10 ACTUALLY USEFUL Tricks To Get Ahead // The First Descendant

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I've been playing the first ascendant a lot and throughout my nearly 90 hours of playtime I've come across some very unique and sometimes hidden features that aren't explained at all I feel now more than ever I am able to comprehensively put together a list of all the tips and tricks both myself and my community over on Discord Link in the description have both discovered and used to level up faster get more rewards for Missions take down bosses easier get incredible DPS on their guns and so so much more I promise even if you've played the game as much as I have there will be something in this video for you okay on a completely unscripted note I genuinely have tried to keep this video as short as possible but the sheer amount of time effort and research that went into both the testing and making of this video I believe condensing the tips down anymore wouldn't do them justice as I want to make sure you leave the video satisfied with the information you receive but I also didn't want to bombard you with like a singular 40-minute video with like so many tips so I'm going to break it up into two episodes to try and give you a little bit of a breather and a lot more room to understand everything so look out for part two coming in the next couple of days as well the reason I made this is because looking at other tips and tricks videos they left me kind of sad at how most of them were either just thrown together or didn't provide accurate information at all but with all that being said I really hope you find this informative you can learn something new and it would actually mean the world to me if you could like the video comment something down below something you learned and if you think I earned it maybe maybe maybe subscribe maybe if you if you want to I if you want to and now sit back relax and enjoy the video to start off I'll let you in on one of my favorite tricks in the entire game which has saved me countless times on boss fights if you've ever scanned through the list of modules for your gun you may have seen a mod which increases the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for that ammo class the best part is there are two mods both of which can stack together you will have most likely never use these as although they are useful in providing a large ammo Reserve they take Precious module capacity away from more important mods like DPS ones but this is where the trick comes in if you've ever been in a long fought boss fight only to realize you're out of ammo and have already collected all the spare drops on the floor this my friend is for you you can actually take full advantage of these mods without sacrificing any DPS all you need to do is simply have a second gun in your load out which matches the ammo type of your main weapon then go into your spare gun and equip these two ammo expansion mods now whenever you see that type of ammo Dro on the floor simply switch to this spare gun pick up the rounds on theor floor and switch back to your main gun finally enjoy having an ammo Reserve more than double that of any other player this also works for other ammo types but you will need the corresponding ammo mod in order to receive the benefits as a bonus tip light ammo drops from boss fights can only give you 400 rounds meaning if your ammo modules are at max level they will grant you a crazy 110% % increase to your max ammo honestly after I figured this out I could never go back to having only 400 rounds because being able to carry 839 rounds in my Reserve is crazy and all of you who use the Tamer as your main gun I know you're frothing at the mouth right now cuz I know just how ammo hungry that Gunners now onto the second trick reload cancelling and DPS manipulation now you may see reload cancelling and think oh I know everything but stay with me now because I promise there's more to this than you think I'm sure a lot of you have already figured out you can do a form of reload cancelling negating a large portion of the reload animation however a common theme you will see in this video is that not all guns are created the same if you don't know what reload cancelling is if you either grapple or roll Midway through your reload you will cancel the remaining portion of the animation and instantly refill your magazine the most efficient way of reload cancelling is grappling towards the air as this only takes about half a second compared to Rolling which takes a full second not every gun can be reload cancelled at the same point my eternal willpower can be canceled at the 50% Mark thunder cage can be canceled at the 25% mark But Tamer can only be cancelled at the 80% Mark meaning sometimes reload cancelling just doesn't work or is not worth it but now to the DPS manipulation part there are some mods in the game which decrease your reload time but give substantial amounts of damage but usually aren't worth it because of the long reloads but if you can reload cancel these negative effects are pretty much negated and all you get is a completely beneficial module so if your gun has a low threshold for reload cancelling make sure you use this mod it will give you a lot more damage here are some quick fire tips regarding descendant modding to get the most from your builds starting off a lot of people don't seem to know that if you level up your sub modle modle you actually increase The Descendant overall capacity at max level you will gain an extra 10 capacity a similar system exists for Transcendent modules in which enhancing them actually makes them take less space on your descendant now on to the next tip if You' seen people showing off their weapons on YouTube you may have seen some of the modules are green and cost half of what they usually should this is because of a cool feature involving crystallization catalysts if you have one you are able to assign a slot on your gun to be a certain module type this means any module matching that type will only cost half of what it usually should allowing your gun to go beyond its usual limits this system also works for Descendants meaning in the late game if you farm these out you can get incredibly powerful just to note when using a catalyst this will reset either your gun's proficiency or your descendant level back to one but if you want to use a catalyst in the first place either your gun or your descendant must be max level it's pretty much a Prestige system within the game this next section I think will really help if you're either stuck on bosses in the campaign or trying to test your limits in the hard mode fights now defend is really important especially attribute resistance but what you might not know is that each type of resistance can only drop on specific external components auxiliary items can only drop with fire resistance sensors can only have chill memory items have electric and processes have toxic resistance if you're in hard mode you can combine this with the ability to Target Farm individual equipment items which means you now have the ability to get crazily powerful items which will definitely help you clear whichever boss you're stuck on as a bonus tip if you want to see all the details about your ascendant including specific attribute resistance simply press the go to info button and look at the top right this page also shows a bunch of other information so make sure you look around whilst we're on the topic of roles on equipment from a farming St standpoint external components are by far the most influential items for both leveling up faster and getting more rewards from missions equipment items can drop with various modifiers which can range from boosting your character's experience gain to increasing the chance of both Kyper and modules dropping from enemies and if you're like me and run farming missions a lot ensuring you have these items equipped and with good roles is a must have who wouldn't want 15% more KY for free but one thing to keep in mind is that the percentage increase from these modifiers scales with the items level comparing my level 100 sensor to a level 36 one you can see whilst they rolled the same tier of drop rate increase the level 36 one only gives a 4% increase and my level 100 sensor gives a 13.6% increase this relationship between modifier Power and Equipment level also applies to guns here I have two guns both with the same tier of firearm attack but my level 100 gun has 3% more power just from being a higher level as a bonus tip I would not recommend trying to farm for certain weapon rolls unless you have completed the campaign and have level 100 items this is because if and when you try and upgrade a lower level gun to max level all of the modifiers on it will end up becoming common here so make sure you save your materials and rerolls for guns only at max level finally as a last last last bonus tip for this video if you ever want to test your builds or weapons in a controlled environment simply come to this lady located next to the mod man and she will send you into a place called the laboratory it's pretty much just a Testing Lab [Music] in here you can spawn various enemy types control their level quantity and test out anything you [Music] want if you ever need ammo or want to reset your abilities simply come to this little guy and he can do all that for you you know I'm I'm feeling a little cheeky here is a an extra extra I don't here just some more tips if you want to see the effective range of your weapon hover over it and press the button which opens the details window down the bottom is the graph showing the effect of range but if you want the numbers simply scroll down in the stats and it will show you exactly when the damage drop off starts when it finishes and how much damage you lose over time as well as the max range okay last tip or trick for real now if you're having trouble staying being attached to bosses when you grapple onto their weak points you are actually able to hold right click to resist them throwing you [Music] off although you can stay on longer now the orange timer on the right will kick you off at the end anyway that's going to be it from me hope you guys enjoyed this found it informative make sure to like subscribe even leave a little cheeky comment down there and I'll see you later
Channel: AlphaRod
Views: 61,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CDomh5fRpC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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