BEST EDC Wallet Showdown - Trayvax, Flipside, Fantom, Ridge Wallet review and comparison

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hey guys how's it going I hope you've been well crazy weather out here in Colorado today I live up and up in the mountains in Colorado and today it's snowed like ten inches but it's gonna be pretty sunny and warm for the rest of the week I think so hopefully it all melts off anyway in my last video I think I mentioned in my last video of the video before that I was going to do a video on kind of the most popular EDC wallet so I do EDC videos from time to time and in one of my EDC videos a while back I was looking for a new wallet I asked for recommendations three companies stood out as as far as people were recommending them the most it was Trey VAX Ridge wallet flip side wallet and there were there there were a bunch of other Wallace to hell-bent and some others but anyway those three kind of stood out and they were the ones that interested me the most so I picked those three wallets up and I already reviewed the ridge so I'll be talking about this one at the end and then this other company actually sent me out this wallet called the phantom that I thought was kind of interesting so I'm going to throw that in the mix so I'm only gonna be talking about those four wallets today and and that's it I'll talk about other wallet in the future probably because there's I mean there's hundreds of wallets out there so I'm not gonna cover them all in one video so feel free to recommend other waltz in this video but don't bash me for saying oh why didn't you put such-and-such wallet in I didn't so deal with it so let's get any of these these uh these four wallets all kind of talk about the features and the reason I'm doing these four are because they're popular but they're all different enough to make them different you know some are gonna appeal some people some are going to appeal to other people and the functionality kind of is here and there so yeah I'm just gonna kind of talk about each wallet the features the things I like about the things I don't like about them and by the end of the video you'll have a pretty good feel for these four wallets and maybe can choose one I'll link to them below and I'll link to anything else that I talk about in the videos below as well we'll just go ahead and get into it here I'm using kind of a new overhead system so if I'm like going out of the frame one they're my bad and just be patient with me so first we would be talking about the tray back to wall this is the trave ax axis comes in a variety of colors this is in the OD seracote I didn't even know until after I bought this but the guys that I like using from my gun custom seracote MADD custom coating they actually did a seracote on this anyway that I thought that was an interesting thing this wallet also made in the USA this wallet also probably was the most recommended wallet from you guys in the comments so it's a minimalist wallet may not have kind of cool tactical gear metal and paracord and nylon and little button things and has some holes some of the models have bottle openers built in this one does not but anyways when I first kind of saw these wallets I looked at him I was like they look really cool for sure but practicality they just seemed kind of clumsy and cumbersome and it's not really for me I'm more of just like a minimalist that likes a wallet it just is super clean like the ridge really is the epitome of minimal wallets and that's why I liked it but anyways I thought I would give this a go because it looked cool and you know after using it for a while it's not that much of a pain to use really not as cumbersome as I thought it would be though also not the easiest to use of the bunch so I'm just going to kind of get into some features here this wall is supposed to be RFID blocking or resistant rather but I'm not really sure how because the as you can see is wide open in the front hand it's also wide open in the back here so the cache is kind of blocking it but this is just a metal border my thought is so some cards will have your chip there and this does line up to that chip this little spot so maybe you need to have it in that orientation for it to be RFID resistant and then if you have it in say this orientation with the clip the chip visible it is no longer RFID resistant maybe I'm not sure I'm just speculating there I probably should have reached out and asked but I didn't so a couple of the exterior features of the wallet here so we have this paracord with this little adjuster this really isn't used for anything um this little slider rather this is like a rigid loop here you could do something like attach a little carabiner to it something like this little mini carabiner I'll link to these these I bought like a 12-pack of these and they're so handy not load-bearing obviously but you could hook a carabiner or something up to that or you could hook a carabiner up like this and use it that way if you want to so a couple different lashing options if you aren't going to carry your pocket or if you aren't going to carry your wall in a pocket also I've been using these little clips for various things you could put a little key ring on here and put that on there and then hook this to things like that - so if you're into that this is the only wall of the bunch that kind of has those features that you can like hook - I don't think most people are but just I would I thought it was worth mentioning so the closing mechanism of this is this fold-over thing right here that it kind of is like a button that goes into this little hook type thing so it's not an actual button it just kind of lashes over and kind of hooks onto this like hook sort of speak so I thought that this would come loose I thought this was a bad design but using it never comes loose so fine design and my worries never came to fruition I guess so we do have a misspoke earlier we do have a little bit of metal running up here this is theoretically to kind of like put your money on - and your cash will kind of go like that and that's kind of how you can carry cash in here if you want to there is also this flap this flap opens up this flap actually does have a little opening in here that is closed on the bottom so if you wanted to you could slide a key or something in there to hold it or maybe some change or any anything like a little SD card or something would fit in here if you want to use it this wallet also is the only one of the bunch that kind of has this little pocket feature by default so it's kind of neat and then this folds over you could also put your cash in here if you wanted to but it would kind of just be loose and flopping around when you open the wallet to use it so anyway the main portion of the wallet here that holds your cards is this little part here so you kind of get it to the right size you get your cards in here and you can tighten this up here to adjust basically to how many cards you're gonna hold so this basically once you tighten it or loosen it pretty much stays put how it is and then that will provide some resistance so your cards don't fall out just by themselves but you can slide them out so getting getting cards here isn't the easiest but you can kind of fan them out and then say oh I want to use this one or fan them out and say oh I actually want to use this red one typically for me I put my most used card in the front and just get it out like that so not a big deal to do that though again the system for getting into here is taking that off and then sliding that out and you got to make sure your cache doesn't fall out when you're doing all of that so from from a usage point of view isn't as clumsy as I thought it would be but you know some of these other wallets we're going to talk about are definitely a little easier to use so cool option definitely one worth looking into especially I think this is the coolest looking wallet all of their designs actually I think are pretty cool and yeah I mean it does have you know extra dangly things and kind of protrusions here so those are to note but yeah if you're into kind of looks and minimalism this is a good option made in America and relatively inexpensive kind of for what it is I think bees run about fifty dollars and I forgot to mention this does have a wide range of cards that it can accommodate so I think it'll hold you know from a few cards up to you know 15 plus cards so it is expandable and if you do carry a lot of cards your cards fluctuate a lot this definitely an option that would be able to handle that and also since this one is a little bit more flexible and no like hard edges or anything like that it can accommodate things that are larger than your typical card so something like say my fishing license is a little bit bigger than a card it will still be able to fit in to here if you need to carry something like that business cards whatever they're a little bit bigger than a credit card this will be able to handle it some of the some of the other options won't be able to handle something like this so the next interesting option also made in America is this wallet called the flipside it comes in a variety of colors I opted for the orange because this is kind of a wallet that maybe I could see myself using when I travel more or less and I would like a nice bright wallet so I don't leave it on a table so I can see if somebody's like snatches it from me or something like that so they do have other more tactical designs black gray kind of a military green color so some some options out there if this orange isn't for you obviously the orange isn't really the orange I was hoping it was it's kind of more of a red orange so take that for what it is this wallet the flipside for has kind of these modular attachment points so this is like a little thing that can clip on to this so then it expands the functionality of the wallet to to have more functionality than just the base wallet without this accessory so this accessory now you could put stuff in here like your fishing license or some cash or some extra cards or whatever they have a few different kind of things like this that are attached on to here so the modularity is kind of interesting and it's kind of a unique feature to this card so this wallet rather so these things just pop off obviously if you want to be a little more trim so this wallet isn't going to be the thinnest because it is kind of you know protects your cards on the inside and you'll see the mechanisms as soon as we open it here kind of why it's a little thicker than your other options so the flip side flips open so it's a nice mechanism if you need to access your card so this is really the most usable wallet of the bunch this is going to be your easiest to use especially if you're using cash a fair amount or if you're using a variety of different cards that you're going to need to get out and access fast so this opens right up and you just thumb your card out like that very easy so if you keep card here here or you want to get to the other card behind you can do so nice works really well these cards aren't going to fly out so high this thing does open these cards aren't gonna flat if you put one card in here two cards in here whatever I think this wallet does hold like eight or so cards total if you want so I think you can fit like three or four in each of these and then this one where you flip open this one is just a single a single card you can put in there so these slots basically the ones you get to when you first open these can handle multiple cards each you flip this over one more time and you have another card here and then you kind of have your cash slot here so this cash is a little more usable because you can kind of thumb through and say oh you know I need to pay with Jamaican currency for this one and without having to take all your other bills out you can say okay I'm going to flip to this I need this you can just pull that right out and keep your other bills in there and you'll be good to go so as fidgeting with that and not yeah so then you can get that out really nice and really easy so that's you know functionally this wallet is really really slick I don't like the looks of it you know as much as something like the the trave acts I think looks a little more cool or attacked or whatever but as far as function is concerned this is great probably has the best RFID blocking of the bunch has these I think special aluminum inserts here that just give your cards full protection and everything is just really secure you put this thing in nothing your cards aren't going to fly out your cache isn't gonna fly out just a really really great setup and I do like that it's made in America so this will appeal to a lot of you guys before the modularity aspect of it and for the functionality as of it definitely if you're gonna be accessing multiple cards and cash I would say this is going to be your most convenient kind of easy to use system so yeah definitely an interesting option this one probably is the most different of the bunch in that it's you know injection molded plastic and flips and springs and has all this kind of fancy stuff in it so nose flip side wallet very very functional wallet I was impressed at how easy this was to use you kind of see the little promo videos in your comic I don't know about that but really super easy these cards just I mean they work really really well a common theme of minimal minimalist wallets is that you can't really access your cards as easy if you're needing to access multiple cards this makes it pretty easy also can fit you know you can kind of jam like your non-standard sized stuff in here if you need to and that'll work so it won't fit into you know like one of these slots these credit card slots but you can kind of put some miscellaneous stuff in here in front over behind the cash if you need to carry something else in your wallet you could probably let's see could I put a key in here yeah so I can't even like put a key in there if I need to granted there's nothing keeping it secure in here really other than obviously when it is closed it's secure it's not gonna fall out of there so functionally this wallet beyond just the cards in cash you can kind of carry some other little items in here if you want to but just to note that without using one of these modular accessories if you put something in here it's just gonna kind of be loose flopping around also I'll show you real quick the money clip mechanism is this little plastic clip that kind of you just loop your bills into and you'll be good to go next interesting wall of the bunch is the phantom so this is one that wasn't recommended to me by any of you guys because it's actually not even out yet so this company reached out to send this to me and I was like sure when companies send me when companies reach out and send me stuff I never agree to do a review of them and I don't take any money I've never taken a single cent from any company just FYI if you're curious but I thought this wall looked cool so I said sure send me that I'll try it out and see how it works it it is a cool wallet it is super slim aside from the money clip which is removable so probably if I wasn't using cash definitely I would take this off because it adds quite a bit of thickness to this wallet otherwise this would be the thinnest wall of the bunch for sure this is the carbon fiber edition which is not currently as of making this video the carbon fiber is the only one you get that isn't RFID resistant the other metal ones are but this one is not so to note just if you're curious and love carbon fiber this one as it sits right in this video isn't RFID or resistant so the thing that makes this wall kind of unique and different from the rest of the bunch is wall is thin and it is minimal it has this interesting mechanism where the cards fan out with this little guy so you put this in here and the cards fan out so this means that yeah you can without using this little fan mechanism you can get out whatever card you want or you know the front card mainly by pulling this out it isn't the easiest thing to use you can't you can't just put the card in you have to get the card back in here like this and then you can slide it back in here with the right amount of cards it is pretty secure it won't fall out granted the problem is if you're not using the right amount of cards it is kind of I guess they won't they won't fall out but they are kind of loose in here the these do come in two sizes one holds like seven up to seven cards I think and the other holds like up to 15 this is the smaller one that I have in front of me so the fan out mechanism it is a really really cool theory I think it doesn't work quite perfect because when I fan these out you have some in the back that didn't fan out quite right I don't think that's intentional but maybe it is maybe it's like a dual fan fan in the backend fan in the front I would expect the cards to fan out like this though if it was working properly but they seem to fan out like this but cool design what I dislike about it is it does have a pretty big footprint I just noticed actually right here there is a little hole here that you could like put a little lanyard through or something maybe I'm not sure this is coming through very good but right here in the corner there's a little hole so you could attach a little lanyard to this if you wanted to the money clip probably I could take it off and bend it but as it sits right now doesn't really doesn't really have this very secure this is pretty loose in here so if I was using the money clip I'd probably do this fold-over method or just carry a lot of bills to get a little bit more secure fit probably you could take the money clip off and bend it and that would get you a better fit so anyway this is kind of a wallet that has some cool factor you kind of flip it fan it open when you're going to pay in people like oh that's that's pretty cool that's pretty cool and I just thought it looks cool the thing is all this whole mechanism does give it a pretty big footprint relative to something like the ridge which has does have the smallest footprint of the bunch but yeah so very thin here but the footprint is pretty big so another option I'll link to this I don't think it's available to buy yet as I'm making this video but by the time this video is up maybe maybe it will be and last but not least we have the ridge wallet so this is the titanium version this is going to be your most expensive lot of the bunch and really the wallet with the least amount of features as well I would say so this titanium version is expensive they do have cheaper options that I think are around 40 bucks that are just plastic so you can get this walled a little cheaper but you it also goes up in price pretty drastically to the most expensive versions what this is is very very simple there's a little elastic band here and here and here that holds your cards and your cards come out the front there's this little indent here that you push your cards out so this wallet is really great for me personally because I use a single card I 99% of the time I'm getting my wallet out it's to access one card and this wallet does pretty good with that you slide this out and you get your one card out now if you do need to get multiple cards out they say you can like squeeze the bottom here and it kind of like fans your cards out like this if you want to what I found is that if I'm getting multiple cards out I'll just kind of like have to shuffle through them until I get to the one I want and then pull that out so this wallet I would say is the weakest wallet of the bunch this one and the trave acts for if you're needing to access multiple cards a lot but if you are using a single card and you're not carrying like keys or anything else this wallet I forgot to mention the phantom will not fit random sized thing it is precision fit to credit cards only so those larger business cards fishing license whatever not going to fit in a swallow except you know you could obviously stick them in the money clip and you do alright the ridge you're not going to fit anything because this is the exact footprint of a credit card which is one of the reasons I love it so much because the footprint is so small so here's a credit card here's the ridge exactly the same footprint but it isn't isn't the thinnest because this here sorry like I said kind of hard to do we have the thickness of the metal plus we have the thickness of this plastic insert it's got to be thick enough for these screws to bite and this kind of like elastic system to go in here so it isn't it's I mean it's relatively thin obviously but it isn't the absolute thinnest of the bunch but pretty good smallest footprint and like I was trying to get to you're not going to be able to put something like in here because it is bigger than the wallet so unless you're gonna fold something like this and stick it into the money the money band you're not gonna be able to carry a bigger thing like you're on some other wallets that brings us to the money band if you have a money clip option or the elastic band which is what I prefer on this and that's where you can keep your cash obviously you're gonna have to get all your cash out flip through it you know get whatever cash you want fold it back up into whatever quarters and then stick it back into your band so for cash usage not that easy either but if you're a guy that uses one card and you don't often use cash then this will work for you and actually one card I say one card but really the way I get one card out is the same in the back so if you have two cards that you use a lot you're going to want to put them in the front and the back so that way you can pop this out and either grab the back card and pull that out and use it or grab the front card your middle cards are going to be a little more difficult to access anyway that's the ridge let's go ahead and zoom out here and I'll show you them all on the table so here we have the ridge here we have the trave axe here we have the flip side and here we have the phantom yeah we got them all on the frame here so you can see obviously the footprint of these from smallest to biggest I would stay without the money clip the phantom and the seven card edition anyway is going to be your thinnest probably the ridge and the trave actually going to be your next finished and this is going to be the the thickest option so you got your most features here and it's going to be your biggest you have the least features here and this is going to be the smallest pretty much and that's kind of how they break down hopefully this video kind of gave you a good comparison the different walls that are out there again these walls are going to appeal to different crowds for different reasons I see I see value in all of these wallets I really like the ridge it's it's my daily driver and normally just because that's it's my lifestyle I like how it looks I like how small it is and I only use one card the tray backs I like carrying also sometimes just because I like how it looks I like when I get the tray backs out I'm just like oh man it's like cool and it's tactical and metal and I especially like the OD green color granted most of these come in an OD cream color as well but just kind of something about this feels tactical and cool to me flip side by far the most usable wallet of the bunch the most feature packed great value at around $40 and modular so you can get this they have a few different other accessories you can slap on here if you either need more cards or different functionality of it so this definitely feature full if you're looking for the features and the Fantom cool looking and kind of that wow factor if you want to like flip those cards out and impress somebody also carbon fiber though the ridge also comes in a carbon fiber edition if you're into that you know you can check that out too yeah feel free to ask me any questions about any wallets because I have daily I've daily driven them I guess you could say all of them so I do have experience in all of them it's funny while I have my EDC out here I picked up a micro tech ultratech this thing is sweet completely unrelated to waltz but switch blades and OTS were illegal in Colorado actually until this year so I had never owned one because I tried to follow the laws for the most part but now these really these are legal still in Colorado sorry I'm taking a wild tangent but just because I felt like it still so this blade is under 3.5 inches and Colorado in a lot of states it's actually illegal to carry a blade that is longer can still carry a blade that is longer than 3.5 inches so something like the benchmade infidel the regular version has a blade that's longer than 3.5 inches so I picked up Ultra Tech because it's just under 3.5 inches so if I wanted to conceal carry this I can and how's the glass breaker on the tip anyway this isn't a knife knife of you but I just got this little gadget and you know the EDC crowd likes this kind of stuff so I figured out show it off thanks for watching and as always thanks for hitting that thumbs up button if you found the video helpful or informative or anything like that get subscribed if you're not already leave comments below about gear that you'd like me to review in the pack in the future or other wallets you think I should check out or any kind of EDC items you think you think I should look into I always appreciate you guys recommendations alright until next time take care
Channel: Last Line Of Defense
Views: 786,633
Rating: 4.4876609 out of 5
Keywords: edc, everyday carry, edc wallet, trayvax, ridge wallet, flipside wallet
Id: 5knXgVBGCfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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