Starting Out Tips - New Players Guide - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pestile and welcome to another escape from tarkov video in this video i'm going to cover things i wish i knew when i started out in tarkov some beginner tips a little bit of an introduction to some of the things within the game that you might not know about or understand completely and then that will just make you over overall have a better experience within tarkov so guys without further ado let's crack straight into it so guys when you're first starting adding tarkov and you've got your your loadout and you want to start going into raids i would highly suggest going into offline mode now this is quite easy to do so quite simply from the main menu you just go to escape from tarkov you'll pick the pmc character which is the your character where you use your own gear uh you click next and then uh you can pick whatever map you want and you can go in offline mode so say you want to go factory you pick the left hand side for the daytime enable offline mode and then you've got the choice if you want to have random weather conditions or time and then you can enable pve and uh turn them on and off and have the boss scav if it's got a boscav on the map being customs in the interchange currently do and then you can actually uh go and practice that map now if you go into a raid and in offline mode and you die you don't lose any of your gear you can explore these maps you can find try and see where items spawn the item spawn rate is lower though so that's something to take note of and you can um just mess about and explore the maps this is the best place to find all the extracts i do have videos at the moment showing most of the extracts i am going to make newer guides that are updated that will be out in the future but there will be uh so you can go to the maps and find the extracts through this method which will help you get better at the game because knowing where your your way around the map is one of the most most vital ways on survival and surviving more in tarkov so that kind of goes into my next point um learning the maps the player limits and your way around the maps now if you were to go into a map say factory factory has a four to six player range uh depending on the server population we're kind of going to a quiet period at the point i'm posting this video but when the servers are absolutely popping uh you'll have six players in factory every time now this is a good thing to note that if you actually see six dead pm's or sorry five dead pmcs then you know all the players are finished in the map now players scavs can still spawn in and they can only spawn in whilst they're still players like pmcs within the map so that's good to know that if all the pmcs are dead then you've got only scavs to worry about and each map has its own limit so customs woods are both 12 i think shoreline is 13 yep and then interchange is 14. now i think it might actually be a little bit off there i think it is actually 16 for interchange and then labs is 10. so when you go into these maps you know there's a maximum amount of 10 pmcs now for example if you kill a five-man squad on labs you know there's only going to be at most four more pmcs left so it's just something to take note of uh and if you see a lot of combat going down that and you can actually tell there's a lot of players over there then you can know depending on which map you're on how many players you can still be worried about and i suppose you could say some of the maps are more difficult because there's like a chance to be higher amount of players on the map now if you are on an oceana server like myself and depending on the time of the day um depending on where you are in the world sometimes the maps can be a little bit more quiet you can spawn in by yourself if it's a totally dead time of the night and uh there'll be no one else on the map but it's uh rare it's usually during the quiet period so you know we're three months past the wipe and i'll explain wipes a bit later on and um you can get maps where you'll have minimal amount of pmcs on there but player stats gaps can still come in at any time so just be wary of that now i just want to emphasize map knowledge is probably one of the biggest things in this game so the more you can learn the maps the more you explore you'll find different things to loot different little areas angles to shoot at people this is the power and target of where knowledge is is better than everything else now i just want to talk about this screen it's called the insurance screen um you can ensure up within this or by in the actual stash you can right click items and insure individually there is two people to insure through poor and therapists you can just click insure all if you do have anything inside your container everything there will be insured as well so you you might have items in there that you don't really care about getting insured i'll explain now how the insurance systems work so with rapport it takes between 24 and 36 hours with therapists it's between um 12 and 24 hours to get returns really there's no point ever to use therapists you're better off just going for poor and the way it works is if you go into a raid say i had all my gear insured like this and i was to die now if the way it works is if i die and all my items go on the ground and no one loots them and takes them out of the raid 24 to 36 hours later i'll get them back now meds don't get returned ammunition doesn't get returned so that's probably something to take note of or any items that you find during the raid they have to be insured now say uh for example someone picked up my gun and left everything else but someone extracted with my gun i'd still get all my other items except for the gun obviously now if someone wants to pick up my items and then throw them somewhere else or move them somewhere else or put those those items in a backpack and then throw them somewhere else they would still come back if they were like left in a bush somewhere even if they're in it like a tri zip or something they'll come back so it's kind of a way that particularly early on when you've got not the best tier gear most people will just leave some of the shittier guns and say for example if you're using a mozam which is like a bold action sniper rifle they don't they don't sell for much so if you're using something like that and it's insured there's a fairly high chance you'll actually get the gun back so i always suggest particularly early on ensure everything there is one exception to this guys if you ever go to the map terror labs uh currently you can go to the terra labs as much as you want um and it's it's going to be an endgame map but there is no insurance returns on the labs so if you're new to the game and you're going to labs don't waste your money on insuring items and taking them in there you just leave them uninsured because you won't get them back all right so moving over to the medical side of things this is how you heal now there's um each part of the body has its own hitbox and you'll take damage to each limb now the head or chest if they're hit to zero or further you will die uh there is exceptions to this the only one is if you're bleeding so you get hit in a limb or anywhere really and you start bleeding if that the head or chest goes to zero you still survive until you take another hit directly to that limb um the other thing is you can die from blood loss so all your health goes to zero so there's some things to watch out for now the way the med system works is if you get a blacked out leg you can no longer sprint around you can still walk you can walk at a slower pace depending on um if you've got one or two blacked out legs and this can be a mitigated if you use a pain killer morphine augmentin or an ibuprofen now the morphine is a single use goes for about six six or seven minutes if i remember rightly the augmenting is around six minutes painkiller has four uses um but they're around four to five minutes i can't remember these times but this is off the top of my head and the ibuprofen goes for 12 minutes and has 12 uses or 10 minutes and 12 uses so a good suggestion with this if you do find an eye proof and you can chuck this in to your your pouch so if you die in a raid you won't lose it and then you'll have the effects for longer you could just use them as as they happen now with this stuff if you do get a a fractured limb you can avert the damage or mitigate and heal it by using either the splint or the vaseline the vaseline pretty much works as a 10-use splint or a 10 used bandage as well so if you've got a a uh a bleeding fractured leg you could put a vaseline on the leg it'll stop the bleed and also fix the fracture um and so the other side of things is you can get bandages so a bandage will heal a limb from being bleeding and same like either way the the army bandage is actually quite uh fast i think it's one second instead of two and it has two uses instead now when you're getting over to the healing side of things this is a little bit uh different the ai2 will heal for the amount um that it says on it so it's got 100 health it can heal that is all it does it just returns health whereas the car med kit if you actually inspect it it says here you also can stop blood loss um so for example you can heal a arm that's bleeding as well as down on health and it will heal both that's the same with the saliva however healing a blood loss will actually take 40 health off the uh the car med kit so you actually chew through it and i think the soleil was 60. no sorry it's 30. so it's actually easier ifak is the same but it just takes up one slot uh they're more expensive because they're smaller the one thing though is every time you heal with an eye fact it just doesn't heal for as much as saliva can heal a limb to full no matter what i think if i can only do 60 or 50. so it's a bit different there now a grizzly is actually something that has a couple extra bonuses to it you've got the stop of blood loss and fractures as well so it works as a splint as well but it is a four squat four squat a four square item so uh you can fit it into your pouch but if you're not using a edge of darkness or you haven't got up to the spot where you can put a uh a grizzly in so you've got a bigger container it can get quite bulky so a lot of people don't really use grizzlies some do leave them in their pouches but overall most people just sell them the last one i want to touch on is a golden star uh this has 10 uses and it will fully heal your hydration and energy the only time we've actually really started to see the use of energy is now with um with the stims they're like they do temporary boost to you overall you're not really going to use these much i have got a separate video on that if you want to look it up go go crazy but the the main purpose i want to show out the golden star is if you get a blacked out stomach you will lose hydration quite quickly so if you do come across a golden star or any of the uh the food just double check the food that actually does give you hydration it doesn't take away your hydration but a golden star will return 100 hydration to you so um that's pretty much all i want to show in the med system it's very quick here um because i've got a lot to cover in this video one last thing i want to chuck in with the med um you can hotkey these so you can get into a raid and be able to use them quickly so you don't actually have to open up the menu when you're in a raid or the inventory to actually right click and click use so you can actually put these in your pockets or in your rig either of these will work um you can hotkey from either these locations you can actually just highlight the item and press the number you want to hotkey it to down the bottom or you can drag it down so you could do either method but this is definitely something you need to know early because it will save you so much time in stressful situations the next thing i want to touch on is the flea market the flea market was added in on the 8th of november 2018 and uh since then it's actually changed the whole economy of the game so it's meant to be player based or player ran and currently there's a lot of influence from the traders and uh they did try and put this dynamic system in but it was very flawed they are working on trying to make it better but overall it is the fastest way to get all of your task items i don't want to go into too much detail with the flea market but i'll just say very simply i want to make a whole video on this for the newer players but you pretty much go up here you can type whatever item you want to search let's just say like an akm and you could find the akm 209 for example there's an akm 209 now if you want to put up an item for sale add offer you can select whatever item you want to put up say it was a rig and you put the price in so you want to do it for i know 60 000 and you place your offer so that that's pretty much the basis on that the one thing i do want to touch on the flea market though if you're new to the game and you want to start modding uh guns say we've got an ak 105 here and you're wanting to know what guns and what mods you can put on it something to help you out early on you can right click on it and click linked search and this will show you all the mods um or generally all the mods that you can put on an actual gun so it does make it easier for you to uh learn how to mod gun uh it's not really the i don't know the the easiest way to do it but it's a starting point for you guys to understand how you can mod one some of the guns in the game because i know when i first started playing this game and i went to the traders and i was like what can i put on a gun i would just be buying everything and trying to chuck it on so here's a starting point for you um each gun will have its own mods that you can put on it uh there's heaps in this game and that adding more all the time so just for now try and use this and and this is probably the safest and easiest way um one last thing i might just quickly touch while we're looking at the flea market just make sure you're sorting it from cheapest to most expensive and just watch out for someone trying to sell an item for dollars instead of ruble so they might say it's 8 500 rubles which would say a good price but um they actually got it as eight five eight thousand five hundred dollars to try and trick you you can change the uh the filter here to make sure it's only in the one currency but that's just something to watch out for the next one i'm gonna go on with is now the ammo so when you start out in tarkov you think oh yeah there's all these sweet different ammo types um i don't know i'll just double click on one like i know let's just click on always one of the ones that gets people a lot i want to find prs prs is one of the the most annoying ones in the game so prs it says here it's a cartridge with ricochet reduced ricochet chance developed for special needs by special forces and law enforcement now to me that sounds like a really sick uh ammo because it's there for special forces so it must be good this is one of the most trash ammos in the game all right the easiest way to learn this stuff is pretty much go with um there's two theories right you either go on for highest flesh damage or your highest penetration chance now i'm going to put a link to an ammo chart down below go check out the ammo chart i've actually got a video talking about ammo types and what types you should use i'll make sure i'll put a link down to that for you guys as well uh it's it's one of those things where it's got its own whole world and you will actually go what the hell this game is broken because you'll put 30 bullets into someone's chest and you won't even get through their armor purely because of the fact you were using an ammunition type that had no penetration at all and would have destroyed him if he was wearing no armor but unfortunately you shot him in the chest when he had no pen and he just stood there and laughed at you and dropped you in two bullets so the the basis to go on is if you want to go full flesh damage go for the legs or head um by head i mean you're going for the face or if they're not wearing army go for the chest if you're going for highest pen then always go for the head that's that's kind of the basis i always go with um and it's pretty safe way of doing it but yeah definitely go check out that ammunition chart all right so moving on to a topic that's very controversial within tarkov wipes now if you're new to the game you probably don't know what's going on with the wipe when the next wipe's going to be the last one was on the 8th of november the one before that was about four months before it and every wipe is around the four month mark now these wipes are actually going to stop eventually around the time of full release but it's good to know that this is actually very beneficial for the game to keep it fresh they add major content with the wipes so there's something to look forward to with it as well it gives everyone a chance to play again on an even playing field and overall it's just something that's going to be in the game as a from a testing standpoint and is required so don't get disheartened by the fact that you're going to lose all your progression you can build up think of it as this is like training for when the game goes into full release and you get to experience the whole leveling method and try different things and a lot of the fun stuff actually happens to me or with me when when i don't have the best gear because i'm trying out different things or using a different gun i'll just leave it at that i don't want to make the whole comment section a big thing about wipes and if they're good and bad leave it there guys don't worry about it these things are just part of the game and they will stop eventually now the next one i want to talk to you guys about and explain to you guys is everyone dies in tarkov no matter if you're the best player in tarkov if you're the most experienced if you've got the most time to play it you will die um i'm going to show you a screen right now and this is just a a leaderboard from a three week season that tarkov did with their best day games did with their new leaderboard system and i'm going to show you some of the stats on some of the people that played the game uh more than anyone else because they got the most experience as well as got the most kills now um if you're the best at the game and say you're or you're really good at the game and you're playing it a lot now twitch arvin is the first person ever to get level 70 that i know of personally uh and he has a survival rate of 51 which is a really good survival great if you're if you're sitting above 30 percent you're doing quite well which means you're surviving one in three raids uh he obviously played very aggressive on on the labs map but he was still dying 50 of the raids now um like there's you can look through all these like 51 38 40 59 and this is based off experience if we switch over to the kills and this is on the most recent season so that most of this time is people with full gear and people have had a lot of experience um with this so you know there's guys between 50 and uh 70 up here but like down here this guy's got two and a half thousand kills based on a 22 rate so he's only surviving one in four now i know some people will only survive like five to ten percent and that's just a fact of the game this game can be some of the most frustrating moments you'll ever have in the game sorry in your gaming experiences but some of the ones where you down a full squad by yourself or something really cool happens and and you know you get a really awesome shot off that is what makes this game so thrilling and exciting so just just understand that everyone dies like i die loads um this was like my one of my speed leveling games i died 50 sorry i'd survived 57 um so it is it's just what it is you know all right there's two more things i want to touch on one is link to the death uh the dying side of things um gear fear i've got a whole video talking about gear fear and how you should balance that out i'll put a link down below for it everyone particularly when they start out is afraid of losing their guns um just understand that it's a part of the game you will get better at it and then you'll hold on to your guns better but check out that video that will help you out a lot when it comes to gear fear and i just put out a video yesterday talking about the basic guns within the game and some good ideas on why you should use each one and which ammo type you should use with it so if you're new to the game definitely check out that one it will really help you out but just remember i should put this into the conclusion here uh this video is only really relevant to where we're at now in the game everything changes in this game quite quickly and quite often so just understand that uh six months from the posting of this video this information will probably still be good but probably not um up to date so just be understanding that i might need to post another one of these videos in six to 12 months so guys i'm going to wrap this up here thanks for watching another video if you know anyone that's newer to the game feel free to share it to them hopefully it'll help them out with some new tips and and tricks to help them get better at the game i don't get disheartened this game is very difficult and you will get better at it eventually close up thanks for watching if you liked it give it a thumbs up subscribe for future content i stream on twitch six days a week go down the link below give me a follow there if you've got any tarkov questions feel free to hit me up on my live stream or down in the comments below and lastly i'll see you next time hakuna matata means no worries for the rest of your days i'm pretty sure i've already sung this song oh well it'll do hakuna matata
Channel: Pestily
Views: 400,204
Rating: 4.9294667 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, starting, tips, tip, start, new, player, play, patch, .11, .11.2, .11.5, beginnerr, beginner, wipe, wipes, ammo, players
Id: TkpwFfAqV8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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