1 vs 100 Fallen Kings in TDS.. | ROBLOX

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back at the game with tds so lucky's hell says one versus 100 fallen kings it is me i am the one versus 100 fallen kings last time i tried this with just 20 fallen kings and i fell because it kept spam stunning my towers and yeah you guys already know that the marks i uh spam that and it just didn't really work a whole lot it didn't do much but now we do have the monster unit to spawn in but that monster guy i found out like two months ago but i wasn't allowed to make a video on it until recently so yeah um we're gonna be you we're really using that for sure but for now let's go and spawn in a hundred fallen kings yes that is the plan these choppers they're not gonna get stunned i think the one two three four five six seven eight seven eight seven nine eighty okay i have this stuff right here i just stopped by eddie because i do have to spawn in a few monsters because all the fallens will come out and try and kill us so now gonna spawn in 20 more fall kings so one two three four 19 20. that is 100 fallen kings on screen right now i'm gonna spawn in just a few monsters and we should be able to kill all them now i'm going to spread them out a bit more because i don't want it to lag the game but look at all these fallens coming out and yes this is 100 fallen kings on screen look at all the fallen heroes and stuff like that just so much going on and was it all spammy sun non-stop but sunny does not kill the monsters so we're a-okay on that i am gonna spawn in one mark just to help at the range damage because these monsters are good but the but they have no range attack besides their claws which isn't very much at all i just realized that the mark is just going to die here in a bit because of the fallen spam choppers are going to work but they seem to be still getting stunned why are they getting stunned they fly in the air why are they getting stunned they stopped for no reason look this one's just you turning oh circle why why is it doing that why god man anyways like what i'm saying man chopper spam isn't really healthy and if i put something down like i don't know just just one accelerator look at it it's gonna do absolutely nothing it keeps getting stunned yeah juicy stuff is about to occur right now we do got to spawn it for more mushrooms but yes the first fallen kings are going in and yes they are getting one shot it i don't yes we did lease we do lose one monster but it's just one out of the five okay now they're starting to chewy 30 monsters pretty fast i'm not sure if we could actually beat this because remember when he's following king's eye these little fallen guardians spawn as well and there's a lot going to die and all these are being spammed okay looks like i gotta spawn a couple more monsters i think i'm gonna retry this again uh because i don't want to lag it out too much but i need a longer mass so that they can collide with each other no no the monsters fell okay we definitely need a longer map that was actually pretty intense and i was surprised that we didn't win that okay i'm going to retry this but on a longer map okay this one we shouldn't have that many problems because this is a longer map we'll have more time to spawn in the monsters and actually kill them and they have to cross this very long bridge so it should be good i'm just going to spawn it actually it's not even worth my time spawning these choppers it's just going to cause lag let's get on with the fallen king spam i'm going to be doing it a hundred times again four five six seven eight nine ten eleven nine seven nine eight three nine a hundred following case i just spotted now i'm gonna spawn in a few monsters i can see there is a bunch of fallen spam yet again surprising there's not that much lag considering that we spotted all these balling case i think that's mostly because there are no pursuit choppers going on right now which is going to help out a lot because we spotted a lot of explosions and stuff like that and we're spawning just a few monsters i think we spawned in 20 munchers we should be able to kill them all but but then again they do spawn in a lot of uh units as you can see all these falls are just running to their death the monster barely has any of his hp chipped away look at that still still tall and proud just gonna spawn in a few more monsters and look at this we have a lot more time now there should have been rewards going through some spectate footage and yeah look at that this is this is the view without that stupid health bar thing 100 fallen kings we are seeing right here this is tower defensive only a tower defensively where i'm getting 90 frames on max graphic because if i put it on one i pretty much get 140 frames so this game is i am honestly surprised that it's running this well but yeah we're about to start seeing some killing now um mushroom actually lost a lot of cell so it is going to get one shot by the following year and it actually did enable the rage ability which didn't do anything to the monsters i think it lost like 500 health or some of that but that's really about it and yeah now the monsters are actually going to spam club wait wait can we see some of these following keys i don't know because they're okay with this many claw attacks they may actually yes they are kind of killing them with the claw attack spam well i completely forgot about that because one of them sucks but a lot of them spam with the claw attacks you'll do some pretty good damage per second right there but yeah monster is going to start dying here in a bit because the fallen king spam is real right now we only got a fraction of the fallen kings around i think yeah so all these are gone there was about 20 of them that just died right now i'm responding a few more monsters i'm pretty sure this is less than 50 monsters compared to a hundred fallen kings and half of them are pretty much gone we do have to worry again though like i said before of all this fallen guardian spam look at that i think three to four spawn on a fallen king death or maybe two i'm not too sure on these exact values sorry if i got that wrong but uh yeah other way to do some stupid remote who cares i'm still getting 60 frames per second even though not only the fallen king spam is here but also all those following guards okay i've really got to step up to spammy i really got to spam a lot more because um i am going to be losing here a bit surprisingly despite all these monsters colliding and stuff like that it is not at all being lagging okay time to check out the uh deep dps i i can't tell how many yeah that whoa look at how fast that health is going down whoa dude this is so overpowered man okay let me expand this really fast look at that they're dying from the claw attacks oh uh fallen guardians are now being collected now of course you know 14 000 health isn't that much but when they're spammed like that they can do some serious damage and yeah it looks like the last of the fallen kings are here and now we got to deal with the fallen guardians uh claw attack is scott it's so real man look at this okay fallen guardians i don't think they're gonna collide with them because they'll just get clocked yeah they're just getting one shot let's see how fast this fall king dies dude what is what is going on i want to fly off the bat they're flying off the map how are they doing that look at this like going out of the path and stuff like that there's one guy glitching through the entire cliff right there and these guys well these guys are actually uh pretty far away honestly let's go look over here yeah these are like the pirates i think oh my that's so much lag still a lot of fallen guardians and now we got just just this is horde of dog here this is the wolf pack lava hound back look at how many are just spam falling away they are not even getting to touch these monsters dude they are just dying okay this this wave yeah okay that did actually okay they are punching through they already going through but even then the health of these monsters so high we still see right there a slur to help monsters still 60 000 health right there that is still really good damage being done to them and we are seeing the last of the fallen guardians here wow just so much power going on with these 1 500 damage claw swing attacks and if you know this is kind of a broken tower look at how cool this looks this isn't a bad view at all with these stupid spirals just like this guy is legit floating in there he is legit flying that is the first tower to fly without uh chopper blaze or some sort of plane thing but yeah we have one a hundred fallen kings destroyed by less than a hundred matches now i'm not exactly sure how many monsters responded i was not keeping track of that unfortunately but if someone can leave down in the comments below how many uh monsters responded that would be great i would like to know about that man look at the sound they make and they are struggling on cheaper you wait can we kill a bunch of these with cheap units guys no that's that's a stupid video i did that all takes so long how fast does the fallen hero die it doesn't give him rage it just dies lee now oh hey they're they're back yay the pyro guys are back yay i don't know how they flew off like that but at least at least they returned except for this one guy still kind of floating off the map but yeah that is the only one i was just flying off of there okay i want to see how fast it kills the fallen key it is already shredded it did enable the rage a bit and now it dies that's actually pretty quick that might be the fastest ever recorded time as of right now for the quickest fallen king death we could make it faster by spamming even more monsters but i'm kind of too lazy to do that right now i'm not sure how many fallen guards responds it looks like two or three i'm not exactly sure on that and apparently it's not on death it's more so when they do the raging then these guardians spawn and that's when they trigger the guardian spawn i thought that was on death but no it's not how many are they one two three so i was right on three three fallen guardians it does spawn in yeah okay wow that was so that was like at least 250 fallen guardians guaranteed dude it has to be at least that many plus 100 fallen kings and don't don't account for the heroes nordy just seen normal falling guys which was probably half a thousand a total of both of those men i was we we killed over a thousand spawn stuff or around that time around that exaggerated number with less than a hundred monsters that is that as well it is funny to see these monsters struggling like really cheap zombies you would expect it to kill them faster but that's because of the fire rate not being that uh fast so it does struggle on that but when it is like big boys it will destroy him pretty fast but yeah that's about it for this video wow man that was so juicy what a what a juicy video what god juice and shout out to all my tank supporters really appreciate you supporting you guys and shout out to the uh bigger ones as well you guys so much uh this guy how fast a sweeney turns like a sunblade like a little little red blade death or something like that it's just so cool to see man
Views: 1,854,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0rP85IpzPvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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