Top 10 Games we REALLY want to try!

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top 10 games want to try but haven't this is mike with your evening news based on my haircut my hair is my hair's usually down best thing about that intro mic is how much sense it made it didn't work i'm sorry hot nonsense i was ready i was just pulling my list up what's up everybody i'm mike we are the brothers murph it's time for another top 10. you know it yeah ready to rock this is gonna be top 10 games we want to play but haven't you know what i want to play mike what the match set we're making for our kickstarter oh me too you want to do that we're going to be doing a kickstarter coming up in the summer we're making our very own unmatched set of ourselves and i can't wait to play it that's what i want to play the most number one i have to have to make it first but these are immune as you said top 10 games we want to play so these could be like older games these could be like newer games almost my games are all kind of like they're not my new ish new we're actually kind of older-ish weirdly enough yeah so these are games we just want to play for various reasons some of these games i know more about some i don't really know much about them just like i'm just i'm just intrigued i just want to try it and so yeah it's the top ten games we want to play that we haven't um so down in the comments let us know like hey i like that game right now you don't need to play it or whatever we would love that advice before we play any of these to know it's like if this game is trash tell us please and if it's great there are but if it's great offer to teach it to us please we would love that please also give this video a thumbs up and subscribe while you're here because why not do it before this begins you become angry that's what we always say with topics always you're gonna get angry at us at some point so just thumb it up now it's easy do it we'll give you a minute to do that it's not that long they don't need that much time it's just one click yeah give them a couple seconds left yeah let's go number ten so my number 10 is a game that's very big and long and i imagine i'd only play it once but i want to try roads and boats why because it's so much it's so much of the much you can play that t from hopper plays this game roads and roads and boats you start off with like a fleet of three donkeys and it's all about upgrading and transporting and building up this network but it's crazy so you build this like these all these there's all these in this box there's a billion of everything right so there's all these hexes and you build kind of the hex is based on the scenario and then like an acrylic like plastic covering goes over so you can draw like oh i've made a bridge here status i'm not yeah but it's war game status mixed with like get your sheep and make them move stuff which is the things we love so it's that attention to detail but with farming interesting roads and boats you got to build up your civilization get better and better uh production transportation but the things you own are only things on your transportation stuff so if i build this cool gold mine and don't do stuff with it there's some golds in there it's like i'm gonna take that gold and i just wanna i just wanna experience one time the playing time says on bgg it's four hours oh my gosh i want to play it i really want to play it right i would probably try if we had time uh we would need a lot of time yeah the problem is the most like a lot of these games like we're only really have to play them at a convention and we don't have time out of convention for yeah for a four-hour game i don't know when i'd be able to play this but i would love it if it ever could happen roads and boats that's fair i'll take that yeah i never really with it my number 10 is also a long game i don't think it's quite that long but number 10 is a mage night we did a similar ish kind of list for bgg recently the maze knight was on that list yes major night i want to try because i've always heard good things i like pretty much every vladivostok game i've ever played yeah so like i like those kinds of games and this is just so that's so many of my lists are like so many games on my list are just like people have just talked about them and they're so highly regarded that i'm just like i want to know why i don't know a ton about mage tonight but from what i've heard it seems like a game i would enjoy and then it's like really really good solo i've heard too people constantly talk about how good it is solo and that just intrigues me it's like this big heavy long game that's also incredibly good solo and that was like before solo games were like more of a thing like nowadays almost every game as a solo variant which i think is great because people are like oh yeah people solo games a lot more than we think but this is back a little bit a couple years back where solo stuff wasn't nearly as common right and people still talk about how it's one of the best solo games out there and so i really really want to try mage knight just want to try it someday i'll try it i'm sh i guarantee i will um excellent pick i love that yeah take my intense magic gotta try it gotta get it tried gotta give it a try classic they're doing the fronts of the skyrim helmet on i don't know why modern classic i don't know yeah well that's number ten so let's jump in number nine my number nine is a game that uh was out of print for a long long time and then had a kickstarter uh and people were very very excited that is a game called carnival zombie oh yeah carnival zombie i really really want to try this is a big tower don't get it i don't know either this is a tower defense game where you're like in the middle of the board and there are and the old game was just cues but i think they did it with minnie's or standees in the kickstarter and it's just and it's just tower defense waves and waves and just overwhelming waves as zombies is a co-op game but this is a game where you have just like the biggest machine gun and you're just like no no no no no no no no and it's super satisfying for how many things you're killing but there are so many that it's just it's very overwhelming here it's very fun very difficult and i've always heard really good things about it and i've i've always have been looking for that it's kind of like that i talk about elusive games i did a med game on it somewhat recently and like a really good tower defense game that i really really like there are some now like we have a kingdom rush which is kind of tower defense i like and stuff there's there are some good ones but i've always wanted to play carnival zombie because it just seems ridiculous just absolutely ridiculous and really fun tower tower defense and so i really want to try carnival zombie especially the new one because the new one i'm sure is better so i love that man yeah i love that game zombie my game is almost identical it's auto mania building cars in fact okay all right this is something you kind of clued me into originally and it's been on our like brains for a while i don't think it's really available i don't i yeah i don't know i don't know if it is please let us know because i will probably just buy it we just haven't ever seen it anywhere yeah i know i've never seen it in person i haven't seen it at conventions really it's weird i know they're around but automania you're like making a factory you're trying to make the most popular cars according to kind of like what the markets are asking for and you have kind of three assembly lines that sometimes cross over so as you know you're building a car on the assembly line you'll add features to it to hopefully uh make the most kind of appealing car and stuff um but there seems like some cool like placement-y things where you kind of get this little engine built because you're literally building engines of cars and stuff and it's just one that i've i've um really wanted to try yeah i don't know i hear you we've heard like good things and it's ever since just kind of what for whatever reason that's just it's very very unavailable yeah or it seems like like with the factory and setting it all up i'll really like it yeah that's my number nice out of me for good things yeah we'll try it someday yeah one of these days one of these days we'll do it all right let's get number eight tonight number eight is uh back in the world again i think it was out of print for a long time it's ginkopoulos i really want to play what do you think about gingopoulos that's yeah that would that might have made my list yeah like seems to blend likes it so much steph loves it which is like really clued us into it i think matthew jude likes and has mentioned it i could be wrong but i think that's one um and it's this interesting game of like building a city where you're kind of are building tile it's all tile places you're building a city out but you're also building up covering things up building up uh buildings and stuff and then you're you're gaining cards and your drafting cards you play a card to play a tile out and then whatever you don't play gets drafted so there's like just seems like an interesting mix of mechanics and i'm like oh this could be pretty cool um i just really want to try it i don't know enough about it still but it's just one that uh i've heard from people that like it i've heard like really good stuff about it so people that seem to be into it are all in and now i want to try it i do really want trekking i didn't even didn't cross my mind for whatever reason but uh that might have been made the short list i i really want dragon goblins as well my number eight is uh is a big game that i don't know if i'll like um from history's sake and that is uh the gallerist i really want to try the gallerist and the reason i say for history's sake is because i've tried a couple i've tried three videos certainly games and i have been underwhelmed every single time and i've tried four videos here at games and i've been underwhelmed every single time oh for four oh for four and again i don't dislike any of them but i every time i'm like i am going to i'm gonna love this i'm so excited to try it and every single time i've been like all right and i don't know what it is about v let's here again you have never replayed a vital air no no the the one i'd be most interested in replaying is on mars yes um but even then i was kind of like okay those guys i like liz bella lizbo is okay to play it co2 was okay i didn't like escape plan yeah escape is right um and so the so i'm worried about the galleries but the galleries have i was i wanted to put either the galarus or vinos on here because both those are big vital assertive games but i've chosen galleries because i like painting as a theme in board games and and so i really want to try the galleries even though like at this point it's kind of like martin wallace games i'm like i just keep trying them and i keep not really liking them and so like i i want to like one though and i hope it's the galaxy but this is a big long heavy game so i am kind of like all right but i really i really want to try it in the galleries because i just i i want it i don't want to like it i want to like video with sarah so bad with beetles aired i'm kind of like i'll try i will try all of them at least once me too and that's the thing i keep i'm like i'll try it yeah because even if you don't come back to it it was a good it'll always have been a good experience because they are such big kind of epic heavy games and stuff um but yeah there are a lot you can't just you can't just eat you can't just ease on into one you gotta prepare you know what's going on uh but that's number eight yeah all right let's get into number seven my number seven i uh i blame danielle standring for she's always showing it off dmax on tick-tock you can check her out she's the greatest awesome uh and that is too many bones yeah i have been interested in too many bows for a while but d-max always shows off like the giant cube of it and i'm always just like he's insane and we got to play uh i played cloud a while ago which is another big chip theory games and i like that one but i've always heard great things about too many bones i do like the production value all the cool stuff i like the concepts they have we're like oh yeah all these things are poker chips and like their health is underneath them i think it's a really cool idea it's neat and so too many bones again it's like this big giant production game that's uh that's how chip theory does their next one apparently is elder scrolls apparently the next game they're coming out scrolls whoa what is that gonna be fittingly epic for their their game productions yeah go ahead and take off so i want to play too many bones just because i'm i honestly don't know much about i'm just curious i don't i'm just curious and dmax constantly shows it off and it makes me want to play it so daniel it's your fault get wrecked uh that's a good pick i want to try my number seven uh i want to try raiders of scythia because i want to see how close it is to raiders of the north sea i know it's quite a bit of overlap but there are differences i want to try because i like raiders and rc but i've never liked razer north c as much i feel like everyone else likes radius yeah i think i like it more than you do for sure so i'm curious about sydney because i'm curious what the little changes are so what i understand is that raiders of the north sea kind of like once you've played it a bit you kind of want an expansion to kind of give it a little more oomph and raiders of city uh in terms of like what's going on lands in between raiders base game uh razer north sea and raiders in the north sea with an expansion so there's a little bit more going on while keeping it fairly accessible that's what i've heard i don't know what that means in terms of what you're doing so i would love to play it simply to see how it compares i think that'd be really fun so that's my seven i guess yeah yeah raiders of cynthia let's go let's get it done in the meantime we'll go number six uh my number six is something that we missed on kickstarter it's back on kickstarter i think is now in late pledges hopefully and that's canvas yeah i really wanna put canvas i wanna play canvas because it's a game about making art where you're using these like semi-transparent sleeves these car cards that have little bits of of a piece of a painting and then as you put them together you will create a complete painting so i love it's something that i've always talked about like i really want is where you're playing a game about art and in doing so you make art and this game does that thing yeah where it's sort of kind of resource management to get these cards and then you'll slot things in and you kind of add different features to your painting i think it's just a really satisfying cool thing for the game so it's really i just want to play with the pieces and try to make something that looks really cool i could care less about win or lose i just want to make a neat little piece of art and put it out there and i love that it's like you don't need to be artistic to do this game because that's taken care of for you and it's just about like you get to enjoy what i imagine the artistic process of like i would i want this feature in it and you can do that without needing the years and years of training of how to actually make that thing happen so yeah canvas seems like one that'd be satisfying so that's why i do want to try canvas as well i do want to apologize i'm like we play canvas please i want to um my number six is uh is probably the heaviest game on the list and i'm talking about weight like in pounds and ounces trying to think i don't know pitch car oh can get very heavy because you have big tractors i've never played pitch car i don't know how we've been to so many dice tower events and not played by walking by just flicking out of the cars i've done that at least not even i want to play pitch car i understand it's just a silly little dexterity game but i really want to play pitch guard it's just a game where you have a big track and the tracks are like big that's why it could end up being very heavy chunky like wooden yeah it's just it just you have sometimes loops it just goes through and it's flicking you have your little car on the disc and you're flicking and you're just going through the track and you're trying to flick as good as you can to try to get the banks right smack to each other you crash and you lose basically you undo your tournament yeah exactly so it's like it just looks like fun yeah this one is definitely going to get played because at some dinosaur event will be part of some pitch car thing i just it never ended up happening for one reason i was thinking about i was like pam i want to play pitch car i really want to try it it just looks really fun so pitch guard it's not the most deep choice but i really want to try to pick i want to try it you know pick yeah the gallerist pitch car same game same game there's room enough for all games yeah i'm just saying so that's number six let's get number five my number five is a game that mike has played a couple times and a lot of our friends like it a lot and i just for some reason i was always during game night i always was at a different table playing a good game never mind um well let me guess yeah i choose now you might know training game train game oh uh railways of the world yeah i really want to try it so good i know you like it and i know like ruelle one of our good friends ralph really likes it a lot of people love this game dan hughes loves a lot of people love this game and i just i haven't it's been a game as before but for some reason like you played a couple times and i was just in a different game but i really really want to try railroads of the world i do like kind of route building train games i do like picking but deliver games but it's not all the way into like the 18xx with like stocks and all that kind of stuff and so like um and so i i really want to try it because it just it seems like all things i like about those kind of big train games without delving farther into the stuff that like then starts feeling like an excel spreadsheet and i don't want to deal with kind of thing and so like like someday i'm sure i'll try an 18xx game against my will but like this one i actually want to play because it seems like i will hold off as long as i possibly can but nonetheless i really want to try and roast the world there's so many maps there's so many like versions of it and stuff i just really really want to try it i know you love it we have very very similar tastes in games spoiler alert this list was originally gonna be top 10 games we disagree on and we couldn't think of 10. so we'll get there eventually we ended up changing our list because we couldn't get there but so we like the same kinds of games very often and so mike really likes it i really really want to try railroads of the world good call i want to try a game that we have setting right over there and we just haven't gotten it to gotten to it yet because we need more players but it's forgotten oh yeah well he has pirates still fired i wanna try forgotten waters yeah i didn't i didn't put on the because like oh we already have it and so like yeah but i really want to try it it's this game where you're swash buckling around you're using an app uh to have story elements brought to you and everyone is like working a different part of the ship and it's like technically a competitive game but i'm just gonna ignore that part because it's like if if the ship sinks or something everybody loses lots of ways for everybody to lose and then you're just sort of trying to achieve your goals the quickest and the best the way i look at the end of the game you achieved more goals than i did and you did i don't care about any of that i'm just like happy that we survived and we made it and stuff so it's a sort of like semi-co-op game um that i just really want to try i've heard lots of good things you can play it from a distance over zoom and stuff like that it's just one we have not um had a chance to do but i know we will soon and i'm really excited to try it yeah it's really fun pirates are just a fun theme uh so forgotten waters is my number five yeah foreign waters definitely really want to try it and hopefully that will be able to do that one soon i'm hoping to get everything on this list done yeah thanks number five that's the point of making the list right yeah all right let's get to number four speaking of pirates and stuff i'm sticking to the high seas my number four is merchant's cove which is just hitting people's hands from kickstarter you do really want to play this it just looks fun yeah everyone's playing a different game someone's playing like potion explosion this person's over here doing tile moving around and then this you are all different types of merchants trying to sell goods to the people that are arriving on shore but you have very different ways of going about producing your goods and stuff there's like a blacksmith and an alchemist and things like that so i love uh the idea anyway of really a um asymmetric thank you uh players uh characters and stuff now it makes it kind of hard to is it hard to learn like no apparently the game is a lot easier than a game like root so i understand so it's a simpler game so i'm like that might make it a little better because you still do get a booklet with your character and stuff so there's still going to be that kind of sure learning curve but at least it's a slightly easier game like root is so in your face and like combative it's hard if you don't know what you're doing you're gonna get slammed because you're supposed to do that so i feel like merchant's cove might be a little easier to get into i don't know i haven't played it but like it just it looks really great it's a great production and i just love the idea of it and then it's got like art by the mikko and stuff so it looks cool um so that's my pick number four all right mother four is another game that you have actually played that i haven't um i don't i'm the player of the games man i think maybe crook has but i want to play rivers of midgard you haven't played that no i never played it wow that's the thing and you have multiple times i know you really liked it so good i know rivers and midgard is in the same uh world as like champions of midgard by the same company and it's just oh it's really good that's what i've heard that it's it's just and it's one of those things again where like mike has played it and a couple of our friends have played it and all absolutely talk about it so so highly yeah and then just like it did didn't come around for a little while in the pandemic hit so like we haven't seen our friends who have it but i really really really want to play reavers and midgard because i've just heard such i mean the praise is through the roof for and i already like champions of midgard and i think they're similar but it's just like yeah i like that world it's really really pretty and i just want to play it that's really comes out i just want to try it mike's liked it and so i think i'm going to like it now that's all you need is to want to play it that's on the list give it to me games we want to play is what we're doing right now graveyard i wanna try it i'm gonna call it we're gonna go same seas the rest of the way nope no not at all you've played my number three dune imperium no really how many games have i played that you have and i just apparently apparently a lot you have played lahav in app form to be fair yeah yeah to be fair mike's played this game in app form that is la have or i have which is what it means in france i have fish mine yeah brick lahav which is the harbor steel ship ship um it's a big juve rosenberg game uh you know not only it plays like but it's like it's in that same realm of like big games like cavern our feast for odin feel a lot of resource management resource management but i've heard you're like building out buildings but i only have always heard about this game which makes me so intrigued is like there's no bad spots to go like every single spot you can go to is like great like oh i can go here and use this building and get something great i can go over here and get a whole ton of fish and that's great or i can go over here and do this and that's great and i've just always heard so many good things and as we've kind of tried more and more of these kind of like big uve rosenberg games even roseburg at this point is probably my favorite designer because all of these games you know caverna fields of arl and feast for owner all probably in my top definitely my top 50 i'd probably say yeah you know feast frozen my top 10 i absolutely adore it and so like these kind of like bigger um uber roseburg games i'm really actively kind of trying to seek out um and lahav is the one that's at the top i really really want to try i almost put like uh was it howler towel is how you pronounce it oh yeah yeah that's how everyone says sure probably didn't but i'm gonna try that one too but that's like a newer one so i was like i want to try have a little bit more but it's like any of those kinds of games i really really want to try and lahav is just the top uve stuff i respect it i respect it my number three is a game that like when we went to dice i think it was our first dice tower west or diced our east i'm sorry uh this game was like everywhere it was it's coinbra good call it looks so pretty nice and things and you have these like all these different types of dice which are doing stuff and you can like lock them in these like little castle looking things just cool looking yeah and it was like really it was all over the place it was on the hot games table always taken up and so part of my thing was just like i didn't get a chance to play and i'm like why is it so popular you know and i don't know really much about it other than it's got resource management there's there's or you know rather you're you're trying to make synergistic combos and all sorts of things like that i just i just i feel like someone would like and it was just so popular that i'm like i want to be part of the cool kids club i played this game yeah now we're going to try it yeah coin bro it's my number three all right let's go ahead and get number two that's really pretty too it's just it is really pretty yeah number two is gonna be a tie i can tell you right now no jk i think i know i think it's your number one sleeping gods is my number two not on your list what do you want to play apparently i do really want to play sleepy guys sleeping guys is mine again my list i was skewing more older than newer i'm pretty new yeah which is totally fine but yeah my list i was for whatever reason actively choosing older games sleeping guides is my number two simply because we really enjoyed above and below and then we really enjoyed near and far this seems to go a big step in the right direction and so it's storytelling and stuff it seems very sandboxy it's cooperative so you're working together the way it kind of works where you're playing like kind of the whole crew is represented not playing like a member of the crew so you really care about everybody and i think it really links into the storytelling uh no pun included did a great video about how it's done what a lot of other games have done like a part of well this does really a lot of it really well and and i was already excited prior to that and so yeah it just seems like it's beautiful i i i i'm very excited to hopefully be able to try that uh soon sleeping guns yeah sleeping gods i would i would really like to try minor two is actually a crossover what do you think it is with my list oh man i'm thinking it could be auto mania i'm sticking with automation automation yeah automania is my number two i really really want to try automation for everything mike said it's just like seems like a really cool like engine building work replacement game i've heard you also get into it really on your first turn you can make a car yeah and all the times with these kind of games you have to like get your engine going this one apparently you can get it going pretty quickly and then it gets better from there and then it just gets better from there but everything i've heard about automania i know the dice tower guys like it a lot and i've always just been like this sounds really really really cool i really to this day even though it's not like anywhere near a new game and i still i want to try it so freaking badly um and that's automania if anyone knows again a place where we can get it please let us know i will just buy it i want to try that back automania so automation is my number two migrate talked about it megakia sorrento it's sponsored by kia especially that's why egg yeah you know they had an embargo afterwards or like no nissan's like can we get that no nope nope nope only key is that's it let's get number one [Music] i think we have the same number one huh yeah really maybe say it on three one one two three halloweentown oh how the town no alchemist is my number one um hallelujah is obviously number one you want to play that badly huh yes um he's my favorite designer made my favorite game i guess that's true i guess that's my number one spoilers my number one is alchemist i really thought i'll just make your list um i i don't seem to make it here's the thing about alchemists i don't know why i want to play it's a darn bad i've heard great things about it it's like really heavy people talk about how heavy it is i know it's a game with a cool app integration where you're trying to like figure out like a certain like deduce you're trying to deduce like a certain formula and apparently it's very difficult and um it's one of those games and people talk about how heavy it is it's it's in that cge line that i really really like it's also going to save it huh i can't believe it i know people talking about heavy art and i know this is like not like that means anything almost like well it's got the same artists like dungeon pets yeah so it's very kind of fun art and i do really like that that art style and so like i don't know honestly i i honestly can't tell you why i want to try it so badly but i want to try always just straight bot alchemist multiple times because i want to try just on a hunch i might hate it and honestly i couldn't tell you why i like it i don't know even much about the game i just i've always wanted to try it so badly and i haven't yet so alchemist one number one yeah i just i want to try it i don't know why i just want to try it good call i love that uh my number one is a haller tower dude yes another big ube rosenberg farming game let's go it's going to be amazing i really want to play it uh i really want to play it because um a few things so it seems very um familiar if you're familiar with big uber rosenberg games worker placement farming very very rural you know and and kind of comforting and familiar and stuff like bricola verna the pete boggs of fields of barrel um and this one is cool because you you there's a couple things where it gets a little more into the knits and the grits uh where you have like kind of two fields you need to kind of rotate your crops because if you keep the same thing in the field over and over it will deplete the value of the soil which is like real like you need to like move things around to get nutrients back into the soil so you need to kind of manage that it has this progressive worker placement thing where you can keep going back to the same spot becomes but it becomes more and more expensive to do so so i'm like that's kind of interesting uh and then there's card combos and stuff like that i just like i just it's one that i'm like i know we are going to really like that game i'm not worried about very likely there's no guarantee i am i'm not that worried about that but i'm just so excited i do really want to try i for sure do big ones gotten some love so i'm like okay let's go i mean again feast road and being my favorite game i'm like i'm ready to dethrone my fave let a new one ascend to the top you know like let's do it yeah and i i i absolutely want to try it yeah it's also alchemist though also that i don't know what it is i really want to try it i knew it would be on your list yeah i really want to see that's really neat why but just want to try it those are our lists though the games are new old in between or whatever what are like some games that you have heard of have been mentioned many times you're like i really want to try that again new something that's announced or whatever let us know in the comments below yeah let us know because it just yeah what is it what's like i just i want to try it i don't know why there's so much stuff um when we do top tens we always like to thank our patrons thank you so much we appreciate your continued support throughout uh a good long while now you know we've had we've had a lot of support it's really helped us maintain this dream of being able to make a career out of this and do silly things about board games so if you like what we do and have a couple extra bucks and wouldn't mind supporting we could use all the help we can get we are going to be building a new studio real soon as nick t's there will be a kickstarter coming for that um and uh patreon helps us out a huge uh amount just on the data this is a little plug there are a lot of videos on our patreon that are just free for everyone and there's a lot of topics like top like top 10 games we disagree and we talked about wanted to do there's some topics that it's like it's just hard for us making a tire 10 out of it so we're planning on putting out a lot of like shorter 5-10 minute videos that are just like lists that we can't get a whole 10 out of but we still want to talk about like what games you regret buying on kickstart we're not buying on kickstarter it's like we can't make a whole 10 out of that so we might make a quick five about this one and those kind of videos tend to live on our patreon but they're always free so you don't have to be a bad guy so go down the chat they're just over there so yeah um just yeah so thank you everyone who supports on the patreon it really it means everything to us yeah um let's see anything else all right well until next time thank you so much for joining us for another top 10 and i have been mike i'm nick we'll see you in the next top 10 everybody bye everybody bye i might forgot the bumper i forgot the bumper but i sat back down thank you so much for watching that video you want to check out our last top 10 check out that video right there in that video right there there's also going to be a top 10 because top tens i don't know make sure to like this video and subscribe if you haven't already share it around and let us know down in the comments below what top 10s you'd like to see us tackle next you have your flashlight on your phone on i don't know why but that's what's been going on for a while
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 8,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board gaming, table top gaming, table top, dice, board game geek, the dice tower, board game discussions, the brothers murph, brothers murph, brothers, discussion, board game reviews, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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