Max Level Hideout - What Can You Do? - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys and this is pastel and welcome to another escape from tarkov video in this video i'm going to cover the hideout show a fully upgraded completed hideout what it all does what every like thing you upgrade does and hopefully by the end of it you'll understand what the perks are and what you're going to be able to get out of hideout so guys without further ado let's crack straight into it obviously you know where the highlight is you click the hideout button in the main menu and this is what a fully upgraded hideout looks like you've got your shooting range and then you've got all your benches all the way across um throughout the hot out so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start on the far left being the shooting range and then i'm going to progress through it and show you what everything does so we'll enter the hideout now it's very loud in there and i've hopefully turned it down to a good volume but it's not too painful for you guys um but hopefully you'll be able to get something out of it where it's not gonna be deafening because for some reason the ambient noise is super loud anyway so you get to the shooting range once you've upgraded that you can shoot in this range and it will not cost you any ammunition you can practice via hipfire you can use your scope and then you can run up ahead and check out everything you are everything you've done in there so you know look at your spray patterns and uh yeah see if you've got the guy in the chest or not pretty cool little thing doesn't cost you any ammunition if you ever try to go more than say there your gun always goes down and if you walk any further than say about here away you technically leave the shooting range you actually need to go back into the shooting range and it starts you again and you can shoot all the rounds you want to shoot so that's pretty cool um little things i would like to see in this is probably a way to reset bullet marks i don't i don't know like so you could probably try at your zeros a little bit better but overall it's a good little way you can like see your recall patterns and all that maybe even like a way to just actually i think you can come up here and you can just shoot the wall so you could probably go up here i know that there's all these bullet marks on the end wall but if there's a clear patch we're on the side where you can just go full auto this one's not too bad so i probably would be able to use that but a nice way of being able to reset it would be kind of cool now running back down this way um after you've got the uh shooting range we have the workbench now the workbench has a fair thing a few things you can do uh once you've got it upgraded now every single place within the the hideout can upgrade to level three unless it's like this golden color down the bottom like the solar panel these ones all go up to level one um so from here i'll go from the top you can make some warm age ammo rgb rgd sorry grenades bp762 um the rg028 it wasn't really a good round so i'm not really sure what that one's there ak 74 amps magnum buckshots snb ammo rip ammo fmj and some sp5 so i i kind of wish there was a little bit of a different layout for this something a little bit more compact and you could actually have a lot more stuff here i think that would be really cool um so we can craft majority of the odds we actually want to use and then that way we can actually just hold up some more items at the moment i feel like this is fairly limited but it's definitely a very good starting point don't get me wrong i'm really excited for this hideout it's actually originally i was like oh the hideout yeah it's probably like the leasing i'm excited about for for the patch it's definitely up there as one of the coolest things for the patch now um over here with this with the lavatory um you can make some items the the shampoo which is grims's uh new streamer item uh there is bleach but this won't be counters found in raised so you can't hand this in for a quest you got the tp so anton streamer item um some fuel which takes zebra lighters now this fuel is only uh it's 60 out of 100 60 out of 60 instead of 100 at 100 it doesn't go as long as your normal fuel jennings that you can get from jager level 2 there's still something you can uh trade for and then there's filter absorbers now these filter absorbers are actually really good um i will show you where they get used later on now something i should really say if you are crafting something inside here uh i'll just show you this for an example the war mage you click that you can't create anything else at all so until this is finished which is 2 hours and 26 minutes for this one you cannot create anything else so that's something to take note of uh with some of the things you do want to craft now um i just showed you the laboratory the stash i already had the mac stash for the veg of darkness um but once you open up stash it just goes into your normal stash um moving over here now the intelligence center this one at level three is actually pretty cool your scav timer gets reduced by 35 percent um so i think at the moment it's 20 minutes default so it's around about 14 minutes maybe 13 and a half minutes uh at max level for your scav timer quest money reward boost by 15 which is pretty sick if you get this up early um i don't have any quests left but this is something that's pretty cool insurance return time negative 20 percent it's just a nice little perks nothing anything crazy but the biggest one is this one [ __ ] the the flea market commission reduced by 30 this is going to make you a lot more money on the flea market and it's definitely something that's worthwhile getting the intelligence up to level three now hopefully i don't miss anything uh there's the stash there now the bitcoin farm which is the one you guys are all crazy over uh this one at level one you get ten graphics cards and it takes you 18 hours to make a bitcoin at level 2 it's 25 graphics cards now these graphics cards permanently stay in there you don't lose them over time they just stay there forever so at uh level two when you've got your 25 graphics cards in there it takes around about eight hours now when you get this to level three which i'm upgrading at the moment it's a 72 hour upgrade uh you'll have 50 graphics cards in there which means it's four hours per bitcoin now this will cap out but when this gets to one of three bitcoins you can collect that one and it will just continually farm however if it gets to three it will no longer make any more so i would need to log into my account once every 12 hours when this was maxed to actually claim my three bitcoins but technically i could get six bitcoins a day if i was able to access my accounts once a day um so it's pretty expensive to get it up and running so it will actually take a little while to get it to be actually making a profit but the earlier you get this done the more money you're gonna make now you do need challenges level two which requires you to get uh security i think the security ones here you can't really see it but security and vents all right i can show you these guys i'll store it up here uh so security and vents now these don't do anything at all um the vents they don't do anything at all they're kind of like your hq based on like a mobile game they needed to upgrade other things so but now um they don't do anything but that's what that is now the scav case this one's been one of the most asked about ones and i've made sure i have one here waiting for you um i'll put some some happening up there some like screenshots going off in the background now so you can see but as i claim this one for six 000 rubles so you can pick either 100 rubles 6 000 or 40 000 rubles you can pick uh what you want your scav to go out on i've just been doing one at a time to show uh different results over 6 000 rubles i got an adir uh flash hider a car key and a printed circuit board i think these are selling for about 20k at the moment so actually that's a bit of a bonus um so i made a profit on that one i don't think i've ever made a loss um there is a slight time difference two hours five minutes two hours eight minutes and two hours 15 minutes but i think if you just went on the most expensive one every time you're probably gonna make the most amount of money back on it but i think maybe once i've made a loss so it all comes down to a bit of rng it's kind of like gambling and diablo but with a timer uh now with the solar panel power this uh makes your generator have 50 fuel less consumption and at you when your generator is at max level and you've got six of these bad boys in there um you've got about 11 days worth of fuel 11 to 12 days worth of fuel if every one of these will max when they get to zero um you have to replace them obviously but if they just go back to your hideout there's no way of refilling that i know of i heard that someone said if you go into a raid with one it refuels it if you survive the raid which is a bit crazy i think that might be a bit of a bug but if that is the case good on it um but that's what your fuel generator does now this one is the generator is what i always tell people to upgrade first because it's the one thing that everything else seems to need to upgrade so work on getting your generator up so you can upgrade everything else whatever your generator says focus on that one but honestly i would just try and upgrade everything as fast as possible because the benefits will be more over time um more beneficial for you particularly like something like the bitcoin farm it's going to make you money every single day now uh for the water collection uh this one makes uh purified water which is called super water it's uh it's a bit of a random one it gives you plus one to all stats and i think i should have a video could be out of play now of drinking it but uh it requires the water filters it takes around uh six hours i think to make one and uh the reason why you want to make them is so you can uh go to this next one being the booze generator now currently there's only one thing you can make from the booze generator which is the fees hatchling moonshine um i'll have the stats up on the screen now so you can see it i've also got a video clip for you guys to see me drink it it's very similar to the vodka one pretty sure it's very similar to the vodka um and it has some perks to it so i think it's cool i really think it's cool but um hopefully we can get some more stuff i i like this to be the tip of the iceberg and we can have some some really cool stuff coming up um that's that side done moving over to the kitchen with the kitchen side of things you can get cigarettes condensed milk and lunch boxes now if you buy milk or you find milk and sugar sugar costs about 10 000 you can make a condensed milk every hour and 20 minutes now this means you can make in about 20 oh sorry about 15 000 rubles profit per hour and 20 minutes if you went to the effort of doing it for me i feel like that's a lot of effort for 15 000 rubles but it's a choice that you can make now currently these are the shankar beef stew is worth heaps so i don't know why you'd ever do the iscra lunch box and the wilston's don't count as found in raid so you can't hand them in anyway so besides that you do get the uh the the perks of being able to replace your energy health and water over our time which will add into uh when you're just around your stash doing stuff there um when it comes to the air filtration unit this is the big one that i was talking about before with these uh filters 40 increase on your passive skills or physical now the physical skills are probably the more uh what's the word beneficial ones you go to uh here you go to physical it's your strength endurance vitality health stress resistance metabolism and immunity now this one's not currently in the game but stress resistance is needed for a quest strength is needed for the hideout for one of the upgrades i think you need level four for it um and health is needed for the hell with therapists so getting these up is quite important now strength get the uh strength up the only way you can level it is either melanin people gives you one point one skill point per hit growing grenades eight grenades is one skill point or walking over weight for 20 seconds is uh point one of the skill points so i i choose my way up to level four i'm i'm sick of trying to level these up over hours and hours to just get like one basic thing so i went into a raid smacked a guy's leg with a melee weapon um to get it to level four i don't really care about getting it any higher than four it'll level up over time just by me throwing a thousand grenades like i usually do but um just to get at level four if i was just gonna play the game normally this would probably take me two to three weeks of playing the game normally maybe a little bit less maybe just on under the week and a half mark so for me i feel like it's it's going to be a really annoying one for guys to get uh level four for the hideout if you don't go to the effort of uh smacking your mate's leg you could do hatchet runs and kind and try and hatch at a heap of scabs but i i think you're going to run into a few problems there but that passive skill upgrade the 40 bonus is actually quite nice um now i did didn't uh point out before but there are certain things you can actually click inside the hideout um i can't remember where they are right now but yeah so you can you can definitely click some stuff in the hideout and and play around with it now the med station this increases your health regen per hour um so that's something to take note of now with the uh you can make parmed kits proper tool using your super water uh grizzly first aids ai2s polar meds and ifaks so this is up to you you could actually like get some pile meds turn them into grizzlies if you wanted to i don't know how much profit that would be worth because two car kits they're worth about thirty thousand for three fifty thousand for a grizzly probably not worth it it's up to you something this will be cool for is if i do a hardcore challenge i'm really excited because i'll be able to replenish my meds during the hardcore challenge um and they probably could start taking stuff away from traders a little bit um if they did it right now i'm not saying cut everything away from traders but if they played around right with the economy and uh they could actually make it so we actually use our hideouts more with this kind of stuff now um we've got the radio up here we can turn that off we don't have to hear that as much but you can open up this door apparently there's nothing in there that i've ever seen uh you've got the uh old school taco of intro uh playing there or the video that was made for tarkov you can turn that off and on which is pretty cool and then over here you have your rest bed and you've got some nice little pictures and you know next to the bed you've got the rest space which gives uh negative 10 10 to effects removal rate so i'm not really sure which one this is um this could be something to do with like you know when you take a pro bit and then you get the vision impairment bit it could be to do with that i'm not totally sure the max energy reserve is why i have 110 energy uh when i'm inside this screen right here so you can see that 110 energy there moving over to the heating side this one negative effects removal rate negative 50 percent and then the energy uh repair rate over here the library this is probably one of the cool ones as well plus 15 additional experience this is going to be massive for leveling up and this is what i'm saying everything you do earlier is going to help you in the long term so the earlier you get something like this extra xp aren't hurt also practical skills are increased by 30 and in their leveling rates but the practical skills are the ones that come down here you've got at the moment covert movement the search skill and the mag drills now search skill is required for a task you need that at level 12. our covert movement is leveling a lot faster every time you're walking now you're leveling up covert movement whereas previously you had to walk slowly but this is actually quite a nice i'm interested in seeing what this is like at max speed also increases the speed of covert movement now people were telling me last what some guys maxed this out and people were telling me that they did have a noticeable increase of movement speed with max level so i'm actually interested to see what that's like so the definition of code movement last white was every time there was that little speaker down the bottom left i don't think i can show you here i can bigger down the bottom left right next to me see how that goes from um from zero bars to there's one bar everything there was uh counted as covert movement and then when you get up to there that's no longer covert movement i have to wait and see with that one now i'm going to quickly jump out to this bit here and make sure i didn't miss anything going across from the right recipes heating air filtration head station nutrition i did that i'm sorry booze generator solar generator and security dash cool all right so that is everything in the hideout and hopefully you guys learned something from this there is actually so much that i think is really cool about this really excited now there was one bug i found with the bitcoin farm uh this said like 16 hours when it started to uh farm the the bitcoin at the very start i took one graphics card out and put one graphics card back in which now it's bugged out again um i have to either restart my game or go into a raid to put the last graphics card back in but it jumped down from uh 16 hours down to eight hours so um hopefully when you guys do this i report all this stuff up um through both the reporting method and if there's something not really important because i found a lot of bugs with quests um any of the questions now i sent straight to nikita to hopefully get fixed before you guys get up to it um a point that i would show you is like for example the uh the health skill quest i can't show you from here actually there's one that gives you like 200 health points it only gave me 100 so i've reported that hopefully what time you get up to it um you don't have that issue and i'm trying to find all these bugs so you guys don't have that issue so um whilst i am speed leveling and you guys you know might be ripping on me for like going through the content too quick i am actually trying to do my part as well for the community so guys hopefully you enjoyed this video i'm going to jump out of here so you don't hear the audio so hopefully you enjoyed this video if you liked it give it a thumbs up subscribe for future content i do stream on twitch every day of the week so go down link below give me a follow there you got any target questions feel free to hit me up my live stream or down the comments below and lastly guys i'll see you next time something i forgot to put in the video was there's actually a spreadsheet made on us by some reddit users covering the hideout everything required i'll put a link down below for it i'll put it also a pin note so you guys can see that it's really well done they've uh they're missing a couple things i've sent them a message and read it hopefully they've received it they can update it before most of you guys see it which is mostly just the uh the bitcoin farms level two and three but you can start collecting these items early so you don't have to spend the money later which would be really helpful
Channel: Pestily
Views: 882,918
Rating: 4.9167256 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, 11.7, .11.7, 0.11.7, .12, 0.12, max hideout, hide out, hideout, bitcoin, bit coin, farm, farming, water, save, items, barter, scav
Id: o7cFzMbgEi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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