10-1 | BEST Board Games EVER!!! (according to us)

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sneaking my top 100 games but does anyone care what they have to say please i know i don't cause they may die they might scream they may say something's out of plain wrong dab on it but they are dum-dum bing-bongs what's everybody i'm mike i'm nick and we are the brothers murph this joke is about to end aren't we so grateful yeah if you're just tuned in for this this whole top 100 is sponsored by the coldest water because they kept emailing us over and over and over again hey we're loving enjoying watching your journey at youtube.com the brothers murph slash about which is where our subscribers where you really find out about us about us there's really go check out this there's like nothing there and so they're like hey we'll give you 50 to do ten videos that's fifty dollars for ten videos we over pro over delivered on our promise split two ways split two ways we're gonna go all this for 25 bones like coldest water shake the colts water in the description below we don't really care do it in the meantime we're gonna get to our top 10 games of all time heck yeah it's about time we get it we've talked about so many games but there are ten that are better than all those games we talked about there's probably a lot of crossover this list a lot of crossover we are officially in crossover territory so uh hey like a lot of the same games which is great like people like oh they're like somebody the same games it's like yeah but i'm happy about that because a lot of this stuff works out so uh we will get right into it with our top 10 starting with nick right now [Music] my number 10 uh the the rolling right version of this showed up on my list quite a while ago but nonetheless this is raja's of the ganges this is a game that i think for both of us i'm assuming for both of us uh has just kind of climbed and climbed and climbed to climb decline it's so good it's just so good it is a dice uh dice game nice work replacement game dice is kind of your currency essentially yeah we're working place where you're going out you're spending dice and you need certain pit values and certain color dice to go also the dice are just max chunk they are really natural translucent kind of vibe yeah they're really nice really gorgeous game too the heart is wonderful but it's just you're trying to do a couple different things you're trying to get goods uh you're basically trying to build out your province your province will give you uh nice buildings which will give you fame because you have famous architects they'll also give you markets which will give you goods and then you can go to the other place and sell goods at those markets which is going to give you money and basically have a fame track and a money track and the game will end once someone crosses those two those two tracks you how you want to get them yeah you finish out that round then whoever crossed them the farthest actually wins the game so it's actually a racing game and it's cool because you can go like super heavy money and meat fame over here or you can go super heavy fame and meet mommy money over here and both are pretty viable and it's it's a really fun way to kind of try and do it and there's been uh two like little mini expansions have a lot of little mini modules to it yeah which are super fun because they just add like a little bit of stuff and this game just charms us uh i can speak for me i'm guessing it's gonna show up here too uh it's just charming it's fun it's gorgeous i love the the back and forth like what i do what do i do what do i do ah it's it's tough i just love it roger the goddess is great it's wonderful fantastic mom freyr my number 10 is my favorite rolling right flip and phil it is cartographers making maps is so stinking fun it is um who knew first of all but it is a great game nick mentioned in the last segment where you're going to be giving these four scoring opportunities that are going to deal with the different types of land terrains one will always deal with water and farmlands another one will deal with the forest water baby the only type so cold every time i play cartographers i just make one big ocean i make this shape out of water oh i make this shape out of water and then there's just forest around marketing right there i love that you have villages and things as well and you were going to be trying to uh fill in your map in the most advantageous way per whatever scoring opportunities are available in that game so every turn you're gonna be flipping over a card everyone must put uh that card into their their map and the card's either gonna feature two land types in one shape or one land type and two shape options and you're going to be choosing from among whatever is out there what you're going to do where you're going to put it and you can put it wherever you like but again there's going to be certain things where a forest might want to be on the edge of the map so maybe don't put them all in the middle because it won't help you score it might look nice yeah uh but you can build this really cool map and it's really fun to do with like colored pencils and things because you end up with this like colorful fun fantastic fantastical kind of map um it's just really fun like i played it a ton i have the app i played it a ton on there and i just don't get tired of it yeah i really don't flat out don't get tired i think it's really fun every time to put together and build the map and just work on this little grid i yeah it's incredible it's just so fantastic it's my number 10. it goes down real smooth all right that's the number ten so let's go ahead and get into number nine [Music] my number nine is a little bitty game called teotihuacan very small game micro game micro game we're gonna get right down to tattoo con is just it's so this is a game kind of like you talk about cartographers it's like we've played it a bunch and every single time i'm like yeah i'll play it again just i i always want i'm always like at any given time we're trying to figure out a game to play i'm always down to play with a con which you can probably say for any of the games by top 10 but it's like always on the table i'm down it's always like it's just it's a game um kind of a rondelle game where you have to die so your workers and you they you can move them one to three spaces around the board and you're going to land on these different depots different action spaces which are going to give you resources allow you to build the pyramid at taylor tubacon allow you to uh build houses for like the dead and stuff that all this different kind of stuff and it's just you're just going around and around around and moving your dice and the thing i love about the game is like this like hard balance between if you have more of your dice at an action space when you do it you get to do a more powerful version of that action but then all your dice are clumped together which is bad but you want to clump together because you get to do more powerful stuff which is really good so it's this constant balance of trying to keep your stuff spread out but also kind of trying to not keep them spread out so it's it's a really fun balance that i find to be like the mechanics of it are pretty easy to get but that part of how they all work together and how to how to work that balance is pretty difficult and i really enjoy it we also have the expansion which adds even more stuff to it which is really great some variable player powers which i just always give us variable player power so it's just wonderful i love taiyo tubacon it's just great i love it so so so so much and i'm always always down to play it that's my number nine nicely done uh my number nine is baseball highlights 2045 which is a two-player deck building game where you are going to be um uh playing a series of games of baseball that's set in the future with robots and cyborgs and stuff and uh as they mentioned i just love that it's a back and forth kind of uh game where you are gonna be playing a card to a react to what your opponent has just played what kind of offense they're threatening if they are you're gonna try to react to that and cancel and negate some of that while also threatening your own offense so it becomes this like this this war of like how much offense am i willing to let him get away with yeah because it's going to set me up to play my cards when i need to play them do i take a calculated risk do i just play defense i don't worry so much about my offense because i can shut down everything he does and score just enough runs to win the game that's great for me too and then every game after you play you can recruit new cards and then you'll send a card from your deck down to the miners so you only ever have 15 cards and your deck does doesn't become bigger it just becomes better which is really fantastic and it simulates a game of baseball really well where people are threatening doubles and home runs and making great catches and stuff like that and the theme in world is really interesting so uh baseball highlights 2045 is just so good yeah i love it so much incredible that's my number nine yeah number nine all right cool we cruising let's go and get number eight [Music] by the way it was on mike's list a while ago and this is uh still just one of my favorite games and that is the networks however uh however out of the networks now which is all about putting on a you're running a tv network so you're putting on tv shows cool theme it's such a cool theme and it just the game feels so different than any of the game ever played in terms of you have just what you're doing it's just kind of an action selection game it's not really there's you're not doing a whole ton but just you're trying to balance everything because you have three time stops prime time seven eight no eight nine ten pm and you essentially are getting you're buying shows essentially to put in those time slots the shows in a certain time shot time slot and they will start aging and as they age they're essentially going through different seasons every round is a season and those are aging and their viewers tend to go up but eventually you viewers will start to drop off yeah so you have to swap out those shows at some point and then on top of that you can get stars you can pay for stars and you put those stars on your shows which will give you more viewers because you're like oh morgan freeman's in this movie in this show cool like i'm going to watch that i love morgan or whatever um you can also put ads on your show which is going to give you money money is how you buy the shows and and hire those actors and actresses and then you have these network cards which are essentially just like one-off cars for the most part that are like special abilities a lot you do some stuff and you're just trying to get viewers but that balance of like how long do i keep a show here to get the most viewers i can before i swap it out you also can have your station get known for something if you have like a lot of comedy shows you then are known to be a comedic network and so you get like a little bonus you kind of want to like you want to specialize in something but there might also not be any good comedic shows out there so it's it's this really fun cool balance it's also one of my favorite solo games it's a really really great solo game it's got some great expansions to it as well it's just great i love the theme i love the way it feels it just feels so unlike any other game it's super funny because all the game all the show names are puns on other shows right and it's just it's just great i love it i love it so much uh the networks is my number eight and it's just it's it's great very nice my number eight is all about terraforming mars it's called wow mars is just really great i really enjoy the engine building nature of it uh getting all these cards to kind of boost your production in various uh resources money being the main one uh getting heat i love the theme is so cool the idea of like we need to get air in the atmosphere we need to raise the temperature to something that's livable uh you know we need we need a water source we need to get oceans out here it's just a one of the cooler themes for a game it really is um so i really love it um it is just a fantastic game uh as nick talked about like it has suffered from some bloat issues but we could and maybe will at some point someday get rid of some of the expansions or just separate the cards out and only add them in when we really want to play with them all yeah but uh for my money play base game and prelude at the very least is necessity yeah and it's just great and like it's just yeah it's just so cool like it's just one of the coolest games ever yeah and pretty accessible too i think i mean there's a lot of deep strategy but like the cars all tell you exactly what they do yeah they're all pretty simple it's like oh you need this to put this into place so make sure that the oxygen level is at eight percent make it clear it's pretty simple it's a very clear game because of the the way the card has iconography and then also writes out exactly what it does so no matter what you're never really left in the dark about like can i play this it's like you'll see i also love that each turn everyone only gets to do two actions it'll come around so it keeps it moving because that's the kind of game where like if everyone's going to do a turn oh my god it would the down time of that game would be unbearable and i'm glad it's like two actions two actions so it's always going to come back around and then he could pass and keep going but it's like i do that's a small thing that i think a lot of people don't realize i that i think is absolutely essential to that game yeah 100 percent uh so that is my favorite terraforming mars all right about transforming um my number going on tour number seven i was just thinking right now i was like do you think other is there any game in our top tens that's not on the other person's list anywhere i don't think so i have one really yep that's interesting okay let's get number seven because i'm curious seven whatever set was mentioned i think on mike's last list uh and i love this game and this guy probably buoyed even more by an expansion that i really really adore and that is great western trail yeah robertson trail is a game uh very very very popular game uh that most people have heard of it people have heard of it but basically you're running cattle up to kansas city uh you have this kind of rondelle you're going through the you know cans you're going through the countryside some like south of buildings doing some actions growing up cattle sell those cattle they get shipped off to some place sacramento which is our hometown which is on the board sacramento's never in board games and so i also feel connected to be fair it shouldn't be but hey it's it's capital california and that no one cares about it let's be honest um is it yeah it's almost a downhill dude in a very legal sense it is the capital yes but no one cares no yeah you know um but nonetheless uh you're you're running cattle up there which is super cool i just like i honestly like i like frontier themes i like i'm not a big fan of western themes like like pew pew like like kind of western i like frontier themes a lot where you're just kind of like sierra west was my number 20. i love french exploration of the west yeah and this is kind of one of those and then uh this got buoyed by the fact that there's the railways of the north expansion to me the most boring part of this game is the shipping catalog when you go to kansas city you just kind of put your disk on one of these spots like okay whatever but now the roads north it essentially extends that whole part the whole top of the board that has where you can put all your stuff and that to me i'm like oh this is great because this is this is my least favorite part of the game and then they extended that part to make it even better in my opinion and so i'm like two snaps up i'm here i love grant wilson trail it's great number seven so my number seven is the one that is not going to be on next list at all because it's through the ages oh yeah yeah three ages is a fantastic civ game it's amazing one of the best games ever that's i love it it's great it's a game where you are running a civilization it's a a a multi-engine building game where you are going to be playing no it's perfectly perfect uh i'll play civ 6 that's what you could do that's my version of this game you could do um so in this game you're going to be doing like a sip six you're going to be building up uh production you're gonna be building up culture which is your points ultimately you're gonna be building up science to develop technologies uh and you need to attract people's happiness and stuff there's a lot going on there's a lot to track um but it's just so fun because you're kind of building up engines in various different ways you're working on a military you can go to war with people and take them down and mess with their stuff destroy their wonders and a whole bunch of stuff you can build wonders of the world um and i just love the game for the challenge of it all where you can get different leaders as you move through time which will give you perks and bonuses you can work on building those wonders which will give you perks and bonuses and then at some point you're gonna get a lot of production you need to start shifting your focus to getting more culture-based things because that's ultimately your points so i love the idea that early on you just want stuff that helps you make and get more things and they need to find a way to make those things make you points yeah um and so there's just a lot to to go and there's just basically every little area production science culture uh they will all they're all little engines within themselves to make this bigger engine of your sieve and it's just it's so good yeah you love this game it's so good the expansion's great the leaders and wonders brings awesome new leaders and new wonders that are are definitely more interesting than the base games um and i love it this much and i have never played it physically and i don't care to ever do it yep the app is great play it in the app because it is a big game with a lot of bookkeeping and stuff so just yeah play the app play in the apps right i'll never play this game physically i absolutely refuse to get food and stuff and tracking that's hard yep nope play the app it's great so go through the ages um alrighty that's our number seven let's get number six i bet if you haven't enjoyed the numbers the whole way through you found it really annoying and for that i apologize six i mean some people are gonna find this very aggravating my number six i'm late it's suburbia bam is your mind blown right now probably shouldn't be he always said he liked it yeah i love that's not news support is my number six i love it i love it love love this is this was one of the first hob modern hobby board games is a quick um i guess hey so we start off with pandemic because our first hobby warning we ever played before i moved to la i moved to la uh like over about nine and a half years ago and so before we kind of got our own collection going which was at that point was just pandemic katan and a zombie side uh we uh our cousin sarah and her fiance at the time played board games and so i played two games and two hobby board games with them uh one i didn't enjoy one i liked a lot one was dominant species way too heavy for your first modern morgan yeah the other one was suburbia yeah i played suburbia with them and i was just like what is this this is so and i was you talked about when you talked about it it's so enamored with the theme i like the theme i like the way it looks i don't ever know what else does it i like it's cool but just the adjacency it's like oh yeah it makes sense you don't want to put an airport next to a residential building oh yeah you're right putting a graveyard next to residential buildings also kind of weird because that's my bum people out oh yeah you want you want a movie theater next it just makes sense and i was like that's so cool like of course like you would you would put that next to that you put a freeway next to an office building that makes sense because you need to get to work and i was just so like this is so cool this is so cool and i was just like so enamored with it and i do think that was also one of the things that pushed us it pushed me because you weren't playing with me but pushed me into board games was that like this is so this is so much more than i ever thought board games could be and then we eventually got it and and to this it's still my top ten i love suburbia we eventually got the collective edition i love the collector's edition we never get collector's editions we got it for that one because we freaking love suburbia and now it's even looks even cooler it looks even nicer it's got to all the expansions in it it's just great if you like city building games if you like tile lane games or adjacency really matters give suburbia a try i absolutely love it it's just it's just every single time i love playing it and then looking up and just seeing how everyone's cities have just been built and all these cause all these weird ways and it just it just i don't know i love it i always have i think i always will it's still my top ten it's great never apologizing never do it yeah my number six was you were hinting that you might show up later for me it's grand austria hotel yeah oh yeah yeah this is my number 11. you're setting up a hotel hoping to bring guests in uh what way to keep people happy through their stomachs you're trying to feed them food that they like um and um it uses this the snake draft system and this dice which are going to be the types of actions that are available whatever dice you roll they will go into those different columns one through six and then on your turn you're gonna choose one of the dice and then do the action that is associated with that and the more dice in that column the better that action will be the more powerful it'll be if you're doing one and two you can get cake and strudel and then uh coffee and wine and the more dice there the more of those things you get the three deals of the emperor track the emperor's coming and checking up on your hotel because there's not much going on back in this day so the emperor comes and checks out hotels um and stuff like that you can get money you can hire staff which give you all sorts of benefits and things like that uh and then the six action kind of mirrors everything else so it's just a really fun challenging game because you got to first bring people into your cafe and then give them what they want so they decide to stay with you but then you need to have rooms prepared for them or else where are you going to put them so you need to have you need to be tracking kind of all these things to make sure that the flow is kind of working for you where you get people in get them fed get them happy get them into your hotel and then reset for the next thing so there's a lot of stuff to consider yeah which is why we like playing in two players yeah because it's quick it just keeps it moving fast and because you don't know what the dice are going to be and you certainly don't know if nick's going to take the dice that i was hoping for and now you have to change your your attack a lot so the two playerness keeps it the time down on that game but i love grand austria hotel it's just it's a game that i enjoy the fact that it i would describe it as brutal it's tough yes it's hard very difficult but i enjoy that i mean that's how good the game is i was like i will i will happily take that because it's just enjoyable yeah yeah fair number six alrighty let's go ahead and get into our number five top five everybody get after it get rekt five my number five uh is my we were big uve roseburg fans my favorite uv rosenberg game and that is a feast for odin false big ol mike license not in the right place um i love fees for odin uh it's offensively it's still my top five it was number three for me last time we did this i think it's it's just still that good i love it that much it's a big giant game there's like 60 different work replacement spots to go to but it just works and all of them are pre-self-explanatory you go here you get some fish you go here you turn wheat into this you just sing into that thing and you can get islands there's always what i like about it and we've talked about this many times we talked about feast road and it's like i just i like the exploration being like you know what this time i'm just gonna do this and just see if it works and i i enjoy games where i get to explore in that in that capacity and then there's uh the norwegians expansion made it even better made it even cooler and i love it we also printed there'll be a card up here we printed out a new insert for it for a sketch that uh is and now now everything's organized really well so it's super easy to play it's just like so much better and we'll talk about it again a little bit but i love fees for number five it's so good my number five uh is a cooperative deck building or rather a trick taking game that you mentioned called the crew wow i love the crew because i really enjoyed trick taking prior to playing board games and stuff i played spades a lot and didn't even realize it was cold like space nicole as well coolest water even called water could survive in space yeah easily space space would get cold could i stuff myself in there and go to the moon yes good to know yeah uh so the crew is another way to go to the moon or beyond you go all the way to pluto um and this is a trick-taking game where you can be given a certain mission so it's cooperative trick taking in that like nick needs to take the pink four so we need to collectively play cards in such a way that nick gets to take that card he wins that trick collects those cards gets the pink four and the challenges just increase from there where you'll have a certain amount of tasks you need to do but now you need to do them in a certain order so nick has to do his first then paula has to do hers and then i have to do mine then matthew specifically and the cards that you get might not be easy to take because based on what cards you have if if someone if i have a blue nine and it needs to go to somebody else nine is the highest card it's like well that's going to be hard to do because i need to make sure i play a high card and do not win with that card so i need to somehow secretively it play off in a suit so people need to figure out that i don't have a certain suit so i can play off so it's all about that subliminal um communication that happens in trick taking games so i really love the crew i think it's so it's so incredible so fun yeah uh yeah i love it it's just trick taking the most game of the year for sure yeah because it just you can you can you can get really smart with trick taking and this game rewards you and encourages you to be as smart as you can and it's to the benefit of everyone which is really nice it's not it's not to stick it to somebody which i really appreciate so the crew is my number five i love it so good it's great cruise it's just a deck of just some cards in a box pretty great hey man yeah that's a lot of fun all right number five's again number four four are you excited all righty my number four was much much lower on mike's list uh but that is dungeon pets this is a game that we've had for a long time ever thematic worker placement pretty good stuff i'm gonna tell you right now thematic work replacement is gonna show up it's gonna take you all the way home not quite but pretty darn close okay cool dramatic work placement is the way to my heart it really really is and this game does it better than damn near any other game uh this is a game where you were running a monster pet store where you're running a pet store that sells you're you're raising and and uh and taking care of monster pets and there's dungeon lords that come to town and they're gonna want monster pets because they're big scary dungeon lords they want big crazy pets and you have to take care of these pets they're gonna have a certain amount of needs the older the pets are the more needs they're gonna have you need to feed them you need to protect them and put them in and make sure the caves that they're in can hold them if they're really magical pets need to make sure you have a barrier around that they can take their magic you need to play with them if they're really playful you basically take care of the stuff it's very very difficult to do so it's it's just it's hard to take care of the pets because they're pets they're you know we have you know it's like but then on top of that this is kind of like the epitome of like you have so much stuff you need to do and you can't do all of this you just have to prioritize and i love having to prioritize stuff in games it's one of my favorite things that that that decision of like how do you do all this what order did i do them in how do i prioritize this i love that in board games and this game is very much that and it's just it's just the thematic integration of this game is full through i mean it is 100 through everything you're doing makes sense for the theme it's three just works and i love it i love the theme it's a cool game that also like uh gets buoyed by the theme where it's like it's a pretty heavy game and you can get kind of like oh uh but then you're like oh look look at this i'm all this pets poop and all over the place that's funny and it kind of just keeps you going that light thing looks great it's just wonderful i love dungeon bets i've talked about it a billion times it's in my top five still we've had this game for years i love it very cool my number four was your number ten it is raja's of the ganges which is uh all the things nick said it's super cool i just love the idea of getting these tiles to build out we like tile laying yeah you need to build out this this kind of pathway to get to these bonuses give you markets to sell from give you buildings which make you famous for your architecture and things and it's just this great balance of you have your workers then you have your dice which are sort of your currency and trading getting the right dice to the right places making use of your high value dice for certain things using your low value dice for other things um to make use of all these actions there's all these great actions to do and they all can be really beneficial so something i really enjoy about the game is that you can do a pretty hearty mix of things oh yeah to all kind of get you to to victory however you like it's not like one path not necessarily yeah and i really appreciate uh raja's and especially those little goodie boxes there's just fun little things to explore while being fairly bite-sized um so yeah raja's is my number four yeah great freaking love mike hates the dice game though that's why he kept it off as well guys so 4.5 is the dice charmers and 4.75 is zulkin which i still haven't forgotten about even though i did forget about it where do you think if you have to take a quick guess mike forgot to put zulkin zulkin would be somewhere in the top 20. probably yeah for you yeah i'd say so yeah okay uh so that is our number fours uh dungeon patch mirages great games dramatic placement love it uh on to number three um do we have this hand number three i think we do same number three one two three and here's the other side of the north yeah okay to the north is our double three that is that that was not planned but it's so that's awesome this is gonna be yours i was like i have a hunch disney my number three it's so good it's so good mike imperial settlers empires of the north is just a fantastic game where you are going to be playing as a faction yeah and you are going to be those factions are all going to have their own kind of focus and thing that they're good at so it's really about building a little engine out of your faction figuring out getting your right cards out based off of what your faction is good at doing and get in there get it built up and get out yeah so good it's so good and kind of like unmatched one thing i really enjoy is that you are having new factions coming out so there's a lot of fun stuff to explore and you're like what is what does this new group do what are they about let me play that what does this new group do let me play that yeah um and and the game is just really fun we like imperial settlers just fine i really enjoy it i'd happily get it but um empires of the north kind of takes imperial settlers and just goes let's focus only on the factions i like that it's being like nope this is my faction i only have these cards we don't have any like generic common cards no this is my faction this is what they do let me see if i can make it work with this i like that yeah get those get those uh point kind of engines going in the end of the game you get points for all of the cards in your empire uh and leftover goodies and stuff do some things and it's just yeah super fantastic um kind of card placement tableau building engine building game we actually play through for you can see in a card up here if you want to see us play it's it's we both love it so much um what everything mike said is true i just i love it i love exploring new factions we don't play it so much that like i'm like oh i've i've played this faction i know it's just i'm lying about it it's just so great i just yeah i love it so so so much every time i played i'm like oh man that's so good yeah it's it's really good it's really solid so that's our number three let's get into your number two two well this nightmare never end my number two was uh uh criminally low on mike's list i feel bad about it i feel bad about that because it is quite good thematic worker placement this is what this is the prodigals club um the prodigals club is a cge game where you are basically trying to be the biggest d-bag in the whole world um you are trying to lose all your money you are trying to lose all your friends and you're trying to lose an election absolutely this is a spiritual secret to the sequel to the game last will if you've played that game where that game you're trying to lose all your money that's where you should lose all your money plus other stuff and we both like uh this more than last will but this is a game that is hard and this is kind of like dungeon pizza said this is buoyed by a light theme because you are that's tough man struggling in this game to get everything done because this game like a lot of games we like you have those three tracks trying to lose election lose friends lose your money whatever uh one is your highest of those scores that's your score for the game but in this game high scores are bad you want to have low zero money you want to have zero friends in zero election so if you have zero zero and 20 your score is 20. and that's bad you need them to all be as equal as possible and that's really hard and so you get like oh i need water oh god oh god sipping this water but then you go like oh but now i'm gonna go to a restaurant and be super like hey and piss people off and i'm gonna lose a bunch of friends and that theme kind of goes like oh okay okay and these are really fun yeah it keeps you going because you're like i'm gonna buy this horse for a lot of money and then sell it over here for no money and that's just so silly and fun that it just keeps you going in this game even though it's really hard because the game is not very long it's only five rounds to get all this stuff done and it's tough and then you're essentially the way you do each one of those things are all different like the social thing if it's a weird social circle track that you're going down it's just very very fun i absolutely love it and when we were doing our list it just kept climbing i was like man i like this this game i think could make a push for one i like it that much especially if this game had a solo version i think it'd be number one if this game had a solo version and if there is a solo version please let me know it might be my number one i like it that much it hasn't taken number one but i love prodigals club so so much it is really awesome it's incredible it's so good it's really good my number two it's formerly number one yeah i know i knew this one gamer man i've been calling this for weeks yeah yeah my number two is a feast for odin which was number one as of my last ranking of all my games my craft game my how the mighty have fallen yeah one space uh feast veroni is fantastic nick just talked about it it's a humongous work replacement game uve's shining achievement crowning achievement um he's got more you got more games in him oh yeah that's true uh he's still in college yeah uh so a feast for owns a big biking themed game where you are trying to fill up your board uh as much as you can you can get islands and explore those and everything you're doing if you're going whaling you're doing all these things they're going to give you these tiles which you can then upgrade which is a really cool idea where you get these there's four different levels the yellow and red can be used for food which you need to feed your people because it's a new vague game then you can upgrade them to green and then blue to then put onto your board that's the stuff you can actually keep so you have to get stuff you have to upgrade that stuff and you have a lot of workers and stuff but you have to use them efficiently efficiently the game with a billion tiles not on your on your board or being used to feed people you want to get only the stuff you need upgrade it just enough so you can really make use of the time and workers you have the best to really stretch it as far as you can which again is a thing that i really enjoy like how do i really make this work it's an efficiency engine you're just trying to be as efficient as possible and i love that it's a tough one to put together but i love peace froden it's so stinking good especially with the norwegians expansion uh i will never go back um yeah absolutely incredible feast my number two it's so good these runs it's great it's great all right mikey it's time for number ones baby it's been a long journey thank you for being here i've been here the whole journey there's a there's a lot a lot of video to watch but uh thanks for being here awesome everybody let's do it let's get number ones these are shaped like one oh my gosh it's a one it's the number one water bottle that sponsored us nick and mike's top 100 games but does anyone care what they have to say i know i don't cause they may doubt they [Music] bing bongs why did i agree to do this all right my number one if you know me is not gonna be a surprise it's still my number one was last time and that is viticulture thematic worker placement dramatic work replacements i love viticulture viticulture is everything you're doing kind of like dungeon pets makes sense you're going over here to get grapes that makes sense you're running a vineyard that's the whole point and i talked about dinosaur island a while ago but this is the kind of the epitome of the kind of workplace game i really really like which tends to be a very linear intuitive kind of thing you do as microtron do you do this to do this to do this to do this to do this to finally do this you are trying to fill your life so i can do the whole scene you're trying to fill wine orders a level eight red or level seven sparkling whatever so you need to go get grapes you need to get those grapes you need to plant those grapes in your field you need to harvest those grapes you squish those grapes into juice you need to turn those juice into wine you need to age them to the level and then you need to sell it that's a very linear thing that you can do and it's very clear what you can do but you have all this ways to do it and you have a bunch of different seasons to do them in and it's it's tough to do but you have a path and i enjoy work placement games like that and this is like all the spots you put your workers it makes sense yeah i'm going here to draw vine cards so i can then plant them that makes sense dramatically it's great you add the testing expansion it gets even better it's just incredible it's great solo it's great at all player counts it's wonderful at two it's wonderful at six six ends up being longer but it's like it's still great i just i love it it's still my favorite game i was where i was like i was like man is this my favorite game where did the list i was like nah everything is just nothing's better at this point i i love it so much i always really is so great it's a game that neither we always say like neither of us drink so it's not like oh we're big wine winos it's like no second i saw this game i think i saw a dice tower review the second i saw this game i went i have to play that yeah right half to play that and it's still here it's still number one and since the moment i saw it i knew i loved that yeah uh that is awesome my uh number one been calling this ben calling this nick did it's toyota city oh god top of newsie in the future uh taylor t will call the city of gods i do love this game and nick i'm saying like i asked you number one and was like i could be like no i'm like dude i know you boy yeah and then i kept playing and this year i played a lot especially because it's on board game arena and we're all playing things distanced so um i've played a lot of tayota calm this year and it really is amazing yeah i love it so much with the dice placement all the things nick said where you're kind of working around the board to make use of these action spaces and the more people you have on those action spaces the better but it's really cool because you have to balance your cocoa because if you're going to a place that has a lot of different colored dice on you have to pay a lot of cocoa to go there so how do you manage that and you're moving up these temple tracks do i try to go up a little bit of each track or do i try to bomb up one track there's a lot to explore you can ascend your workers to get all these bonuses and stuff um and then one thing that's really kind of taken at next level for me is on board game arena i've turned on where you randomize the locations yeah the palace and the where you construct the pyramid are the same but the rest randomized and that makes it such a fun like oh now this is next to the gold is right next to decorations this is interesting let me work with this and so it creates all this fun stuff to consider when the technologies get swapped out it's all this fun stuff to consider the expansion you mentioned with the variable player power so now i have this really cool thing i can do but i also have this really weird drawback to my person like this is odd how do i manage this there's so much fun stuff to explore i every time i play it i'm like that was so fun i want to do it again yeah every time i play i want to do it again every time we're like what game should we play today's people it's always like i will play two times that's why i was like i'm done playing it's just the best yeah i love it everyone loves to deal with that dude yeah as the kind of year year and a half we've had gone by i was just like i kept playing i was just like oh man i think this just because i i do because you talk about it so passionately the way you talk like oh and then it's just like and we kept playing and playing playing i was just like man i was like i was like this might be like viticulture's been my number one for a while um and i've just been like this this is this is making a run this is making a run for it right here and i was just like oh man this is making a run for it and i kept thinking that as we were playing it i was just like and we got closer and closer i was like this is mike's number one i think this is mike's number one at this point i need to add one thing i've got a couple point fives 49.5 officially is underwater cities oh wow i forgot to add that to my thing but that's on my list now be forgetting i think it was on mine i decided not to stuff i'm adding in i think or maybe i just didn't make it i've changed my mind who knows point is that's our list everybody with a couple added things absolutely mike you know what's the best part about this list going to talk about this anymore thanks goodness water we'll see if we get paid for these but it was a fun joke i appreciate it a bit you know the 10 art joke's over because now it's just back to regular old murse unbiable unbiased still bought by restoration game oh yeah well you got to do that thank you to our sponsor restoration games as always for supporting this channel we really appreciate you thank you to all of our patrons who are supporting us the real heroes as the patrons and stuff we really appreciate you supporting our brand of silliness uh it really means a lot uh let us know what you think of our top 10 games do you agree or our tastes anywhere near yours let us know in the comments below if you've been tracking our top 100 and giving us your rankings as well please give us your top 10 games of all time down there put your top 10 favorite games of all time in the comments below we want to see how your tastes compare to ours uh and that has been it man thank you so much for joining us we really appreciate yeah if you enjoyed this please subscribe to us we really appreciate that does help quite a bit yes um give us a thumbs up you know all that stuff helps us out with the youtube algorithm all that kind of stuff and and yeah just thanks for sticking around if you stick around the whole thing it's a lot of videos so few i mean you know it's like you're looking like eight hours of content probably minimum we haven't edited these yet but like it's gonna be a lot yeah and if you haven't checked out our marathon video we in the middle of all these coming out we're in the middle of our big marathon we try to play all of our games in one week so check out that video it came out earlier this week i see how we did did we complete it we don't know if we haven't done it yet no idea so um yeah uh thank you all so much because it means a lot to us that y'all uh watch our stuff so yeah yeah let's give you it man all right thank you so much for joining us for our top 100 games we'll probably do this again in two years time that's when we usually do it so we'll see if our tastes are completely different because from this one to the last one pretty different there's a lot yes sometimes soon in the next couple weeks we'll probably do a comparison numbers video so thank you again i have been mike i'm nick we are the brothers murph and we will see you in the next video thank you so much for joining us for that marathon if you didn't watch all 10 go over here to click to one of the other videos from this series and like we said we played all 200 games of ours in a week maybe or we tried to so you can watch a video right here that talks about the attempt of playing all the games you own in one week we'll see how we did i think we crushed it we have no idea we did it easily also make sure to subscribe while you're here do that bye everybody
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 40,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4VZNDf7XzEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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