NEW Grip6 Wallet 2.0 Review (Updated model)

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hey guys and gals I'm coming at you with another wallet review a bit of an update and a new review in one so let me tell you what I'm doing this over here is the grip 6 wallet version 1.0 it's a Kickstarter wallet I've already reviewed you can check out that video on my channel and over here I have the version 2.0 I'll tell you why the 2.0 I tell you what I think about him so let's get into it ok I just wanted to show you these two side-by-side fold one on this side new one on that side for anyone that already has the new one if you're curious as to how they compare very similar almost the same size couple of minor aesthetic differences most of the differences are going to be on the inside so let's get into it just as a quick refresher again you can check out my video review on this for more details this is the grip 6 wallet grip 6 is a pretty popular belt manufacturer in the United States they were a small operation that started off with a Kickstarter and they've really just grown by leaps and bounds the owner BJ decided he wanted to get into wallet design and they made this guy very sleek very slim lots of color options available you can get it with or without this little loop but I like to fidget I like the loop it's just something that I enjoy they also sell a leather sleeve that wraps sort of around the wallets to hold extra carbs and cash the gimmick on this not really a gimmick because it works and it's pretty neat but as you squeeze this lever the cards pop up in a stair-step fashion I carry six cards of mine I think that's about the best amount of cards you could probably get up to 7 anymore you'll need to get the leather sleeves I was an original Kickstarter backer for this wallet and this was the product that I got some people had issues with these wallets there is a little gear down here that would sometimes slip and get stuck the front and back metal pieces would be sometimes slightly warped causing cards to stick or not stay in there's a very small flaw up there that keeps the cards in and sometimes the leather sleeves would catch on this lever and would cause issues for those people so I didn't have any of those issues as you can see in my review my only real concern was that if you really squeeze the cards fast I'm not getting it not gonna be able to do it now but if you squeeze the leaver really fast the carbs can go flying out at the top I've mitigated that with just practice and having some control over it I will say the mechanism is not as smooth in this one and it does sometimes catch and boop the cards out more quickly than I would like also as you let go the cards don't always drop down because cards are different sizes and I'm okay with that I just tap it right down obviously gears sticking and breaking cards getting stuck were much bigger issues and by the time grip 6 was made aware of that from some of the original backers they decided to fix it so I was lucky enough to get the first version but before they shipped out all of the first versions that froze production they did an excellent job communicating to all the backers what they were doing and they spent several months coming up with the 2.0 the 2.0 was designed to address all of those issues mainly the mechanism sticking the plates having inconsistent tolerances the plastic pieces having inconsistent tolerances and the action being a little unpredictable so did they do a good job with the upgrade I have to say yes look we get these cards over here and I'll tell you why I think they knocked it out of the park on this cool redesign before I do that let me show you briefly if you come back down here this notch is one of the most obvious differences that they've made I'll talk about that in a little bit and also the lever right here as you'll notice compared to the first version the lever cut up here is just a little flatter and I'll mention that so first things first I want to give a shout out to grip sakes for the way they went about this like I said they communicated a lot they didn't want a shoddy product in people's hands and it took the time and energy to make a better version and send them out for free to every supporter whether you've got a first version or not which is really cool if you're interested in taking a gamble on the first version wallets I believe you can order the grip 6 website and $10 can get you one of the original ones as is maybe it'll be cool like mine functional if not perfect you might get one that has some of the issues and maybe a dud but if you're curious you can always take a shot at that anyway this is the 2.0 first I want to talk about the action they took all of their plastic injection molding and brought it in-house that way they could control their tolerances and make sure that they didn't have any of those issues on the second run he also beefed up the internal mechanism there's not an easy way to show you that but if you handle it look at it feel it you can tell that that action has been strengthened quite a bit if you squeeze the cards they come out nice and consistent very smoothly every time as you can tell if you let it go sort of the right way the cards will fall back down some cards are bigger than others and I will not hold it against them that the cards don't always fall all the way down but as you can see it is possible to get them to fall down which wasn't possible in the first version they've got this cutout in here I mentioned that's going to be in the unlikely event the cards get stuck you don't have to break the thing open to get them out you can just get a handful or get a finger grip on them pull them out it's also a nice little aesthetic touch and it does help you easily pull out one card at a time if you just want to grab the front or back card this cut out in the Weaver that I mentioned was designed so that the leather straps won't put any pressure on the lever therefore not locking the cards improperly and I have to say no matter how much I can this thing unless I really give it it's not gonna fall out and it's much easier to get a consistent pull a consistent launch so to speak it's a very smooth very consistent mechanism and to me it's notably better than the first version so altogether I enjoyed the first wallets I really liked that they took the time to make a second better one I will probably continue to use both of these continue to use this one and also use this one moving forward because I think the design is great the innovation is wonderful it's made in the USA product his team cares about what they've produced really took the time and effort to communicate with fixed order backers over several months with twenty-something updates that were very thorough and very honest every single time so I'm not sure when these are going to hit the website if you are a Kickstarter supporter you'll get one of these soon if you haven't already I'd be really curious to hear what you guys think about these and I am positive that in the coming months these will hit the regular website and I'd encourage you to take a look at them if you want to hold more than six or seven cards I'd say go ahead and get that sleeve but know that you're getting something that has some heart and soul put into it and though this company in my opinion is definitely worth getting your business so thank you guys for the time and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: V Reviews Stuff
Views: 8,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grip6, grip 6, wallet, review, minimalist, edc, Kickstarter
Id: z-JMNeA7x5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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