7 WAYS to Improve SHOOTING for Beginners!

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[Music] shooting may be the most difficult part of football so that's why today we'll show you a few common mistakes players make while trying to score and explain how you can fix them you're watching all attack [Music] getting underneath the ball many times young players think that kicking a ball high in the air is the same as taking a good shot [Music] this is not the case see when a player hits a shot like this what they're doing is striking the underside of the ball which is creating backspin [Music] and backspin is something that usually you don't want while shooting because it will send your shot over the crossbar so if you want to take a good shot that is actually powerful you should be striking either the center or just below the center of the ball leaning back leaning back while shooting is usually not a great idea [Music] see when you lean back your foot will naturally swing upward as you follow through sending your shot into the stratosphere so instead of doing that you should lean forward so that your head is over the top of the ball [Music] this will help you keep the ball low and get more power on your shots [Music] power over placement so you're around the top of the 18 yard box and the ball is rolling straight back toward you setting you up perfectly for the ultimate power shot [Music] so here's the thing although it may be fun to hit a ball like this really powerfully [Music] it may not be the best technique for this situation see when the ball is rolling back to you you don't need to add a ridiculous amount of power onto the shot because the ball already has speed so that's why the better choice is to simply use the inside of your foot and pass the ball into the corner it'll be easier more consistent and still have more than enough power to beat the goalkeeper [Music] straight run-ups sometimes players will try to shoot a ball that's straight in front of them the only problem is it's actually really hard to hit a ball that's directly straight in front of you [Music] see there's a reason that the pros line up to take their free kicks at an angle [Music] and that's because to hit a ball with the top of your foot or the inside of your foot you have to turn your body so that those parts of your foot are facing the ball [Music] so if the ball is straight out in front of you you really have three options one you take a touch out to the side and then shoot two you get really good at running around the ball or three you don't shoot and just pass the ball to someone else not adjusting for bounces when a cross is coming along the ground [Music] for some reason players often assume that the ball will come perfectly to them [Music] when in reality the ball will often make unexpected movements [Music] here's the thing most players play on fields that are not perfectly smooth in fact most fields are pretty awful [Music] so because of that you need to be on your toes you need to basically assume that the ball will bubble up and then when it does you'll be able to adjust and put the ball into the net [Music] the stork volley when a ball is coming to a player in the air some players will plant their foot early [Music] leaving them stuck waiting for the ball while standing awkwardly on one leg when you plant early it stops you from adjusting to the incoming ball [Music] and at that point essentially you're just hoping that the ball will land exactly where you want it to which it almost never will but if you keep your feet moving and take small steps then you can continue adjusting your body position up until the very last second [Music] closing your eyes before heading the ball look i get it the ball is scary and if you head it wrong it's going to hurt but if you want to make sure you're heading the ball properly with your forehead then you need to keep your eyes open and on the ball until the very moment it hits your head [Music] this will ensure that you don't misjudge the ball and try to head it early which will usually lead to you hitting the ball with the top of your head [Music] all right everybody we hope you liked that video if you did make sure to leave a thumbs up down below make sure to subscribe and make sure to check out our other videos if you want to learn more about football [Music] you
Channel: AllAttack
Views: 2,362,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, attack, soccer, football, learn, education, manchester united, real madrid, premier league, shoot
Id: uSPCV-w2Y7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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