sword art online vr
Id: V5lYKgJjPkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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