10 BEST Minimalist EDC Wallets

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welcome back everybody my name is Haley Martin this is the best em EDC and today I want to talk to you about the best minimalist wallets for EDC well I don't know why you'd have a wallet that's not for EDC but the best minimalist wallets I've put a lot of time and effort into this video it's been a long time coming I've tried a bunch of different wallets over the last two years and these are my absolute favorite wallets and now this is a personal thing I know this is not gonna work for everybody there are many of you out there who still have it Costanza wallet I can't do that I've been getting more and more and more minimal and at least with my wallet not anything else but that has gotten me down to just the core basic minimalist wallets and these are my absolute favorites so with that said let's do the damn thing so we've got Tim Wallace here on the table I also have a few honorable mentions and recommendations for alternatives for some of these but let's start with on my most recent wallet purchases and that is the misc good company wallet this is the v2 there are three versions and really oh that version is is the different colors this wallet is an envelope style very similar to some others that I've talked about on the channel before and this one was recommended to me by my buddy Peter he carried this wallet for a long time it loves it the difference with this wallet from the other envelopes all wallets that I've carried is it's literally just one pocket so you throw everything down in here and that's it and I kind of like that about it it's got a little bit of style and character to it because you've got all these markings and engravings such as this inscription on the back it says it will all fade along with you it will turn to dust so be generous and leverage it well you've also got keep it on the front and when you open your wallet it says lose it so it's got some character to it I like it it's a very interesting and different wallet but this one I haven't carried a ton but I do like it maybe not quite as much as the next wallet but this is made with sunset leather and wax thread and it will set you back about 58 bucks I like it quite a bit honestly and I don't know if I'm gonna carry this one every day but this would be a perfect option for carrying you know additional cards like membership cards or whatever in the truck stuff I don't need in my pocket I can throw in this and throw it in the center console my truck and then you know I've got that stuff with me anywhere I'm driving it's very very simple just a single pocket with a flap and there's something to be said about how simple it is it's not trying to be anything extra very very basic and it sits up there as one of my favorites that said it does not ask probably my favorite wallet of all time and that is the das Afeni mer gundeck wallet this was sent to me by Michael four years ago I don't know but I've carried the absolute crap out of this you can see it's got a lot of patina a lot of character to it this was the original colour down in here so a much brighter like orange e con yak leather and now it's just this dark beautiful patina colour I love this this is the butter oh and I opted for red thread I had a thing back in the day for brown leather wallets with red thread as you can see with my pop off wallet as well red I don't necessarily care for that anymore but this it goes really well it works for me I like the gun deck a ton if I were to buy another one today I probably got four green thread because of course that would similar pricing to that misc good company wallet this is $55 and up because you can choose different leathers the difference here is that it's easier to open so the the miss good company is an envelope with it tucks in fully to the wallet this one just slides out of one side and it's just easier to get into and you have a little bit of organization inside you've got two pockets instead of just one so I tend to put my cash in the back and then quick access cards on the front and then just sandwich the stuff I don't need as much in the middle so that's really all there is to this wallets and it is easily easily my most carried and favorite wallet of all time the thing to note about this is that there are now newer versions when I first got this one this was it it was the gundeck wallet and he had a few different wallets but now in the gun deck there is the Top Sider so instead of opening to the side like this it's not a horizontal wallet it's a vertical wallet in the flap its vertical so the difference with that one is that you can actually put bills in it and fold them down with the flap so it's kind of like a bill holder as well and then there's a quick draw version which has slots on the back so you can get cards out of the back without having it open the wallet so different variants of the gun deck now but the gun deck just the tried-and-true original is still my favorite hey this is a wallet i've not carried nearly as much but i do like it it's a very basic it's more traditional i would say and that it's it's bifold style sort of I mean I guess it is spy fold it it folds in half this is the nutsack clips true wallet so yes nutsack you can see it's got the acorn there it's the company that makes the bags they send this to me a long time ago with no strings and I carried it some you could see a card outline but it's it's not gonna hold your bills like a normal bifold wallet what it's vertical which I like you have two card slots on this side a card slot back behind this flap over here and then you have a spring clip for holding bills so if you carry cash this is definitely the minimalist wallet for you I don't know of a minimalist wallet it does cash better than this just fold it in half slide it over that clip and you're done very very slim for a bifold wallet this is about as slim as you could get I don't typically carry a lot of cash which is probably why I never carried this wallet a whole lot but it's a little more classier than I think the other style minimalist wallets it's very business II this one's not necessarily for me but for people who do carry cash and want something slim and minimal this is probably my recommendation to you they will set you back $69 so it's not super expensive not cheap it's just a really nice classy wallet it's gonna last a long time it smells great it looks great and if you do carry cash this is probably for you since I don't it's just on my list but it's not my personal favorite another alternative that didn't quite make the cut is the popov leather five card wallet this was one of my favorite wallets for a long time I carried the crap out of this one too as you can see very similar idea you've got a vertical buy fold you've got four card slots on the inside instead of a flap and then one quick access card on the outside really neat design from a really good maker and I highly recommend everything from pop up they make really really great stuff but this wallet just wasn't for me I would much rather carry some of these others but if you're more into a bifold style more traditional style wallet this would be it if you specially if you don't need to carry cash if you do I would recommend this one over it alright changing speed one more time before we get to just card holders and that is the card caddy from hitch and timber I carried this thing for like six months straight and of course this isn't just a straight up wallet this is more of an organizer but I carry this as my wallet for a long time so you have a slot for cards in the back another slot here which could be for cards or cash and then on the front you've got these two pockets which are designed specifically for a Victorinox Swiss Army Cadet and a Fisher Space Pen bullets so and honestly this could be the vast majority of your EDC if you want a very lightweight summer carry this is a really great option you've got a knife a writing utensil and your cards and cash the only thing you might need on top of this is your keys and maybe a flashlight if that's your jam love the Hitchin timber card caddy there's also now a card caddy XL which instead of a cadet holds a bench made proper or something about that size and instead of a Fischer spaceman bullet it would hold something more like the big idea design T I click a TC so you've got different variants in this and of course if you're looking at hitch and timber there are tons of different options for organizers and all the different gear the card caddy was just my favorite of hitch and timber everything he makes card caddy is still my ABS favorite thing from Hitchin timber but this one in particular will set you back about 64 bucks so this is something you may not have seen this is called the wayfinder flex card holder and it's about as minimal as it gets it's very very slim and it's a TPU coated polyester it's water resistant or hydrophobic so if you get water on here it just kind of rolls off really probably a great summer carry especially if you're going to be around water a lot I've carried this some the reason that I don't love it is just the extra material that you have from the way that they have to I guess melt these ends together or glue them together you just get margins that I don't have to deal with with other wallet styles but you can carry cards and cash in here and it's just gonna be very very slim and lightweight in the pocket I think this or maybe one other will be the absolute lightest wallet out of all of them set you back about 36 bucks and it's really different especially if you're not looking for something leather I tend to go towards leather I tend to go for leather because it's it patinas and you can kind of put your own mark on it this is not gonna do that and if you don't like patina this is probably a really good option for you it's cost-effective and it's it's a really neat option very very lightweight next up we have two eyelets you're very very familiar with and these are tray backs wallets we have the armored summit wallet and the contour of all the trave axe wallet so these are my two favorite if I had to choose one it would be the armored summit just because it's super super minimal just sandwich your cars between two pieces of metal and hold it together with some nylon like it doesn't get more basic than that it's just very minimal its robust it's gonna last forever if the nylon band breaks you can replace it for a couple of bucks like it's just stupid simple I love this wallet if you don't want to use the armor plate just take it out and you can use this by itself you've got a little cash holder on the back here it's just stupid simple I love the tray of ex armor to summit wallet probably one of my all-time favorite wallets it just stays in the collection so the armored summit will set you back about $35 to shift gears a little bit you have the contour which is a much more robust and feature heavy wallet you have again steel wallet with a leather retention on the front so this is your retention band for your cards and then you can put your cash inside here you can adjust the size of it there's I think a t6 or t7 screws all the way around and you can adjust and slide these they're straps out or in if you need more or less room for cards also have a cap lifter built in right here um this is just a much more robust wallet it's not a slim doesn't fit in my pocket quite as well I tend to err towards the armored summit but the contour is just a really great wallet they also now have it in titanium which means it's even more lightweight and this one this will set you back $140 the titanium version is I think 200 so they get pretty pricey if you don't want either one of these you can use my coupon code entre vexes website that's carry on and you'll get 10% off and help support the show so it's a really good win-win for everybody but yeah the armored summit and the contour from trave axe so the next wallet is the wallet that you saw in my EDC update video this is the turkey foot leather Works Bobcat wallet and it's probably become my favorite wallet just because of how small and slim and minimal it is it's a very small footprint in my pocket and it's a very simple construction but what I really like about what ty is doing with this wallet here is that there's a heavier weight leather in the center and then a much thinner lighter weight leather on the outside and that just makes it Ride slimmer in the pocket and I like that I can put most of my cards in this big pocket in the center and then my main card that I use the most on the outside it's very small slim in the pocket and I really really like it but I is doing some really great work you should check out his Instagram or talk to him over in the discord if you were interested in one of these wallets the price on this is honestly pretty nuts a $43 shipped in the US and outside the US I think he said 50 to 60 depending on where you live and what the shipping is gonna cost but really really great work here he does some really cool stuff he's got some other stuff as well different designs but this is my favorite and if you like this one you can also customize with different leather and thread colors to make it your own but this of course was my my pick cognac and OD green I just really love this wallet a lot and what he's doing small maker love to support the smaller guys and this thing has been in my pocket since he sent it to me I think it's been like two months now every day this has been the wallet for me next up is another all-time favorite of mine this comes from a guy who said that before this channel was even a thing my other channel was doing mini mod Mondays and Glen over at cave leather company said that he started his leather working business or sort of working with leather rather because I was doing those project ever on the channel and looking back this projects were not that great I was not doing really good stuff so the fact that someone took those sort of crappy videos and and used that as inspiration to start a leather businesses is amazing and that's it's humbling it's just a really cool story but this is the Andersen wallet from cave leather company he sent some of these to me a long time ago I did a giveaway with them but the one that I kept I used the absolute crap out of it and I loved it I fell in love with it because it's just a simple leather pocket with a pull tab like it's just super basic but I love how simple and basic it is I don't mind having everything in one pocket you can just pull this tab up fish through what uv8 and shove it back down and throw this thing in your pocket it's just this is a really great simple design what I said there are different color options and different versions he's got a different wallet as well but I really prefer the Andersen wallet this is such a back 70 to 80 dollars which is a little steep but the quality is there it's worth it I love this wallet he's using a little thicker leather heavier weight leather than he was in the past which means it rides a little thicker in the pocket but over time it's just gonna get pushed down and mash down and and conform to your card so it won't be nearly as bad but I have not had time to put this thing in my pocket yet so I'll probably switch to this after this video this veg tan leather will show some amazing patina all you have to do is give it some pocket time so that's what's gonna happen pretty soon but the Andersen wallet from cave leather company is phenomenal I love this thing the last wallet on my list is the compass wallet from our company mark over at our company is doing just all sorts of really cool stuff like that knife roll I had in my last video he does all sorts of really cool organizers and whatnot but this was one of the very first products he sent to me and it's the compass wallet very very lightweight and minimal it's very slim I think it's probably the slimmest and the lightest out of everything I've talked about here so you've got the same construction as the Bobcat wallet which is just three pockets two on the outside one in the centre that's it just very very simple it's a very common middle most wallet design but what's different here is that he's paired leather with Cordura I love the combination you actually can't get this version anymore he no longer makes it with this leather it's not the highest quality leather in the world but that's okay it's very very slim and this is gonna last for a long time the stitching will probably be the first thing to fail price on this thing without the leather there's now one with corduroy on the outside the price on it I think it's $33 very reasonable very great construction very very minimal I love this and Marc's doing some really good stuff he's a good guy so I've got a couple of honorable mentions they pop off for an alternative to that nutsack wallet is is one of those honorable mentions another honorable mention is this ezra arthur wallet which I haven't actually carried it came in a bespoke post box and I really like the design it's very simple it's one single piece of leather and it's got a pocket here which is sewn on the bottom and then you have this pass through right here which is for cash so you have a pass through pocket which just holds your cash in place with friction so really really minimal design and once you start carrying this thing it is gonna flatten out and be really really slim so really cool design there I like this one a lot but I don't know much about it I only get down below its Ezra Arthur so another thing to mention is if you like that Bobcat wallet or the compass wallet or the cave leather company Andersen wallet those were all you know they're reasonably priced but if you're on a budget and you're having to pinch pennies another cheaper option is this husk wallet this is the one I picked up for my 250 dollar budget video which I'm actually gonna switch to this and the rest of that gear very soon and do a month with it because you guys like that video over 4,000 times and I said I would carry that stuff for a month if you liked that video that much so I've got to get on that pretty soon but this is kind of a mixture between the Bobcat wallet from turkey foot and the Anderson wallet from cave leather company because you've got two pockets on the outside and then you have this Center pocket with a pull tab so it's kind of the best of both worlds and this one is like 20 bucks I believe so not that expensive very very slim very thin leather here but it's made in London it's the husk middlemost wallet I'll link it down below but also just an alternative if you want to try something different I do encourage you to support these smaller makers over a company like husk but if you want something a little bit cheaper and you can't afford something you know from a smaller maker husk is a really good alternative that's gonna do it for this video if you found it helpful and you enjoyed it be sure to hit that thumbs up button down below and subscribe to see more stuff like this in the future and hit that notification bell so you're notified when I upload new videos if you want to support what I'm doing here hit those links down below so the links down below will be affiliate links so if you purchase anything using those links I will get a little bit of a kick back with the tray vac stuff you can also use the coupon code carry on for 10% off your purchase you can also go to patreon.com/scishow maybe C to support me there could also go to carry Commission which is my store you can buy gear and merch directly from me that is carry Commission comm or carry dot best you can also follow us on the web you can find us on Twitter and Instagram at best MATC and there is now a Facebook group which you can request to join and a discord server it's all linked down below I highly recommend you follow in those places so you can stay up 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Channel: Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin]
Views: 254,879
Rating: 4.8110533 out of 5
Keywords: EDC, everyday carry, edc gear, edc wallet, every day carry, edc wallets, minimalist wallets, minimal wallet, Misc Goods Co, Das Offene Meer, Gun Deck Wallet, Hitch and Timber, Wayfinder Flux, Trayvax Armored Summit, metal wallet, Trayvax Contour, Cave Leather Co, Anderson Wallet, Arc Company, Compass Wallet, Victorinox Cadet, Fisher Space Pen, edc wallet organizer, edc pocket organizer, edc card holder, slim wallet, leather wallet, best wallet, card holder, wallet
Id: PIkXaYKJp0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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