i used this tower to make this much money.. | TDS ROBLOX

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oh man I am bored but um I was thinking something I was playing the Batman thing I had so many golden Cowboys what if I filled the entire map with just golden Cowboys how much cash would I get I'm gonna join hardcore uh wreck Battlefield typically hardcore sucks it just has like a lot of space to place your Towers on and it lasts for a long time of course I'm doing is cheats this is with golden Cowboy by the way it is not with um default one I think golden Cowboy against extended range as well I'm not too sure or not but basically I'm just gonna be spamming this entire map with max out uh Cowboys I want to see if we can actually uh beat hardcore as well and get a lot of cash how's that place right there dude my mouse is in the exposure how's it not working what the I said flip you guys what the flip what in the actual flipping rules is this what is this do I can put in this tiny ass crack but don't I doing this big hole right there what in the skull I'm flipping dog is this they're floating now God damn it do I have anything to beat that does turret lock onto that why why does this not work dude like they're the same exact height I swear to god dude if I had any flying guys in my guy that game they are in the same cleft like this I'm gonna make it so I can shoot areas it's as stupid as hell my God you were legit pointing your gun at them okay cheating I don't care I'm cheating I'm already struggling to kill this oh oh my God okay we're farming so much money but damn man why bro what are you doing I'm getting hungry I'm man let me get some popcorn y'all hey guys start the camera I wanna I wanna show you guys my new idea I'd have a bowl so just use a pan look what I could do while play a game we'll go like this there you go you got the dog hmm you're pretty smart guys delicious man these lead guys are making me so much money Ellen musk is jealous right now [Music] foreign [Music] silver oh crap negative three four zero eight zero one two five zero zero zero all right I get myself zero cash look at how fast my goddamn money's going up I'm getting the bread you guys I'm rich I'm rich I'm farming off of these lead guys I give zero damage and I'm farming suppose look I got a hundred grand already they're they're all this side chatting dude this is a mega farming right here guys now we got both sides of the golden Cowboy working full time look at all this 120 plus dude I got another 100 is easy cash it's easy this is not even without the commander buff do you want to call it art buff and I think we're getting near 10 grand and half and one and a half seconds bro that is crazy this is not enough I need more I need to put some more golden Cowboys I'm not gonna lie bro I am star I am starting to lock that but that's that's part of hustle I got so much cash where I don't need the cheats anymore for the cash I could just earn that back fast by buying new golden Cowboys oh I'm poor now I spoke I spoke too soon I'm poor please don't give me money all right I placed on the Cowboys thing I have no idea how many that is but now I'm gonna start placing on DJs so I can uh boost the range of all of them as well as commanders for the fire rate with the fire rate we will earn back cash even faster guaranteed for sure dude and the DJs helped the Cowboys in the back become actually useful for the most part we got a lot of balloons but who really cares goodbye cowboy in the first place goodbye at our golden Cowboy you will be messed and under golden Cowboy dies okay purple catches zero and look at how fast these numbers are going up dude I am farming so much Goddamn money it actually Farm some more mud if I spawn in some leads anything else like spawn will be too laggy or just will die too fast with the leads though I mean fellas you guys are just seeing conquer proof of how stupidly op leads are for me there's the tide time let's talk about a way we almost accumulating half a million dollars look at all the cash I am getting I am rich I am so goddamn Rich oh my God yes all the money's going to me um I just collected some of these ball trimmers um guys I've not used a cash command there's proof um got much cash I got 1.5 million well almost 1.5 million dollars uh I am starting to lagging about 30 frames per second here we put on one that did pretty much nothing to help my uh flag out back on Max I guess okay now let's see how fast you can kill I do have to sell some of these and replace it with accelerator so a guitar to lead guys because they just soak up so much damage only plays sound two accelerators here and here to catch any less I may spawn uh now we're gonna see how much raw damage the Cowboys do they're just absolutely spawn killing everything right now damn these bigger slows are just getting accelerator isn't even unlocking it on multiple times yeah cool molts and balls multiple zsk color arms let's see how fast it shreds uh there is a lead that uh I forgot this stuns I feel like we could have killed it faster but for all these golden Cowboy spam yeah it gets pwned I love lead balloons wow these uh Soul Eaters are getting decimated right now usually you would see just some accelerators so slow kicks are actually kind of punching through the WoW for all that spam here let me help you out Cowboy please use call of arms hey another dime what popped two color arms and uh how much money am I making I'm making money yeah oh the following Storm Master uh he also Suns I forgot let's use the commander please oh we're not supposed to be saying that from just Cowboy spam we're not we're not supposed to be seeing this sort of power and [Music] does Templar didn't get a chance of fires his stupid ass gun huh loser how about the classic tank spam brush uh uh of course it boosts that I mean usually most Towers we test this out they would suffer so hard but these guys are actually doing pretty decent I've ever spent a bunch of Tanks um about that many y'all along with the Fallen King that's gonna be a lot because I forget he stuns an entire map and said yeah just like that oh man the air is insane combo uh oh oh please please save us please stop lag at the same time too can't wait please don't fail me Cowboy work harder no no no no no well guys looks like golden Cowboy sucks it felt a test again Mr Fallen King how do you do yeah that's me too dude also your mom and dad um again no a cache command is used versus a negative one with 5.4 million dollars God damn a Vindicator huh more like um L dictator I don't know oh look it's a tarball's wood except grave that was a joke below please don't get mad at me oh the void reavers here with 1.2 million Health thing oh yeah I forgot it's no other two wood rears were just slightly better because those are stun nearly as much did that match is stunning entire map how's that fair how's that fair how's that fair my man how's that actually Fair no no moral player could have survived that they would have just lost guaranteed unless how like medic I guess okay now we're finally focusing on the void Reaver himself um damn got a stunning thing so annoying I didn't bring medic because I totally forgot about that but I'm pretty sure we could still kill him just in time 900 000 off we barely got this man down to 900 000 oh God damn is is he running is uh I thought I thought he runs when he gets mad because is this him running let's do put on a few pounds or something to not run anymore 300 300 000 I was about to say that until he certainly again thank you accelerator for getting one damage in while he's still working he's done what the I just realized that 250 000 oh he has remaining do a call of arms over here and then yeah there we go now he's starting to run nicer and get desperate because this man knows he is about to lose pretty hard gonna sell this Commander swap it out real quick nice all right check this out walking that place right there gold Commander make sure if you're a handgun 160 000 150 oh well um I'm not really too impressed by the damage anymore you guys I'm I'm Gonna Keep It Real view the damage now kind of sucks um to be fair this is a kind of tower look how much cash we got almost eight million dollars please don't please don't let him through guys here here let me help uh Cowboy go guys come on fellas fellas fellas fellas yo this game sucks anyways [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 754,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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