I Turned Minions into an FPS Game...

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the new minions movie rise of crew just came out a few weeks ago and it is really popular so i'm gonna set it into a first person shooter game because it's going to be a minions game i need a minion 3d model and i mean i could try and make on myself but i wouldn't exactly call myself a 3d artist so i browsed this really useful website i don't know if you've heard of it before and found a minion which looked very cool the only problem is it doesn't move because it has no animations as you might know to animate a 3d model like this one you have to give it bones so i spent quite a long time just lining up bones to the minions arms and stuff but uh it didn't exactly work so instead of just trying to fix it i went and found a new model which is arguably more scary but is already rigged with bones and ready for animating i tried to make some animations for walking and uh attacking and i think they look good enough this minion now looks pretty cool in the game but you're probably thinking what game it's just a minion well uh i've got something to admit i haven't actually watched the movie and i don't know what happens in it so i have literally no idea what this game is going to even be about but luckily after a bit of brainstorming i thought of a concept for the game which sounds really fun even if it might not have anything to do with the actual plot of the new movie basically the idea is that minions will be running towards you from every direction trying to attack you and to defend yourself you have to shoot them with this very iconic and smelly weapon to start off i added some first person movement to this object which looks suspiciously similar to a certain food for some reason i found it pretty cool just to move around and observe this walking minion from different angles but if you've ever walked before you'd know that this minion is not doing it correctly and to walk you need to actually physically move around i could just make the minion always move towards the player but then i will try to walk through walls get stuck and just be generally stupid so i need to actually move it using ai now uh how do i do that well i don't know but luckily the game engine i'm using unity has this thing called nav mitch which basically does this for me and after setting it up using some very handy tutorials from brackie's i had a working minion ai which will walk around obstacles and walls in order to reach the player now there needs to be a way to shoot the minions so you can defend yourself i thought about what kind of guns or projectile weapons there are in the minions movies and i remembered that the infamous fart gun exists which is pretty much perfect for this game i found this free model of the gun on sketchfab chalked it into the game and set it as a child to the camera so that it moves and rotates with it i also gave it a bit of sway so it looks more natural when you're quickly looking around now while it might look like a fart gun it doesn't actually shoot farts yet so i made this particle effect using uh unity's particle system and i made a play every time you press the shoot button now let's not talk about how the gun is literally the wrong color and it shoots the wrong color off who knows why i thought it shot green farts i gave it some sounds and using a sphere cast which is like a wider raycast i checked for objects in front of where you shoot the gun when it detects a minion in front of you it will knock them back and when you shoot the floor it'll launch you up which just adds an extra fun way of moving around i also added some particles for when the minions get hit and a bit of a death or more just a shrinking animation for when they lose all their health and die now the game was feeling really smooth and polished but it lacks something very important an actual environment or level which you can kill the minions in so i need to make that i first thought about just making a big manually handmade room with lots of obstacles scattered around but that would have taken away too long at least an hour or two so instead i decided that i was going to make a procedurally generated level which is randomized every time you play kind of like a maze well not kind of i'm literally generating a maze i found this really useful website which explained exactly what i would need to do to generate a maze and all i'd have to do is convert this simple stuff here into code it should just take a couple of minutes right right well anyway first i generated a grid of titles out of a thing called a 2d array and gave all those titles walls then to make the actual path of the maze i had to use the algorithm from that website basically what it does is it chooses a point on a grid marks it as visited and then randomly selects another unvisited point next to it to move to which it then marks as visited as well it continues this until it hits a dead end where it then has to backtrack to the nearest point with an unvisited tile next to it that was probably very confusing but after spending hours and hours trying to convert it into code and almost destroying my computer it finally worked [Music] and what a surprise it took a lot longer than it would have if i just hand made it this maze looks kind of empty though so i need to make the minion spawn in it what i did was choose a random spawn position on the map and then using the navmesh pathfinding thing from earlier i was able to snap that position onto a walkable area i made it so that every time you kill a minion a new one will spawn somewhere else on the map and now the game was technically playable infinitely there's still a lot that i need to add to actually make this a fun game firstly you can't really call these things minions yet because they don't make any annoying sounds okay that's better secondly it's pretty boring just pressing the same shoot button over and over and it can get pretty repetitive so i think i needed to introduce a new way to deal damage aka the mega fart which you can activate by right clicking and does a ton more damage in a way bigger range obviously this would be a little op if you could do this all the time so i made a cool down system where you recharge the mega fart by dealing damage to enemies thirdly the minions don't actually do anything to you yet either they just put their hands up in this weird way so arson made this health bar and made them damage you and play a sound when they attack you now because you can lose your health very easily because of this i balanced it out a bit by adding some collectible health power-ups would spawn around the map in the shape of you guessed it bananas all i had to do now was make some balancing changes add bigger minions with more health smaller faster minions and add a score and high score system and the game was finished while the whole game is a pretty stupid concept i mean you literally shoot farts and even though there's a lot of bugs flaws and things that could have been done way better i think the end result is surprisingly fun and i would have to say it is truly one of the games of all time
Channel: DevBanana
Views: 87,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game devlog, minions rise of gru, minions rise, minions the rise of gru, despicable me, i turned minions into an fps game, game dev, game jam devlog, i made a game in 24 hours, devlog, devbanana, i made minions and im sorry, game development, making a game, unity game engine, unity, unity game development, unity devlog, making a game in unity, dev banana, steve carell, minions theme, Minions 2 trailer
Id: NOSY2prd2Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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