1 to 40 Gear Guide - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pestilion welcome to another escape from tarkov video in this video i'm covering my gear guide from 140 and this will cover all the trailer unlocks what gear as in guns armor helmets rigs armored rigs you should be using at each level there'll be timeline link stamps down below to help speed up if you are at a certain level you want to kind of check out what is available around then and what i would suggest and anyway so without further ado let's crack straight into it so the premise on how gear works in escape from tarkov it's unlocked by traders at different levels and as you progress through the game you'll be able to have access to buying more items and different items i'll be updating this guide for each uh wipe in the future and it's been a little while since done my previous one so there's a lot of changes since then the way the traders are leveled up is you need to have a certain level a trader rep and then money spent so leveling is just by getting kills and and looting items and doing your tasks trader rep is increased by doing tasks for that trader and then the money spent is buying and selling items with that trader now i will be covering every single gun available at every like level and trade or unlock i'll be mostly covering which gun i would suggest using or ones that would be highly optional to be used at that level and what ammunition i would use with it so starting off with level one at level one the main person you're going to get your guns from is proper and personally i really do think there's mainly two main guns you can use at level one prepper either being the sks with the 762 by 39ps ammo they're both purchased by crapper otherwise using a mosim with lps gch ammo both these rounds will get through most armors below level 3 class arms or even class 4 arms very quickly and will nearly guarantee a one shot to the head no matter what armor they're wearing except for potentially like those really top tier arm helmets if you're trying to save some money you can use a pistol instead you have the glock available from mechanic level one otherwise the m9 pistol from peacekeeper this comes down to personal preference i like the glock over the m9 um and if you're going to use a 9 mil ammo i would highly suggest using 9x19 pst gzh this ammunition has a pretty good penetration value and will get through most class 3 facials very easily and then we'll get through some class 4 facials quite easily so it's got a pretty good potential to get head shots um otherwise yeah i wouldn't really overly go for body shots just due to the slow rate of fire unless you can click really fast of course there are some alternative options personally i don't really like them but it's up to you you've got the aks74-u from prapper and this was a 545t ammunition that you can use at this level it's not really good post probably about day three of a wipe so i would highly suggest moving past that one the mp5k dash n it's like a little short stocky mp5k and it's available from peacekeeper it's not too bad it's got a really good rate of fire it's just a little bit harder to aim i personally don't like spending the money on this it's a little bit pricey in my opinion for what you can get out of it and i would suggest using a pp19 which is available a little bit later on the next option you have is the pp91 ketter from prapper this has got a 9x18 ammo and pst gzh is the best ammunition at this level um if you're going to use that unfortunately the the ammo on that it's it's not really the greatest to get through anything above say a class 2 armor class 3 it can get through all right but it's not just going to be it's not going to be the thing that's going to win your heaps of battles it's perfectly fine for killing players if you're going to go for leg matter or scavenge if you've gone for scavs though there is a barter trade evolved from skier which is a wreck bat for an adar with 855 ammo is actually a pretty decent weapon but you will need to find those wrecked bats to be able to do the bata trades as for armor choices you don't really have a lot of options here with ragman i would get the ssh 68 helmet and guys pretty much from this point onwards this is the go-to helmet if you're not wearing a face shield i highly suggest using this helmet until you kill someone that has a better helmet and then use their helmet instead you'll nearly always get it back from insurance it has a really high ricochet chance and it's just a decent helmet in general so personally for this 20 000 rubles this helmet is pretty much the best helmet you're gonna get body you got the packer i would highly suggest buying packers early on they will stop pistols and shotguns from scavs and it will help you spend money on ragman to help get ragman to level two the rig you got the bank robbers rig use that one the headset the gssh is uh the go-to headset at this level because that's the one that's available now if you were like an absolute god at this game and at level five you were able to get two elite players and the items required to get gunsmith part one done from mechanic you would have the introduction quest and then be able to unlock jaeger once you've unlocked jaeger you can use him from level seven onwards but i don't think there's anything available on level one that's of nobel nobility nobility notable for you guys to use at level 10 you can unlock peacekeeper level two now this actually isn't a bad option if you wanted to just really spend heaps of money on peacekeeper early and getting to level two you do have an m4a1 unlock at level two and you can use eight five five ammo there this would actually be quite effective and it is definitely an option to go down but personally it's quite expensive to do it but you would actually drop people pretty consistently with an m4 with eight five five ammo up until like class four to five armor you'll be going quite well there unfortunately at level two pcb you only got the 20 round mags for the mp9 so i wouldn't really suggest using the mp9 just for that fact until you can get the bigger magazines for the mp9 but if you are going to use it pst gzh is the go-to ammo for any 9x19 ammunition the next two options you have is the mp5 and the mpx both of these use a 9x19 so you can use the pst gzhammo however i would use the mpx over the mp5 mostly because of the reason that when you go into a raid every time you find a foregrip or any lasers flashlights you can actually just chuck it straight on the mpx and make more money from that and also you can chuck sights on it so it's also like a bit of an extra way of bringing out more gear and also improving the gun itself now miraculously if you were to somehow get skier quest done enough to unlock more of the peacekeeper storyline and get all the way up to available to cult part one this is the point where you would also have eight five six a one ammunition if you are going to use a lot of peacekeepers guns you really need to get your first seven quests done on skier then get start the peacekeeper storyline and start getting some of the peacekeeper quest done because you do unlock a fair few decent ammunitions and guns from peacekeeper also at this point it's not a bad idea having peacekeeper level two purely for the fact that you can have the antar helmet and body armor and it's a good way of just spending more money on peacekeeper to level him up to level three later on now at level 15 a lot of things do open up you have proper skier jager and ragman level 2 if you've obviously got the reputation and the money spent the guns that become available is the akm from prepper and this would be used within a 762 by 39 very damaging gun high damage high pen and really good gun to use well the ammunition is the reason why it's got high damage to my pen but the rate of firing that's not too bad it's going to be a little bit hard to handle because of the recoil but still a decent option now the pp910 is one of my favorite guns in this game from tarkov and i pretty much call it the scavenger killer purely for the fact that it's got a very high firing rate and it's got very low recoil and it's cheap so prepare level 2 pp9 t with pst gzh and you can go into labs or any of the maps and just go face hitbox on players face shields on players or heads for uh scavs and raiders and you'll drop them super quick and with the the rate of fire and the recall it's just a really good gun also with these guns insured you nearly always get it back because you don't over extend how much you spend on it now with skier level 2 you'll have vapor three six and eight are available a lot of people do like the vapor one three six personally i would just stick with the akm if you're gonna use a gun you might as well have a full auto option just for it being there but yeah you do have the vepr 136 available there the adar we already spoke about this with the rec bat but with the 855 ammo it's actually not too bad it's actually half decent not amazing but it's half decent now if you've gone to the effort of getting jager unlocked you do have the vapor hunter and with uh peacekeeper level 2 with m80 ammo this thing absolutely destroys probably one of the most powerful guns in the game for the price and i'd highly suggest getting jaeger unlocked for this gun if you really want to go down that rat play style that everyone likes to talk about um because you can chuck a pso side on this or a cobra sight and don't really take in much armor and the risk of losing the gun isn't that high because you'll probably get it back from insurance and this thing can drop fully geared like top tier geared players very very quickly one of the greatest guns you can use early on now going back to the op sks instead of the sks this one just has the ability to put on a pso sight it used to be one of the og guns of the game it was like one of those kind of semi sniper rifles but it was just one of those fun games and you'd always go for the sks one taps and it's a great gun using 762 by 39 ammunition now the shotguns have a slight buff recently but the mp153 is a very devastating gun personally i would probably use the palever 6u slugs um at this level and it's it's up to you if you want to use shotguns or not um personally i don't only use the 153s the sagas i personally don't like as much but it's up to you how are you going to go with shotguns but going on skyruns and that picking up 153 shotguns can be very good and if you're not very good at aiming use buckshot instead of slugs as for pistol runs you've got the grunch available now um instead of the glock or the m9 i would use the grunch personally this is one of my favorite pistols to use it's got a really fast firing rate it doesn't matter how fast you click it shoots that quick and it holds 18 rounds so 190 to count the one in the chamber so you'd be using the pst jersey hmo 9x19 just like all the 9 by 19 ammo so i'd suggest and this is what i'd be doing using here alternatively you could use an ak74n now because you have proper level 2 but the best ammunition you can buy right here is pp ammo whilst you will have the flea market available here and you could buy bp and btm off the flea market it is quite expensive my option would be if you're going to go down that path maybe go reserve runs the order rooms and a lot of the are the big buildings the white knights black knight porn one uh porn white and black and i think it's white bishop or black bishop have heaps of bt ammo in them if you know where to look so you could even just check out my guide on on all the loot spawns but honestly that map has heaps of bt ammo bs ammo bpmo start stocking that up and then ak-74 ends become available and useful but until you have prepper level three i generally stray away from five four five ammunition whilst leveling up as for armor at ragman level two um you've got a fair few options here i would personally only use the ssh 68 helmet if you're not using a face shield if you are using a facial killer with the facials it's actually pretty good it's a class 3 helmet and face shield and you have the option uh if you're going to go into factory try and get pistol kills and stuff like that the facial will be strong enough to stop most pst gch rounds to stop at least one or two or anyone who's using really bad ammo so you'll be able to have the option to go into factory and try and get your pistol kills that way if you want to go down that path now you have two options here for body armor really um you've got the body armor the 6b23 i like using this one a lot at this point you should also have the flea market available and you can get the zuk press armor it's very similar to the 6b23 and it repairs really well but both those 6b23 and the zugama from the flea market will repair well but nearly always come back in insurance so definitely worth picking them up if you want to have a tactical rig armor the 6b3tm01m armored rig is a class 4 armor and is definitely worth the money i personally aren't a big fan of tactical rigs unless they've got lots of space like the tv rig later on but this tactical rig here it's like a hidden gem that i really didn't pay enough attention to with the class 4 armor i know i've given class 4 arms a lot of flack in the past because it's kind of like expensive for what it is but it's definitely going more down the path where it's more valid to use the class 4 armor since i made that video so definitely have that as an option as for headsets i personally don't like the gsshs but if you did want to use one at a level one rag then you could this is where you get the contact 2 headset and i would start using it here something also to take note of with proper level 2 is you have the sp5 ammo available and this ammo is really devastating and as well don't pay it off vss asls if you can pick one up get some extra mags for it with sp5mo you'll absolutely devastate now level 18. so this would have required you to do a few of the peacekeeper quests to be able to get it available to get pc level 3 but if you have not gone to that effort you have a lot of options here at peacekeeper level three so you have the m1a available and you can use that with the m80 ammo it's very similar to the vapor hunter absolutely destroys has bigger mags than the vapor hunter and it's one of those hidden gems that a lot of people don't really use a lot of um you will see a lot of gear players still running m1as just due to the fact of how hard it hits you also do have available the hk416 and the dt mdr these are both 556 caliber rifles and the hk has a very fast firing rate because the mdr is quite slow but the mdr doesn't require any modifications to really use just put aside on it's good to go the hk does have a lot more recall kick to it so it's up to you how you want to use it 855 one ammunition is available at this point otherwise you can use eight five six a one if you have the quest completed from cult part one now the p90 sbr here is available for about a trade and it costs at this point of making this video about 80 000 rubles it's actually fairly cheap to buy via the barter trade and uh you also have the 190 ammo available for the 5 7 caliber so i would highly suggest this is like one of those other hidden gems that a lot of people seem to miss out on as for the sa-58 it does become available here um you could use this with m80 ammo or m62 however it's quite expensive run with uh a big caliber it is an absolutely devastating gun though um so if you are financially able to afford it sa58 right here and you can just drop everyone um 40 gear players will drop so quickly using this gun but like i said using m80 ammo it's quite expensive but it's definitely worth it when it comes to how quickly you can drop here as for pistol runs you now have the five seven available so every single pistol run from this point onwards should be done with the five seven and the one nine zero ammo this really high pan one shot most class 4 helmets and it absolutely just shreds through most class 3 armors and class 4 armors so this pistol here two to the chest one of the head good to go keep moving on and get your loot runs down and all that through this pistol and yeah it's devastating uh alternative options but probably not viable at this point is the mp7a1 mostly because you just don't have big enough magazines available for it but if you either pick up some magazines or when you level up a little bit higher and mechanic unlocks a little bit higher you'll have bigger magazines available here the sr25 is pretty much a vapor hunter with a bigger magazine and you can do some more mods to it i i just don't think it's viable for how expensive it is but it's definitely a fun gun to use so don't don't pay off it's definitely there for the memes and the m700 rifle is there for the memes as well um it's it's pretty much sitting on par with you know the damage of your vapour hunter but it's a bold action so you're having more fun with it instead now level 24 mechanic level two now you unlock the ak-101 it's a cheaper version of the m4 but it has a slower firing rate and you should be using this with the 855a1 or the 856a1 unfortunately the ak variants of the five five sixes you don't have 60 round mags so you can't really have those bigger mags that the m4 provides and you also have the m4a1 psi bata trade here which is for a bitcoin and the gp coin which is a fairly decent bar trade if you want a pimped out m4 at level 20. this really comes down to your peacekeeper level if you have the ammunition available because i wouldn't be investing this kind of money into a gun if i didn't have the ammunition because the ammunition is more important than the gun at the end of the day now level 22 so this is when you get prepper and jaeger level three obviously if you've done enough quests and all the ak-545 guns become viable so you're all your aks 74 ends ak-74 ends aksu's all those guns now become viable because you've unlocked bp and bt ammo there's heaps of variants of them so i won't list them all and it's then the same as the akms also become viable even more viable than before because if you've done punisher part 5 of the proper quest line you unlock the bp ammo for the 762 by 39 ammunition so having all those guns now available makes this game open up when it comes to how well what your options are when it comes to escape from tarkov personally i like using the bc ammunition with the 545 variant um but bp is still fine and then when you're using the akms with the 762 by 39 preferably i like to use bpmo but it can get quite expensive or hard to buy because of the the limits on how much you can purchase of it and psmo is still fairly viable at this point you've also unlocked the svds and using this with lps gzh 7n1 or snb ammunition will absolutely destroy people so quickly it's the most powerful gun in the game pretty much so it's a big caliber round it's a little bit hard to fire quickly but it's a semi-automatic motion pretty much so it's it's just a devastating gun now the puppet shaft or the ppsh from proper level two i didn't touch on it before because it wasn't viable until you get uh prep at level three and that's because of the ammunition that you're required to get from proper level 3 and that ammunition is a 762 by 25 tt pst gzh this actually has enough penetration to actually do get through a fair bit of the almonds and facials but it absolutely like this gun is so fun to use and if you're actually looking for a fun gun papa shaft way to go now you do have an extra pistol option here being the sr1 mp or commonly known as the shrimp personally i like the five seven but the shrimp is very similar when it comes to penetration and damage and even cost so depending on which way you want to go i would personally just use the five seven but it's up to you touching on ammunition now available and this is where the game really opens up you're the 545 variants you've got the bt and the bp ammo absolutely awesome ammo there the sp6 ammo now for the asl and vss pretty much the go-to ammo for the asv on vss sp5 still very viable and i use it all the time due to the fast firing rate how quickly it destroys armor good to go as for the mosin and the svd in that you now have 7n1 ammunition one of the highest damage and highest pens in the game and pretty much will one tap anyone in the chest that has under a class five armor with a very high chance of one tapping class five arms on top of that uh we will get through nearly every single helmet and facial no matter what except for maybe one or two helmets or face shields that are very expensive as for your 9 by 18 guns so your ketters and your clins you do have the option of getting pbm and then either pmm ammo which is a very high pen chance and is actually quite viable now as an ammunition you also do have the option of using sp7 ammunition now which is a pure leg meta ammo does like 70 plus damage and you if you aim for the leg with a ketter or clean it will absolutely destroy people and drop them super quick now that you have jaeger level 3 as well you get the flachetti ammo which is a shotgun ammunition it's kind of very similar to a buckshot and um this one shreds armor and drops people with really good gear on very quickly and you don't have to be as accurate because it's not a slug from here you get into the pointy end of where all the like top tier gear is and you start unlocking all the higher stuff so level 28 you get skier level 3. there's no new guns and ammo to use but there is a heap of modifications and these mods can reduce your recoil increase your ergonomics that will make your guns fire more accurately and you'll be able to 80s longer and stuff like that personally i don't like to over mod my guns i just kind of go in with fairly stock with the sight and then i just slowly mod them over time if i hold on to them for that long but if you're a real gun nut and you want to go crazy with it this is your option once you get ski level 3 it starts going crazy now level 29 you have peacekeeper level 4 and you have another option of an s858 i still using the m80ml m62 you can unlock m61 ammunition later on which is even better penetration but you need to uh do enough of the peacekeeper storyline to get there it's about wet job part six i think you also unlock here the dt mdr-308 version which will use the m6162 m80 ammos and uh this is very viable purely for the fact you don't have to mod it you buy the gun you put a side on grab some mags and you're good to go so someone like me is a little bit lazy when it comes to weapon modding this mdr is a really good uh gun to use slower firing rate though it's i think around the 600 firing rate at 600 rpm so it's a little bit slower there the p90 becomes a straight purchase here as well and you can start using the p90 you do have an alternative option for a gun here being the rsas if you've completed wet job part five um it's quite a fair way down the peacekeeper storyline and the rss to me is kind of a bit of a meme gun these days it's definitely very strong and it's got low recoil for what it is but the problem is there's just so many other guns that are so much cheaper that do the exact same damage using the same ammunition so it's kind and that's for auto as well so that's kind of where you're at there as for ammunition uh you get the m995 ammunition which is the highest penetration ammo for 556 caliber personally it's not the right greatest ammunition to be using anymore just due to the fact that it doesn't really do enough damage to to kill people as fast as you would like and it's so bloody expensive um so that's kind of where it sits there but the m61 ammo is definitely good but you need a complete wet job part six for that you do unlock some armors at peacekeeper level three and i didn't touch on that purely for the fact that i don't think any of the peacekeeper level three armors are worthwhile and i wouldn't really spend too much time and money uh buying those armors just because i don't think it's worth it however at peacekeeper level four you do have the option to wear airframes with chops and then they a face shield and then that way you can have a facial also with swords or contacts if you use the ears you do not have the ability to put the contacts or swords there so it's a slightly different the chops kind of come out wider whereas the ears are just straight next at level 30 you've got ragman and mechanic level 3 and stuff gets a little bit crazy here when it comes to armor as well touching on mechanic first though um the ak-102 becomes available which is the 556 version if you're going to use that you got the 855 a1 and 856 a1 ammo that's up to you if you want to use it the bada trade for the ak-104 is actually um for bitcoins which is around about 600 000 i think at the moment no it's actually cheaper now it's about 440 000 they've actually dropped in price quite considerably recently but the cool thing about that is you can actually take the fleur side off it use the gun as a gun itself and then you've got a thermal sight for if you ever want to use the thermal sight it does work out pretty cheap for uh the site being five or six hundred thousand by itself so it might change in the future probably will by the time i make this video there's actually a really cool barter trade as well which is the m1a sas it looks very similar to the rss in some ways and it takes 17 wilson's to barter for um and at about 4 000 rubles a pack of willston's it works out to be about 68 000 for this gun so it's a bit of hidden gem there definitely pretty cool if you just want to take the m1a sass out alternatively you can make these in your hideout i think eight of the time you can craft in your hideout and so it's a pretty cool option just on the side to be able to make those cigarettes and you'll get that done pretty quickly now at mechanic level three you get the glock 18c pretty devastating gun there for a pistol it's a full automatic pistol you can put 50 rounders in pscg's h is good to go there or you could have used ap 6.3 ammunition which you unlock a peacekeeper three i'm fairly confident i touched on that but if i didn't it's very high pen ammo the ap 6.3 but it's too expensive to use consistently personally it's just not worth it you're better off using a five seven but if you're going to go a glock 18c with 50 round mags and charge around ap 6.3 is the most devastating ammo you can put in it now the armor for ragman level 3 you've got the helmet the ssh 68 helmets still the helmet i would highly suggest be wearing at this point if you're going to go face shield you want to use the zsh helmet with the face shield if you do gears chemical part four hand it back into skier and you'll get the uh the cheaper version of the helmet it's exactly the same for 20 000 rules cheaper this is my go-to helmet with face shield for body armors the gazelle a lot of people like this one i personally don't the the issue i have with the gazelle is it doesn't repair very well so a lot of people will get it back and then they'll repair it and that but it's a barter trade it's only two gold chains and three coffees and it's not too bad as a price wise but you really only get one to two users out of it max as for riggs the blackrock rig is a great rig here you can use i use it all the time as my uh my loot rig or just a normal rig to go around it's got a big two by two square in it as well for tactical rigs you have a couple options here the bada for the tv rig is around 70 000 rubles 70 to 80 000 rubles and also the bada for the ana tactical m1 it works out to be about 50 000 rules each which is actually pretty cheap for what a big rig it is you actually craft aqua mario inside the hideout and you can make eight of the time so it works out to be about fifty thousand for this rig and it's a class four armor so can't really complain about it it's good to go there as for headsets i would buy the swordance at this point and those two barter trades are little hidden gems which i'm sure are gonna get a little bit more exploited now but um definitely use those they're worth it all right so level 33 you unlock prepper and jager level four at level four prepper you have the rpk available um if you're gonna use this gun bsmo btmo then bpmo 545 becomes very viable at proper level three rpk just has a faster firing rate and it's pretty easy to mod i use track a four grip on it and it's pretty much ready to go that's pretty low recall for what it is and yeah so grab the ammo in that order bs bt then bp the asval is currently sitting at 293 000 rules when you're buying it from prepper so i'd probably suggest not buying it there but if you do get some cheap on the flea market you can use the as well from this point onwards because you've got 20 round mags available 30 round mags available and you've got options there as for ammo at jager level 4 you have the ap20 ammunition available so you can go down that option shotguns become very viable with ap 20 ammo and they just caught a buff couple days ago as well making it even more devastating at this point you also get the shrimp sp13 ammo which is the best ammo for the shrimp and it's good to go now up to level 35 with skier level four the guns you got available is really just the meme gun of the dvl good fun to use if you want to use it and lots more mods you can also buy 855 a1 ammunition from ski level 4 which is just giving you more options to buy more quantity of the 556 ammunition there now to the final level 40 i know it's taken a little while to get here but mechanic and ragman level 4 unlock for guns uh you can get the m1a sass but however the bada trade from earlier is much better than that and you get an sa 58 bar trade here and it's got a hundred thousand ruble suppressor on it so if you want to get that gun it's definitely worth it in my opinion because it's only four nixes and those are dt hybrid suppressors are actually worth a hundred thousand rules at the moment so the gun will probably cost you about 120k and if you're doing like the gunsmith tassel or anything like that or you might have already done it by this stage you've got the option there to actually get some suppressors that way as for ammunition you now have the apsx ammo so the mp7 uh best ammo is now available at uh mechanic level four and also you'll have the uh better magazines there as well being the 40 round mags for the mp7 making it a lot more viable to use now for ragman level four it comes down to personal opinion what you want to use but i'll go through the options now the helmets you do have the u-latch available i still wouldn't recommend it it's like it's it's a high-class helmet has ear protection but it cost you so much to use that i just i can't see the value in it it's four times the price of an ssh 68 and nearly anyone that's going to be shooting at you is going to hit you in the face because you're going to be facing towards them or it's going to have enough pen to get through the helmet anyway so i'd rather just run the risk of the ricochet chance or not wear a helmet at all but it's personal preference you do have the ulatch there i would only use this helmet if i picked it up off the dead bodies of my enemies you also do have the option of the vulcan here it's a 400 000 ruble helmet and it's got like a class it's a class 6 helmet but it's also got a class four facial to it so this is where i just can't see the value in that one either because you're gonna be facing towards your enemy and if you get shot in the face they're most likely gonna get through your face shield so i guess the tactic would be if you're gonna get shot at while wearing this helmet and you're not going to shoot back at that point duck or turn your head face behind so they can shoot in the back of the head instead you'll have a lot more higher chances of surviving so i don't see the vibe like viability in using that helmet when you've got options here for armors you've got the slick armor it's very expensive you're better off trying to get it off the flea market for cheaper i personally wouldn't use it by the barter trade unless for some reason you had a heap of trooper armors that were destroyed already and you had some non-founding raid for jurors to be able to barber trade for this one so that there is an option there for it but i just personally wouldn't do the barter trade myself as for the redux armor uh this is personal preference as well i don't like this period for the fact that makes it go so slow uh it's got a 38 uh movement slow on walking so it's just it's brutal i don't really like it myself but it's personal option two paracords and a heap of air filters you can probably get it quite cheap but yeah like i said don't really personally like it as for tactical rigs um the tv 110 98 000 rules very cheap and in my opinion for a class four armor that has a [ __ ] load of space and it's very just easy to chuck that on go for a loot run you've got a bit of uh armor on to protect you have like a an ss h68 helmet and then you've got a half decent loadout even with a five seven or just like it's some sort of basic rifle or something this is a really really cool way to make your loot runs go better in my opinion because of the due to the space and if you're on say a map like reserve you could use that rig and go through the sewer extract and you don't have to worry about the backpack same with interchange where there's the uh no backpack extract as well last but not least for the tactical rigs the aapc or the aac pc uh this one does require a fair few pieces of cloth to get class six armor and it's got um 60 durability it's not too bad of a bar to trade um it just comes down to if you want stomach protection or not and if you want to spend that kind of money on a tactical rig personally i wouldn't use this one as much as the tv rig but it comes down to personal preference that's the beauty thing about this game i'm trying to give you an understanding of my thought patterns for each of the rigs as i level up and which arms i have available and hopefully this has been very helpful last but not least you have the high sports headset and that would be the ultimate headset i guess for when it comes to sound but really sounds for contacts gsshs sword into that each one has the exact same sound distance it's just whether you want treble or bass so that's what it comes down to so use that in your your decision making personally i prefer the sword and all the contacts i don't really use the high sports too much because they're a bit more expensive and the gsshs just sound like i'm getting punched in the ear that's my preferences there anyway guys i know this is a bit of a longer video but there was a lot of information to try and give you guys and hopefully you've learned a lot from it if you like this video make sure you smash share like button share with people that are new to tarkov because hopefully you'll be helpful for them a lot of these items are available on the flea market but you do get them cheaper on the trader and i'm trying to give you more of a thought process of how when i level up particularly when i'm not using the flea market as much the options and and choices i go through and why you would want to level up a trader to a higher level anyway besides that guys i'm trying to get as many of these guides out as possible for you i've got my new player map guides or my map guides coming out after this most likely and uh my priority key guide should have either just gone out or will be out after this one as well and the raid series is a full playthrough escape from tarkov off stream and it's just there to help teach you guys with my editors doing lots of effort on making pop-ups and stuff to help bring chips in maps and there's like lots of really good information coming out there and a lot of really good feedback so i'm glad you guys have been enjoying that anyway guys i'm going to finish this one one up here so if you haven't already smash the share the subscribe button as well hit the notification bell for all the future content and lastly guys i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 639,260
Rating: 4.953557 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch, 1-40, 40, gear guide, armor, helmet, armour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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